Using PDFTable lib extension with zendpdf but getting issue - php

How to apply word wrap using zend_pdf library, I am using MyPDFTable lib as an extension for zendPdf lib.
I have used following code.
// include auto-loader class
require_once 'Zend/Loader/Autoloader.php';
// register auto-loader
$loader = Zend_Loader_Autoloader::getInstance();
try {
// set up database access parameters
$params = array ('host' => '',
'username' => 'user',
'password' => 'pass',
'dbname' => 'world');
// configure adapter and query database
$db = Zend_Db::factory('PDO_MYSQL', $params);
$stmt = $db->query('SELECT Name, Code, Region FROM country LIMIT 0, 150');
// create PDF
$pdf = new My_Pdf_Document('example.pdf', '.');
// create page
$page = $pdf->createPage();
// define font resource
$font = Zend_Pdf_Font::fontWithName(Zend_Pdf_Font::FONT_HELVETICA);
// set font
$page->setFont($font, 24);
// create table
$table = new My_Pdf_Table(3);
// iterate over record set
// set up table content
while ($record = $stmt->fetch()) {
$row = new My_Pdf_Table_Row();
$cols = array();
foreach ($record as $k => $v) {
$col = new My_Pdf_Table_Column();
$cols[] = $col;
$row->setFont($font, 14);
$row->setBorder(My_Pdf::TOP, new Zend_Pdf_Style());
$row->setBorder(My_Pdf::BOTTOM, new Zend_Pdf_Style());
$row->setBorder(My_Pdf::LEFT, new Zend_Pdf_Style());
// add table to page
$page->addTable($table, 0, 0);
// add page to document
// save as file
echo 'SUCCESS: Document saved!';
} catch (Zend_Pdf_Exception $e) {
die ('PDF error: ' . $e->getMessage());
} catch (Exception $e) {
die ('Application error: ' . $e->getMessage());
You will find this code on In topic "Turning The Tables".

This tutorial talks about the same problem you faced. They have provided a custom solution also!


How do I set transactional email attributes in Sendinblue api v3?

So, I'm novice at best with php, but I've figured out how to set up and send transactional emails with sendinblue.
But for whatever reason, I can't seem to set the attributes.
This is really the only line of the code that I can't seem to get to work.
$sendEmail['attributes'] = array('FIRSTNAME' => "STEVE");$sendEmail['attributes'] = array('FIRSTNAME' => "STEVE");
I've also tried
$sendEmail['params'] = array('FIRSTNAME' => "STEVE");
$params['attributes'] = array('FIRSTNAME' => "STEVE");
...and probably 127 variations of the above, but I can't seem to get it it to work.
I also can't seem to figure out how to create a contact with php...
What is the "create contact" equivilent of this line of code:
$sendEmail = new \SendinBlue\Client\Model\SendEmail();
Like I said, my emails asre sending, but where I expect them to read "Dear STEVE," they read "Dear ,"
# Include the SendinBlue library\
# Instantiate the client\
$config = SendinBlue\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('api-key', 'MY API KEY HERE');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// $config = SendinBlue\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('api-key', 'Bearer');
// Configure API key authorization: partner-key
$config = SendinBlue\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('partner-key', 'MY API KEY HERE');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// $config = SendinBlue\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('partner-key', 'Bearer');
$apiInstance = new SendinBlue\Client\Api\SMTPApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$templateId = 2; // int | Id of the template
$sendEmail = new \SendinBlue\Client\Model\SendEmail(); // \SendinBlue\Client\Model\SendEmail |
$sendEmail['emailTo'] = array("");
$params['attributes'] = array('FIRSTNAME' => "STEVE"); //THIS IS THE LINE OF CODE THAT ISN'T WORKING.
//$mail->setFrom('', 'My Easy Wedding');
try {
$result = $apiInstance->sendTemplate($templateId, $sendEmail);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling SMTPApi->sendTemplate: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
You need to use sendTransacEmail() and it works with PARAM. Need to add code in template {{ params.FIRSTNAME }}
Complete API code
$config = SendinBlue\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('api-key', 'MY API KEY HERE');
$apiInstance = new SendinBlue\Client\Api\TransactionalEmailsApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$sendEmail = new SendinBlue\Client\Model\SendSmtpEmail();
$sendEmail['to'] = [["email" => '', "name" => 'test']];
$sendEmail['templateId'] = 2;
$sendEmail['params'] = ['FIRSTNAME' => 'Test'];
try {
$response = $apiInstance->sendTransacEmail($sendEmail);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling AccountApi->getAccount: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
try to use FNAME instead of FIRSTNAME
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
$config = SendinBlue\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('api-key', 'YOUR API KEY');
$apiInstance = new SendinBlue\Client\Api\TransactionalEmailsApi(
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$templateId = 1;
$sendEmail = new \SendinBlue\Client\Model\SendEmail()
$sendEmail['emailTo'] = array('');
$sendEmail['emailCc'] = array('');
$sendEmail['headers'] = array('Some-Custom-Name' => 'unique-id-1234');
$sendEmail['attributes'] = array('FNAME' => 'Jane', 'LNAME' => 'Doe');
$sendEmail['replyTo'] = '';
$sendEmail['attachmentUrl'] = '';
try {
$result = $apiInstance->sendTemplate($templateId, $sendEmail);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling TransactionalEmailsApi->sendTemplate: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
You can find more examples at

