I have tried to use php to caculate a image's avarage color.
So I use the php function: imagecolorat(), imagecreatefromstring()
This is a part of my code:
$fcontents = file_get_contents($imgname);
$im = #imagecreatefromstring($fcontents);
But I find it can read image successfully except .ico
How to deal with it?
Try https://github.com/lordelph/icofileloader
$loader = new Elphin\IcoFileLoader\IcoFileService;
$im = $loader->extractIcon('/path/to/icon.ico', 32, 32);
//$im is a GD image resource, so we could, for example, save this as a PNG
imagepng($im, '/path/to/output.png');
Function imagecreatefromstring() does not work with .ico - format: imagecreatefromstring() returns an image identifier representing the image obtained from the given image. These types will be automatically detected if your build of PHP supports them: JPEG, PNG, GIF, WBMP, and GD2.
Apparently, it is possible using this class
I have a doubt. Is there a problem if I force imagejpeg to save a .png file?
Like in this example:
I want to use this method because I can use the $quality filter.
In this method I have a saved .png file for about 25kb, but if I use imagepng my image is for about 200kb (I used the $quality level from 0-9 but I didn't saw any changes, only -20 kb).
I don't want to make a mistake because my website is generating .png images every second.
Method 2.
I tried to compress the .png images with pngquant but I have no idea how to do it when I am using imagepng function.
I tried something like this, but It doesn't work if I pass the image to the function.
$png = ob_get_clean();
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/test.png", compress($png);
function compresss($img)
In other cases if I have $png = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'] is working. So is there a way to compress with pngquant, or is there a problem if I force imagejpeg to save a .png file?
Your forcing just the filename of the created file. The resulting file will be jpg with all its properties. You will not get a compressed png file if you use the imagejpeg() method.
You need to understand the difference of the both formats. While jpg is a compressed format which loses image information when compressing, png is a lossless format. png also has a compression level, but since no image informatio is destroyed, it will be bigger as an jpg file.
If you use imagepng($image, $filename, 9) you get a png file with the best compression.
You should use imagepng() instead of imagejpeg() to create a png file.
I have the following code in PHP to take the screenshot of first page of the PDF.
$name = getcwd()."\\testfile";
$img = new imagick();
$img->setImageCompression(\Imagick::COMPRESSION_ZIP );
header("Content-type : image/png");
echo $img;
This code produces the PNG of 62kb only in the Google Chrome's Resource monitor tab. But the image which is written by Imagick() is above 114kb. Just to make sure image isn't compressed and or any other issues i have used a online service called TinyPNG and they compressed the image shrinking it to exactly 62kb i get in browser...
What could be wrong in this code? Also i am using PNG8 format because thats more efficient.
I think this is caused by your writeImage statement. If you write a PNG image without specifying png8: specifically in the filename your image will not be stored in that format. In essence setImageFormat will only affect when you retrieve the image as a string (echo $img).
If you do the following:
$img->writeImage ('png8:' . $name . ".png");
it should be stored as a png8. You can verify this with identify -verbose and checking the Depth / Channel Depth.
These are the default compression methods used for the following common image formats:
I need to convert a .png file to .bmp; I'm using the outcome in printer_draw_bmp() to print out a barcode.
GD can generate WBMP, but as far as I can tell that's not the same as .bmp. How can I do this conversion? Or is there another way to print a .png directly?
There is a opensource project on Github that allows reading and saving of BMP files (and other file formats) in PHP.
The project is called PHP Image Magician.
AFAIK, GD doesn't support bmp format. But you can use ImageMagick to save file in bmp format:
$im = new Imagick('image.png');
Or if you want to output image to http response:
$im = new Imagick('image.png');
echo $im;
I have a php script that will receive a bunch of images uploaded.
What I need to do is create a small thumbnail of each, on the fly using imagemagick.
I can do that easy enough but I also need to crop it so that the thumbnail is always 100x100.
the images supplied won't be the same proportions so simply downsizing won't work.
Can I downsize, crop to 100x100 and save to jpeg all in one step?
I believe this should do what you want:
convert 'just_uploaded/*' -resize 100x100^ -gravity center -extent 100x100 -set filename:f '%t' +adjoin 'just_uploaded_thumbs/%[filename:f].jpg'
resize will downsize, extent (in combination with gravity) will crop, and the rest takes care of saving with a modified name, in JPEG format, in a different directory.
Short answer: no. That'll be 3 steps, no less.
Longer answer: you can do it using the command line interface. In PHP, the only way is to write a function that will do what you ask. Then, for each image, you can just call your function. I'm not sure how this is more beneficial than just using the 3 Imagick functions separately...
I like the sfThumbnailPlugin. It wraps around both ImageMagick or GD
public function executeUpload()
// Retrieve the name of the uploaded file
$fileName = $this->getRequest()->getFileName('file');
// Create the thumbnail
$thumbnail = new sfThumbnail(150, 150);
$thumbnail->save(sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir').'/thumbnail/'.$fileName, 'image/png');
// Move the uploaded file to the 'uploads' directory
$this->getRequest()->moveFile('file', sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir').'/'.$fileName);
// Do whatever is next
In my web app users are allowed to upload images as their photos. How can I convert different image extensions to JPG? Input files are JPG, PNG or GIF.
Personally, I prefer Image Magick over GD. It's a lot better if you're dealing with large images too; you can run into memory allocation issues with GD.
With php, you can convert any image to an other using imagepng, imagejpeg, imagegif :
imagepng(imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($input)), 'output.png');
In this example, it will save the uploaded image in png with the path 'output.png'
You can use PHP GD.
For anybody who would want to get the binary out of a temporary file, here is my solution:
$temp = tmpfile();
imagepng(imagecreatefromstring($imgBinary), $temp);
$pathFile = stream_get_meta_data($temp)['uri']; // eg: /tmp/phpFx0513a
$pngBin = file_get_contents($pathFile)