I have a column in a table of a MySQL database that stores numbers separated by commas. Here's an example:
There is a specific pattern:
The first number always has two commas before it
The numbers in between the first and last are separated by 4 commas
The last number is followed by a single comma
The numbers are ALWAYS separated by commas
I'm having some difficulty maintaining this pattern.. sometimes this field updates incorrectly resulting in too many or too few commas in certain places like so:
I use this PHP to add/remove commas:
public function serializeArray($array) {
$string = ',';
foreach ($array as $obj) {
$string .= ',' . $obj . ',';
return $string;
public function unserializeArray($string) {
$array = explode(",,",$string);
$array = array_values($array);
return $array;
echo "Array: " . print_r($array);
SQL to update column:
$query = $this->pdo->prepare(
'UPDATE `' . $this->table . '` SET
`team_ids` = :team_ids
WHERE `id` = :customer_id LIMIT 1;');
$query->bindParam(':customer_id', $customer_id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$query->bindParam(':team_ids', $team_ids);
What SQL can I use to UPDATE all of the values in the column to follow the specific pattern requirements mentioned above?
The issue here looks like you're missing a number, not that it is not following your pattern.
,,166,,,,845,,,,Missing No,,,,846,
Are you sure you want to delete this? I would instead focus on catching the null or blank number.
If so, it looks like you should be able to do a replace
Update TableName
Set NumberPattern = Replace(NumberPattern, ',,,,,,,,', ',,,,') --Repalce 8 ',' with 4 ','
I have a table "groupdentlink" where I want to delete all the rows that weren't checked in a form.
In essence I want to perform a query like:
DELETE * FROM groupdentlink
WHERE group_id = 'a'
AND dentist_id IS NOT IN ARRAY 'b'
I think I could set a variable with a foreach loop and then keep adding the array values to it so I end up with:
DELETE * FROM groupdentlink
WHERE group_id = 'a'
AND dentist_id != 'D1'
AND dentist_id != 'D5'
AND dentist_id != 'D8'
...and so on.
But is this really the right/best way to do this?
Thanks in advance!
DELETE FROM groupdentlink
WHERE group_id = 'a'
AND dentist_id NOT IN ('D1','D5','D8')
More info here http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/comparison-operators.html#function_not-in
If you want to execute this query from a Zend Framework driven application please take in consideration the followings :
$where = sprintf('dentist_id NOT IN ("%s")', implode('", "',array_map('mysql_escape_string', $array)));
If you try . operator for concatenation purposes the query will result in a fatal error because of the quotes. So from my experience using htmlspecialchars or htmlencode along with . operator will only consume your time and patience. The use of sprintf is elegant, helps you keep your code clean.
And I think these observations apply to any application that makes use of php objects.
New user to Stack Exchange, please forgive and instruct if I'm committing a faux pas.
The preceeding answer is incredibly dangerous, because it opens you up to SQL injection attacks.
Always use bind params.
Always use bind params.
Always use bind params.
Hint: if your query does not resemble "DELETE * FROM groupdentlink WHERE group_id = 'a' AND dentist_id IS NOT IN (?, ?, ?);" you are doing it wrong.
An elegant, fully parametrized solution (using PDO):
$dentistIds = ['D1', 'D5', 'D8'];
$query = sprintf(
"DELETE FROM online_order_shipping
WHERE group_id = 'a'
AND dentist_id NOT IN (%s)",
implode(',', array_fill(0, count($dentistIds), '?'))
$stmtDelete = $pdo->prepare($query);
The implode function strings ? together with , without adding a comma in the end (source). You could turn that into a function to make it more readable, otherwise the sprintf keeps it nice and tidy without ugly string concatenation.
I found the statement $str = rtrim($str, ",");
didnt remove the trailing comma giving rise to an
I came up with this work around:
// string without quotes
$str = array_shift($array);
// string with quotes
$str = "'" . array_shift($array) . "'";
foreach ($array as $item)
$str .= ", '" . $item . "'";
Here How I do it :
assuming you have an array called $csvstocknumbers = ['0','1'];
$stocknumbers = implode(",",$csvstocknumbers) ; // make the content of the array in one string seprated by ,
$deleteoldvehicles = "DELETE FROM table_name WHERE column_name NOT IN
($stocknumbers ) ;";
mysqli_query($con, $deleteoldvehicles);
You just need to join the ids with a comma:
$myarray = new array('D1', 'D5', 'D8');
$str = "";
foreach ($myarray as $item)
$str .= $item . ",";
$str = rtrim($str, ",");
$query = "DELETE * FROM groupdentlink
WHERE group_id = 'a'
AND dentist_id NOT IN ($str)";
This will give you a query like this:
DELETE * FROM groupdentlink
WHERE group_id = 'a'
AND dentist_id IS NOT IN (D1, D5, D8);
If you need the quotes around the ids, then change the loop like this:
foreach ($myarray as $item)
$str .= "'".$item . "',";
I want to populate my dropdowns with enum possible values from a DB automatically. Is this possible in MySQL?
