I would like to change wiki syntax to html using these techniques mentioned here.
Here is the source code of my php page which seems to work fine. You may try yourself like this:
if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) define('DOKU_INC',realpath(dirname(__FILE__)).'/');
//import variables
$QUERY = trim($_REQUEST['id']);
$ID = getID();
$REV = $_REQUEST['rev'];
$HIGH = $_REQUEST['s'];
if(empty($HIGH)) $HIGH = getGoogleQuery();
//sanitize revision
$REV = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/','',$REV);
$html = p_wiki_xhtml($ID,$REV,true);
$html = addslashes($html);
$html = ereg_replace("\n", '\n'."\\\n", $html);
$html = str_replace("</a>", "</a> ", $html);
echo ('var zoomy = "'.$html.'";');
echo ("document.write(zoomy);");
$url = "http://www.temelelektronik.net/wiki/" . str_replace(':', '/', $_REQUEST['id']);
$footer = '<hr /><br /><em>This page was autogenerated from
' . $url . ' <br />Please edit the wiki to contribute any updates or corrections.</em>';
$footer = '"' . $footer . '"';
echo ('document.write('. $footer . ')');
But when I add this Javascript code to a blank html page I see nothing. Here is the HTML file.
<script language="Javascript" src="/show.php?id=test"></script>
As you'd see it shows nothing.
How can I solve this issue? Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated. Thanks..
Because you supplied the wrong URL?
<script language="Javascript" src="/show.php?id=test"></script>
Apparently it should be /wiki/show.php?id=test
I have an XML file I want to read, but can't seem to make sense of it.
To access the file I pulled you can type in:
I'm doing this through PHP, so my code looks like:
<title>Hellow World</title>
$zillow_id = 'X1-ZWz1gyo1562s5n_6sext';
$search = '155 Demar Blvd';
$citystate = 'Canonsburg PA';
$address = urlencode($search);
$citystatezip = urlencode($citystate);
$url = "http://www.zillow.com/webservice/GetSearchResults.htm?zws-id=$zillow_id&address=$address&citystatezip=$citystatezip";
$result = file_get_contents($url);
$data = simplexml_load_string($result);
echo $data->response->results->result->lotSizeSqFt . "<br>";
I had expected this code to result in the printout of the lot size - in square feet - to the screen. No dice.
However, the line of code:
echo $data->response->results->result->zpid . "<br>";
returns the expected value for the zpid parameter: 49785503.
In an ideal world the line of code:
echo $data->response->results->result->lotSizeSqFt . "<br>";
would return: 9000.
What am I doing wrong?
You're using the wrong endpoint in your code.
Your endpoint:
The correct endpoint:
Using the GetDeepSearchResults will return the results you're looking for.
I'm making an application to remove additive or commonly called Stemming confix stripping. I wanted to make a loop to process stemming in each text file. process stemming I've put them in the loop. making the process the content of each document also I put in a text file. when I run in the browser no error but only the note NULL. what's the solution? I attach my program and program results`it is code
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$array_sentence = glob('../../ujicoba/simpantoken/*.txt');
settype($array_sentence, "string");
if(is_array($array_sentence) && is_object($array_sentence))
foreach ($array_sentence as $text)
$textnormalizer = new src\Sastrawi\Stemmer\Filter\TextNormalizer();
$stemmerFactory = new \Sastrawi\Stemmer\StemmerFactory();
$stemmer = $stemmerFactory->createStemmer();
$content = file_get_contents($text);
$stemmer = $stemmerFactory->createStemmer();
$output = $stemmer->stem(array($content));
echo $output . "\n";
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Confix Stripping Stemmer</title>
my source code result in browser when running programenter code here
On l.4, settype($array_sentence, "string"); force $array_sentence as a string, which means is_array($array_sentence) && is_object($array_sentence) will return false.
The following code works for stemming:
$regexRules = array(
global $regexRules;
$file_string = glob('yourfoldertoseavedata_text/*.txt');
$string = array('(.*)');
foreach ($file_string as $data)
$string[] = file_get_contents($data);
$stemming = str_ireplace($regexRules,"", $string);
I am using these codes so that I can pass the file needed or other attribute through variables but it is not working properly. I don't know what the problem is because the code looks pretty fine to me. Index page does not show any content from header's page.
function render($template, $data = array())
$path = $template . ' .$php ';
<?php require_once('helper.php') ?>
<!doctype html>
<title><?php echo htmlspecialchars($title); ?></title>
render('header', array('title' => 'Index'));
This is wrong:
$path = $template . ' .$php ';
You are adding spaces and a $ sign to your path:
$path = $template . '.php';
I believe you must want this line
$path = $template . ' .$php ';
to actually be this:
$path = $template . '.php';
$title = "TITLE";
<title><?php echo $title; ?></title>
I want my title to be set after including the header file. Is it possible to do this?
expanding on Dainis Abols answer, and your question on output handling,
consider the following:
your header.php has the title tag set to <title>%TITLE%</title>;
the "%" are important since hardly anyone types %TITLE% so u can use that for str_replace() later.
then, you can use output buffer like so
$buffer=str_replace("%TITLE%","NEW TITLE",$buffer);
echo $buffer;
and that should do it.