Sendinblue attachment

I try to send attachment pdf file. I get the email but no attachmetn.
I have try to use
$sendSmtpEmail = new \SendinBlue\Client\Model\SendSmtpEmail();
$sendSmtpEmail['to'] = array(array('email'=>''));
$sendSmtpEmail['templateId'] = 39;
$sendSmtpEmail['params'] = array(
'NUMEROFACTURE'=> "12345",
'CODECLIENT' => "1234567",
'TOSEND' => "",
'MONTANTFACTURE'=> number_format(12, 2, ',', ' '),
$attachement = new \SendinBlue\Client\Model\SendSmtpEmailAttachment();
$attachement['url']= __DIR__'/facture/Facture-'.$row["ClePiece"].'.pdf';
$attachement['name']= 'Facture-'.$row["ClePiece"].'.pdf';
$attachement['content']= "utf-8";
$sendSmtpEmail['attachment']= $attachement;
$sendSmtpEmail['headers'] = array('Content-Type'=>'application/pdf','Content-Disposition'=>'attachment','filename'=>'Facture-'.$row["ClePiece"].'.pdf',"charset"=>"utf-8");
$config = SendinBlue\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('api-key', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
$apiInstance = new SendinBlue\Client\Api\SMTPApi(new GuzzleHttp\Client(),$config);
try {
$result = $apiInstance->sendTransacEmail($sendSmtpEmail);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling SMTPApi->sendTransacEmail: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
According to the SendSmtpEmailAttachment documentation, you have two ways to attach a file using a url or a content.
url | Absolute url of the attachment (no local file).
content | Base64 encoded chunk data of the attachment generated on the fly
You are wrongly assigning "utf-8" to the content. This mean you need to convert the pdf data into a base64 chunk data. First, get the pdf path in your server as $pdfdocPath. Get the pdf content using file_get_contents method and encode it using base64_encode method. Finally, split the content in small chunks using chunk_split as shown in the next snippet:
$sendSmtpEmail = new \SendinBlue\Client\Model\SendSmtpEmail();
$sendSmtpEmail['to'] = array(array('email'=>''));
$sendSmtpEmail['templateId'] = 39;
$sendSmtpEmail['params'] = array(
'NUMEROFACTURE'=> "12345",
'CODECLIENT' => "1234567",
'TOSEND' => "",
'MONTANTFACTURE'=> number_format(12, 2, ',', ' '),
$pdfdocPath = __DIR__.'/facture/Facture-'.$row["ClePiece"].'.pdf';
$b64Doc = chunk_split(base64_encode(file_get_contents($pdfdocPath)));
$attachement = new \SendinBlue\Client\Model\SendSmtpEmailAttachment();
$attachement['name']= 'Facture-'.$row["ClePiece"].'.pdf';
$attachement['content']= $b64Doc;
$sendSmtpEmail['attachment']= $attachement;
$sendSmtpEmail['headers'] = array('Content-Type'=>'application/pdf','Content-Disposition'=>'attachment','filename'=>'Facture-'.$row["ClePiece"].'.pdf',"charset"=>"utf-8");
I checked the APIv3-php-library source code and I found that the constructor will do the validation of name and content.
$dataEmail = new \SendinBlue\Client\Model\SendEmail();
$dataEmail['emailTo'] = ['', ''];
// PDF wrapper
$pdfDocPath = __DIR__.'/facture/Facture-'.$row["ClePiece"].'.pdf';
$content = chunk_split(base64_encode(file_get_contents($pdfDocPath)));
// Ends pdf wrapper
$attachment_item = array(
