I'm trying to modify the Storm Flash MP3 player to record the artist name and title of a played/unplayed song. The author updated the player to skip a song if there is an IO Error.
I found the code below and it works for songs that played. For some reason, when I add it to the IOError function, it doesn't work at all.
I am a novice when it comes to Flash. Any help would be appreciated.
//Record Played Song Info via PHP script
scriptVars.var1 = "1+" + String(aMP3Tracks[iCurrTrack][1] + "+" + aMP3Tracks[iCurrTrack][2]);
scriptVars.var2 = (scriptDate);
scriptRequest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
scriptRequest.data = scriptVars;
//End of Record Played Song Info via PHP script
Play Function
function playMP3():void {
tMP3Transform.volume = nCurrVolume;
schMP3 = sMP3.play();
schMP3.soundTransform = tMP3Transform;
**//Record Played Song Info via PHP script
scriptVars.var1 = "1+" + String(aMP3Tracks[iCurrTrack][1] + "+" + aMP3Tracks[iCurrTrack][2]);
scriptVars.var2 = (scriptDate);
scriptRequest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
scriptRequest.data = scriptVars;
//End of Record Played Song Info via PHP script**
if(mcStormHolder.mcPlayBtn.currentFrame >= 20) {
schMP3.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, incrementTrack, false, 0, true);
removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateViz);
bForceRandom = false;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateViz, false, 0, true);
IOERROR Function
function onMP3IOError(e:IOErrorEvent):void {
trace("An IO error occurred while attempting to load the MP3 track.");
//sMP3.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onMP3Loaded);
sMP3.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onMP3IOError);
sMP3.removeEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, onMP3SecurityError);
mcStormHolder.mcInfoBar.txInfo.text = String(aMP3Tracks[iCurrTrack][1] + " - " + aMP3Tracks[iCurrTrack][2]);
mcStormHolder.mcInfoBar.txInfo.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
mcStormHolder.mcInfoBar.txInfo.x = 50;
//Record Song if for songs that did not play
scriptVars.var1 = "0+" + String(aMP3Tracks[iCurrTrack][0]);
scriptVars.var2 = (scriptDate);
scriptRequest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
scriptRequest.data = scriptVars;
//Record Song if for songs that did not play
//Begin Modification for Roger Stull - Skip song if will not load
bForceRandom = false;
if (schMP3 != null) {
schMP3.removeEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, incrementTrack);
nPausePos = 0;
iCurrTrack = iCurrTrack + 1;
if(iCurrTrack > iNumTracks-1){
iCurrTrack = 0;
sMP3 = new Sound();
schMP3 = new SoundChannel();
//End Modification for Roger Stull
I am creating CSV from fetching data from MySQL data base. there are around 18000 rows and 8 columns but it show me Page unresponsive error and show me kill page or wait:
I've used following code.
function report_print()
date = time();
$myFile = "report_$date.csv";
$stringData = $this->input->post('data');
$fileArray = $this->getdata($stringData);
$this->generateconvert_to_csv($fileArray, $myFile, ',');
I have also tried to create CSV with jQuery with following code but it shows me error for " Network fail".
jQuery.fn.tableToCSV = function() {
var clean_text = function(text){
text = text.replace(/"/g, '""');
return '"'+text+'"';
var table = $(this);
var caption = $(this).find('caption').text();
var title = [];
var rows = [];
var data = [];
var text = clean_text($(this).text());
var text = clean_text($(this).text());
data = data.join(",");
title = title.join(",");
rows = rows.join("\n");
var csv = title + rows;
var uri = 'data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(csv);
var download_link = document.createElement('a');
download_link.href = uri;
var ts = new Date().getTime();
download_link.download = ts+".csv";
} else {
download_link.download = caption+"-"+ts+".csv";
Anyone's Help will be appreciated for how to create a CSV with this much record without any issue ?
