I'm not sure how to go about this. I have a nested foreach that I'm attempting to build an insert query from.
preg_match_all('/...../', $text, $matches);
foreach ($foo[0] as $bar){
$item1 = $bar
preg_match_all('/..'/, $bar, $result){
foreach($result[0] as $link){
something here
$insertstuff = "insert ignore into table (field1, field1) values (value1, value2)..etc
mysql_query($insertstuff, $con);
So here is my question. There will be anywhere from 0 - 10 links returned in the nested foreach. How do I build the query to take those links and insert them into the respective column, ie link1, link2 --> link10. This is just a barebones example, I just am not sure how to structure the query to take into account the unknown number of things to insert.
To update: I have it working but i'm not sure if it's the most efficient.
foreach ($result[0] as $link) {
if ($i=1)
{$link1 = $link;}
elseif ($i=2)
{$link2 = $link;}
elseif ($i=3)
{$link3 = $link;}
etc down to 10.
Thank you
I'm trying to run a MYSQL query inside a foreach loop.
here's the scenario:
I have a comma separated string with some names in it.
I use explode() and foreach() to get the separate values/names from this comma separated string.
Then I need to search mysql database for each of these values/names that I get from this string and if that value exists in the database, I then get its ID and create a new recrord in another table in the database.
However, when I run my code, I only get the ID of the first instance from the comma separated string.
my mysql database looks like this:
id category_name
3 Hotel
4 Restaurants
This is my code:
//My comma separated string///
$biz_cat = 'Hotel, Restaurants';
///i do the explode and foreach here///
$arrs = explode(',', $biz_cat);
foreach($arrs as $arr){
$sql99 = "SELECT * FROM categories WHERE category_name='$arr'";
$query99 = mysqli_query($db_conx, $sql99);
while($row99 = mysqli_fetch_array($query99, MYSQLI_ASSOC)){
$catIDS = $row99['id'];
//this is where i need to insert my new data in different tabel.
echo $catIDS.'<br>;
so when the i run my code, I get the ID of the Hotel twice like so:
I'm expecting it to be like below based on what I have in MYSQL:
Could someone please advice on this issue?
First of all such things should be done using prepared statements. Not only it is easier and faster, but also more secure. Remember to always use prepared statements.
//My comma separated string///
$biz_cat = 'Hotel, Restaurants';
$stmt = $db_conx->prepare('SELECT * FROM categories WHERE category_name=?');
$stmt->bind_param('s', $cat);
foreach(explode(',', $biz_cat) as $cat){
$cat = trim($cat); // remove extra spaces at the beginning/end
// we fetch a single row, but if you expect multiple rows for each category name, then you should loop on the $stmt->get_result()
$row99 = $stmt->get_result()->fetch_assoc();
// echo it in the loop or save it in the array for later use
echo $row99['id'];
In the example here I prepare a statement and bind a variable $cat. I then explode the string into an array on which I loop straight away. In each iteration I execute my statement, which in turn produces a result. Since you seem to be interested only in the first row returned, we do not need to loop on the result, we can ask for the array immediately. If you would like to loop just replace
$row99 = $stmt->get_result()->fetch_assoc();
foreach($stmt->get_result() as $row99) {
echo $row99['id'];
Once you get the id in the array, you can either print it out or save it into an array for later use.
As of now, you are re-assigning a new value to scalar variable $catIDS for each record returned by the query, then you echo it one you are done looping. You would need to put the echo/insert logic inside the loop (or maybe store the values in array).
Another thing to note is that you are splitting with , (a single comma), but you have a space between the two words. As a result, the second value (Restaurant) starts with a space, which will cause the query to return an empty resultset. You probably want to split with , (a comma followed by a space).
$biz_cat = 'Hotel, Restaurants';
$arrs = explode(', ', $biz_cat);
foreach($arrs as $arr){
$sql99 = "SELECT * FROM categories WHERE category_name='$arr'";
$query99 = mysqli_query($db_conx, $sql99);
while($row99 = mysqli_fetch_array($query99, MYSQLI_ASSOC)){
$catIDS = $row99['id'];
//this is where i need to insert my new data in different tabel.
echo $catIDS.'<br>';
The code below can do what you need.
$biz_cat = 'Hotel, Restaurants';
$arrs = explode(',', $biz_cat);
foreach ($arrs as $arr) {
$query99 = mysqli_query($db_conx, "SELECT * FROM categories WHERE category_name='$arr'");
while ($row99 = mysqli_fetch_array($query99, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
$catIDS = $row99['id'];
echo $catIDS . '<br/>';
I want to output all records in my database. So far so good, but when I loop through it, php gives me an error " Array to string conversion ".
I added an index to the array but then it does just output obviously the first or secound ( etc. ) column.
$conn = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=database","root","");
$stmt = $conn->prepare('SELECT * FROM de');
$stmt ->execute();
$result = $stmt ->fetchAll();
if (is_array($result) || is_object($result))
foreach ($result[0] as $value)
echo "<table><tr><td>'$value'</td></tr></table>";
So, with the index, it does work. But I need all records, not just one.
I appreciate every comment and help!