I have a codeigniter version for you. It also strips the quotes from the values.
function get_enum_values( $table, $field )
$type = $this->db->query( "SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$table} WHERE Field = '{$field}'" )->row( 0 )->Type;
preg_match("/^enum\(\'(.*)\'\)$/", $type, $matches);
$enum = explode("','", $matches[1]);
return $enum;
You can get the values by querying it like this:
FROM information_schema.COLUMNS
WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='databasename'
AND TABLE_NAME='tablename'
AND COLUMN_NAME='columnname'
From there you'll need to convert it into an array:
eval that directly into an array if you're lazy (although MySQL's single quote escape might be incompatible), or
$options_array = str_getcsv($options, ',', "'") possibly would work (if you alter the substring to skip the opening and closing parentheses), or
a regular expression
MySQL Reference
If you want to determine all possible
values for an ENUM column, use SHOW
COLUMNS FROM tbl_name LIKE enum_col
and parse the ENUM definition in the
Type column of the output.
You would want something like:
$sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM `table` LIKE 'column'";
$result = $db->query($sql);
$row = $result->fetchRow();
$type = $row['Type'];
preg_match('/enum\((.*)\)$/', $type, $matches);
$vals = explode(',', $matches[1]);
This will give you the quoted values. MySQL always returns these enclosed in single quotes. A single quote in the value is escaped by a single quote. You can probably safely call trim($val, "'") on each of the array elements. You'll want to convert '' into just '.
The following will return $trimmedvals array items without quotes:
$trimmedvals = array();
foreach($vals as $key => $value) {
$value=trim($value, "'");
$trimmedvals[] = $value;
This is like a lot of the above, but gives you the result without loops, AND gets you want you really want: a simple array for generating select options.
BONUS: It works for SET as well as ENUM field types.
$result = $db->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM table LIKE 'column'");
if ($result) {
$option_array = explode("','",preg_replace("/(enum|set)\('(.+?)'\)/","\\2", $result[0]->Type));
[0] => red
[1] => green
[2] => blue
You can parse the string as though it was a CSV (Comma Separated Value) string. PHP has a great build-in function called str_getcsv which converts a CSV string to an array.
// This is an example to test with
$enum_or_set = "'blond','brunette','redhead'";
// Here is the parser
$options = str_getcsv($enum_or_set, ',', "'");
// Output the value
This should give you something similar to the following:
[0] => blond
[1] => brunette
[2] => redhead
This method also allows you to have single quotes in your strings (notice the use of two single quotes):
$enum_or_set = "'blond','brunette','red''head'";
[0] => blond
[1] => brunette
[2] => red'head
For more information on the str_getcsv function, check the PHP manual:
This is one of Chris Komlenic's 8 Reasons Why MySQL's ENUM Data Type Is Evil:
4. Getting a list of distinct ENUM members is a pain.
A very common need is to populate a select-box or drop down list with possible values from the database. Like this:
Select color:
[ select box ]
If these values are stored in a reference table named 'colors', all you need is: SELECT * FROM colors ...which can then be parsed out to dynamically generate the drop down list. You can add or change the colors in the reference table, and your sexy order forms will automatically be updated. Awesome.
Now consider the evil ENUM: how do you extract the member list? You could query the ENUM column in your table for DISTINCT values but that will only return values that are actually used and present in the table, not necessarily all possible values. You can query INFORMATION_SCHEMA and parse them out of the query result with a scripting language, but that's unnecessarily complicated. In fact, I don't know of any elegant, purely SQL way to extract the member list of an ENUM column.
