I work with python 2.7
I I've a string in DB that represente a image in Hexa. Exemple
sdata = "789C9D953D56C52010856363696D49E90AAC73ECDD4396C25228B210CE711B2CC2CAC622CECC9D0C0321313A27E411123EEEFCC07B7BFF7A9CC45EA9BD507BD6F620F769CAF4FEE3096DB76DDACEAEE9865D4CF79C6DAB34F46D441F7F23F88F6F728E6AD794724EDD5CBB9B790EF53FBF1595D9524C517E93CDEA3A433D984E83440327B318B633BF867A4C12734A5654CE26F24F29AB28704A067685363C665B0582D30ADF0F39A2717F3979C9412A6108A1D731C6992C04BD96252ECB9A2AC4A60F2B07904AA8166C84B51545D172C3C8D02B4CA3D51D841F7584B5CD2E17E2698A5DDE991302AD6240189666558242122D68F1C0F19F99475104D0F7C6216D5A6665AFAED62F8A27730A57E3BC4858669D25716B387BA04E39B41059BCC7E99CEAF4B05F971C75AAB0181AE938111CA9DB9A71C9B5443EA000D4231183A4F8ECEF79E7E5B40E2DEF647BDEA9AB6250EA59F70B6AC90E9FAABFB7D040E43C010107D4F1086A4ADA6D8DA66C8AEDD9C10E3514196A0F060220B59825C843883F5D71A67586809FEDF17FFCD75C4CFC012B43550B"
Now, i want to create the image using this string. I juste know that the image is 24x24 BMP (or PNG?) image.
I know the php code to get it, but not the python.
php :
function imagecreatefrombmpstring($im) {
$header = unpack("vtype/Vsize/v2reserved/Voffset", substr($im, 0, 14));
$info = unpack("Vsize/Vwidth/Vheight/vplanes/vbits/Vcompression/Vimagesize/Vxres/Vyres/Vncolor/Vimportant", substr($im, 14, 40));
if($type != 0x4D42)
return false;
$palette_size = $offset - 54;
$ncolor = $palette_size / 4;
$imres=imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
imagealphablending($imres, false);
imagesavealpha($imres, true);
if($palette_size) {
$palette = substr($im, 54, $palette_size);
$gd_palette = "";
$j = 0; $n = 0;
while($j < $palette_size) {
$b = ord($palette{$j++});
$g = ord($palette{$j++});
$r = ord($palette{$j++});
$a = ord($palette{$j++});
if ( ($r == 255) && ($g == 0) && ($b == 255))
$a = 127; // alpha = 255 on 0xFF00FF
$pal[$n++] = imagecolorallocatealpha($imres, $r, $g, $b, $a);
$scan_line_size = (($bits * $width) + 7) >> 3;
$scan_line_align = ($scan_line_size & 0x03) ? 4 - ($scan_line_size & 0x03): 0;
for($i = 0, $l = $height - 1; $i < $height; $i++, $l--) {
$scan_line = substr($im, $offset + (($scan_line_size + $scan_line_align) * $l), $scan_line_size);
if($bits == 24) {
$j = 0; $n = 0;
while($j < $scan_line_size) {
$b = ord($scan_line{$j++});
$g = ord($scan_line{$j++});
$r = ord($scan_line{$j++});
$a = 0;
if ( ($r == 255) && ($g == 0) && ($b == 255))
$a = 127; // alpha = 255 on 0xFF00FF
$col=imagecolorallocatealpha($imres, $r, $g, $b, $a);
imagesetpixel($imres, $n++, $i, $col);
else if($bits == 8) {
$j = 0;
while($j < $scan_line_size) {
$col = $pal[ord($scan_line{$j++})];
imagesetpixel($imres, $j-1, $i, $col);
else if($bits == 4) {
$j = 0; $n = 0;
while($j < $scan_line_size) {
$byte = ord($scan_line{$j++});
$p1 = $byte >> 4;
$p2 = $byte & 0x0F;
imagesetpixel($imres, $n++, $i, $pal[$p1]);
imagesetpixel($imres, $n++, $i, $pal[$p2]);
else if($bits == 1) {
$j = 0; $n = 0;
while($j < $scan_line_size) {
$byte = ord($scan_line{$j++});
$p1 = (int) (($byte & 0x80) != 0);
$p2 = (int) (($byte & 0x40) != 0);
$p3 = (int) (($byte & 0x20) != 0);
