PHP reCaptcha won't validate - php

I'm trying to get reCaptcha working with a form on my website and for some reason I keep getting an error that the wrong captcha was entered. Does anyone see anything wrong with my code?
$publickey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
$privatekey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
if (isset($category)) {
if ($edit == 'edit') {
include "includes/updatelisting.php";
} else {
$response = recaptcha_check_answer($privatekey,
if ($response->is_valid) {
include "includes/insertlisting.php";
} else {
echo "Eh, That wasn't right. Try Again.";
} else {
Here is the code in the actual form..
// Display the reCaptcha form
echo recaptcha_get_html($publickey, $error);

I found the issue. Apparently my tags were inside the tags. Once I put the form tags outside the table tags everything worked perfectly. Very strange. Here is a link to the answer I found Need help with reCAPTCHA - keep getting incorrect-captcha-sol

When you call echo recaptcha_get_html($publickey, $error); did you already have $error declared?
You might want to declare it first (and yes, make it a string with one space):
$error = ' ';
echo recaptcha_get_html($publickey, $error);
Also, check to see if $category really is set before trying to validate.


Strange thing with Google nocaptcha

I have a strange problem with Google Captcha. I've tried all kinds of php codes from different tutorials, but the result is exactly the same every time...
The problem is this:
it shows up correctly
if you check the box, it works correctly
if you then send the form it works correctly
but... if you don't check the box, the form is still sent!
So, in other words, it's only on the form as a decorative piece. What could be the problem? It's probably something very simple, but I'm totally missing it.
Help or insights are very much appreciated! Thanks in advance!
The following is the code that came with the template I used:
if ($use_captcha == 1) {
$resp = null;
$error = null;
$reCaptcha = new ReCaptcha($secret);
$secret = "MY SECRET KEY HERE";
$captcha_error_message = '<div class="pi-alert-danger fade in"><button type="button" class="pi-close" data-dismiss="alert"><i class="icon-cancel"></i></button><p>Bewijs dat je geen robot bent!</p></div>';
if (isset($_POST["captcha_response"]) && $_POST["captcha_response"] != '') {
$resp = $reCaptcha->verifyResponse(
if ($resp && $resp->success != true) {
echo $captcha_error_message;
} else {
echo $captcha_error_message;
You have to check if the captcha was solved (at your PHP-Script which do anything with the Form-data)
Like this:
function checkCaptcha($recaptchaResponse) {
$recaptchaPrivateKey = 'Your Private Key';
if(! $recaptchaResponse)
return false;
$recaptchaObj = new ReCaptcha($recaptchaPrivateKey);
$response = $recaptchaObj->verifyResponse($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $recaptchaResponse);
if($response != null && $response->success)
return true;
return false;
If you don't include a function like this to your form function, your server will say, the form is okay, because it don't know about the captcha.
Note, that you have to include the Google-captcha Libarys-File as well. You can find it here: (Worked for NoCaptcha as well)

I managed to bypass recaptcha on server-side integration by me - What am I doing wrong?

I want to implement recaptcha in a very simple form
I have a index.html file on client-side, and a post.php server side.
I've tried to integrate recaptcha on the server site, as you can see in my code bellow.
I've made some tests, that seem to have an expected result...
The problem appeard when I tried this query
for X in `seq 0 100`; do curl -D - "" -d
"email=email${X}[]=plm&submit="; done
The result was that I've bypassed recaptcha succesfully, and I'm not sure what the problem is.
Most probably, there's a problem in my php code, but what exactly?
$email=filter_var($_POST['email'], FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL);
echo '<h2>Please check the the captcha form.</h2>';
echo '<h2>You are spammer ! Get the #$%K out</h2>';
$file = 'email-list.txt';
if (filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL))
if(!(exec('grep '.escapeshellarg($email).' '.$file)))
// Open the file to get existing content
$current = file_get_contents($file);
// Append a new person to the file
$current .= $email . "\n";
// Write the contents back to the file
file_put_contents($file, $current);
header('Location: index.html?success='.urlencode($email));
header('Location: index.html?fail='.urlencode($email));
echo "$email is <strong>NOT</strong> a valid email address.<br/><br/>";
<div class="form-group" ng-cloak>
<div class="g-recaptcha" ng-show="IAgree" data-sitekey="6LeEW[whatever]-UXo3"></div>
How can I solve this? English is not my native language; please excuse typing errors.
As mentioned in my comments above - file_get_contents returns a string. You need to decode the json string into a php object using the json_decode function:
$url = ""‌
$response = json_decode(file_get_contents($url​));
if($response->success == false) {
echo "Oh no";

Code is not working when reCaptcha input is correct

I am trying to implement Google's reCaptcha on my website's query form in php.
When the CAPTCHA is entered incorrectly,
I get: "No. CAPTCHA is not entered correctly".
But when the CAPTCHA is entered correctly,
What I expect: "Everything looks good" OR "CAPTCHA is correct but other values are incorrect."
What I get: Blank Page
Here is how I am implementing it:
$var1 = $_POST["var1"];
$var2 = $_POST["var2"];
$privatekey = "<private key I got from reCaptcha>";
$respCaptcha = recaptcha_check_answer ($privatekey,
if(!$respCaptcha->is_valid) {
echo "No. CAPTCHA is not entered correctly";
} elseif( is_numeric($var1)
&& preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z ]*$/",$var2)) {
echo "Everything looks good";
} else {
echo "CAPTCHA is correct but other values are incorrect.";
Please help. What am I doing wrong here?
Try putting the if just inside the else...
Also is this directly pasted because the line
'Do something...' is not commented

Global error message in php

I have a problem with the understanding of variable scopes.
I've got a huge .php file with many $_POST validations (I know that isn't not good practise). Anyways I want a little html-part above all the code which outputs an error message. This message I want to change in every $_POST validation function.
if($ERR) {
echo '<div class="error-message">'.$ERR.'</div>';
Now my functions are following in the same file.
if(isset($_POST['test']) {
$ERR = 'Error!';
if(isset($_POST['test2'] {
$ERR = 'Error 2!';
But that doesn't work. I think there's a huge missunderstanding and i'm ashamed.
Can you help me?
I didnt catch your question but maybe this is your answer:
<p id="error_message">
<?php if(isset($ERR)){echo $ERR;} ?>
and I suggest you to learn how to work with sessions.
and you should know that $_Post will be empty on each refresh or F5
You can do put the errors in array make them dynamic.
$error = array();
if (!isset($_POST["test"]) || empty($_POST["test"])) {
$error['test'] = "test Field is required";
} else if (!isset($_POST["test1"]) || empty($_POST["test1"])) {
$error['test1'] = "test Field is required";
//do something else
You can also use switch statement instead of elseif which is neater.

javascript prompt box for reCAPTCHA

I'm trying to make an automatic prompt box which displays the error of an incorrect reCAPTCHA input, at the moment I have a function 'redirect_to' which links to an identical page, which i planned to just input a error in text form. If anyone could help me with this I'd be much appreciated, i'm not had too much experience with javascript.
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/recaptcha/recaptchalib.php');
$privatekey ="*********";
$resp = recaptcha_check_answer ($privatekey,
$str_result = "";
if (!$resp->is_valid) {
// What happens when the CAPTCHA was entered incorrectly
$message = "The reCAPTCHA wasn't entered correctly. Go back and try it again. (reCAPTCHA said: " . $resp->error . ")";
echo $message;
You can redirect back to the login page with a GET parameter such as: login.php?captchaError=1. Then on your login page, simply add:
echo("<script type='text/javascript'>
alert("Captcha entered incorrectly.");
That will check if there is an error and output some JS to display the alert.
