I have one sql server 2008 database table in which i am storing all types of documents i.e. doc,docx,pdf,image.
the datatype of the data field is 'image'.
Data is stored in database.
But i need to retrieve it and display it in my php page.
I dont need to save or change it but user only need to view that document.
I am using simple select query like
select docid,docname,data from documents
The data field results in System.Byte[].
What do i need to do to print that document in my php application ?
Please help me.
Thanks in Advance.
To display directly from memory you're going to need to know the mimetype. In tables that store random files like that the usual process is to also store the type of file and mimetype in another field. Do you have access to that kind of data?
If you do know the mimetype then you can notify the browser what to expect with the technique used the answers posted to this similar question. Google Header Content-Type for more information.
If you don't know the file mime type then your probably going to have to save the binary to a file locally on your webserver and then attempt to display it from there and hope the browser knows what to do with the file type.
I have a simple image upload form. When someone uploads an image, it is for a football pool, so there always is a $poolid that goes with the image they upload.
Right now, I am naming the uploaded image using the poolid. So for example, if someone uploads an image, it might get named P0714TYER7EN.png.
All the app will ever do is, when it outputs the football pool's page, it will check to see if an image exists for that pool and if so, it will show it. It checks like this:
if (file_exists("uploads/".$poolid.".png")) { //code to show it }
My first thought when planning this was to add a field called "image" in my MYSQL database's table for all the pool information (called pools) and I would store a value of either the image name (P0714TYER7EN.png) or empty if there wasn't one uploaded. Then I would check that field in the database to determine if an image exists or not.
But I realized I don't really need to store anything in the database because I can simply use the PHP file_exists check above to know if there is an image or not.
In other words, it would seem redundant to have a field in the database.
Everything works doing it this way (i.e. NOT having a field in the database) but I'm wondering if this is bad practice for any reason?
If anyone feels that I should absolutely still have a field in the database, please share your thoughts. I just want to do it the proper way.
Thank you.
The approach could depend a lot on what exactly you're trying to do. Seems like the options you would have is:
File System Only
Benefits would be the speed of accessing static files of an image and use of it in your HTML directly which makes it a more simple solution. Also if you're comfortable with using these functions it will be faster to finish.
Drawbacks would be that you're limited to using file_exists and similar. Any code to manage files this way has to be very specific and static. You also can not search or perform operations efficiently on this. In general relying on the file system alone is not a best practice from my experience.
Database Only
Benefits, you can use Blob type as a column with meta data like owner, uploader, timestamp, etc. in the same row. This makes checking for existing files faster as well as any searching or other operations fast and efficient.
Drawbacks, you can't serve files statically using a CDN or even a cookie-less subdomain or other strategies for page performance. You also have to use PHP and MySQL to generate then serve any images via code rather than just referring to the image file directly.
Benefits, basically the same benefits as both above. You can have your metadata in MySQL with a MD5 hash and location of the file available as well. Your PHP then renders the page with a direct link to the file rather than processing the Blob to an image. You could use this in conjunction with a CDN by prefixing or storing the CDN location as well.
Drawbacks, if you manually changed names of files on the server you'd have to rely on a function matching hashes to detect this, though this would also affect a File System Only that needs to detect a duplicate file potentially.
TLDR; the Hybrid approach is what you'll see most software use like WordPress or others and I believe would be considered a best practice while file system only is a bit of a hack.
Note: Database only could be a best approach in specific situations where you want database clustering and replication of images directly in your database rather than to a file system (especially if the file system is restricted access or unable to be modified for any reason, then you have full flexibility on the DB).
You can also use the blob datatypes from mysql. There you can save the image as binary data next to the data about the football pool.
So when you want to load an football pool you simple fire an sql statement and check if it returns a result, if so load the image from the database and display the data, otherwise throw an error.
If you have very frequent access you can simply put the images into a seperate table and load the image independent of the data about the football pool. Additional set some cache headers on the image and put it in a seperate file, this way you could simply save the primary key of the images in football table. Then you want to display the web page you simply load another document, pass it the primary key of the image, there the image will be loaded, or if the browser has it in cache, will load it from cache without querying the database.
This way you also have a better consistency of data and images.
Your uploading an image to specific folder and that too with poolid which will be unique. It should work just fine.
Problem :
The code you have written works great. But the problem is, for the first time if the image loaded is .png and second time loaded file in jpeg or jpg then file exists wont check that and hence it may fail.
Caution :
If you have already taken a caution to check that the image uploaded must and should be png than the file_exists will work great.
Alternate Solution :
In case if your not checking for the image type to be .png then I highly advice you to take a boolean image column in your table by is_image_uploaded or something which can be set once you upload the file every time.