This is my JSONP file:
header('Content-type: application/javascript;');
header("access-control-allow-origin: *");
header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET");
//db connection detils
$host = "localhost";
$user = "test";
$password = "test";
$database = "myradiostation1";
//make connection
$server = mysql_connect($host, $user, $password);
$connection = mysql_select_db($database, $server);
//query the database
$query = mysql_query("SELECT *, DATE_FORMAT(start, '%d/%m/%Y %H:%i:%s') AS start,
DATE_FORMAT(end, '%d/%m/%Y %H:%i:%s') AS end FROM radiostation1");
//loop through and return results
for ($x = 0, $numrows = mysql_num_rows($query); $x < $numrows; $x++) {
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);
$shows[$x] = array("id" => $row["id"], "startminutes" => $row["startminutes"], "start" => $row["start"], "endminutes" => $row["endminutes"],"end" => $row["end"],"mediumname" => $row["mediumname"], "longname" => $row["longname"], "description" => $row["description"],"short_id" => $row["short_id"],"promomessage" => $row["promomessage"],"email" => $row["email"],"phonenumber" => $row["phonenumber"],"textnumber" => $row["textnumber"],"textprefix" => $row["textprefix"],"showimage" => $row["showimage"],"longdescription" => $row["longdescription"],"facebooklink" => $row["facebooklink"],"otherlink" => $row["otherlink"],"websitelink" => $row["websitelink"],"keywords" => $row["keywords"] );
//echo JSON to page
$response = $_GET["callback"] . "(" . json_encode($shows) . ");";
echo $response;
It does work, up to a point, but getting the {"success":true,"error":"","data":{"schedule": as seen at this site before my json_encode is where I am.
However, I cannot get it to display any data in my table, although it DOES produce code on-screen when I view it at http://www.myradio1.localhost/onairschedule.php.
The actual code is stored at http://www.myradiostations.localhost/schedule.php
and the callback function works OK, one example being http://www.myradiostations.localhost/schedule.php?callback=?&name=Northern+FM and http://www.myradiostations.localhost/schedule.php?callback=?&name=Southern+FM but what do I need to do to make it change like in these examples:
this example and this example, and to generate an error message like this if no such file exists.
I'm halfway there, just need some advice on fixing my code!
Basically, what I'm trying to do... get a JSONP to work in my HTML table which will vary the content depending on the URL in my javascript file on my page, which is:
var doFades = true;
var LocalhostRadioStations = {
Schedule : {}
LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.days = ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday']
LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.Show = function () {
_s = null;
_startDate = null;
_endDate = null;
this.days = LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.days;
_selector = '';
this.setShow = function(s) {
this._s = s;
this._startDate = new Date( parseInt(s.startminutes, 10) * 1000);
this._endDate = new Date(parseInt(s.endminutes, 10) * 1000 );
this.getEndDate = function(){
return this._endDate;
this.getStartDate = function(){
return this._startDate;
this._getShowDay = function (){
return this.days[this.getStartDate().getDay()];
this._getShowUnitsTaken = function(){
// if it's the same day
return this._getEndUnits() - this._getStartUnits();
this._getEndUnits = function(){
if(this.getEndDate().getHours() == 0)
//console.log(this._s.longname +' ends at midnight');
return 48;
return this.getEndDate().getMinutes() !== 0 ? (this.getEndDate().getHours() * 2) : (this.getEndDate().getHours() * 2);
this._getStartUnits = function(){
if(this.getStartDate().getHours() == 0)
return 0;
return this.getStartDate().getMinutes() !== 0 ? (this.getStartDate().getHours() * 2) : (this.getStartDate().getHours() * 2);
this.getCellPositions = function() {
return {
'start' : this.getStartDate(),
'end' : this.getEndDate(),
'colIndex' : this.getStartDate().getDay() + 2,
'startUnits' : this._getStartUnits(),
'endUnits' : this._getEndUnits(),
'unitsTaken' : this._getShowUnitsTaken()
this.pad = function(number){
return number < 10 ? '0'+number : number;
// return the table cell html.
this.toHtml = function () {
var d = new Date();
var units = this._getStartUnits();
var rowspan = this._getShowUnitsTaken();
var desc = this._s.description;
var name = this._s.longname;
var starttime = this.pad(this.getStartDate().getHours()) + ':' + this.pad(this.getStartDate().getMinutes());
var endtime = this.pad(this.getEndDate().getHours()) + ':' + this.pad(this.getEndDate().getMinutes());
var site = this._s.websitelink;
var cls = this.isActive() ? 'current-program' : '';
var isToday = this.getStartDate().getDay() === d.getDay() ? 'active-program' : '';
var html = '<td class="schedule-show ' + isToday + ' ' + cls + '" rowspan="' + rowspan + '" data-start="' + this.getStartDate() + '" data-end="' + this.getEndDate() + '">';
html += '<div>';
html += '' + name + '';
html += '</div>';
html += '<div class="schedule_details clearfix" style="display:none;">';
html += '<img width="105px" height="105px" alt="' + desc + '" src="' + this._s.showimage + '">';
html += '<strong>' + name + '</strong>';
html += '<p>' + desc + '</p>';
html += '<span>' + starttime + ' - ' + endtime +'</span>';
html += '</div>';
html += '</td>';
return html;
this.setTableSelector = function(sel){
this._selector = sel;
// check if we should add the active class.
this.isActive = function(){
var t = new Date();
return t >= this.getStartDate() && t <= this.getEndDate();
LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.ScheduleGen = function(){
return {
insertShow : function(show) {
var p = show.getCellPositions();
$('tr#units-' + p.startUnits).append(show.toHtml());
init : function (stationName){
var self = this;
// load the schedule.
