Issues of Parse Email and Save Attachments into directory - php

I am using this script( to save email attachment on my server. You can also view the complete script on browser here:
Everything works fine but there are 2 problems here.
1) The file name of the image that i saved into the directory is not an image: 1360341823_test_jpg
How to convert the file name from 1360341823_test_jpg to 1360341823_test.jpg
in the script?
2) The permission of the file that saved in the directory is 600.
How to make it default 755 or 775?
I believe this is the function to convert the image in the script.:
function saveFile($filename,$contents,$mimeType){
global $save_directory,$saved_files,$debug;
$filename = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/','_',$filename);
$unlocked_and_unique = FALSE;
// Find unique
$name = time()."_".$filename;
while(file_exists($save_directory.$name)) {
$name = time()."_".$filename;
// Attempt to lock
$outfile = fopen($save_directory.$name,'w');
$unlocked_and_unique = TRUE;
} else {
// This is for readability for the return e-mail and in the DB
$saved_files[$name] = Array(
'size' => formatBytes(filesize($save_directory.$name)),
'mime' => $mimeType
Any help?

The original script used the data to store in the DB but I think you are trying to save it in the file. You are creating the file without extension here:
// Attempt to lock
$outfile = fopen($save_directory.$name,'w');
Either add the .jpg after the line as:
Other way if you don't want to change script then you can get use as:
$contents = file_get_contents($save_directory.$name);
$outfile = fopen($save_directory.$new_name,'w');
This would resolve your first problem and for second question kindly use the FTP or Control panel provided to access the files to change the ownership rights. If you don't know about any thing then you contact your Web Hosting Service Provider to share the ownership from 755 to 775


permission denied when i try to unlink an image in the folder using php [duplicate]

I make a site and it has this feature to upload a file and that file is uploaded to a server
Im just a newbie to php I download xampp and I run this site that i made in my local machine.
My site is like this you upload a file then that file will be uploaded to a server, but when i tried unlink() because when i try to remove the filename to a database I also want to remove that pic on the server, but instead I got an error and it says "Permission denied".
How can I got permission to use unlink();?
I only run this on my localmachine using xampp
Permission denied error happens because you're trying to delete a file without having enough/right permissions for doing that.
To do this you must be using superuser account or be the same user that have uploaded the file.
You can go to the directory from your command line and check the permissions that are set to the file.
The easiest solution is to loggin as administrator/root and delete the file.
Here is another work around:
// define if we under Windows
$tmp = dirname(__FILE__);
if (strpos($tmp, '/', 0)!==false) {
define('WINDOWS_SERVER', false);
} else {
define('WINDOWS_SERVER', true);
$deleteError = 0;
if (!unlink($fileName)) {
$deleteError = 1;
} else {
$lines = array();
exec("DEL /F/Q \"$fileName\"", $lines, $deleteError);
if ($deleteError) {
echo 'file delete error';
And some more: PHP Manual, unlink(), Post 106952
I would recommend, always first to check PHP Manual (in case your question concerns PHP), just go to the page with function that you have problems with and just click search CTRL+F in your browser and enter, for example, Windows, and as a result, in your case, you would find at least 7 related posts to that or very close to that what you were looking for.
Read this URL
How to use Unlink() function
I found this information in the comments of the function unlink()
Under Windows System and Apache, denied access to file is an usual error to unlink file. To delete file you must to change file's owern. An example:
chown($TempDirectory."/".$FileName,666); //Insert an Invalid UserId to set to Nobody Owern; 666 is my standard for "Nobody"
So try something like this:
$Path = './doc/stuffs/sample.docx';
chown($Path, 666);
if ( unlink($Path) )
echo "success";
echo "fail";
Try to use this in the path:

ZipArchive not saving file on live server in Laravel

I have some encrypted responses that I convert to a Zip file in my Laravel application. The function below downloads the API response, saves it as a Zip file, and then extracts it while I read the folder's contents. In my local environment, it works well. However, the Zip file is not getting saved to the storage folder on the live server. No error is being shown, only an empty JSON response. Please, what could be the cause?
public function downloadZipAndExtract($publication_id, $client_id)
/* We need to make the API call first */
$url = $this->lp_store."clients/$client_id/publications/$publication_id/file";
$file = makeSecureAPICall($url, 'raw');
// Get file path. If file already exist, just return
$path = public_path('storage/'.$publication_id);
if (!File::isDirectory($path)) {
Storage::put($publication_id.'.zip', $file);
// Zip the content
$localArchivePath = storage_path('app/'.$publication_id.'.zip');
$zip = new ZipArchive();
if (!$zip->open($localArchivePath)) {
abort(500, 'Problems experienced while reading file.');
// make directory with the publication_id
// then extract everything to the directory
// Delete the zip file after extracting
First thing I'd check is if the storage file is created and if it isn't created, create it. Then I'd look at your file permissions and make sure that the the groups and users permissions are correct and that you aren't persisting file permissions on creation. I've had many instances where the process that's creating files(or trying) is not in the proper group and there is a sticky permission on the file structure.

