check string function - php

I am currently trying to get my head around some basic php string functions. I currently use this code which determines if the username entered in long enough e.g.:
if (strlen($_GET['name']) < 3) {
echo 'First Name should be at least 3 characters long!';
And this works just fine. Which string function should I use though if I want to to check on a specific name? E.g. I would like to trigger a message once someone enters a specific Word in the form field.
Some expert advice would be greatly appreciated.

This link of 60 PHP validation functions is an excelent resource.
For your case as to check a name, you could use something like:
if (strtolower($_GET['name']) === 'joe') {
// Do something for Joe
elseif (in_array(strtolower($_GET['name']), array('dave', 'bob', 'jane')) {
// Do something else for Dave, Bob or Jane
The strtolower will ensure that upper, lower or mixed case names will match.

You don't need a function for that. You can use a if statement and ==:
if ( $_GET['name'] == 'Dave' )
// user entered 'Dave'

if statement, or if you plan to check against multiple names, switch().
case "Eric":
case "Sally":
case "Tom":

Its good practice to check that $_GET['name'] is set before using. To answer your question a good way IMO is in_array(needle,haystack)
if (!empty($_GET['name']) && strlen($_GET['name']) < 3) {
echo 'First Name should be at least 3 characters long!';
//From a database or preset
$names = array('Bob','Steve','Grant');
if(in_array($_GET['name'], $names)){
echo 'Name is already taken!';

You can use strstr or stristr(case-insensitive) function, If want to search for specific word in a sentence.
Just check php mannual for strstr, and stristr.


Return true/false if word in URL matches specific word

I currently use:
if(strpos($command->href,§current_view) !== false){
echo '<pre>true</pre>';
} else {
echo '<pre>false</pre>';
$command->href will output something like this: /path/index.php?option=com_component&view=orders Whereas
§current_view is outputting orders. These outputs are dynamically generated, but the scheme will always be the same.
What I need to do is return true/false if the words from $current_view match the view=orders in the URLs from $command->href. The issue with my code is, that it doesnt match anything.
What is the correct way to do this?
Please note that the $command->href and the whole code is inside a while function, that pass multiple URLs and this only needs to match the same ones.
Breaking it down to a simple example, using your code and variable values.
$current_view = 'orders';
$command = '/path/index.php?option=com_component&view=orders';
if(strpos($command,$current_view) !== false){
echo '<pre>true</pre>';
else {
echo '<pre>false</pre>';
The oputput is "true".
Now, go and debug the REAL values of $command->href and $current_view...
I'm pretty confident that the values are not what you think they are.
Does something like:
if(substr($command->href, strrpos($command->href, '&') + 6) == $current_view)
accomplish what you are after?
To explain, strpos get the last instance of a character in a string (& for you, since you said it always follows the scheme). Then we move over 6 characters to take "&view=" out of the string.
You should now be left with "orders" == "orders".
Or do you sometimes include some arguments after the view?
Try parsing url, extracting your view query string value and compare it to $current_view
$query= [];
parse_str(parse_url($command->href)['query'], $query);
if($current_view === $query["view"])
echo '<pre>true</pre>';
} else {
echo '<pre>false</pre>';

Use of Preg_match to Determine Mobile Number or Email

I'm asking if there are better ways of determining what string has been inputted, either a phone number or an email, here are my already working code
public function InviteFriend($invitation)
// Initialize Connection
$conn = $this->conn;
// Check what type of Invitation it is
if (preg_match_all('~\b\d[- /\d]*\d\b~', $invitation, $res) > 0) {
$type = 'phone';
} else if (preg_match_all('/^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*#[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,})$/i', $invitation, $res) > 0) {
$type = 'email';
echo $type;
But my concern is if a user typed both phone and email in the same string, which of the if statement would be picked and which would be ignored? and is my way of determining which type of string proper or is there a more efficient way?
There are two anchors almost available in all regex flavors which you have used in your second regex for validating an email address, shown as ^ and $ and meant as beginning and end of input string respectively.
You should use them for first validation as well. Your phone number validation lacks a good validation since it validates an arbitrary sequence of strings like 1------- --------5 that doesn't look like a phone number and much more things since it doesn't match against whole string (missing both mentioned anchors). So I used \d{10} to indicate a 10-digit phone number that you may want to change it to meet your own requirements, this time more precisely.
You don't really want that kind of email validation either. Something more simpler is better:
public function InviteFriend($invitation)
if (preg_match('~^\d{10}$~', $invitation)) {
$type = 'phone';
} else if (preg_match('~^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*#[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,})$~i', $invitation)) {
$type = 'email';
echo $type ?? 'Error';

