I'm trying to make sure that my twitter feed is served a certain way, cached or new. I'm using the code below to try to make sure if the cached file is old and additionally if at the same time I still have enough attempts left in my twitter rate limit. Problem is that the statement isn't seeming to work right, yet I can't figure out why. I've tried with both operators '&&' and 'AND', and neither work. Any idea?
$json = file_get_contents("http://api.twitter.com/1/account/rate_limit_status.json", true);
$decode = json_decode($json, true);
$twitter_rate_remaining = $decode['remaining_hits'];
if(((time()-filectime($file)) > 1800) && ($twitter_rate_remaining > 5)) { //do something }
Note: we do not know what $file is from your question - where does it come from? What OS and filesystem are you using?
However, I suspect you want to be using filemtime to check for updates to a cached file.
It has nothing to do with && or AND, but what the boolean values of your two conditions are - that's what boolean logic means. If either of the values are false, then the whole test will be false.
Do some debugging:
var_dump(time() - filectime($file));
var_dump(time()-filectime($file)) > 1800); // output boolean true or false
var_dump($twitter_rate_remaining > 5); // output boolean true or false;
var_dump((time()-filectime($file)) > 1800) && ($twitter_rate_remaining > 5)); // output boolean true or false
That way, you can see which of the conditions are false.
Ok, I figured it out. I did not have this included in my function. I had it outside. Doh!
$json = file_get_contents("http://api.twitter.com/1/account/rate_limit_status.json", true);
$decode = json_decode($json, true);
$twitter_rate_remaining = $decode['remaining_hits'];
So I wasn't able to get the $twitter_rate_remaining value until I moved it into it.
I am facing a weird problem using Smarty. I am generating an email's body through a template. Most times it works as expected, but from time to time, the returned data is empty. However, I do not see any error in my logs, neither I catch any exception. It is just as if the template was empty.
This is the piece of code I am using to get the email's body:
// $data is an array with template's data
// $tpl is the template's path
$s = new Smarty();
$s->assignArray( $data );
try {
$body = $s->fetch( $tpl );
} catch ( \Exception $e ) {
Debug::Log( $e->getMessage() );
// Sometimes $body is empty, but no exception is thrown.
I checked that the template has no errors, after all, it works in most cases.
I also saved $data contents when $body is empty and I ran the code manually to get $body content, but it worked, so I do not think the problem is related to template vars.
Another test I did is to try to process the template up to 5 times, sleeping for a second between the tries, but the result was always empty.
The template's cache path is writable.
I am using PHP 5.6.40, Smarty 3.1.21 and Apache2.
Can you give me a hand to debug this issue?
I have been able to reproduce the problem. Smarty always returns an empty result whenever the fetch method is called after PHP detected that the client closed the connection. For example, take this code:
ignore_user_abort(1); // Continue running even if the connection is closed
set_time_limit(180); // 3 minutes
$s = new Smarty();
$s->assignArray( $data );
// Keep writing data untill PHP realises that connection was closed
while( 1 ) {
if(connection_status() != CONNECTION_NORMAL || connection_aborted( ) ) {
echo "123456789";
$body = $s->fetch( $tpl );
if ( '' == $body ) {
throw new Exception("Result is empty");
die('Code never reaches this point');
If I call the script above and I close the connection immediately, the result of the fetch method is always empty.
However, if PHP did not detect that the connection was closed, even though it really was, the result of fetch is not empty.
ignore_user_abort(1); // Continue running even if the connection is closed
set_time_limit(180); // 3 minutes
$s = new Smarty();
$s->assignArray( $data );
// Sleep to make sure the connection was closed
// PHP do not realise the connection is closed untill it tries to write something
sleep( 60);
$body = $s->fetch( $tpl );
if ( '' == $body ) {
throw new Exception("Result is empty");
echo "Now the result is not empty";
This is the code I used to call the above scripts:
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://myhost/test.php');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 1);
echo "all done";
This seems to be related to this question: PHP ob_get_contents "sometimes" returns empty when it should not?
My script does a lot of things so it takes quite a long time to finish. Some users close their browser before the script finished, and that is when Smarty returns an empty result, as it uses ob_start a lot.