$attachment_list = array($attachment_item);
// Ends pdf wrapper
$dataEmail['attachment'] = $attachment_list;
$templateId = 39;
$config = SendinBlue\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('api-key', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
$apiInstance = new SendinBlue\Client\Api\SMTPApi(new GuzzleHttp\Client(),$config);
try {
$result = $apiInstance->sendTemplate($templateId, $dataEmail);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling SMTPApi->sendTemplate: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
$dataEmail= new \SendinBlue\Client\Model\SendEmail();
$dataEmail['emailTo'] = ['', ''];
$dataEmail['attachmentUrl'] = "";
// if you want to use content attachment base64
// $b64Doc = chunk_split(base64_encode($data));
// $attachment_array = array(array(
// 'content'=>$b64Doc,
// 'name'=>'Facture-'.$row["ClePiece"].'.pdf'
// ));
// $dataEmail['attachment'] = $attachment_array;
//Don't forget to delete attachmentUrl
$templateId = 39;
$dataEmail = $dataEmail;
$config = SendinBlue\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('api-key', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
$apiInstance = new SendinBlue\Client\Api\SMTPApi(new GuzzleHttp\Client(),$config);
try {
$result = $apiInstance->sendTemplate($templateId, $dataEmail);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling SMTPApi->sendTemplate: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
According to the documentaiton SMTPApi->sendTransacEmail function gets SendSmtpEmail object. That object has restrictions for the attachment attribute:
If templateId is passed and is in New Template Language format then only attachment url is accepted. If template is in Old template Language format, then attachment is ignored.
But SMTPApi->sendTemplate function don't have this restriction.
$credentials = SendinBlue\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('api-key', 'YOUR-KEY');
$apiInstance = new SendinBlue\Client\Api\TransactionalEmailsApi(new GuzzleHttp\Client(),$credentials);
$sendSmtpEmail = new \SendinBlue\Client\Model\SendSmtpEmail([
'subject' => 'test email!',
'sender' => ['name' => 'from name', 'email' => ''],
//'replyTo' => ['name' => 'test', 'email' => ''],
'to' => [[ 'name' => 'Tushar Aher', 'email' => '']],
'htmlContent' => '<html><body><h1>This is a transactional email {{params.bodyMessage}}</h1></body></html>',
'params' => ['bodyMessage' => 'this is a test!']
/*$attachement = new \SendinBlue\Client\Model\SendSmtpEmailAttachment();
$attachement['url']= FCPATH.'uploads/invoice/ticket-498410.pdf';
$attachement['name']= 'ticket-498410.pdf';
$attachement['content']= "utf-8";
$sendSmtpEmail['attachment']= $attachement;*/
// PDF wrapper
$pdfDocPath = FCPATH.'uploads/invoice/ticket-498410.pdf';
$content = chunk_split(base64_encode(file_get_contents($pdfDocPath)));
// Ends pdf wrapper
$attachment_item = array(
$attachment_list = array($attachment_item);
// Ends pdf wrapper
$sendSmtpEmail['attachment'] = $attachment_list;
try {
$result = $apiInstance->sendTransacEmail($sendSmtpEmail);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage(),PHP_EOL;

