Odd Php Session Behavior - php

I'm having some issues with session for some reason. I've never had issues with sessions, up until now. I have three pages:
All of which have the same code(/test/sessions.php also sets a session value):
session.php(setting value):
$_SESSION['foo'] = 'bar';
The code works fine on the pages in the /test/ directory, but not on the index page. When I navigate to the index page it will clear all session data, but like I said, noting is wrong with the pages in the /text/ directory. Am I missing something?

Your session cookie path seems to be /test . or ./. Setting it to / would fix this probably.

Your code is checking for $_SESSION before starting a session.
Your session has to be started to bring $_SESSION to life.
Session data are stored either on the disk or in db based on how you are handling the sessions.
Every time you start a session the $_SESSION variable is created ... from the stored data.
Every time a php script execution is completed, the data in $_SESSION is serialized and written to the file or db ... and the variable is closed.
So unless you start a session there would be no $_SESSION.
This is appropriate


session_destroy not working after modifying session.save_path (where session data is saved on server)

I created a folder on the root of my website where session data is stored outside of the public_html. I did this to make the sessions on my website last longer because I was having a problem where they would time out after 30 minutes. I tried many ways to fix it but nothing worked until I tried the code below. I'm using the following code to create sessions that last a day, and the code stopped the problem of them timing out after 30 minutes:
ini_set('session.save_path', '/home/server/.sessionsData');
ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', 86400);
ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime', 86400);
ini_set('session.cache_expire', 86400);
ini_set('session.name', 'website');
session_start(); // Session ready to go!
After making this change, the sessions don't time out after 30 minutes anymore, but I have a new problem where my "logout code" which destroys the sessions is no longer ending the sessions like it used to.The following code is what I'm using to logout and destroy sessions, but it no longer works like it used to:
header("location: https://website.com");
What should I do to make it so that the sessions are destroyed and the corresponding session data that is stored my '/home/server/.sessionsData' folder gets deleted? If I go into the folder and delete the session data file directly, it ends the session in the user's browser.
Thanks in advance for looking into this.
As mentioned in comments
Perhaps your ini_set() code, or at least the path changing part, needs to be in your log out script as well.
In code form:
ini_set('session.save_path', '/home/server/.sessionsData');
header("location: https://website.com");
Using session_unset along with session_destroy, is an effective means of actually clearing out SESSION data.
session_unset(); //--> frees all session variables currently registered.
session_destroy(); //--> destroys all of the data associated with the current session. It does not unset any of the global variables associated with the session, or unset the session cookie.
I have also read on PHP manual comments the following can help in stubborn browsers:
session_write_close(); //--> End the current session and store session data.
session_regenerate_id(true); //--> replace the current session id with a new one, and keep the current session information.

obscurity about session_destroy

i have searched and searched and read and read a lot about what exactly session_destroy does ! but no result at least for me ! first read the details below :
When a session is created (session_start) a file is created with a
unique identifier that is given to the user as a cookie, when
variables in the $_SESSION array are modified or added the temporary
file is updated with that information so that it can be used somewhere
else on the website.*
session_destroy* will delete this file, this is commonly done for when
a user logs out of your website so that the (now useless and
unnecessary) file isn't taking up space.
we know that session id is stored in session cookie and as the tutorials say , session destroy removes the session cookie file (that includes session_id ) so why when i started a new session it didn't generate a new id ! it makes me confused ! look at the example :
echo session_id();
echo "---".session_id();
result : l4k80dkrl5kd6cdlobhbu5s3i1---l4k80dkrl5kd6cdlobhbu5s3i1
so it gives me the session id same as the previous one .
so what does session_destroy really do !! ?
thanks in advance
From PHP documentation:
It does not unset any of the global variables associated with the
session, or unset the session cookie.
So after session_destroy() the cookie that holds the session id is still alive, and just the session file will be deleted. So start_session() tries to find the file for the session id in the cookie, and it fails of course, and it just creates a new empty file for that. So your id does not change.
If you really want to change that, try to delete the cookie.
You are almost correct about what you have said, BUT if you destroy the session and the script ends in PHP, thats the time file is deleted. If you just try to destroy and create it again, it uses the same file/session ID.
Its not only the file that is created, but also the file contains all the data you are storing in the session. Have a look at your session data in your server, its very interesting.
More interesting things you can do. Write a PHP file
sleep(29000);//delete the session after 29 seconds
Now have a look at the session file, it should be deleted after 20 seconds.
<?php session_start(); ?>
and go to google chrome, and remove the cookie manually from there. The session won't be available anymore.
<?php session_destroy(); ?> will not destroy the cookies on the
client side. Next time you create a session, it will just use the same
old information. This is the prime reason of your question.
<?php session_start(); $_SESSION['test'] = "A"; ?>
<?php session_start(); $_SESSION['test'] = "B"; ?>
<?php session_start(); echo $_SESSION['test']; ?>
Now from two computers, access your website with file1 on one computer and file2 on another. From google chrome, switch their cookie information and see how session A is assigned to B and B is assigned to A.