Best wishes,
blanking the page without exceptions seems to be the way smarty does everything..
im not familiar with python, however, i suspect that only exceptions are thrown. not notices. you might try at the end of your code to check of thrown notices or other warning, hoever it is called in python.
it might still be a folder persmission, have you also checked that the templates_c directory exists, and has opermissions? or any {var.name} without $.
it can be anything, smarty nevers throws exceptions, it just blanks the page.
if it still does not help, crate a basic overly-simplified template, and try that for some time to see if it still happens. if it does, it is a mistake in your template.
As far as I'm concerned, it turns out to be a bug in PHP 5.6. I made some tests using print_r with the return flag set to true, and the result after closing the connection was never empty with PHP 7.0 and PHP 8.0. However, when I used PHP 5.6 the result was empty.
error_reporting( E_ALL );
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ignore_user_abort(true);// (curl disconnects after 1 second)
ini_set('max_execution_time','180'); // 3 minutes
ini_set('memory_limit','512M'); // 512 MB
function testPrint_r($length)
$test1 = array('TEST'=>'SOMETHING');
$test2 = print_r($test1, true);
$test3 = "Array\n(\n [TEST] => SOMETHING\n)\n";
if(strcmp($test2, $test3)!==0) {
throw new Exception("Print_r check failed, output length so far: ".$length);
// consult your error.log then, or use some other reporting means
$message = "123456789\n";
$length = strlen($message);
$total_length = 0;
echo $message;
$total_length += $length;
die('it should not get here');
Using PHP 5.6, if you call the script and close the connection, the Exception is thrown because print_r returns an empty result. However, using PHP 7.0 or PHP 8.0 the script keeps running until it reaches the maximun execution time.
Kind regards,
I have 2 JSON sources and one of them reply 400 Bad request (depend of charge in servers)
So I want that my php code check the answer of both server and select working one
$server1 = 'server1.lan'
$server2 = 'server2.lan'
Here a code to check and select the working server
$data = json_decode($json);
if (count($data->data)) {
// Cycle through the array
foreach ($data->data as $idx => $data) {
echo "<p>$data->name</p>\n";
Thanks !
Below is an idea of what you may want to implement. Your goal is to get that idea and implement something like that in your own way, with a normal error handling and removal of code duplication:
$json = file_get_contents('https://server1.lan/v1/data');
if ($json === false)
$json = file_get_contents('https://server2.lan/v1/data');
if ($json === false)
die('Both servers are unavailable');
file_get_contents returns boolean false on failure, so if the first server is unavailable, call the second. If it is also unavailable, exit the script, or do some sort of error handling that you prefer.
You may want to create an array of possible server names, and use a function that iterates over all of them until it finds a working one, and returns the contents, or throws an exception on failure.
I would also suggest that you use curl, which gives you an option to see the error codes of the request, customize the request itself, and so on.
Check $http_response_header after making the file_get_contents call.
$json = file_get_contents(('https://'.$server1.'/v1/data?source='.$_GET['source']);
if (strpos($http_response_header[0],"400") > 0)
$json = file_get_contents(('https://'.$server.'/v1/data?source='.$_GET['source']);
See examples at http://php.net/manual/en/reserved.variables.httpresponseheader.php
How can I check that the $courseAreas array includes at least "ayrshire"
and "fife"?
I've tried the following code, but it does not work:
$courseAreas = array('ayrshire', 'fife', 'cheshire', 'lanarkshire');
$includesAyrshireAndFife = (count(array_intersect(array('ayrshire', 'fife'), $courseAreas)) >= 2 ? true : false);
Try putting the ? true : false outside the braces
$courseAreas = array('ayrshire', 'fife', 'cheshire', 'lanarkshire');
$includesAyrshireAndFife = (count(array_intersect(array('ayrshire', 'fife'), $courseAreas)) >= 2) ? true : false;
$courseAreas = array('ayrshire', 'stirlingshire', 'cheshire', 'lanarkshire');
$includesAyrshireAndFife = (count(array_intersect(array('ayrshire', 'fife'), $courseAreas)) >= 2) ? true : false;
Seems to work
But your original also seems to work perfectly well.... in what circumstances do you find that it fails?