$p4 = (int) (($byte & 0x10) != 0);
$p5 = (int) (($byte & 0x08) != 0);
$p6 = (int) (($byte & 0x04) != 0);
$p7 = (int) (($byte & 0x02) != 0);
$p8 = (int) (($byte & 0x01) != 0);
imagesetpixel($imres, $n++, $i, $pal[$p1]);
imagesetpixel($imres, $n++, $i, $pal[$p2]);
imagesetpixel($imres, $n++, $i, $pal[$p3]);
imagesetpixel($imres, $n++, $i, $pal[$p4]);
imagesetpixel($imres, $n++, $i, $pal[$p5]);
imagesetpixel($imres, $n++, $i, $pal[$p6]);
imagesetpixel($imres, $n++, $i, $pal[$p7]);
imagesetpixel($imres, $n++, $i, $pal[$p8]);
return $imres;
$data = #gzuncompress(pack('H*', $sdata));
$image = imagecreatefrombmpstring($data);
I find this code on http://code.google.com/p/fluxcp/source/browse/branches/fluxcp-1.0/modules/guild/emblem.php?r=696
Can you help me.
A solution
from binascii import unhexlify
import zlib
import Image
from cStringIO import StringIO
data = StringIO(zlib.decompress(unhexlify(sdata)))
i = Image.open(data)
The solution (in collaboration with OP) is:
import PIL
from binascii import unhexlify
import zlib
from cStringIO import StringIO
sdata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
fh = StringIO(zlib.decompress(unhexlify(sdata)))
image = PIL.Image.open(fh)
PIL is the Python Imaging Library, and using StringIO, I pretend to have a file-like object.
I have a issue with PHP 7.4.5 and GD. I have an image manipulation script and sometime I get this error:
imagecolorallocate(): Red component is out of range
Anybody has an idea how to avoid this?
$image = imagecreatetruecolor($calcWidth, $calcHeight);
for ($y = 0; $y < $height; ++$y) {
for ($x = 0; $x < $width; ++$x) {
[$r, $g, $b] = $pixels[$y][$x];
$allocate = imagecolorallocate($image, $r, $g, $b);
imagesetpixel($image, $x, $y, $allocate);
I fixed it with this condition, because sometimes an r/g/b value was 256 and rgb can only have up to 255:
[$r, $g, $b] = $pixels[$y][$x];
if($r > 255) { $r = 255; }
if($g > 255) { $g = 255; }
if($b > 255) { $b = 255; }
if($r < 0) { $r = 0; }
if($g < 0) { $g = 0; }
if($b < 0) { $b = 0; }
I have a PHP pie chart which uses data from Mysql to show the chart. However if one data is missing the whole chart turns to one color. For example for grading if the input is A, B, D and F(pay attention C grade input is missing) then the whole pie chart is in one color like Orange or red.
Can you please help me with this? Thanks
$show_label = true; // true = show label, false = don't show label.
$show_percent = true; // true = show percentage, false = don't show percentage.
$show_text = true; // true = show text, false = don't show text.
$show_parts = false; // true = show parts, false = don't show parts.
$label_form = 'square'; // 'square' or 'round' label.
$width = 199;
$background_color = 'FFFFFF'; // background-color of the chart...
$text_color = '000000'; // text-color.
$colors = array('0000ff', '006600', 'ffff00','DD7C1D', 'FF3300', 'CC6600','990000','520000','BFBFC1','808080'); // colors of the slices.
$shadow_height = 16; // Height on shadown.
$shadow_dark = true; // true = darker shadow, false = lighter shadow...