$.getJSON('http://www.myradiostations.localhost/schedule.php?callback=?&name=', {
name: 'Northern FM'
}, function(json){
// loop each show and append to our giant table.
// this is well sick.
if(json.success === false)
$('.content-inner table').remove();
var currentDay = '';
var day = 0;
// highlight the current time..
var d = new Date();
var weekStart = new Date();
$.each(json.data.schedule, function(i, broadcast){
var dStart = new Date( parseInt(broadcast.startminutes, 10) * 1000);
var dEnd = new Date(parseInt(broadcast.endminutes, 10) * 1000 );
/*// transform to a show object defined above, if the show spans 2 days we create two show objects.
if(dStart.getHours() !== 0 && dEnd.getHours() !== 0 && dStart.getDate() != dEnd.getDate())
var showOne = new LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.Show();
// set to midnight
// append first half of show.
// handle second half.
var showTwo = new LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.Show();
showTwo.getStartDate().setDate(showTwo.getStartDate().getDate() + 1);
//console.log('2nd Half Start: ' + showTwo.getStartDate());
//console.log('2nd Half End: ' + showTwo.getEndDate());
var show = new LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.Show();
// add the show to the table. Thankfully the order these come out the API means they get added
// in the right place. So don't change the schedule builder code!
var days = LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.days;
// apply the current day / time classes
$('th:contains('+ days[d.getDay()]+')').addClass('active');
$('td.time').each(function(i, cell){
// get the value, convert to int.
var hours = $(cell).html().split(':')[0];
// compare the hours with now, add class if matched.
if(parseInt(hours, 10) === d.getHours())
// apply events to show info fade in / out.
}, function(){
It should change the schedule according to the JSONP, but what do I do to fix it?
Basically, I am trying to make my own localhost version of http://radioplayer.bauerradio.com/schedule.php?callback=&name=Rock+FM and its JSON / JSONP (I am not sure exactly what type the original is, but then again the site is experimental and on a .localhost domain) for testing purposes where the content is taken from the database, and changes according to station name, e.g. http://radioplayer.bauerradio.com/schedule.php?callback=&name=Metro+Radio and http://radioplayer.bauerradio.com/schedule.php?callback=&name=Forth+One etc.
Edit: The full code for my page can be seen at http://pastebin.com/ENhR6Q9j
I'm not sure exactly what's missing, but from the code you gave so far, I made a jsfiddle:
I modified some things to make it work (mostly appending stuff), because I don't know your original HTML file. But I also made some changes based on what you say you wanted. First of all I modified your $.getJSON call to be something like:
$.getJSON('http://radioplayer.bauerradio.com/schedule.php?callback=?', {
name: stationName //stationName is from the argument passed
}, function(json){...})
Which should give back the station based on what is passed to
To make it more interesting, I also added a bit of code that reads from the url. In this case if you go to the page with a domain.htm/page?Northern FM it will read the text after the ? and put it in twittiName.
var twittiName="Rock FM"; //default station
twittiName=window.location.search.substring(1) //or window.location.hash
Tried to look for other stations that might be on your publics site, but so far I could only test with "?Rock+FM". But does mean you can show the errors, which your code can handle as it is.
?Random Name
So it seems that your code mostly works but do comment if I have missed anything.
I've written the conditions down in JavaScript and if it's a down arrow then I want to update the database whereas currently it's not falling into the javascript condition and updating the database at server level. Any help will be appreciated.
<script language="javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
totalgames=<?= $totalgames ?>;
//scoress = 0;
for(xx=totalgames; xx>=1; xx--){
score_ele = 'scores'+xx;
tdid_ele = 'tdid'+xx;
var tdd = document.getElementById(tdid_ele);
var scoress = document.getElementById(score_ele);
if(previous_s == 0){
tdd.innerHTML = "<img src='images/bullet.png'/>";
if(parseFloat(previous_s) > parseFloat(scoress.value)){
tdd.innerHTML = "<img src='images/arrow_up.png'/>";
}else if(parseFloat(previous_s) < parseFloat(scoress.value)){
tdd.innerHTML = "<img src='images/arrow_down.png'/>";
//Selecting from table teams
$sql_sel_amnt = "Select * from teams where t_name='".$t_name."'";
$result_sel = $db1->getResult($sql_sel_amnt);
$row_sel = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_sel);
//Selecting from table profitnloss
$sql_pnl = "Select * from profitnloss where t_name='".$t_name."' and username='".$abc."'";
$result_pnl = $db1->getResult($sql_pnl);
$row_pnl = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_pnl);
$transact_money = $row_pnl['pnl_amount'];
$pnl_results = $row_pnl['pnl'];
$profit = 0;
$loss = 0;
$transact_money = explode("|", $transact_money);
$pnl_results = explode("|", $pnl_results);
for($i=0; $i<count($transact_money); $i++){
$profit = $profit + $transact_money[$i];
$loss = $loss + $transact_money[$i];
}//end if
}//end for..
