Yodlee-SDK API Implementation - php

I have signed a NDA with yodlee and i have got all the SDK files(java,jar and other related docs).
I am a PHP Programmer and from my understanding:
Yodlee is like an engine (almost like Twitter or Facebook) and we need to leverage the API to build different apps
The documents I have gone through is not with good-sufficient information.
They use SOAP-API and I need to use this API.
I have surfed the net for days, and finally posting a question here.
My Question is very simple
I have to register a user from my php-form to yodlee using soap-api -> Is this possible
If No, is it possible to login from my web-portal to yodlee and access the fin.apps.?

# 1 is possible. Other clients have done it. You just have to invoke the web services operations from php. We have php sample code.talk to the sales representative about getting access to sample apps plus Yodlee SDK developer forum.
# 2 is not possible.


Publish events to Facebook with API V2

With Facebook API V1 it was possible to publish event. With API V2 this is not possible anymore.
But Eventbrite still has this function.
How do they do it?
Looks like Facebook is doing V2 forced rollout in phases
Yes, according to Facebook, the process of switching all apps over to API v2 is expected to take a couple of weeks. This was stated in the Facebook Developers Group on Facebook, when they started the v1 to v2 migration.
or is treating Eventbrite preferentially.
No 3rd party app will get any special treatment – so even Eventbrite will not be able to create events via API any more, once their app is migrated to v2 as well.
This has also been stated by Facebook employees in the aforementioned group on multiple occasions. This topic has come up there frequently, also regarding f.e. removal of the ability to see all of a user’s friends or removal of the permission to access a user’s groups. People have been asking how “big players” like f.e. Hootsuite can still do those things, whereas their own apps that have been using API v2 already couldn’t – and the official answer has always been, those other apps are still using v1, but once they are migrated to v2 too, they will lose those abilities too, and there will be no special treatment or exceptions.
They are receiving special treatment from Facebook and they are using current API versions (or very near, 2.5 instead of 2.6 as of June 2016).
They keep repeating that statement ad infinitum: "No 3rd party app will get any special treatment" but it's simply not true. EventBrite is using v2.5 and V1 was phased out April last year?
You can definitely still publish facebook events directly from within EventBrite.
Facebook has a long standing record of setting double standards with regards to their API, regardless of what Zuckerberg might preach at F8 from his podium.
I got this response from Facebook - have not yet tried if this really works:
*Thank you for writing to us. We understand your reaction however please do try out sample permissions using Graph API and you would be able to understand which permission is producing the dialog you see with Everbrite.
For example the dialog you see as per stack overflow report is using the rsvp_event login permission that is available to all our developers.
https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/permissions/ -> rsvp_event section will help you understand how you can request for one and what actions can be performed in terms of "managing your event"*

Is it still possible to use Google OAuth without plus?

I have a working php code which lets users login through Google Api.
The problem is, this code requires users to become Google Plus users.
I use the latest api located at http://code.google.com/p/google-api-php-client/downloads/list and still couldn't find out if I can use the same service for people who do not have and do not want to activate Google "plus".
update: I understand that this might be a 3rd party api question and I also think that this is a question about a popular 3rd party api and this question and it's answers may still help many people out there.
answer of the question: for quick reference, the answer is *Google_Oauth2Service* class
You can use Google OAuth as a mechanism to authenticate users without requiring that those Google users have activated Google+ accounts. See Using OAuth 2.0 for login. This approach relies on requesting the user's identity via the userinfo.profile or userinfo.email OAuth scopes.
You get advanced functionality and social capabilities if you use Google+ Sign-In, and if your users opt for that option, they will be prompted to upgrade their Google account. This approach uses the plus.login OAuth scope, which gets you identity information in addition to other API methods that can be called.
Choosing the approach that works for your app and audience is up to you.
As of june 2015, you have to use the google+ API to set up the sign-in (Other methods were deprecated).
If you want your user to sign-in without a google+ account, you need to specify "profile" instead of "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.login" as the scope as explained here

PHP : Gmail authentication in my application - will oAuth do this better?

In my project all the Gmail users can access my application. So I referred Google API, The suggest me to use OpenID / OAuth.
Could you say which one is better.
I referred many no. of tutorials regarding oAuth, but none of them satisfied me.
So Please advice, the simple method to achieve this.
I would recommend the OpenID+OAuth Hybrid protocol as it lets you combine an OpenID request with an OAuth authentication request. This extension is useful you if require the use both OpenID and OAuth, particularly in that it simplifies the process for users by requesting their approval once instead of twice.
It means you can use google APIs aswell as pull back the user's information. This is a very interesting article on the differences and similarities of oAuth + openID.
However, if you don't need to use any of the google API's and just need to pull back user info have a look at LightOpenID - it is really easy to use. and has an out-the-box example with Google OpenID

Google Contacts Data API and PHP

I'm developing a PHP application to retrieve the list of contacts from a GMail account. I'm looking for a solution which would enable the user of my application to provide the login and password to their Gmail account in my application (as opposed to getting redirected to Google) and then automatically do the retrieval. The retrieval process can be run in PHP or JavaScript (which would then feed the list of contacts back to PHP using Ajax).
Is it possible to do that? Which JavaScript API should I use for that? Can someone point me at the right chapter in Google Contacts Data API documentation?
This is really not advised - google provide OAuth for a reason - so that users won't have to give their credentials to 3'rd parties.
Check out http://code.google.com/apis/accounts/docs/OAuth.html
Speaking only for my self (and all other developers I know), having to hand over my credentials to 3'rd parties is a real no-no.
It would be best to use the Google Contacts Data API using JavaScript for your case.
I haven't tested it myself but it looks nice: http://gmail-lite.sourceforge.net/wordpress/
You probably should use: http://code.google.com/apis/contacts/

Google Analytics Retrieve data

In one page on my personal site, I like to be able to see some data get from Google Analytics.
I like to have a list of all my site and the average visitor per week or per month over the current year
I have check some solution:
Yahoo Pipe (look complicated)
Google Analytics PHP API class(look nice)
Google Analytics API (look official)
Dimension Analyzer for Google Analytics(look fancy)
So at this point, it have done my research, but none give me something i like to have. Getting a JSON from google would be nice. I will have to parse a XML maybe, but i like to see simpler solutions.
ANYthing would be nice too see
The current version of the Core Reporting API supports this.
You can use the PHP client to access the API. You'll need to register your project in the API console to obtain OAuth 2.0 client ID and secret.