$data = $_GET["data"];
$label = $_GET["label"];
$height = $width/2;
$data = array_filter(explode('*',$data));
if ($label != '') $label = explode('*',$label);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($label); $i++)
if ($data[$i]/array_sum($data) < 0.1) $number[$i] = ' '.number_format(($data[$i]/array_sum($data))*100,1,',','.').'%';
else $number[$i] = number_format(($data[$i]/array_sum($data))*100,1,',','.').'%';
if (strlen($label[$i]) > $text_length) $text_length = strlen($label[$i]);
if (is_array($label))
$antal_label = count($label);
$xtra = (5+15*$antal_label)-($height+ceil($shadow_height));
if ($xtra > 0) $xtra_height = (5+15*$antal_label)-($height+ceil($shadow_height));
$xtra_width = 5;
if ($show_label) $xtra_width += 20;
if ($show_percent) $xtra_width += 45;
if ($show_text) $xtra_width += $text_length*8;
if ($show_parts) $xtra_width += 35;
$img = ImageCreateTrueColor($width+$xtra_width, $height+ceil($shadow_height)+$xtra_height);
ImageFill($img, 0, 0, colorHex($img, $background_color));
foreach ($colors as $colorkode)
$fill_color[] = colorHex($img, $colorkode);
$shadow_color[] = colorHexshadow($img, $colorkode, $shadow_dark);
$label_place = 5;
if (is_array($label))
for ($i = 0; $i < count($label); $i++)
if ($label_form == 'round' && $show_label)
imagefilledellipse($img,$width+11,$label_place+5,10,10,colorHex($img, $colors[$i % count($colors)]));
imageellipse($img,$width+11,$label_place+5,10,10,colorHex($img, $text_color));
else if ($label_form == 'square' && $show_label)
imagefilledrectangle($img,$width+6,$label_place,$width+16,$label_place+10,colorHex($img, $colors[$i % count($colors)]));
imagerectangle($img,$width+6,$label_place,$width+16,$label_place+10,colorHex($img, $text_color));
if ($show_percent) $label_output = $number[$i].' ';
if ($show_text) $label_output = $label_output.$label[$i].' ';
if ($show_parts) $label_output = $label_output.$data[$i];
imagestring($img,'2',$width+20,$label_place,$label_output,colorHex($img, $text_color));
$label_output = '';
$label_place = $label_place + 15;
$centerX = round($width/2);
$centerY = round($height/2);
$diameterX = $width-4;
$diameterY = $height-4;
$data_sum = array_sum($data);
$start = 270;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++)
$value += $data[$i];
$end = ceil(($value/$data_sum)*360) + 270;
$slice[] = array($start, $end, $shadow_color[$value_counter % count($shadow_color)], $fill_color[$value_counter % count($fill_color)]);
$start = $end;
for ($i=$centerY+$shadow_height; $i>$centerY; $i--)
for ($j = 0; $j < count($slice); $j++)
ImageFilledArc($img, $centerX, $i, $diameterX, $diameterY, $slice[$j][0], $slice[$j][1], $slice[$j][2], IMG_ARC_PIE);
for ($j = 0; $j < count($slice); $j++)
ImageFilledArc($img, $centerX, $centerY, $diameterX, $diameterY, $slice[$j][0], $slice[$j][1], $slice[$j][3], IMG_ARC_PIE);
function colorHex($img, $HexColorString)
$R = hexdec(substr($HexColorString, 0, 2));
$G = hexdec(substr($HexColorString, 2, 2));
$B = hexdec(substr($HexColorString, 4, 2));
return ImageColorAllocate($img, $R, $G, $B);
function colorHexshadow($img, $HexColorString, $mork)
$R = hexdec(substr($HexColorString, 0, 2));
$G = hexdec(substr($HexColorString, 2, 2));
$B = hexdec(substr($HexColorString, 4, 2));
if ($mork)
($R > 99) ? $R -= 100 : $R = 0;
($G > 99) ? $G -= 100 : $G = 0;
($B > 99) ? $B -= 100 : $B = 0;
($R < 220) ? $R += 35 : $R = 255;
($G < 220) ? $G += 35 : $G = 255;
($B < 220) ? $B += 35 : $B = 255;
return ImageColorAllocate($img, $R, $G, $B);
function OutputImage($img)
header('Content-type: image/jpg');
I'm working on an implementation, which should send every outgoing mail from my Wordpress installation gpg encrypted.
I built my small plugin with tutorial from Tim Nash, and I used the php-gpg lib from Jason Hinkle. When I send an email from Wordpress 4.3, I get an pgp-encrypted mail, but I can't open it, because WP / my plugin uses the wrong public key. I checked it out, and pasted the right key in my user wp-profile, but ... nothing: wrong key. Have you any ideas?
