Pagination: How to display a long text as book pages? - php

I have a very long text and I want to display it as a book in a web page. The user will use arrow keys to move forward and backward in same way like flipping pages of the book.
Leaving apart the transition of pages, how can this be achieved using jQuery?
What I thought was calculating the amount of text that will occupy the space on one page and then breaking the whole text into such pages and then displaying them. But it seems to be a bad idea for the space occupied will be platform dependent even if we fix the font.
One more problem that I was facing while using the space calculation method was due to the css justified display of text.
Has anyone done such thing before for a web page?

To layout a long string in a beautiful book page format. You need to get the exact string portion. You can use this function.
function get_page($text, $page_index, $line_length=76, $page_length=40){
$lines = explode("\n", wordwrap($texxt, $line_length, "\n"));
$page_lines = array_slice($lines, $page_index*$page_length, $page_length);
return implode("\n", $page_lines);
$line_length = 70;
$page = 3;
$longtext= "...";
$page_text = get_page($longtext, $page-1, $line_length, $page_length);
See Demonstration.
$longtext = "..."; // it can be retrieved from sql as well.
$index=is_int($_GET['page'])? intval($_GET['page']): 1;
$line_length = 70;
$longtext= "...";
$page_text = get_page($longtext, $index-1, $line_length, $page_length);
echo json_encode(array('text'=>$page_text));
var nextPage=2;
$.get("getpage.php", { page: nextPage }, function(data){
alert("text is "+data.text;
// show the text data.text


best way to store html in sql using php - display in htmlText in as3

I am having many issues getting html to display correctly in my using a dynamic textField in as3. I am having two main issues.
Either the <br> and <p> are not showing he leaves no line breaks or not the correct formatting with no spaces between some words etc...
there is an error loading because I have it stored in the database wrong, or I am sending the var to flash wrong so flash can't read it or display it correctly.
I understand there are a few levels of complexity to this that could be found in one or all of these 3 codes.
Storing it in the database and using best format.
Pulling it from the database and converting it to a string that can be sent to as3.
Getting the as3 to display the html correctly.
I am not worried about css styles or any other html. I just want it to display the format correctly with the right line breaks etc...
One important note. I am pulling the html from an external page so I don't have control over all the extra html code in this, such as styles etc....
In mySql I am storing the html in a TEXT type as opposed to varchar etc...
Here is the php code that is storing the html text.
// I am only showing what I believe to be the relevant code.
//I am mainly concerned about the Content var.
$content = trim(strip_tags(addslashes($content)));
// Also tried the line below without the strip tags
$content = trim(addslashes($content));
mysqli_query($con,"INSERT INTO myDataBase (Content, Title) VALUES ('$content','$t'");
Here the php code that is getting the content from the sql.
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))
$Content[] = stripslashes($row['Content']);
/// sending to as3
echo "&Content1=$Content[1]";
Here is the as3 code that is displaying the html. (Not working well)
public function popeContent()
var formatT = new TextFormat( );
formatT.bold = false;
formatT.color = 0x454544;
formatT.font = "TradeGothic";
formatT.size = 40;
formatT.leading = 10;
formatT.font = "Arial";
theContent.multiline = true;
theContent.wordWrap = true;
theContent.htmlText = Content1;
theContent.width = 1075;
theContent.y = 0;
theContent.x = 0;
theContent.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
Any help to send me in the right direction would be appreciated. Thanks so much.

Generate tooltip through * symbol

I have the following PHP code:
function word_filter()
$tt_tijdelijke = '';
$tt_gestoffeerd = '';
$tt_gemeubileerd = '';
str_replace('tijdelijke', '<span class="incexc-single" tooltip="'.$tt_tijdelijke.'">tijdelijke</span>');
str_replace('gestoffeerd', '<span class="incexc-single" tooltip="'.$tt_gestoffeerd.'">gestoffeerd</span>');
str_replace('gemeubileerd', '<span class="incexc-single" tooltip="'.$tt_gemeubileerd.'">gemeubileerd</span>');
return true;
I need this to run on every page in the website, replacing all the words with the same word, but inserted in a span. Doing so will allow a tooltip to appear when I mouse over the word.
The mouseover and tooltip already work, but I can't figure out how to get the replace to work on all pages.
How can I best call this function without causing too much page load?
I think you can use javascript split. the code will alert the text, but you can change that and use it for tooltip.
var txt = 'Word*tooltip';

Relating PHP to source files

Sorry if the title is a bit vague, couldn't think of a better way to phrase it, anyway.
I'm attempting to make a page system for a website. Where you predictably start on page one, and then click page two and a different set of images appear. Each page has 12 images which are all thumbnail images. You click on the thumbnail image and lightbox brings up the high res shot.
My current problem is that I cannot link the PHP script to the images correctly. To me it looks correct but it doesn't work, so clearly not.
Thumbnails are name "thumb1.jpg" from 1-24, full images are name "img1.jpg" from 1-24
$imgs = array(12, 12, );
$currPage = $_GET["page"];
$currPage = 1;
for($i = 1; $i<$imgs[$currPage-1]+1;$i++)
echo "<a href='albums/norfolk weekender 2012/img'.$imgs[$currPage][$i].'.jpg' rel='lightbox[group]'><img src='albums/norfolk weekender 2012/thumb'.$imgs[$currPage][$i].'.jpg'/></a>";
Anyway, I'm unsure why it doesn't work, and any help will be much appreciated.
It looks like you should be using " instead of ' to wrap round this embedded variable both times you reference it in the code, since your echo is distinguished by ".
Either way, looking at this it doesn't seem this array structure you've got going on is working.
"albums/norfolk weekender 2012/img".$imgs[$currPage][$i].".jpg"
Have you not considered something like this (care, it's rough); with $pageNo representing $_GET["page"]
for ( $i = ($pageNo - 1) * 12 + 1; $i <= ($pageNo * 12); $i++ )
echo "<a href='albums/norfolk weekender 2012/img".$i.".jpg' rel='lightbox[group]'><img src='albums/norfolk weekender 2012/thumb".$i.".jpg'/></a>";
If presentation (i.e. checking to see if an image exists before displaying it) is a major concern, you could use file_exists( filename ). By creating an Array like this...
$imgs = array(12, 12, ); are simply creating an array containing two elements of 12 (and possibly a blank element, I'm not entirely sure.) I think where you went wrong is you attempted to declare the size in the "constructor" of Array; in PHP this is not the case.