$courseAreas = array('ayrshire', 'fife', 'cheshire', 'lanarkshire');
$includesAyrshireAndFife = count(array_intersect(array('ayrshire', 'fife'), $courseAreas)) > 1;
You don't even need tenary operator because with > it's already boolean expression.
I've noticed that your code works too. I've just shorten it.
You can use in_array()
See :- http://www.w3schools.com/php/func_array_in_array.asp
I know that an E_WARNING is generated by PHP
PHP Warning: Unknown: Input variables exceeded 1000
But how can I detect this in my script?
A "close enough" method would be to check if( count($_POST, COUNT_RECURSIVE) == ini_get("max_input_vars"))
This will cause a false positive if the number of POST vars happens to be exactly on the limit, but considering the default limit is 1000 it's unlikely to ever be a concern.
count($_POST, COUNT_RECURSIVE) is not accurate because it counts all nodes in the array tree whereas input_vars are only the terminal nodes. For example, $_POST['a']['b'] = 'c' has 1 input_var but using COUNT_RECURSIVE will return 3.
php://input cannot be used with enctype="multipart/form-data". http://php.net/manual/en/wrappers.php.php
Since this issue only arises with PHP >= 5.3.9, we can use anonymous functions. The following recursively counts the terminals in an array.
function count_terminals($a) {
return is_array($a)
? array_reduce($a, function($carry, $item) {return $carry + count_terminals($item);}, 0)
: 1;
What works for me is this. Firstly, I put this at the top of my script/handler/front controller. This is where the error will be saved (or $e0 will be null, which is OK).
$e0 = error_get_last();
Then I run a bunch of other processing, bootstrapping my application, registering plugins, establishing sessions, checking database state - lots of things - that I can accomplish regardless of exceeding this condition.. Then I check this $e0 state. If it's not null, we have an error so I bail out (assume that App is a big class with lots of your magic in it)
if (null != $e0) {
ob_end_clean(); // Purge the outputted Warning
App::bail($e0); // Spew the warning in a friendly way
Tweak and tune error handlers for your own state.
Registering an error handler won't catch this condition because it exists before your error handler is registered.
Checking input var count to equal the maximum is not reliable.
The above $e0 will be an array, with type => 8, and line => 0; the message will explicitly mention input_vars so you could regex match to create a very narrow condition and ensure positive identification of the specific case.
Also note, according to the PHP specs this is a Warning not an Error.
function checkMaxInputVars()
$max_input_vars = ini_get('max_input_vars');
# Value of the configuration option as a string, or an empty string for null values, or FALSE if the configuration option doesn't exist
if($max_input_vars == FALSE)
return FALSE;
$php_input = substr_count(file_get_contents('php://input'), '&');
$post = count($_POST, COUNT_RECURSIVE);
echo $php_input, $post, $max_input_vars;
return $php_input > $post;
echo checkMaxInputVars() ? 'POST has been truncated.': 'POST is not truncated.';
Call error_get_last() as soon as possible in your script (before you have a chance to cause errors, as they will obscure this one.) In my testing, the max_input_vars warning will be there if applicable.
Here is my test script with max_input_vars set to 100:
if (($error = error_get_last()) !== null) {
echo 'got error:';
if (isset($_POST['0'])) {
echo 'Got ',count($_POST),' vars';
<form method="post">
for ($i = 0; $i < 200; $i++) {
echo '<input name="',$i,'" value="foo" type="hidden">';
<input type="submit">
Output when var limit is hit:
got error:
'type' => int 2
'message' => string 'Unknown: Input variables exceeded 100. To increase the limit change max_input_vars in php.ini.' (length=94)
'file' => string 'Unknown' (length=7)
'line' => int 0
Tested on Ubuntu with PHP 5.3.10 and Apache 2.2.22.
I would be hesitant to check explicitly for this error string, for stability (they could change it) and general PHP good practice. I prefer to turn all PHP errors into exceptions, like this (separate subclasses may be overkill, but I like this example because it allows # error suppression.) It would be a little different coming from error_get_last() but should be pretty easy to adapt.