I would start with a nested loop. I also wonder if you want a table for every value
$conn = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=database","root","");
$stmt = $conn->prepare('SELECT * FROM de');
$stmt ->execute();
$result = $stmt ->fetchAll();
if (is_array($result) || is_object($result))
foreach ($result as $row){ //Go through every row in the result
foreach ($row as $value){ //Go through every value in the row
echo "<tr><td>'$value'</td></tr>";
This will print every row as a new table, but you can search out the variation you want.
A nested foreach loop should work.
foreach ($result as $values)
foreach ($values as $value) {
echo "<table><tr><td>'$value'</td></tr></table>";
An alternative to nested loops, if you know the number of fields and said number is constant for each execution; A state that's found in most situations; You can use vsprintf () to print out the rows.
Quick example:
$result = {{'John', 'Doe'}, {'Sarah', 'Jane'}};
$output = '<table>';
foreach ($result as $row) {
$output .= vsprintf ("<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n", $row);
echo $output."</table>";
Cuts down a bit on the code, and quite a bit on the code complexity. The template for the rows themselves can also be extracted to a variable (or template view), outside of the loop, to make the code even cleaner.
This is a snippet of my code. I essentially I have a new array I want to insert into tablename, but before I do that I validate the new stat figures against the old ones, confirm they are numeric and insert into a new row.
I realise what I have done, the mysql_query is inside the foreach loop, it inserts 5 rows all the same. I want it to only insert 1 new row.
How Do I take the mysql_query outside the loop yet keep the validation that the foreach loop provides before attempting to insert a new row?
foreach ($statnumber as $element) {
if ($statnumber != $LastWeeksStats && is_numeric($element)) {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO tablename (idproducts, stat1, stat2, stat3, stat4, stat5, superstat1) VALUES('8', '$statnumber[0]', '$statnumber[1]', '$statnumber[2]', '$statnumber[3]', '$statnumber[4]', '$statnumber[5]')") or die(mysql_error());
} else {
echo "'{$element}' is NOT numeric or results same as last week", PHP_EOL;
I would remove the elements that fail the check from the array then have the mysql statement outside the loop at the end. Use unset but you have to keep track of what keys to unset like this:
foreach ($statnumber as $key => $element) {
if($statnumber != $LastWeeksStats && is_numeric($element)) {
//do nothing because it is valid
} else {
//remove that element from the array
echo "'{$element}' is NOT numeric or results same as last week", PHP_EOL;
//now only valid data is in the array and you can use a mysql query
You will have to update the mysql query based on how many elements are actually in the array at the end like so:
foreach($statnumber as $key => $element) {
$keys[] = "stat$key";
$elements[] = "'$element'";
$keystring = implode(",",$keys);
$elementstring = implode(",",$elements);
mysql_query("INSERT INTO tablename (idproducts, $keystring, superstat1) VALUES('8', $elementstring)") or die(mysql_error());
I am imploding data inside of an array, called the following:
string(14) "IR01,IR02,IR03"
I need to explode this data and input each value as a row inside of mysql. Such as
pri_id value
01 IR01
02 IR02
03 IR04
Now where I am getting stuck is this:
The array listed above could have 1 value, 3 values (right now I am showing three values) or 5 values, and I dont want to input NULL values inside of my database.
Appreciate any guidance anyone can share...
$data = explode(',',$your_string);
foreach ($data AS $value) {
A simple loop works correctly, but has the drawback of making multiple queries to the database:
$str = "IR01,IR02,IR03";
$vals = explode(',', $str);
foreach ($vals AS $value) {
// insert into database
As DB operations are a more significant bottleneck than building a query in PHP, I would opt to generate the SQL code for a single query as follows:
$str = "IR01,IR02,IR03";
$vals = explode(',', $str);
$query = 'INSERT INTO my_data VALUES ';
foreach ($vals as $value) {
$query .= "('', '".$value."'),";
$query = rtrim($query, ',');
// insert into database
Why don't you use an iterator over the array to construct the sql query? That way you will only insert as many elements as you have in the array.
Like the answer above. I think we were answering at the same time.
Supposing your major array is $data:
foreach ($data as $values)
$value = explode(",", $values);
foreach ($value as $v)
$sql = "INSERT INTO table(value) VALUES('$v')";
what is the optimal way for me to insert and array of 1000 lines and 10 columns each into a mysql table below is how i display it so it would be a similar construct but i need some directions
foreach ($stack as $val) {
print "<tr>\n";
foreach ($val as $no) {
print " <td>$no</td>\n";}
print "</tr>\n";
You can insert multiple rows with a single insert as follows :
INSERT INTO tbl_name (a,b,c) VALUES(1,2,3),(4,5,6),(7,8,9);
look at implode() to create the values string from your array
Better way to insert thousands of data into DB is to use implode function implode
i'm guessing u got something like this
$stack = array("man1" => array("name"=>"ik", "class"=>"highskl", "age"=> "12"),"man1" => array("name"=>"ijk", "class"=>"higkl", "age"=> "13"));
and you want to insert them into a table, try and use the table fields as index for the inner arrays then adjust the code to look like this
foreach ($stack as $entry => $value) {
$query = "INSERT INTO table set ";
foreach ($value as $key => $val) {
$query .= $key ."= ".$val.",";}
//use a string function to remove the last comma
$result = mysql_query($query) or die("Error in Query ".$entry." ",mysql_error());
//this helps to track error..