web service database connection

I have developed a php web service on a server with mysql database connection. It can not connect to database and does not execute codes after database connection. Also it does not show any error.
If I return something before database connection line, it is returned.
I have tested another php file with database connection and it works properly.
<?php require_once('lib/nusoap.php');
$server = new soap_server();
$server->configureWSDL('ivrmci', 'urn:ivrmciwsdl');
$server->register('upload_file', // method
array('username' => 'xsd:string','password' => 'xsd:string','encoded_filepath' => 'xsd:string','filename' => 'xsd:string'), // input parameters
array('return' => 'xsd:string'), // output parameters
'urn:ivrmciwsdl', // namespace
'urn:ivrmciwsdl#upload_file', // soapaction
'rpc', // style
'encoded', // use
'Uploads files to the server' // documentation
$server->register('inquiryMsisdnCalls', // method
array('username' => 'xsd:string','password' => 'xsd:string','callerid' => 'xsd:string','advertise_id' => 'xsd:string'), // input parameters
array('return' => 'xsd:string'), // output parameters
'urn:ivrmci', // namespace
'urn:ivrmci#inquiryMsisdnCalls', // soapaction
'encoded', // style // use
'Returns User Log' // documentation
function upload_file($username,$password,$encoded,$name) {
if ($username != "abc" OR $password != "123")
return "-2";
$location = "uploads/".$name; // Mention where to upload the file
//$current = file_get_contents($location); // Get the file content. This will create an empty file if the file does not exist
$current = base64_decode($encoded); // Now decode the content which was sent by the client
file_put_contents($location, $current); // Write the decoded content in the file mentioned at particular location
$db = new PDO('mysql:dbname=zzz;host=x.x.x.x',"root","1234",array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES utf8'));
$db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);
catch(PDOException $e)
return "-3";
$filename = explode(".", $name);
$sql = "INSERT INTO advertise (name) VALUES ($filename[0])";
return $db->lastInsertid();
catch(PDOException $e)
return $e->getMessage();
return "File Uploaded successfully..."; // Output success message
return "Please upload a file...";
function inquiryMsisdnCalls($username,$password,$callerid,$contentid)
if ($username != "abc" OR $password != "123")
return "-2";
$db = new PDO('mysql:dbname=zzz;host=x.x.x.x',"root","1234",array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES utf8'));
$db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);
catch(PDOException $e)
return "-3";
$sql = "select status from user_advertise_log where callerId=$callerid and advertise_id=$contentid";
$log = $db->query($sql)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
return $log->status;
catch(PDOException $e)
return $e->getMessage();
// Use the request to (try to) invoke the service

PHP REST API got error when try to add New Users to Jasperserver

I got some problem with php-sample.
I want to add users, but there were something went wrong.
Please help me!!
Here is code that I used:
<!DOCTYPE html>
require_once "vendor/autoload.php";
require_once "autoload.dist.php";
require_once "client/JasperClient.php";
require_once "client/User.php";
require_once "client/Role.php";
$client = new Jasper\JasperClient(
"localhost", // Hostname
8080, // Port
"jasperadmin", // Username
"jasperadmin", // Password
"/jasperserver-pro", // Base URL
); // Organization (pro only)
$newUser = new Jasper\User("BI_User", // username
"superSTRENGTHpassw0rd", // password
"", // email
"Business Intelligence User", // description
"organization_1", // parent organization
"true" // enabled
$role = new Jasper\Role("ROLE_USER", NULL, "false");
try {
catch (Exception $e) {
printf("Could not add new user: %s", $e->getMessage());
And Here is the error message that I got:
Could not add new user: Unexpected HTTP code returned: 400 Body of response:
Apache Tomcat/6.0.26 - Error report HTTP Status 400 - type Status
reportmessage description The request sent by the client was syntactically
incorrect ().Apache Tomcat/6.0.26
Ask I spent time google so much on that problem, I have found the solution.
Here is my solution whether someone are interested.
require_once "vendor/autoload.php";
require_once "autoload.dist.php";
use Jaspersoft\Client\Client;
use Jaspersoft\Dto\User\User;
use Jaspersoft\Dto\Role\Role;
function registerUsers(){
$client = new Client(
$file_path = 'data/userlist.csv';
$handle = fopen($file_path,'r');
$array_users = array();
while (!feof($handle) !==false){
$line = fgetcsv($handle,1024,',');
if($i==1) continue;
for($c = 0; $c < count($line); $c++){
$username = $line[0];
$password = $line[1];
$email = $line[2];
$fullname = $line[3];
$tenantId = $line[4];
$enabled = $line[5];
$user = new User($username, $password, $email,
$fullname, $tenantId, $enabled);
$role = new Role('ROLE_USER', null, 'false');
$array_users[$c] = $user;
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
printf('Could not add new user: %s', $e->getMessage());
And here is my csv data file:
User Name,Password,Email Address,Full Name,Tenant ID,Enable
User1,superSTRENGTHpassw0rd,,User One,a,true
User2,superSTRENGTHpassw0rd,,User One,a,true
User3,superSTRENGTHpassw0rd,,User One,a,true
User6,superSTRENGTHpassw0rd,,User One,organization_1,true
User7,superSTRENGTHpassw0rd,,User One,organization_1,true
User8,superSTRENGTHpassw0rd,,User One,b,true
User9,superSTRENGTHpassw0rd,,User One,b,true
User10,superSTRENGTHpassw0rd,,User One,c,true
User11,superSTRENGTHpassw0rd,,User One,c,true