/** #package php-gpg::GPG */
/** seed rand */
list($gpg_usec, $gpg_sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
srand((float) $gpg_sec + ((float) $gpg_usec * 100000));
* #package php-gpg::GPG
class GPG_Utility
static function starts_with($haystack, $needle)
return $needle === "" || strpos($haystack, $needle) === 0;
static function B0($x) {
return ($x & 0xff);
static function B1($x) {
return (($x >> 0x8) & 0xff);
static function B2($x) {
return (($x >> 0x10) & 0xff);
static function B3($x) {
return (($x >> 0x18) & 0xff);
static function zshift($x, $s) {
$res = $x >> $s;
$pad = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < 32 - $s; $i++) $pad += (1 << $i);
return $res & $pad;
static function pack_octets($octets)
$i = 0;
$j = 0;
$len = count($octets);
$b = array_fill(0, $len / 4, 0);
if (!$octets || $len % 4) return;
for ($i = 0, $j = 0; $j < $len; $j += 4) {
$b[$i++] = $octets[$j] | ($octets[$j + 1] << 0x8) | ($octets[$j + 2] << 0x10) | ($octets[$j + 3] << 0x18);
return $b;
static function unpack_octets($packed)
$j = 0;
$i = 0;
$l = count($packed);
$r = array_fill(0, $l * 4, 0);
for ($j = 0; $j < $l; $j++) {
$r[$i++] = GPG_Utility::B0($packed[$j]);
$r[$i++] = GPG_Utility::B1($packed[$j]);
$r[$i++] = GPG_Utility::B2($packed[$j]);
$r[$i++] = GPG_Utility::B3($packed[$j]);
return $r;
static function hex2bin($h)
if(strlen($h) % 2) $h += "0";
$r = "";
for($i = 0; $i < strlen($h); $i += 2) {
$r .= chr(intval($h[$i], 16) * 16 + intval($h[$i + 1], 16));
return $r;
static function crc24($data)
$crc = 0xb704ce;
for($n = 0; $n < strlen($data); $n++) {
$crc ^= (ord($data[$n]) & 0xff) << 0x10;
for($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) {
$crc <<= 1;
if($crc & 0x1000000) $crc ^= 0x1864cfb;
chr(($crc >> 0x10) & 0xff) .
chr(($crc >> 0x8) & 0xff) .
chr($crc & 0xff);
static function s_random($len, $textmode)
$r = "";
for($i = 0; $i < $len;)
$t = rand(0, 0xff);
if($t == 0 && $textmode) continue;
$r .= chr($t);
return $r;
static function c_random() {
return round(rand(0, 0xff));
So far I have found examples on how to grab all the RGB values of each pixel in an image but I want something that will break down an image and give me a simplified color palette.
Is there a way to use imagetruecolortopalette to somehow spit out the reduced palette colours, or to break an image into 25 x 25 blocks and then grab the average value of that block?
Maybe there is an alternative I'm missing? I basically just want to be able to find the most common colors within an image.
Thanks in advance.