$money_results_total = $profit - $loss;
$pnl_date = date("d-m-Y H:i:s");
$pnl_amount = $row_sel['c_amount'];//total amount lost
$t_amount = $money_results_total + $row_pnl['t_amount'] + $pnl_amount;
$noofplayers = mysql_num_rows($result_sel)-1;//total no of players
$company_share = 17;//charity percentage
$company_share_amnt = $company_share*$pnl_amount/100;
$pnl_amount_remaining = $pnl_amount - $company_share_amnt;
$charity = substr($row_sel['charity'], 0, 2);//charity percentage
$charity_amount = $charity*$pnl_amount_remaining/100;
$sharing_amount = $pnl_amount-$charity_amount-$company_share_amnt;
$pnl_profit = round($sharing_amount/$noofplayers, 2);
echo "noofplayers=> ".$noofplayers.", company_share=> ".$company_share.", company_share_amnt=> ".$company_share_amnt.", charity=> ".$charity."%, charity_amount=> ".$charity_amount.", sharing_amount=> ".$sharing_amount.", pnl_profit=> ".$pnl_profit;
$sql_updt_loss = "UPDATE profitnloss SET game_date = '".$serial_date."', pnl_date = CONCAT(pnl_date, '$pnl_date|'), pnl_amount = CONCAT(pnl_amount, '$pnl_amount|'), pnl = CONCAT(pnl, 'Loss|'), t_amount='".$t_amount."' where username='".$abc."' and t_name='".$t_name."'";
//echo $updt_pnl;
//$result_loss = $db1->getResult($sql_updt_loss);
$sql_updt_profit = "UPDATE profitnloss SET pnl_date = CONCAT(pnl_date, '$pnl_date|'), pnl_amount = CONCAT(pnl_amount, '$pnl_profit|'), pnl = CONCAT(pnl, 'Profit|') where username not like'".$abc."' and t_name='".$t_name."'";
//echo $updt_pnl;
//$result_profit = $db1->getResult($sql_updt_profit);
}else if(parseFloat(previous_s) == parseFloat(scoress.value)){
tdd.innerHTML = "<img src='images/bullet.png'/>";
}//end if
}//end if 0..
previous_s = document.getElementById(score_ele).value;
}//end for
})//emd document ready..
The way you should execute you PHP-code using ajax is by moving the server side code to a separate file which you call apon in the ajax-request, the url.
One example is using jQuery.
type: "POST",
url: "some.php",
data: { name: "John", location: "Boston" }
}).done(function( msg ) {
alert( "Data Saved: " + msg );
This documentation is located here
You send the information needed to execute the PHP-code in the data. These are then accessed by $_POST or $_GET depending on which type you chose.
If you're not intending to use jQuery, you can look here: Getting Started with AJAX - Updating Form via PHP.
Here are some good practices using ajax
Simple question guys , i have AJAX that pickup all data from page and it suppose to open new php page to update MySQL database , its only updating last row of data , BUT when i use alert from javascript just to check all data i got he does update whole table ... is there any chance that AJAX is not working fast enough or something?