Phone number validating in php

I would like to "validate" my posted phone number. I don't really care about the format, i just want to use only numbers and some chars.
I tried this code, but if i type at least one number to my string then string will be valid. (for ex.: asdafadas-1asd will be valid)
How to fix this?
if (!(strcspn($_POST['phone'], '0123456789-/ ') != strlen($_POST['phone']) )){
$_SESSION['phone_err']='Only numbers and -/';
thank you.
You should use a regular expression instead, something like:
Otherwise have a look at libphonenumber - it seems that a php port exists:
var_dump(preg_match('/^[0-9\/-]+$/', 'asdafadas-1asd'));
=> int(0)
var_dump(preg_match('/^[0-9\/-]+$/', '12/34-56'));
=> int(1)
Try This .
if(ereg("^[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}$", $number) ) {
echo "works";
} else {
$errmsg = 'Please enter your valid phone number';
Working code
if (!(preg_match("([0-9-]+)", $_POST['phone']) != strlen($_POST['phone']) )){
$_SESSION['phone_err']='Only numbers and -/';
one recommendation: use javascript/jquery to validate your forms, so the users can correct right away before submit.
Try this:
if (!(preg_match("([0-9-]+)", $_POST['phone']) != strlen($_POST['phone']) )){
$_SESSION['phone_err']='Only numbers and -/';

PHP: filename searching/matching

How would I go about searching/matching for a paticular set of a characters in a filename, for example 3XYTPRQgz.pdf is the filename, I need to search for '3XYTPRQ', then if this string is found I simply want to output 'job completed', if its not there it will be set to queued. ( I want to do this for more than one file).
My thoughts on how to do this is, (I am struggling on the matching of the string part) :
if(match("7digitnumber) //then < not sure what function to use any tips?
if file_exists($7digitnumber/filename)
echo "completed";
echo "queued";
Thanks for any help.
If you simply want to find out if a given string (your case "3XYTPRQ") is part of a longer string ("3XYTPRQgz.pdf") you can take a look at strstr.

Determine if a character is alphabetic

Having problems with this.
Let's say I have a parameter composed of a single character and I only want to accept alphabetic characters. How will I determine that the parameter passed is a member of the latin alphabet (a–z)?
By the way Im using PHP Kohana 3.
$ch = 'a';
if (ctype_alpha($ch)) {
// Accept
} else {
// Reject
This also takes locale into account if you set it correctly.
EDIT: To be complete, other posters here seem to think that you need to ensure the parameter is a single character, or else the parameter is invalid. To check the length of a string, you can use strlen(). If strlen() returns any non-1 number, then you can reject the parameter, too.
As it stands, your question at the time of answering, conveys that you have a single character parameter somewhere and you want to check that it is alphabetical. I have provided a general purpose solution that does this, and is locale friendly too.
Use the following guard clause at the top of your method:
if (!preg_match("/^[a-z]$/", $param)) {
// throw an Exception...
If you want to allow upper case letters too, change the regular expression accordingly:
if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z]$/", $param)) {
// throw an Exception...
Another way to support case insensitivity is to use the /i case insensitivity modifier:
if (!preg_match("/^[a-z]$/i", $param)) {
// throw an Exception...
preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z]$/', $var_vhar);
Method will return int value: for no match returns 0 and for matches returns 1.
I'd use ctype, as Nick suggested,since it is not only faster than regex, it is even faster than most of the string functions built into PHP. But you also need to make sure it is a single character:
if (ctype_alpha($ch) && strlen($ch) == 1) {
// Accept
} else {
// Reject
You can't use [a-zA-Z] for Unicode.
here are the example working with Unicode,
if ( preg_match('/^\p{L}+$/u', 'my text') ) {
echo 'match';
} else {
echo 'not match';
This will help hopefully.This a simple function in php called ctype_alpha
$mystring = 'a'
if (ctype_alpha($mystring))
//Then do the code here.
You can try:
The return value of the above function is true if the $input_char contains a single alphabet, else it is false. You can suitably make use of return value.