Hmm, well I have had created something like this for a client. The screenshot is below
The complete code is as follows
$microTime = microtime(true);
function textColor($R1, $G1, $B1) {
$a = (($R1 * 299) + ($G1 * 587 ) + ($B1 * 114 )) / 1000;
if ($a < 128)
return 'white';
return 'black';
function rgb2html($r, $g = -1, $b = -1) {
$hex = "#";
$hex.= str_pad(dechex($r), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
$hex.= str_pad(dechex($g), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
$hex.= str_pad(dechex($b), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
return $hex;
if (is_array($r) && sizeof($r) == 3)
list($r, $g, $b) = $r;
$r = intval($r);
$g = intval($g);
$b = intval($b);
$r = dechex($r < 0 ? 0 : ($r > 255 ? 255 : $r));
$g = dechex($g < 0 ? 0 : ($g > 255 ? 255 : $g));
$b = dechex($b < 0 ? 0 : ($b > 255 ? 255 : $b));
$color = (strlen($r) < 2 ? '0' : '') . $r;
$color .= (strlen($g) < 2 ? '0' : '') . $g;
$color .= (strlen($b) < 2 ? '0' : '') . $b;
return '#' . $color;
function colorPalette($imageFile, $colorJump, $granularity = 5) {
$granularity = max(1, abs((int) $granularity));
$colors = array();
$ratio = array();
$wastageCount = array();
$occurrenceSCount = array();
$occurrenceMCount = array();
$size = #getimagesize($imageFile);
if ($size === false) {
return false;
$img = #imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($imageFile));
if (!$img) {
user_error("Unable to open image file");
return false;
for ($y = 0; $y < $size[1]; $y += $granularity) {
$lastColor = NULL;
$lastX = -1;
for ($x = 0; $x < $size[0]; $x += $granularity) {
$thisColor = imagecolorat($img, $x, $y);
$rgb = imagecolorsforindex($img, $thisColor);
$red = round(round(($rgb['red'] / $colorJump)) * $colorJump);
$green = round(round(($rgb['green'] / $colorJump)) * $colorJump);
$blue = round(round(($rgb['blue'] / $colorJump)) * $colorJump);
$thisRGB = $red . ',' . $green . ',' . $blue;
if ($lastColor != $thisRGB) {
if (array_key_exists($thisRGB, $wastageCount)) {
} else {
$wastageCount[$thisRGB] = 1;
if ($lastX + 1 == $x) {
if (array_key_exists($lastColor, $occurrenceSCount)) {
} else {
$occurrenceSCount[$lastColor] = 1;
if ($lastX + 1 != $x) {
if (array_key_exists($lastColor, $occurrenceMCount)) {
} else {
$occurrenceMCount[$lastColor] = 1;
$lastColor = $thisRGB;
$lastX = $x;
if (array_key_exists($thisRGB, $colors)) {
} else {
$colors[$thisRGB] = 1;
$totalPixels = array_sum($colors);
foreach ($colors as $k => $v) {
$ratio[$k] = round(($v / $totalPixels ) * 100, 2);
return array($ratio, $wastageCount, $colors, $occurrenceSCount, $occurrenceMCount);
$colorJump = 1;
$pixelJump = 1;
$paletteR = colorPalette($dbImgFile_dir, $colorJump, $pixelJump);
$palette = $paletteR[0];
$wastage = $paletteR[1];
$colorsFound = $paletteR[2];
$occSArray = $paletteR[3];
$occMArray = $paletteR[4];
$totalPixels = array_sum($colorsFound);
$totalTime = abs(microtime(true) - $microTime);
the looping around is more complex, as I have to get the pallet from the DB and to match the colors with them, and also the template parser is used which is full custom code, and will not help you.
Just ignore the Required Weight column from this, the single occurrences and multiple occurrences are calculated, if there is a single pixel, for example RED, RED, BLUE, RED, RED it will be 1 single occurrence and 2 multiple occurrence
I want to create piechart in my pdf file created using fpdf. already i had created pdf with fpdf . then i want to create pie chart in that using same table data, is there any option to create pie chart using fpdf ?
Please Help.
Thanks in advance
Try this make changes in code as per your requirements:
You can display following view file on your pdf using pdf helper.
you can use dom pdf helper download it from following link.
$show_label = true; // true = show label, false = don't show label.
$show_percent = true; // true = show percentage, false = don't show percentage.
$show_text = true; // true = show text, false = don't show text.
$show_parts = false; // true = show parts, false = don't show parts.
$label_form = 'square'; // 'square' or 'round' label.
$width = 199;
$background_color = 'FFFFFF'; // background-color of the chart...
$text_color = '000000'; // text-color.
$colors = array('003366', 'CCD6E0', '7F99B2','F7EFC6', 'C6BE8C', 'CC6600','990000','520000','BFBFC1','808080'); // colors of the slices.
$shadow_height = 16; // Height on shadown.
$shadow_dark = true; // true = darker shadow, false = lighter shadow...