A more up to date way of doing it, this worked for me:
function enum_to_array($table, $field) {
$query = "SHOW FIELDS FROM `{$table}` LIKE '{$field}'";
$result = $db->query($sql);
$row = $result->fetchRow();
preg_match('#^enum\((.*?)\)$#ism', $row['Type'], $matches);
$enum = str_getcsv($matches[1], ",", "'");
return $enum;
Ultimately, the enum values when separated from "enum()" is just a CSV string, so parse it as such!
here is for mysqli
function get_enum_values($mysqli, $table, $field )
$type = $mysqli->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$table} WHERE Field = '{$field}'")->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)['Type'];
preg_match("/^enum\(\'(.*)\'\)$/", $type, $matches);
$enum = explode("','", $matches[1]);
return $enum;
$deltypevals = get_enum_values($mysqli, 'orders', 'deltype');
var_dump ($deltypevals);
Here is the same function given by Patrick Savalle adapted for the framework Laravel
function get_enum_values($table, $field)
$test=DB::select(DB::raw("show columns from {$table} where field = '{$field}'"));
preg_match('/^enum\((.*)\)$/', $test[0]->Type, $matches);
foreach( explode(',', $matches[1]) as $value )
$enum[] = trim( $value, "'" );
return $enum;
To fetch the list of possible values has been well documented, but expanding on another answer that returned the values in parenthesis, I wanted to strip them out leaving me with a comma separated list that would then allow me to use an explode type function whenever I needed to get an array.
TABLE_NAME = 'articles'
COLUMN_NAME = 'status'
The SUBSTRING now starts at the 6th character and uses a length which is 6 characters shorter than the total, removing the trailing parenthesis.
I simply want to add to what jasonbar says, when querying like:
SHOW columns FROM table
If you get the result out as an array it will look like this:
Where [n] and [text] give the same value.
Not really told in any documentation I have found. Simply good to know what else is there.
All of you use some strange and complex regex patterns x)
Here's my solution without preg_match :
function getEnumTypes($table, $field) {
$query = $this->db->prepare("SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table WHERE Field = ?");
try {$query->execute(array($field));} catch (Exception $e) {error_log($e->getMessage());}
$types = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN|PDO::FETCH_UNIQUE, 1)[$field];
return explode("','", trim($types, "enum()'"));
For Laravel this worked:
$result = DB::select("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `table_name` LIKE 'status';");
$regex = "/'(.*?)'/";
preg_match_all( $regex , $result[0]->Type, $enum_array );
$enum_fields = $enum_array[1];
echo "<pre>";
[0] => Requested
[1] => Call Back
[2] => Busy
[3] => Not Reachable
[4] => Not Responding
The problem with every other answer in this thread is that none of them properly parse all special cases of the strings within the enum.
The biggest special case character that was throwing me for a loop was single quotes, as they are encoded themselves as 2 single quotes together! So, for example, an enum with the value 'a' is encoded as enum('''a'''). Horrible, right?
Well, the solution is to use MySQL to parse the data for you!
Since everyone else is using PHP in this thread, that is what I will use. Following is the full code. I will explain it after. The parameter $FullEnumString will hold the entire enum string, extracted from whatever method you want to use from all the other answers. RunQuery() and FetchRow() (non associative) are stand ins for your favorite DB access methods.
function GetDataFromEnum($FullEnumString)
if(!preg_match('/^enum\((.*)\)$/iD', $FullEnumString, $Matches))
return null;
return FetchRow(RunQuery('SELECT '.$Matches[1]));
preg_match('/^enum\((.*)\)$/iD', $FullEnumString, $Matches) confirms that the enum value matches what we expect, which is to say, "enum(".$STUFF.")" (with nothing before or after). If the preg_match fails, NULL is returned.
This preg_match also stores the list of strings, escaped in weird SQL syntax, in $Matches[1]. So next, we want to be able to get the real data out of that. So you just run "SELECT ".$Matches[1], and you have a full list of the strings in your first record!
So just pull out that record with a FetchRow(RunQuery(...)) and you’re done.
If you wanted to do this entire thing in SQL, you could use the following
SET #TableName='your_table_name', #ColName='your_col_name', #DBName='your_database_name';
P.S. To preempt anyone from saying something about it, no, I do not believe this method can lead to SQL injection.
