I am using php script for liking a post externally through open graph and facebook API
$response = $facebook->api('/me/og.likes','POST',array('object' => ""));
in my above code what i have to write in object so that my post will be liked .
Put the URL of the object in the double quotes like so:
$response = $facebook->api( '/me/og.likes', 'POST', array( 'object' => "http://www.example.com/foo" ) );
But for this to work you must make sure that the document you are linking to has opengraph metadata. Check the docs.
I´m building a facebook app with php,
everything works perfect, I do successful dialog auth
I have the short_live token
I generate the long_live_token and save it to some directory
what I want to do is that in canvas app the user selects some stuff and activates a mechanism that regularly posts stuff, this is why I save the token.
but what can I do with it?!
I find a lot about generating the access_token but nothing about how to use it!?
Where can I add it as parameter? What is the key?
I´m using facebook sdk for php for post sth. to a wall like
$msg_body = array(
'message' => "wassup yo"
$facebook->api($uri, 'post', $msg_body );
but this only works if
is returning a user
how can I use my stored access_token to do the same?
I believe there is a function called "setAccessToken" in the Facebook PHP SDK. You would just need to set it with that function and it gets added to every call automatically.
Manual way:
$params = array(
'message' => 'wassup yo',
'access_token' => '[your-token]'
$facebook->api($uri, 'post', $params);
You could also do this with CURL, this would be an example URL;
$url = 'https://graph.facebook.com/' . $userId .
'/feed' .
'&access_token=' . $accessToken .
'&message=' . $userMessage;
Basically you just add the Access Token as a parameter like the message.
Just make sure you are using secure calls, see this article for an example of using CURL with the Facebook API and usage of "appsecrect_proof": http://www.devils-heaven.com/extended-page-access-tokens-curl/
IMPORTANT: Be sure that the message parameter is always 100% user generated without any prefilling (see Platform Policy) and keep in mind that you need to go through a review process with pulish_actions to make it available for other Users: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/changelog
I'm trying to figure this out all day...
With PHP SDK I can add a Facebook event to my Facebook page. But, if I try to set the wall picture of the events page, it isn't working. I found this:
/* make the API call */
$response = $facebook->api(
array (
'source' => '{image-data}',
/* handle the result */
But the image-data has to be in multipart/form-data format. Does anyone know how to do this?
Also, I found that you could do this with a 'url' parameter instead of the 'source' parameter, but this isn't working either.
Maybe I've missed some permissions in my app settings?
Hope someone can help! Thanks!
I think you are talking of the event page's cover photo. You've used the method described in the official documentation to upload a cover photo of an event - but unfortunately this don't work as of now.
I've asked this before in the developers site, check here.
The only way to do this (as of now)-
\POST /{event-id} with param: cover_url
$param = array(
'cover_url' => '{image-link}'
$facebook->api('/{event-id}', 'POST', $param);
(image data wont work, you require a link to image)
So. I can't make this work and i can't find any solution about this.
Here is my code.
$result1 = $facebook->batchApi('***********/feed', 'POST', array(
'attached_files' => $facebook->attachFile($uploads[2]),
$result2 = $facebook->batchApi('*********/feed', 'POST', array(
'attached_files' => $facebook->attachFile($uploads[1]),
$res = $facebook->processBatch(array(
"access_token" => $user_profile['data'][0]['access_token'],
I'm using facebook-batch-api. It's just simple wrapper for batch requests.
Need make post like this https://www.facebook.com/centrMAN/posts/587573351326832
You cannot post multiple images to a single feed. (Dosen't make any sense either)
The example link that you've mentioned in simply posting photos, not adding photos to a feed.
So, instead of /feed, simply use the /photos API to get the result.
I have an app which uses the Facebook PHP SDK. It used to be a simple matter to post to a user's Facebook wall. I would do the authentication, and then something like:
$ret_obj = $Facebook->api('/me/feed', 'POST',
'link' => 'www.example.com',
'message' => 'Posting with the PHP SDK!'
and on their wall the link would appear. Since Timeline was introduced, however, this doesn't seem to work. I don't get an error, I just don't get anything back. I can't find any helpful documentation on how this should work.
More info
I don't get any error, I just get "NULL" returned in $ret_obj.
If I do something like
$ret_obj = $Facebook->api('/me', 'GET');
then it works fine - I get the user's information back. So it's connecting ok, just not posting.
Double check that you have allowed publish_stream permission.
You can refer to PHP SDK and JavaScript SDK Feed Dialog for more examples.
Official Documentation: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/dialogs/feed/
I know it's a very old question.But i really bound to ask the same question again.How can i update my status using PHP?Because i find several solutions in google and stackoverflow but non of that currently works.May be the cause of facebook up gradation process or anything else.
I chk:
1) http://360percents.com/posts/php-curl-status-update-working-example-sep-2010/
2) http://www.barattalo.it/2010/03/01/php-curl-bot-to-update-facebook-status/
But unfortunately non of the solution is working.So, is their any kind heart who can help me to update the facebook status using php easily?i shall be very much glud if anybody pls give any working solution. Regards---riad
Well, I've wrote a tutorial about posting to the user's wall: How To: Post A Message On The User Wall Using Facebook Graph API.
$args = array(
'message' => 'Hello from my App!',
'link' => 'http://www.masteringapi.com/',
'caption' => 'Visit MasteringAPI.com For Facebook API Tutorials!'
$post_id = $facebook->api("/me/feed", "post", $args);
I'm using the PHP-SDK
You need the publish_stream permission
Check out this answer
What about checking directly the Facebook API ?
Check the "Graph API"
The Graph API is the core of Facebook Platform, enabling you to read and write data to Facebook. It provides a simple and consistent view of the social graph, uniformly representing objects (like people, photos, events, and pages) and the connections between them (friendships, likes, and photo tags).
I wrote this code im my blog completely pl check that in the following link
here i am giving samll code
$status = $_POST['status'];
$facebook_id = $userdata['id'];
$params = array(
'access_token' => $access_token,
'message' => $status
$url = "https://graph.facebook.com/$facebook_id/feed";
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($ch, array(
CURLOPT_URL => $url,