$data = $_GET["data"];
$label = $_GET["label"];
$height = $width/2;
$data = explode('*',$data);
if ($label != '') $label = explode('*',$label);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($label); $i++)
if ($data[$i]/array_sum($data) < 0.1) $number[$i] = ' '.number_format(($data[$i]/array_sum($data))*100,1,',','.').'%';
else $number[$i] = number_format(($data[$i]/array_sum($data))*100,1,',','.').'%';
if (strlen($label[$i]) > $text_length) $text_length = strlen($label[$i]);
if (is_array($label))
$antal_label = count($label);
$xtra = (5+15*$antal_label)-($height+ceil($shadow_height));
if ($xtra > 0) $xtra_height = (5+15*$antal_label)-($height+ceil($shadow_height));
$xtra_width = 5;
if ($show_label) $xtra_width += 20;
if ($show_percent) $xtra_width += 45;
if ($show_text) $xtra_width += $text_length*8;
if ($show_parts) $xtra_width += 35;
$img = ImageCreateTrueColor($width+$xtra_width, $height+ceil($shadow_height)+$xtra_height);
ImageFill($img, 0, 0, colorHex($img, $background_color));
foreach ($colors as $colorkode)
$fill_color[] = colorHex($img, $colorkode);
$shadow_color[] = colorHexshadow($img, $colorkode, $shadow_dark);
$label_place = 5;
if (is_array($label))
for ($i = 0; $i < count($label); $i++)
if ($label_form == 'round' && $show_label && $data[$i] > 0)
imagefilledellipse($img,$width+11,$label_place+5,10,10,colorHex($img, $colors[$i % count($colors)]));
imageellipse($img,$width+11,$label_place+5,10,10,colorHex($img, $text_color));
else if ($label_form == 'square' && $show_label && $data[$i] > 0)
imagefilledrectangle($img,$width+6,$label_place,$width+16,$label_place+10,colorHex($img, $colors[$i % count($colors)]));
imagerectangle($img,$width+6,$label_place,$width+16,$label_place+10,colorHex($img, $text_color));
if ($data[$i] > 0)
if ($show_percent) $label_output = $number[$i].' ';
if ($show_text) $label_output = $label_output.$label[$i].' ';
if ($show_parts) $label_output = $label_output.$data[$i];
imagestring($img,'2',$width+20,$label_place,$label_output,colorHex($img, $text_color));
$label_output = '';
$label_place = $label_place + 15;
$centerX = round($width/2);
$centerY = round($height/2);
$diameterX = $width-4;
$diameterY = $height-4;
$data_sum = array_sum($data);
$start = 270;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++)
$value += $data[$i];
$end = ceil(($value/$data_sum)*360) + 270;
$slice[] = array($start, $end, $shadow_color[$value_counter % count($shadow_color)], $fill_color[$value_counter % count($fill_color)]);
$start = $end;
for ($i=$centerY+$shadow_height; $i>$centerY; $i--)
for ($j = 0; $j < count($slice); $j++)
if ($slice[$j][0] != $slice[$j][1]) ImageFilledArc($img, $centerX, $i, $diameterX, $diameterY, $slice[$j][0], $slice[$j][1], $slice[$j][2], IMG_ARC_PIE);
for ($j = 0; $j < count($slice); $j++)
if ($slice[$j][0] != $slice[$j][1]) ImageFilledArc($img, $centerX, $centerY, $diameterX, $diameterY, $slice[$j][0], $slice[$j][1], $slice[$j][3], IMG_ARC_PIE);
function colorHex($img, $HexColorString)
$R = hexdec(substr($HexColorString, 0, 2));
$G = hexdec(substr($HexColorString, 2, 2));
$B = hexdec(substr($HexColorString, 4, 2));
return ImageColorAllocate($img, $R, $G, $B);
function colorHexshadow($img, $HexColorString, $mork)
$R = hexdec(substr($HexColorString, 0, 2));
$G = hexdec(substr($HexColorString, 2, 2));
$B = hexdec(substr($HexColorString, 4, 2));
if ($mork)
($R > 99) ? $R -= 100 : $R = 0;
($G > 99) ? $G -= 100 : $G = 0;
($B > 99) ? $B -= 100 : $B = 0;
($R < 220) ? $R += 35 : $R = 255;
($G < 220) ? $G += 35 : $G = 255;
($B < 220) ? $B += 35 : $B = 255;
return ImageColorAllocate($img, $R, $G, $B);
function OutputImage($img)
header('Content-type: image/jpg');
Hope this will help you... :)