I'm securising my RESTful php API by autorizing only HTTP requests with a valid access token in the header.
I added to all my AJAX requests the header with the token:
$.ajaxSetup headers:
auth_token: auth_token
In order to secure the image access, I wanted to use the same logic and add the token in the request header.
Apparently, I can do that only with an AJAX request and Base64 image data:
$.get url, (imageData) =>
$image.attr src: "data:image/jpeg;base64," + imageData
I'm not sure about the performance?
Because my images size are between 12 bytes and 4mb and also, I want full mobile support.
The other way I found is with queries string:
$image.attr src: 'image/12.jpg?auth_token=' + token
It's working great, except the fact that my image won't be cached when the token changes.
What options are left?
You could use a cookie. The first request sets the cookie (like a session cookie) that you sign so it can't be faked. Then for image requests, or any other requests for that matter, check the browser sends that cookie with the right code that you can link to the original request. This way you only need the token on the first request.
Just started learning Slim3. Have been spending some time figuring out how to perform redirects with overriding original request type with no success.
I want the /origin route to perform the redirect to /dest route.
/origin route receives GET request performs validation and after success redirects with POST request to /dest uri route. Here is the screenshot. I think I am doing something dumb here:
$app->get('/origin', function($req,$res,$args)
$req= $req->withHeader('X-Http-Method-Override','POST');
return $res->withRedirect('/dest');
$app->post('/dest', function($req,$res,$args)
echo "this is destination page";
As noted in the comment, this is not possible as the request made by the browser is not in your control.
When you call ->withRedirect() you are sending a status code of 302 and a Location header to the HTTP client (web browser usually).
The web browser sees the 302 status code and then issues a new request to the URL in the Location header. The server has no control over this request and every web browser makes a GET request.
Now, if you want to redirect a POST request to another URL and keep the same POST method, then you can use the 307 status code with a Location header and the browser should do the right thing. Note that this code does not let you change a GET into a POST - it just keeps the same method as the original request for the followup redirection request.
In laravel documentation, for ajax based applications, there is CSRF protection via HTML meta tag and cheking header request.
Why this method needed and why not check ajax request as usual request? I mean, if for ajax whe use POST method, then send CSRF token as usual parameter (for example as csrf_token) and then check in server side (PHP) :
if ( !isset($_POST['csrf_token']) OR $_POST['csrf_token'] !== $_SESSION['csrf_token'] ) {
// incorrect csrf token, stop processing
Cheking header request have some advantage than this method ?
If you are doing POST request, CSRF doesn't go through the header it goes through the http message body, what Laravel has is some kind of default middleware for csrf protection, where is the issue in that?
If you go into assets/js folder you can see the CSRF token in bootstrap.js.
You can fetch a CSRF token from a global Javascript variable and send it through ajax post request body.
I am trying to list files from google drive folder.
If I use jquery I can successfully get my results:
var url = "https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v3/files?q='" + FOLDER_ID + "'+in+parents&key=" + API_KEY;
url: url,
dataType: "jsonp"
}).done(function(response) {
//I get my results successfully
However I would like to get this results with php, but when I run this:
$url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v3/files?q='.$FOLDER_ID.'+in+parents&key='.$API_KEY;
$content = file_get_contents($url);
$response = json_decode($content, true);
echo json_encode($response);
I get an error:
file_get_contents(...): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden
If I run this in browser:
I get:
The request did not specify any referer. Please ensure that the client is sending referer or use the API Console to remove the referer restrictions.
I have set up referrers for my website and localhost in google developers console.
Can someone explain me what is the difference between jquery and php call and why does php call fails?
It's either the headers or the cookies.
When you conduct the request using jQuery, the user agent, IP and extra headers of the user are sent to Google, as well as the user's cookies (which allow the user to stay logged in). When you do it using PHP this data is missing because you, the server, becomes the one who sends the data, not the user, nor the user's browser.
It might be that Google blocks requests with invalid user-agents as a first line of defense, or that you need to be logged in.
Try conducting the same jQuery AJAX request while you're logged out. If it didn't work, you know your problem.
Otherwise, you need to alter the headers. Take a look at this: PHP file_get_contents() and setting request headers. Of course, you'll need to do some trial-and-error to figure out which missing header allows the request to go through.
Regarding the referrer, jQuery works because the referrer header is set as the page you're currently on. When you go to the page directly there's no referrer header. PHP requests made using file_get_contents have no referrer because it doesn't make much sense for them to have any.
I have php application that serve image, the image is coming from a remote URL and passing it to the browser with content type image. My code has 2 steps:
Using curl to check the http header response. If it is a valid image (httpcode 200).
if httpcode is 200, I used readfile function with header content-type: image/jpg.
For me the approach above is not a good idea because it makes 2 http hit. My goal is to make the 2 steps above just one using CURL. Is it possible?
Appreciate any inputs on this.
I'm writing a very basic Facebook app, but I'm encountering an issue with cross-domain AJAX requests (using jQuery).
I've written a proxy page to make requests to the graph via cURL that I'm calling via AJAX. I can visit the page in the browser and see it has the correct output, but requesting the page via always causes jQuery to fire the error handler callback.
So I have two files:
Proxy, which does the cURL request
//Do some cURL requests, manipulate some data
//return it as JSON
print json_encode($data);
The facebook canvas, which contains this AJAX call
Inspecting the call with Firebug shows it returns with HTTP code 200 OK, but the error handler is always fired, and no content is returned. This happens whether I set Content-Type: application/json or not.
I have written JSON-returning APIs in PHP before using AJAX and never had this trouble.
What could be causing the request to always trigger the error handler?
Recently I experienced the same issue and my problem was the fact that there was a domain difference between the webpage and the API, due to the SSL.
The web page got a HTTP address (http://myDomain.com) and the content I was requesting with JQuery was on the same domain but HTTPS protocol (https://myDomain.com). The browser (Chrome in this case) considered that the domains were differents (the first one with HTTP, the second one with HTTPS), just because of the protocol, and because the request response type was "application/json", the browser did not allowed it.
Basically, the request worked fine, but your browser did not allowed the response content.
I had to add a "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header to make it work. If you're in the same case, have a look there: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/http_access_control.
I hope that'll help you, I got a headache myself.