what is {VARIABLE} in HTML means, and how to initialize it?

I have recently reading someone code. In his code I see a weird html text written like {VARIABLE} . What is that syntax mean? and how to create it? Thanks
In PHP, there's something called "Complex (curly) syntax" (look for this deeper in the page) where you inject variable's values into strings using {} instead of cutting and concatenating the string.
A similar answer can be found here
Another case is that the HTML could contain that text is when it is used as a template, like this one in CodeIgniter.
You don't initialize it. It's part of their templating engine.
Regardless of how they are doing it, the idea is to find/replace "{VAR}" with the actual data you want.
var songTemplate = "<li class=\"track\"><span class=\"num\">{{TRACKNUM}}.</span>" +
"<span class=\"title\">{{TITLE}}</span>" +
"<span class=\"duration\">{{DURATION}}</span></li>";
var songs = [ { tracknum : 1, title : "Speak to Me/Breathe", duration : "4:13" },
{ tracknum : 2, title : "On the Run", duration : "3:36" },
{ tracknum : 3, title : "Time", duration : "7:01" } ];
function makeTrack (song, template) {
var track = "";
track = template.replace("{{TRACKNUM}}", song.tracknum);
track = template.replace("{{TITLE}}"), song.title);
track = template.replace("{{DURATION}}", song.duration);
return track;
function trackList (songs, template) {
var list = "<ul class=\"tracklist\">";
songs.forEach(function (song) {
list += makeTrack(song, template);
list += "</ul>";
return list;
var songlist = trackList(songs, songTemplate);
parentEl.innerHTML = songlist;
The basic idea, regardless of what language is used to template it, is that you start with a string of HTML, pull out what you know you want to replace, and put in the data that you want.
I've shown you an ugly, ugly template (it'd be better if I only had to write in an array of variable names, and it did the rest... ...or if it looked through the string to find {{X}} and then looked through an object for the right value to replace what it found).
This also has security holes, if you don't control both the template and the data (if you allow for end-user input anywhere on your site, then you don't have control).
But this should be enough to show how templates do what they do, and why.

A fast way (or alternate way) to dynamically load 40000 links in an image map?

I'm bringing back a GD Image which is generated from user information in a database, now on the page where this image is viewed. I have the following area map for the image generated by the same sort of query to create a link to that users profile. However, there are a possible 40000 users in the database... anyway, what I have IS working, but as you can imagine it takes a long while for it to load.
<map id="pixel" name="pixel">
$map_x_1 = 0;
$map_y_1 = 0;
$map_x_2 = 5;
$map_y_2 = 5;
$block_num = 1;
while ($map_y_2 <= 1000) {
while ($map_x_2 <= 1000) {
$actual_x_cood = $map_x_1+1;
$actual_y_cood = $map_y_1+1;
$grid_search = mysql_query("SELECT *
FROM project
WHERE project_x_cood = '$actual_x_cood' AND project_y_cood = '$actual_y_cood'") or die(mysql_error());
$block_exists = mysql_num_rows($grid_search);
if ($block_exists == 1) {
echo("<area shape=\"rect\" coords=\"$map_x_1, $map_y_1, $map_x_2, $map_y_2\" href=\"/block/$block_num/\" alt=\"\" title=\"$block_num\" />\n");
} else {
echo("<area shape=\"rect\" coords=\"$map_x_1, $map_y_1, $map_x_2, $map_y_2\" href=\"/block/$block_num/\" alt=\"\" title=\"$block_num\" />\n");
$map_x_1 = $map_x_1 + 5;
$map_x_2 = $map_x_2 + 5;
$block_num = $block_num+1;
$map_y_1 = $map_y_1 + 5;
$map_y_2 = $map_y_2 + 5;
$map_x_1 = 0;
$map_x_2 = 5;
I was thinking about just throwing in a quick jquery load screen over the top in a div and then hiding it once the page has fully loaded so it looks nicer. But I'm not really too happy with the idea of it since I would just like to load it faster.
So is there a quicker way to do it, maybe PHP? JS? Thanks!
You should consider using an input:image element. It will retreive the x-y coords as built-in functionality, and can be used in JavaScript or as part of the submission of a form.
After receiving the x-y coords, you can use a quad-tree or other algorithm for quick spacial-searching in your dataset.
you should capture the coordinates in the image map (easy with jquery) and pass it to the server which then calculates the user clicked.
i did something similar with a rate bar that hat hat 100 values (1-100%). but it was done in prototype so the code wont help you much.
small hint: i had to substract the left position of the container from the absolute click position.
in php and forms its not so flexible but far easier. you can just specify an input type image. the coordinates will be passed as post variables.
something like
will suffice
