I am using stripos to modify an active navigation class,
<?php if (stripos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'/members/login') !== false) {echo 'class="active"';} ?>
It works like a charm. However I need to add another REQUEST_URI to check in the string and cannot figure out how to properly format the code.
I have tried:
, '/members/login | /members/members'
and others without success.
You'll just have to do it twice:
stripos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'/members/login') === 0
stripos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'/members/members') === 0){ ...
Note that I switched to ===0 as I presume you wouldn't want '/someotherpartofyoursite/members/members' to match presumably. If you want it in 1 call, you can use regular expressions (see preg_match()), but this is fast & clear enough in my opinion.
If the list becomes longer, it depends on whether these are the whole paths, and if they are, something like this could be more suitable:
$urls = array('/members/login','/members/members');
if(in_array(parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH),$urls)){....
... but not knowing your url scheme that's a guess.
You can do that in single call to preg_match as well like this:
if (preg_match('#/members/(?:login|members)#i', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
// matched
So, I have a dashboard which I'm currently writing (PHP). The idea is that it is supposed to display data in a database relative to a given url specified. If the user wishes to just grab everything, they simply need to specify "all". If they wish to scrape data for specific URLs AND display everything at once, they will specify additional URLs with the "all" directive.
I discovered a bug, however.
If I have a URL which has the characters "all" in it (such as, say, http://everythingallatonce.com <-- that's just an example - I have no idea if that actually exists), the dashboard's parsing algorithm which takes the instruction given won't work properly. In fact, according to this logic, it will think that the user specified a given URL as well AS the words "all", without actually checking off the "perform scrape?" checkbox, which makes no sense at all (hence, it just throws an exception/dies with an error message).
So far, I just have a function like the following:
function _strExists( $needle, $haystack )
$pos = strpos( $haystack, $needle );
return ( $pos !== false );
Which I use to detect to see if the word "all" exists in the query, like so:
$fetchEverything = _strExists('all', $urls);
What would be a good work around for something like this, to avoid ambiguity between URLs specified which have "all" in them, and the actual query of all by itself? I'm thinking regular expressions, but I'm not sure...
I have considered just using *, but I'd like to avoid that if possible.
If some value for all is being passed in the URL (i.e. all=1). Then you should look in the $_GET superglobal for it's existence (i.e. $_GET['all'])
My latest issue involves trying to find "http://" in a variable. This variable contains the contents of a comments section on a clients website. I have seen all kinds of answers but none of them seem to work. I looked at a few other posts on here and I have yet to get the best answer. Here is what I have so far:
if(strpos($comments, 'http://') == true) {
// Does stuff here
I noticed other people use preg_match and some said to do it in an array. I am getting confused, too many options. Just kidding. I would like some clarification though and any advice would be greatly appreciated.
You'll need to say:
if(strpos($comments, 'http://') !== false) {
...since it can return 0 (which is falsey) if http:// is at the beginning of the string.
NOTE: This will only find the first occurrence of http:// in the string.
Take a close look at the reference: http://php.net/manual/en/function.strpos.php
You need to change code like that:
if(strpos($comments, 'http://') === false) {
//no link
because strpos return integer which is position your string.
full string: "http://stackoverflow.com hello"
you finding: "http"
Naturally it return 0.
full string: "ahttp://stackoverflow.com"
you finding: "http"
it return 1.
So you must use === operator to check is really 'boolean false'.
If you try to check with == operator, you maybe get fail because it get 0 as false.
more detail: http://php.net/strpos
I found this was a better match: (recommended by phpstorm ide)
if(str_contains($e, '1062 Duplicate entry')) {
I'm converting an entire site from Coldfusion to PHP. So, expect many question like this. How to write this in PHP:
<cfif cgi.script_name contains "newsletter">
if(stripos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],"newsletter") > 0){
should do the exact same. Stripos rather than strpos because coldfusion is case insensitive and a simple compare like ceejayoz would be invalid as that would of course only match a specific file (which however might be desirable in a lot of situations, but isn't the same as your cfml).
The closest equivalent will be something like:
if($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] == '/newsletter.php') {
// do something
There's not always going to be a one-to-one function equivalency between CF and PHP, and more context than you've provided is often going to be important as a result.
The second value added to stripos looks like this:
if(stripos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], substr('newsletter', 0))) {
// do something
This is an easy one. There seem to be plenty of solutions to determine if a URL contains a specific key or value, but strangely I can't find a solution for determining if URL does or does not have a query at all.
Using PHP, I simply want to check to see if the current URL has a query string. For example: http://abc.com/xyz/?key=value VS. http://abc.com/xyz/.
For any URL as a string:
if (parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY))
If it's for the URL of the current request, simply:
if ($_GET)
The easiest way is probably to check to see if the $_GET[] contains anything at all. This can be done with the empty() function as follows:
if(empty($_GET)) {
//No variables are specified in the URL.
//Do stuff accordingly
echo "No variables specified in URL...";
} else {
//Variables are present. Do stuff:
echo "Hey! Here are all the variables in the URL!\n";
parse_url seems like the logical choice in most cases. However I can't think of a case where '?' in a URL would not denote the start of a query string so for a (very minor) performance increase you could go with
return strpos($url, '?') !== false;
Over 1,000,000 iterations the average time for strpos was about 1.6 seconds vs 1.8 for parse_url. That being said, unless your application is checking millions of URLs for query strings I'd go for parse_url.
Like this:
if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
I have a PHP script that checks the HTTP Referer.
if ($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] == 'http://www.example.com/') {...}
However, this seems inherintly unsafe ... because what happens if the user goes to 'http://example.com/' or 'http://www.ExaMple.com' (both of which don't match the equality test).
Question: what's a better equality test to ensure that the HTTP Referer is coming from 'example.com' ?
parse_url() combined with a bit of string juggling should do what you want. Try this:
$url = parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
//take the last two 'dot segments' of the host
$hostOnly = implode('.',array_slice(explode('.',$url['host']),-2));
if (strtolower($hostOnly) == 'example.com') {
Note that parse_url() can fail on badly formed URLs, so you might want to add some error checking to be safe. HTTP_REFERER could easily be filled with junk.
Obligatory response: HTTP_REFERER can be spoofed so there is no way to be 100% sure anyone came from a specific website.
However if you do want to rely on it you can use a regex to look for "example.com" in the HTTP_REFERER. stristr() would also work, and probably would be recommended since it would be faster then a regex. It's also case insensitive so it would match "ExaMple.com" as well as 'example.com".
Hope you don't check it for anything significant.
you can use parse_url() function to get hostname part and to check if HTTP_REFERER contain actually an url.
you can also just substr www. from hostname.
character case is not important as it's always lowercase
or use a regexp.
Using a regex, this would become
if(preg_match("%(http://)?(www\.)?example\.com(/)?%i",$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { ... }
if (strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) == 'http://www.example.com/') {...}
How about...
$parts = explode('/',$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
if (in_array('example.com',$parts) || in_array('www.example.com',$parts)) {...}