I don't know if there are other pre-execution errors that could get caught by this method.
What about something like that:
$num_vars = count( explode( '###', http_build_query($array, '', '###') ) );
You can repeat it both for $_POST, $_GET, $_COOKIE, whatever.
Still cant be considered 100% accurate, but I guess it get pretty close to it.
I am using stream_select() but it returns 0 number of descriptors after few seconds and my function while there is still data to be read.
An unusual thing though is that if you set the time out as 0 then I always get the number of descriptors as zero.
$num = stream_select($read, $w, $e, 0);
stream_select() must be used in a loop
The stream_select() function basically just polls the stream selectors you provided in the first three arguments, which means it will wait until one of the following events occur:
some data arrives
or reaches timeout (set with $tv_sec and $tv_usec) without getting any data.
So recieving 0 as a return value is perfectly normal, it means there was no new data in the current polling cycle.
I'd suggest to put the function in a loop something like this:
$EOF = false;
do {
$tmp = null;
$ready = stream_select($read, $write, $excl, 0, 50000);
if ($ready === false ) {
// something went wrong!!
} elseif ($ready > 0) {
foreach($read as $r) {
$tmp .= stream_get_contents($r);
if (feof($r)) $EOF = true;
if (!empty($tmp)) {
} else {
// No data in the current cycle
} while(!$EOF);
Please note that in this example, the script totally ignores everything aside from the input stream. Also, the third section of the "if" statement is completely optional.
Does it return the number 0 or a FALSE boolean? FALSE means there was some error but zero could be just because of timeout or nothing interesting has happen with the streams and you should do a new select etc.
I would guess this could happen with a zero timeout as it will check and return immediately. Also if you read the PHP manual about stream-select you will see this warning about using zero timeout:
Using a timeout value of 0 allows you to instantaneously poll the status of the streams, however, it is NOT a good idea to use a 0 timeout value in a loop as it will cause your script to consume too much CPU time.
If this is a TCP stream and you want to check for connection close you should check the return value from fread etc to determine if the other peer has closed the conneciton. About the read streams array argument:
The streams listed in the read array will be watched to see if characters become available for reading (more precisely, to see if a read will not block - in particular, a stream resource is also ready on end-of-file, in which case an fread() will return a zero length string).
Due to a limitation in the current Zend Engine it is not possible to
pass a constant modifier like NULL directly as a parameter to a
function which expects this parameter to be passed by reference.
Instead use a temporary variable or an expression with the leftmost
member being a temporary variable:
<?php $e = NULL; stream_select($r, $w, $e, 0); ?>
I have a similar issue which is caused by the underlying socket timeout.
Eg. I create some streams
Then fork, and use a block such as the following
stream_set_blocking($pipes[1], 1);
stream_set_blocking($pipes[2], 1);
$pipesToRead = array($pipes[1], $pipes[2]);
while (!feof($pipesToRead[0]) || !feof($pipesToRead[1])) {
$reads = $pipesToRead;
$writes = null;
$excepts = $pipesToRead;
$tSec = null;
stream_select($reads, $writes, $excepts, $tSec);
// while it's generating any kind of output, duplicate it wherever it
// needs to go
foreach ($reads as &$read) {
$chunk = fread($read, 8192);
foreach ($streams as &$stream)
fwrite($stream, $chunk);
Glossing over what other things might be wrong there, my $tSec argument to stream_select is ignored, and the "stream" will timeout after 60 seconds of inactivity and produce an EOF.
If I add the following after creating the streams
stream_set_timeout($streams[0], 999);
stream_set_timeout($streams[1], 999);
Then I get the result I desire, even if there's no activity on the underlying stream for longer than 60 seconds.
I feel that this might be a bug, because I don't want that EOF after 60 seconds of inactivity on the underlying stream, and I don't want to plug in some arbitrarily large value to avoid hitting the timeout if my processes are idle for some time.
In addition, even if the 60 second timeout remains, I think it should just timeout on my stream_select() call and my loop should be able to continue.