This makes sure that in case next time you wan to upload the image then you can directly go and check in your database table and see that if is_image_uploaded column is set or not. If not set then upload or else ignore or do whatever you want
I'm creating an interactive website where the user can upload a file.All I want to do is how can I let the other users see this file? For example if some datas are saved into database I can make this using SELECT and then print these data. But if I have a file how can I make this file to be seen only (not downloaded) from users?
So I just want to know what can I use to make this and don't want you to make this for me! So please if anyone has an ide please tell what should I learn to make this? Is it possible to save the file in a database in phpMyAdmin and to select then? If yes which is the type of the field I should use to save the file so varchar?
It depends on how you want the file to be saved. If it's a text file I would go with text. If it's an image or some other kind of media I would pick blob. You can take a look at What are the differences between the BLOB and TEXT datatypes in MySQL? for more information on MySQL data types.
Another approach would be to save the file somewhere outside the database (in a directory tree somewhere) and save a filepath to that location in a varchar column. Many DBMS do not support group by on blob or clob columns so that is something to consider if portability is an issue, and it adds a layer of separation between your data and file storage.
I have uploaded a video into my MySQL DB and saved it under a BLOB column, now how do I load this data into my HTML / PHP webpage?
(I know saving video in a MySQL DB isn't recommended, but work with me on this. I'm doing this for learning purposes)
I've looked into doing this mostly with HTML, but I don't think inserting a directory through a PHP variable would work, as it's saved in my DB and not in a folder I can specify.
All help is appreciated.
You have to grab it from db and save into a file on disk and then play it. (i did not test it myself, but it should work)
after saving it into the file redirect browser to another page like this (you can pass the movie location in address or session or other ways). my example pass in url:
try this:
file_put_contents('/path/to/movie', $my_blob_movie);
header("Location: playmovie.php?location=/path/to/movie");
and in playmovie.php get location as this:
$location = $_GET['location'];
and then play file....
Please clarify:
I've looked into doing this mostly with HTML, but I don't think
inserting a directory through a PHP variable would work, as it's saved
in my DB and not in a folder I can specify.
If you've got php and can create new scripts and upload them by FTP or whatever, you should be able to modify your upload script to write to a file.
Anyways, if it is uploaded using a web from, the file is already on your server.
In any case, you could write a php script to read the data from the database, and echo it out, after setting the HTTP Content-Type header:
// connect to DB and query for data
header("Content-Type: video/quicktime"); // Specify the mime type fr the specific video format
// output the video now
echo $videoblobdata;
See the Internet video mime types on Wikipedia:
I am building a database for a company. They want a MySQL database and they want to store images for over 11,000 products. I just wanted to know if there is a way or command to say point to a file where the images are stored.
Just save at as a VARCHAR, and that value represents a path to that file. Then just do:
$q=mysql_query("select path from images where id=123");
echo '<img src="'.$r['path'].'">';
Regarding the other option, you can store images as BLOBs in mysql, but then you have to go through mysql to get it. And you'll have write a script that will send an image to the browser. I think it's much better to keep them on the filesystem, and just use mysql to point to them. Then when an tag is sent to the browser, your webserver will handle the serving of that image correctly for you. Also, if you have shell/ftp access to your server, it will make managing/viewing your images a lot easier and simple.
You can store the files in table columns with the blob datatype.
Either that, or store the server file path in a string(varchar) field, and retrieve files using server code, after reading from the database.
I have an SQL DB that comes with a BLOB field that needs to be fill with pictures.
The pictures are in a folder.
How can I use PHP to import the pictures into the blob field automatically if the pictures have the name of the ID field?
I am not creating the database, just filling it.
The program which is using the database is a merchandise management system, which only allows to store a blob.
That way I have to get the pictures into the SQL and cannot only store the filepath.
Database is DBISAM.
So far I tried to to store the pictures using SQL commands, but cannot see how it would work, so that I hoped someone could help me solving this using PHP.
Best Kurt
I'm not sure if this is helpful, but can I assume that the point of storing the pictures within a BLOB field is simply to associate the image with a specific record in the database? If this is the case, it might be more appropriate to simply reference the filepath of the appropriate image in the DB, rather than trying to store the actual file within the DB. This is more common practice than storing actual resources in the DB, which would take up way too much space for an application of any size.
For example, if you're creating a "users" table and you want to associate a profile picture with an individual user, rather than trying to store a raw .jpg inside the database, instead store /path/to/image/from/webroot.jpg in a field called something like "profile_pic_path" for each user. Then you can reference this path whenever you want to use the image.
You can use
$data = file_get_contents($_FILES['photo']['tmp_name']);
to get your imagedata into a variable (assuming that the file is uploaded and its form element is called 'photo', otherwise change the path). The content of this variable can be stored within a blob field of your database.