here is my code
var request_type;
var browser = navigator.appName;
if (browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") {
request_type = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
else {
request_type = new XMLHttpRequest();
var http = request_type;
var MatchID = '';
var HomeTeam = '';
var AwayTeam = '';
var TipID = '';
var arrayMaxValues = 3;
var myArray = new Array(3);
var i = 0;
$('#teams_table input[type=text]').each(function () {
myArray[i] = $(this).val();
if (!!myArray[2])
MatchID = myArray[0];
HomeTeam = myArray[1];
AwayTeam = myArray[2];
if (HomeTeam > AwayTeam) {
TipID = 1;
else if (HomeTeam == AwayTeam) {
TipID = 2;
else if (HomeTeam < AwayTeam) {
TipID = 3;
http.open('get', 'adminUpdate.php?MatchID=' + MatchID + '&TipID=' +
TipID + '&HomeTeam=' + HomeTeam + '&AwayTeam=' + AwayTeam, true);
myArray = new Array(3);
It is kinda odd to me when i use
alert('MatchID = ' + MatchID + ' HomeTeamScore = ' + HomeTeam + ',
AwayTeamScore = ' + AwayTeam)
Inside of AJAX code i get whole table updated , without it just last row
And my php page
$matchID = $_GET['MatchID'];
$tipID = $_GET['TipID'];
$HomeScore = $_GET['HomeTeam'];
$AwayScore = $_GET['AwayTeam'];
$query="update probatip1.matches set ResultTipID=".$tipID.",HomeTeamScore = "
.$HomeScore.",AwayTeamScore= ".$AwayScore." where MatchID =".$matchID;
$UpdateGame= mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
Try encoding the data. i.e:
MatchID = encodeURIComponent(myArray[0]);
HomeTeam = encodeURIComponent(myArray[1]);
AwayTeam = encodeURIComponent(myArray[2]);
in php use
function escapedata($data) {
if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$data= stripslashes($data);
return mysql_real_escape_string($data);
to escape your data before updating the table. i.e:
$query="update probatip1.matches set ResultTipID=".escapedata($tipID).",HomeTeamScore = ".escapedata($HomeScore).",AwayTeamScore= ".escapedata($AwayScore)." where MatchID =".escapedata($matchID);
Hope this works.
Not really a direct answer, just something that you can base your answer from. What the code does is to submit a whole object using the $.post method in jquery which takes in 2 parameters and a callback function which is executed once the request is done.Not really sure by: open new php page to update MySQL database but I assume that you're simply using that page to update the database and not actually open it.
<script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
var obj = {
'teams' : [
{'name' : 'teamA', 'grade' : 'A'},
{'name' : 'teamB', 'grade' : 'B'}
$.post('access.php', {'obj' : obj}, function(data){
var d = JSON.parse(data);
for(var x in d){
$post = $_POST['obj']['teams'];
$array = [];
foreach($post as $row){
$name = $row['name'];
$grade = $row['grade'];
$array[] = ['name'=>$name, 'grade'=>$grade];
echo json_encode($array);
So you only have to modify the php page, and put your database query inside the loop. This way you won't need to perform so many ajax request by putting it inside $.each
Then utilize $.each to build the object that you're going to submit via ajax through $.post method:
var obj = {};
var myArray[i] = $(this).val();
var MatchID = myArray[0];
var HomeTeam = myArray[1];
var AwayTeam = myArray[2];
obj[index] = [];
obj[index]['match_id'] = MatchID;
The problem is with your logic in the way you are sending requests to php file to update the MYSQL. Actually you are running the ajax request in a loop and the loop is too fast that kills the previous update request.
You can compose an array and send it to the php outside the loop. That will work for you.
Guys with your help i managed to fix my problem
http.open('get', 'adminUpdate.php?MatchID=' + MatchID + '&TipID=' + TipID +
'&HomeTeam=' + HomeTeam + '&AwayTeam=' + AwayTeam, false);
var response = http.responseText;
So basicly with this line i told http request not to go for next line of code until update in table is not completed , when http has done his job then it moves on next line of code.
Thank you for help
I have flash file that sends file to php but I cannot debug it. e.g. var_dump($_FILE) shows nothing! However when I run script it does work and upload file to server.
This is part of action script.
listener.onSelect = function (selectedFile, bytesTotal) {
browse._visible = false;
uploadBtn._visible = true;
var _loc3 = new Date();
sendTimeFLASH = _loc3.getTime();
sendTime = sendTimeFLASH;
totalId = flashimgID + ":" + selectedFile.name;
flash.external.ExternalInterface.call("funName", totalId);
statusArea.text = details.text = "";
txt_mc.statusArea.text = txt_mc.statusArea.text + selectedFile.name;
videoFile_name = selectedFile.name;
var _loc4 = imageFile.size;
d = _loc4 / 1000;
txt.text = selectedFile.name + "(" + Math.round(d) + "Kb): now click Upload to proceed";
var _loc1 = new LoadVars();
_loc1.imgPHP = flashimgID;
_loc1.imgName = selectedFile.name;
_loc1.timePHP = sendTime;
_loc1.sendAndLoad("page.php", _loc1, "POST");
imageFile.upload("page.php?id=" + flashimgID);
file is not sent in $_FILES from flash, but as a byte array.
save it like this:
$data = file('php://stdin');
echo 1;
echo 0;