PHP QR generator doesn't work on webserver

I have a small code in PHP to create a QR code from an url and store it on a webserver to use later:
function generate($content, $format = "png")
$encoded = urlencode($content);
$url = "$encoded&format=$format";
return $url;
$qr = generate("");
$data = file_get_contents($qr);
$saved = file_put_contents('qr/my_qr.png', $data);
When I execute the script on my local computer, the QR code is stored correctly in the /qr folder. When I upload the script to the webserver and execute it, the file my_qr.png is created and stored in the /qr folder, BUT the file is empty (0kb).
I thaught it was caused by the permissions of the /qr folder, but putting the permissions to 777 gives no difference. Does anyone can explain to me how I can solve this?
Other solutions to create and store QR codes are welcome to.
Many thanks.

How to get permission to use unlink()?

I make a site and it has this feature to upload a file and that file is uploaded to a server
Im just a newbie to php I download xampp and I run this site that i made in my local machine.
My site is like this you upload a file then that file will be uploaded to a server, but when i tried unlink() because when i try to remove the filename to a database I also want to remove that pic on the server, but instead I got an error and it says "Permission denied".
How can I got permission to use unlink();?
I only run this on my localmachine using xampp
Permission denied error happens because you're trying to delete a file without having enough/right permissions for doing that.
To do this you must be using superuser account or be the same user that have uploaded the file.
You can go to the directory from your command line and check the permissions that are set to the file.
The easiest solution is to loggin as administrator/root and delete the file.
Here is another work around:
// define if we under Windows
$tmp = dirname(__FILE__);
if (strpos($tmp, '/', 0)!==false) {
define('WINDOWS_SERVER', false);
} else {
define('WINDOWS_SERVER', true);
$deleteError = 0;
if (!unlink($fileName)) {
$deleteError = 1;
} else {
$lines = array();
exec("DEL /F/Q \"$fileName\"", $lines, $deleteError);
if ($deleteError) {
echo 'file delete error';
And some more: PHP Manual, unlink(), Post 106952
I would recommend, always first to check PHP Manual (in case your question concerns PHP), just go to the page with function that you have problems with and just click search CTRL+F in your browser and enter, for example, Windows, and as a result, in your case, you would find at least 7 related posts to that or very close to that what you were looking for.
Read this URL
How to use Unlink() function
I found this information in the comments of the function unlink()
Under Windows System and Apache, denied access to file is an usual error to unlink file. To delete file you must to change file's owern. An example:
chown($TempDirectory."/".$FileName,666); //Insert an Invalid UserId to set to Nobody Owern; 666 is my standard for "Nobody"
So try something like this:
$Path = './doc/stuffs/sample.docx';
chown($Path, 666);
if ( unlink($Path) )
echo "success";
echo "fail";
Try to use this in the path:

Uploading a file using PHP

I am uploading a file to from my own server with using an API in PHP:
if (isset($mime)) {
$tmp_file = $tmp_path . $_FILES['file']['name'];
// Store the track temporary.
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $tmp_file)) {
$post_data = array(
'track[title]' => stripslashes($_POST['title']),
'track[asset_data]' => realpath($tmp_file),
'track[sharing]' => 'private'
if ($response = $soundcloud->upload_track($post_data, $mime)) {
$response = new SimpleXMLElement($response);
$response = get_object_vars($response);
$message = 'Success! Your track has been uploaded!';
// Delete the temporary file.
} else {
$message = 'Something went wrong while talking to SoundCloud, please try again.';
} else {
$message = 'Couldn\'t move file, make sure the temporary path is writable by the server.';
} else {
$message = 'SoundCloud support .mp3, .aiff, .wav, .flac, .aac, and .ogg files. Please select a different file.';
This is my code. The temp path is
and it has permissions 777 (-rwxrwxrwx).
But it shows:
Couldn't move file, make sure the temporary path is writable by the server.
How do I fix this problem?
I believe your temp path in php should point to a directory on your server, not a http location.
This question is too old, but as it were popped anyway...
You don't have to move anything, nor unlink.
Just read uploaded file from it's temporary location.
And it comes extremely handy to split your complex task into smaller chunks, in order to locate an error. Try to send a static file first, then test file upload, and only then join these tasks into final application.
TRY S_SERVER you will get brief description from this url
Here is the example given to find address for your server
try big example to sort out you method
What's the file size, and how long takes it to upload the file?
Can you please verify those 2 php.ini values:
Maybe PHP's upload facility is constrained in some way? Is PHP in safe_mode?