I believe Guy's idea works better since it gives you a default if you need it, IE:
The title is now <title>Backup Title</title>
Code is now:
$title = "page title";
$buffer = preg_replace('/(<title>)(.*?)(<\/title>)/i', '$1' . $title . '$3', $buffer);
echo $buffer;
1. Simply add $title variable before require function
$title = "Your title goes here";
2. Add following code into header.php
<title><?php echo $title; ?></title>
What you can do is, you store the output in a variable like:
$output = '<html><title>%TITLE%</title><body>';
PS: You need to remove all echos/prints etc so that all possible output is stored in the $output variable.
This can be easely done, by defining $output = ''; at the start of the file and then find/replace echo to $output .=.
And then replace the %TITLE% to what you need:
$title = "TITLE";
$output = str_replace('%TITLE%', $title, $output);
echo $output;
Another way is using javascript in your code, instead of:
<title><?php echo $title; ?></title>
Put this in there:
<script type="text/javascript">
document.title = "<?=$title;?>"
Or jQuery, if you prefer:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$(this).attr("title", "<?=$title;?>");
Expanding a little on we.mamat's answer,
you could use a preg_replace instead of the simple replace and remove the need for a %title% altogether. Something like this:
$title = "page title";
$buffer = preg_replace('/(<title>)(.*?)(<\/title>)/i', '$1' . $title . '$3', $buffer);
echo $buffer;
you can set using JavaScript
<script language="javascript">
document.title = "The new title goes here.";
Add this code on top your page
$title="This is the new page title";
Add this code on your Template header file (include)
<title><?php echo $title; ?></title>
It's very easy.
Put this code in header.php
$sitename = 'Your Site Name'
echo "<title>$pagetitle." | ". $sitename</title>";
else {
echo "<title>$sitename</title>";
Then in the page put there :
$pagetitle = 'Sign up'
include "header.php";
So if you are on Index.php , The title is Your Site Name.
And for example if you are on sign up page , The title is Sign up | Your Site Name
Every Simple just using a function , I created it .
function change_meta_tags($title,$description,$keywords){
// This function made by Jamil Hammash
$output = ob_get_contents();
if ( ob_get_length() > 0) { ob_end_clean(); }
$patterns = array("/<title>(.*?)<\/title>/","<meta name='description' content='(.*)'>","<meta name='keywords' content='(.*)'>");
$replacements = array("<title>$title</title>","meta name='description' content='$description'","meta name='keywords' content='$keywords'");
$output = preg_replace($patterns, $replacements,$output);
echo $output;
First of all you must create function.php file and put this function inside ,then make require under the MetaTags in Header.php .
To use this function change_meta_tags("NEW TITLE","NEW DESCRIPTION",NEW KEYWORDS); .
Don't use this function in Header.php !! just with another pages .
Use a jQuery function like this:
$("title").html('your title');
I seem to have a syntax error and can't see it myself, could someone run over it for me please?
var acurl_<?php echo $request_data['friendship_id']; ?> = "sn-include/create_bond_accept.php?friendship_id=<?php echo $request_data['friendship_id']; ?>&friend_id=<?php echo $fromuser['id']; ?>";
Because you got some answers that intended to show you how to improve your code, but actually don't do so (IMO), here is my attempt:
$acurl = array();
$acurl[$request_data['friendship_id']] = sprintf('sn-include/create_bond_accept.php?friendship_id=%s&friend_id=%s', $request_data['friendship_id'], $fromuser['id']);
var acurl = <?php echo json_encode($acurl); ?>
I would not create dynamic variable names. This code would create a JS object, where the properties are the friendship IDs, something like:
'42': 'sn-include/create_bond_accept...'
You can access these URLs more easily from JavaScript than if you have dynamic variable names.
David, on the bright side, you don't have a syntax error.
If you're developing PHP, I would recommend two things:
Get a better IDE. Dreamweaver is TERRIBLE for working with PHP. I recommend NetBeans (it's awesome and free).
Start breaking up your code into chunks. The big ball of html and PHP is hard to debug.
Check this out:
// prepare output
$segment = '?friendship_id=' . $request_data['friendship_id'];
$segment .= '&friend_id=' . $fromuser['id'] . '";' . "\n";
$acurl = 'var acurl_' . $request_data['friendship_id'];
$acurl .= ' = "sn-include/create_bond_accept.php';
$acurl .= $segment;
$dnurl = 'var dnurl_' . $request_data['friendship_id'];
$dnurl .= ' = "sn-include/create_bond_deny.php';
$dnurl .= $segment;
<script type="text/javascript">
echo $acurl;
echo $dnurl;
Use here doc instead:
echo <<<JS
var acurl_{$request_data['friendship_id']} = "sn-include/create_bond_accept.php?friendship_id={$request_data['friendship_id']}&friend_id={$fromuser['id']}";
var dnurl_{$request_data['friendship_id']} = "sn-include/create_bond_deny.php?friendship_id={$request_data['friendship_id']}&friend_id={$fromuser['id']}";
See http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.string.php#language.types.string.syntax.heredoc