Cannot receive any SMS messages when I register/ inquire via SMS Globe Labs API

I am developing an SMS Based Registration System and so far I'm at the stage of testing my system. All of a sudden, I was not able to receive any messages from my server when I tried to register via SMS it must receive a confirmation messages. Here's what i did when using PHP nusoap.
// This will allow user to register via SMS.
error_reporting( E_ALL );
// load the nusoap libraries. These are slower than those built in PHP5 but
// create the client and define the URL endpoint
$soapclient = new nusoap_client('');
// set the character encoding, utf-8 is the standard.
$soapclient->soap_defencoding = 'UTF-8';
$soapclient->call('sendSMS', array( 'uName' => '48dwi5',
'uPin' => '159597',
'MSISDN' => '09152886810',
'messageString' => 'Registered Successfully',
'Display' => '1',
'udh' => '',
'mwi' => '',
'coding' => '0' ),
// This will allow user to inquire about the latest news within the organization.
error_reporting( E_ALL );
// load the nusoap libraries. These are slower than those built in PHP5 but
$soapclient = new nusoap_client('');
// set the character encoding, utf-8 is the standard.
$soapclient->soap_defencoding = 'UTF-8';
// Call the SOAP method, note the definition of the xmlnamespace as the third in the call and how the posted message is added to the message string
$soapclient->call('sendSMS', array( 'uName' => '48dwi5',
'uPin' => '159597',
'MSISDN' => '09152886810',
'messageString' => 'Summer Camp 2013',
'Display' => '1',
'udh' => '',
'mwi' => '',
'coding' => '0' ),
function sendSMS($number,$soapclient)
# Load XML string from input
$xml = simplexml_load_file('php://input');
# Parse the XML for parameters
$sms = array();
$nodes = $xml->xpath('/message/param');
foreach($nodes as $node)
$param = (array) $node;
$sms[$param['name']] = $param['value'];
if($sms['messageType'] == 'SMS-NOTIFICATION') {
list($action, $messagetype, $source, $type) =explode (" ",$soapclient);
}elseif($sms['messageType'] == 'SMS') {
list($action, $name, $age, $localchurch, $district) = explode(" ",$soapclient);
}elseif($sms['messageType'] == 'SMS') {
list($action, $event,$location,$time) = explode(" ", $soapclient);
else {
echo "Unsupported Message Type";
//call library
require_once ('nusoap.php');
//using soap_server to create server object
$server = new nusoap_server;
$server ->configureWSDL('
//register a function that works on server
// create the function
function reg()
$connect = mysql_connect("localhost","root","jya0312#");
if (!$connect)
die("Couldnt connect" . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("cyfdb", $connect);
$sql = "INSERT INTO mydb(name, age,localchurch,district) VALUES ('{$_POST [name]}','{$_POST[age]}','{$_POST[localchurch]}','{$_POST[district]}')";
// create HTTP listener
//call libraryrequire_once ('nusoap.php');
//using soap_server to create server object
$server = new nusoap_server;
$server ->configureWSDL(' wsdl','urn: wsdl');
//register a function that works on server
// create the function
function getquery()
$link=mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "jya0312#") or die("Cannot connect to DB!");
mysql_select_db("cyfdb") or die("Cannot select DB!");
$sql = "SELECT event,location,time from activity";
while($r = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){
$items[] = array('event'=>$r['event'],
return $items;
// create HTTP listener
