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Closed 4 years ago.
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Is there an yahoo Api that can help you send yahoo instant messages with PHP ?
I googled for it but I found forums with threads from like 3,4 years ago... I found some classes that didnt work and so on. Can someone help me?
yes there is a messenger-sdk-php.
you need to create a new instance of the class:
signon using a yahoo account:
$engine->signon('Status message');
then you can send messages :
$engine->send_message('yahooID', $message);
sample client provided with the code is a good place to start. it accepts any friend requests and accepts orders like help(show available commands),news(show news titles from yahoo),...
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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm currently attempting to create a WebSocket client to connect to a wss:// URL with PHP (without using JavaScript). It's been a few days trying to program a simple function or class that can do so.
I tried and looked into fsockopen, various streams, and also Racket but failed to see in their docs a client class. Is this possible with PHP? Code sample or any direction would be appreciated.
For anyone looking in the future this is what I found and used. Walk in the park.
use WSSC\WebSocketClient;
use \WSSC\Components\ClientConfig;
$client = new WebSocketClient('ws://localhost:8000/notifications/messanger/yourtoken123', new ClientConfig());
$client->send('{"user_id" : 123}');
echo $client->receive();
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Closed 9 days ago.
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I started studying the world of Amazon api, I wanted to build a simple php page that given a product via asin gives me a small situation on the status of the product, through AWS I managed to get a good overview, but I can not extract the list of sellers of that product, do you know if there is any documentation to get this done?
I've basically read all the documentation they provide, but I can not find a link, it seems that they do not allow it, can you help me?
For that you have to Sign in and there you can find the API for products to access
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Closed 5 years ago.
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is it possible to use the Instagram api and check to see if a specific user is broadcasting a live video? and if yes get that video information and possibly a link?
You can't do This work with INSTAGRAM :
post a media
send a direct
see people story
see people is online or not
and ...
this work you want to do is not possible.
fore more information see instagram developer page and see what work you can do with their API :
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Closed 4 years ago.
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I want to know if there are any APIs or web services where in we can get the county name if city name is provided.
For example: I want to know county of city 'Evesham'.
Please let me know if any open sources are available.
Try this. As said in another comment the Royal Mail service is quite expensive:
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Closed 4 years ago.
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After finishing your signup process in facebook, a page will load asking you if you want to load contacts from your email account and their profile images (be it gmail, yahoo, ...etc).
My question is : is there any API that can do this for me?
Notice : I know this question was asked before but the last time it've been asked was on 2008, so I expect that many other choices appeared since that year.
Thank you in advance
Try OpenInviter or GetmyContacts.
See Contact Grabber