how to forbid the Fatal error: Call to a member function? [duplicate] - php

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Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Any reason why Mage::registry(‘current_category’) would return NULL?
Reference - What does this error mean in PHP?
Fatal error: Call to a member function getParentCategory() on a non-object in...
the code:
now, when the page can't use getParentCategory() i using the following but can't work.
if( isset(getParentCategory()){
why? thank you

It appears that $_category_detail is not an object. Therefore Mage::registry('current_category') is not returning an object.
It's most likely returning some sort of NULL or false value upon fail. And PHP is making you notice that (NULL)->getParentCategory() is meaningless.
In your particular case it returns NULL because current_category is not set in your registry.

You need to use method_exists() rather than trying to call a non-existent function:
if (method_exists($_category_detail, "getParentCategory"))

isset() only checks for member variables. Use method_exists().
PHP Manual:
if (method_exists($_category_detail, 'getParentCategory')) {
$id = $_category_detail->getParentCategory()->getId()


Modify php default function parameter [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Only Variables can be passed by reference error
(2 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have a function yaz_wait() which looks like this
mixed yaz_wait ([ array &$options ] ) and as parameters, it has options as you can see in the linked documentation.
One of the options is timeout value which I want to use and edit from its default 15 seconds to some other value.
I have tried
yaz_wait(array("timeout" => 30));
but I get Fatal error: Only variables can be passed by reference...
I am not sure how exactly should I insert this parameter into this function since I have never met with such parameter type (haven't been working with php a lot).
When you have a function with & parameter in a function this means it will return a reference to the variable instead of the value.
In other words, you need to pass a variable that the function will attempt to change(or do whatever with it). Since you aren't passing a variable, you get a fatal error.
Try changing your code to:
$some_arr = array("timeout" => 30);

Getting Can't use function return value in write context [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Weird PHP error: 'Can't use function return value in write context'
(12 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I get the error in the subject. Also I spent ages on google and found dozens of resources having the same error, but still I can't figure out what the issue is.
This is my code:
if(empty(trim($_POST["user"])) || empty(trim($_POST["text"]))) {
echo "no luck";
PHP Fatal error: Can't use function return value in write context in
/var/www/test.php on on line 2
If you refer to a manual, you will see
Determine whether a variable is considered to be empty.
The result of trim passed to empty is not a variable.
So your options are:
$user = trim($_POST['user']);
if (!empty($user)) { }
Or php5.5, in which
empty() now supports expressions

How to safely chain methods? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Is there a "nullsafe operator" in PHP?
(3 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
Is there a way to "safely" chain methods in PHP and simply return null if some previous method returns null? Otherwise, an error would be thrown: trying to get property on non-object;
For example, the following code checks whether a customer's phone number has changed using a QuickBooks SDK. I don't have control over these methods.
$customer->getPrimaryPhone() will always return an object since the form wouldn't have been submitted otherwise, but $old->getPrimaryPhone() may return null if no phone number existed previously.
The following is required to get the phone number:
If getPrimaryPhone() returns null, then an error would be thrown.
My question is: How would I avoid code repition in the following case?
if (!empty($old->getPrimaryPhone())) {
if ($customer->getPrimaryPhone()->getFreeFormNumber() !== $old->getPrimaryPhone()->getFreeFormNumber()) {
// Repetive code here
} else {
// Repetive code here
I'd be inclined to implement an equals method on your PhoneNumber class (or whatever it's called). For example
public function equals(PhoneNumber $otherNumber) {
return $otherNumber !== null && $this->getFreeFormNumber() === $otherNumber->getFreeFormNumber();
Then you can simply use
if (!$customer->getPrimaryPhone()->equals($old->getPrimaryPhone())
If you've got other logic that needs to be applied (as indicated in your comment about arrays), you can easily implement that in the equals method.

Why this expression return error and how can I resolve? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Weird PHP error: 'Can't use function return value in write context'
(12 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
This code:
if(!empty(trim($_POST['post']))){ }
return this error:
Fatal error: Can't use function return value in write context in ...
How can I resolve and avoid to do 2 checks ( trim and then empty ) ?
I want to check if POST is not only a blank space.
you cant use functions inside isset , empty statements. just assign the result of trim to a variable.
$r = trim($_POST['blop']);
edit: Prior to PHP 5.5
if (trim($_POST['post'])) {
Is functionally equivalent to what you appear to be trying to do. There's no need to call !empty
if (trim($_POST['post']) !== "") {
// this is the same
In the documentation it actually explains this problem specifically, then gives you an alternate solution. You can use
trim($name) == false.
In PHP, functions isset() and empty() are ment to test variables.
That means this
if(empty("someText")) { ... }
or this
if(isset(somefunction(args))) { ... }
doesn't make any sence, since result of a function is always defined, e.t.c.
These functions serve to tell wether a variable is defined or not, so argument must me a variable, or array with index, then it checks the index (works on objects too), like
if(!empty($_POST["mydata"])) {
//do something
} else {
echo "Wrong input";

Is there a way to catch Fatal error in PHP? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 12 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How do I catch a PHP Fatal Error
I have this line of PHP code:
And it stops script execution with:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function
I tried using set_error_handler and it does help for warning type of errors. But not for fatal errors. As I understand it from various threads on internet it should be possible to handle by set_error_handler, but I cannot make it work.
Can you please post working example?
Note: The code above is only an example. I don't need to detect that function exists. I am setting up general application error catcher.
Fatal errors cannot be caught.
Although not an answer to your question; if you have reasons to believe that function might not be around in all cases, check with function_exists();
$functionExists = function_exists("thisFunctionDoesNotExist");
Takes a string which is your function and returns true or false