Session variables not being created if the user doesn't log out before logging back in

When the user logs in, multiple session variable are created and work perfectly.
When they sign out and log in again it works.
However, when someone quits out of their browser without signing out, the next time they log in no session variables are created.
To sign out, one goes to my logout.php file. The code in my logout.php file is:
echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content=".000001;url=index.php">';
I've tried pasting the code at the start of my index.php (where the login form is) but it doesn't work unless you go to the logout.php file.
Why is this and how do i fix it?
There are some possible situations:
First and main reason:
If you have already started session_start(), server may be dump error, while you trying to create new, if your errors are off, you can't see them.
Second: You do check before session destroy.
You are destroying the session before you are making sure that no session variables remain.
I would delete all of the session variables first before you destroy it, to be safe, because sometimes some get left behind. You can do this like so
if (isset($_SESSION['/*whatever session variables you are using*/'])) {
$_SESSION = array();
Also if you are using any cookies for any reason (though this may not be the case), you need to make sure those are also deleted. something like this:
if (isset($_COOKIE[session_name()])) {
setcookie(session_name(),'',time() - 3600);

Using session variable to use info on different pages

i'm having a bit of a problem. I'm trying to set up a simple webpage with only three .php pages. I want a session variable $_SESSION['userID'] to be set when a user is logged in and I want the index page to show extra info if someone is logged in.
On index.php I want to show some info, if a user is logged in I want to show some extra info.
login.php - simple log in form.
login_exe.php - takes care of database connection and verification.
So this was my idea:
On index.php, check if session is started, if not: start.
if (!isset($_SESSION)) {
echo "session started";
later on, check if $_SESSION['userID'] contains a value, if so: print a string
if($_SESSION['userID'] != null){
echo "User logged in";
On login_exe.php i've almost the same code:
if (!isset($_SESSION)) {
echo "session started";
in verification function:
$_SESSION['userID'] = $data['userID'];
header("Location: index.php");
The problem is that a new session is started on every page. How can I fix this and only start the session once? Thanks in advance
You should just put session_start() on top of documents that using sessions. Say, if you have 5 .php files that using sessions, then put 5 times the session_start() on top of them.
This is because session_start() sends headers and headers must be sent before any output (for example, any echo or whitespace).
Then, you should use something like isset($_SESSION["foo"]) and not just the entire $_SESSION array, where foo is something you set previously.
If you dont want sessions at all or need to reset the entire array, just call session_destroy() which effectively destroy the current session. Use unset($_SESSION["foo"]) when you want to get rid of a key.
Finally, you might get weird cases where you cannot read session key you write at. In these cases check what is the path of sessions and if they're writeable, or change their path:
$path = session_save_path(); // what is the path
is_writable($path); // can i write to it?
session_save_path("my/new/path"); // change the darn path;
// put -even- before session_start()!
glad i help
I think the PHP manuals are really good compared to ...ahm, so just read about session_start(). It says:
session_start() creates a session or resumes the current one (...)
so all you need is session_start() very early in your code. This must be executed on every request (maybe as include).
Your code checking the userId looks fine, one important hint here: you should know exactly what isset(), empty() and the like mean in PHP, so always have the comparision of comparison at hand.
You should not ask new answers (edit: questions) in comments. Be as systematic here as you are in coding.
How to end a session:
This gives room for discussion, because there is the session cookie, which is client side, and the session data, which is server side.
I recommend:
$_SESSION = null;
Reason: this will clear all login and other associated data immediately. It leaves the cookie intact, which is normally of no concern, since all associated data is gone.

PHP session variables life

Newbie question, but I'm wondering if I'm missing something elementary here.
If I register a session variable in a page - isn't this variable supposed to be accessible from another page on the same site?
First, I register a variable in the file session_var_register.php:
$_SESSION["myusername"] = 'user';
if (isset($_SESSION['myusername'])) {
echo 'Session var myusername is set to '.$_SESSION['myusername'];
When I open this page, it writes:
Session var myusername is set to user
As expected.
Then I open another tab and another page, check_session_var.php:
if (isset($_SESSION['myusername'])) {
echo 'Session var myusername is set to '.$_SESSION['myusername'];
This page is blank.
Isn't the point of a session variable that it should be accessible in the browser session, until the session is programatically destroyed or the browser closed?
I'm using IE 8 and Firefox 24, btw. Identical results.
You forgot
On top, before using
PS: Remember to call session_start() in every page you want to use $_SESSION.
The PHP docs state that you must call session_start() to start or resume a PHP session. This must be done before you try to access or use session variables. Read more here.
Your session variables will be available on different pages of the same site but on top of each of these pages you must have at least:
It works but not in all cases. You must also use the same session name (essentially a cookie name that stores id of your session) on all pages. Moreover cookies (which are essential (mostly) for sessions to work) may be made visible only in specific directory. So if for example you share the same host with other guys that use sessions too you do not want to see their variables and vice versa so you may want to have sth like that:
1) session_name( 'my_session_id' );
2) session_set_cookie_params( 0, '/my_dir', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], false, true );
3) session_start();
You may also want to see your session variables on other servers and in such case custom session handlers may be useful. Take a day or two to implement yourself - great way to understand how sessions work hence I recommend.
session_start() creates a session or resumes the current one based on a session identifier >passed via a GET or POST request, or passed via a cookie.
Usage in your case (and in the most of cases):
Put it before the $_SESSION usage.
Reference: session_start()
First Of all start session on that page
your page like this way
if (isset($_SESSION['myusername'])) {
echo 'Session var myusername is set to '.$_SESSION['myusername'];