$row = db_fetch_object($result);
$type = $row->Type;
preg_match_all("/'([^']+)'/", $type, $matches,PREG_PATTERN_ORDER );
return $matches[1];
try this
describe table columnname
gives you all the information about that column in that table;
Codeigniter adapting version as method of some model:
public function enum_values($table_name, $field_name)
$query = $this->db->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `{$table_name}` LIKE '{$field_name}'");
if(!$query->num_rows()) return array();
preg_match_all('~\'([^\']*)\'~', $query->row('Type'), $matches);
return $matches[1];
array(2) {
[0]=> string(13) "administrator"
[1]=> string(8) "customer"
this will work for me:
FROM information_schema.COLUMNS
and then
explode(',', $data)
You can use this syntax for get enum possible values in MySQL QUERY :
$syntax = "SELECT COLUMN_TYPY FROM information_schema.`COLUMNS`
and you get value, example : enum('Male','Female')
this is example sytax php:
function ($table,$colm){
// mysql query.
$syntax = mysql_query("SELECT COLUMN_TYPY FROM information_schema.`COLUMNS`
WHERE TABLE_NAME = '$table' AND COLUMN_NAME ='$colm'");
if (!mysql_error()){
//Get a array possible values from table and colm.
$array_string = mysql_fetch_array($syntax);
//Remove part string
$string = str_replace("'", "", $array_string['COLUMN_TYPE']);
$string = str_replace(')', "", $string);
$string = explode(",",substr(5,$string));
$string = "error mysql :".mysql_error();
// Values is (Examples) Male,Female,Other
return $string;
I get enum values in this way:
FROM information_schema.`COLUMNS`
WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'tableName'
AND COLUMN_NAME = 'columnName';
Running this sql I have get : enum('BDBL','AB Bank')
then I have filtered just value using following code :
preg_match("/^enum\(\'(.*)\'\)$/", $type, $matches);
$enum = explode("','", $matches[1]);
var_dump($enum) ;
Out put :
array(2) {
string(4) "BDBL"
string(7) "AB Bank"
just for fun, i wrote a FSM solution which is UTF-8 safe and quote-resistant.
I assumed that mysql/mariadb always uses single quotes to wrap values and doubles the quote for a literal ' .
$char = '';
$next_char = '';
$buffer = '';
$buffering = false;
$enum_values = array();
while( mb_strlen($string) > 0 ){
// consume a multibyte char
if ( $char === "'" && $buffering === false ) {
// start buffering
} else if ( $char === "'" && $buffering === true){
// see next char
if( $next_char === "'" ){
// two quote '' found, literal
$buffer = "$buffer$char";
} else {
// end of string
$enum_values[] = $buffer;
$buffer = '';
$buffering = false;
} else if( $buffering === true ) {
// normal char during buffering
$buffer = "$buffer$char";
if( $buffering ){
// this means an unterminated string
throw new \Exception("Unterminated string in enum");
return $enum_values;
tested against:
array(7) {
string(10) "added enum"
string(22) "a "double Quoted" enum"
string(6) "normal"
string(26) "an utf-8 enum ☠ (middle)"
string(15) "a 'Quoted' enum"
string(21) "a single quote ' enum"
string(23) "an utf-8 enum (end) ☠"
For PHP 5.6+
$mysqli = new mysqli("example.com","username","password","database");
$row = $result->fetch_assoc();
_table_name VARCHAR(64),
_col_name VARCHAR(64)
FROM information_schema.COLUMNS
AND TABLE_NAME = _table_name
AND COLUMN_NAME = _col_name
AND DATA_TYPE = 'enum'
END //
SELECT ENUM_VALUES('table_name', 'col_name');
For Yii framework there is little change with:
function getEnumValues($table, $field)
$stmt = " SHOW COLUMNS FROM {{{$table}}} WHERE Field = '$field'";
$type = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($stmt)->queryRow()["Type"];
preg_match("/^enum\(\'(.*)\'\)$/", $type, $matches);
return explode("','", $matches[1]);
It is extraordinary how none of you has thought that if you are using an enum field it means that the values to be assigned are known "a priori".
Therefore if the values are known "a priori" the best ways to manage them is through a very simple Enum class.
Kiss rule and save one database call.
class Genre extends \SplEnum {
const male = "Male";
const female = "Female";
Here is a solution for a custom WordPress table. This will work for ENUM values without a comma (,) in them
function get_enum_values($wpdb, $table, $field) {
$values = array();
$table = "{$wpdb->prefix}{$table}";
$query = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$table} WHERE Field = '{$field}'";
$results = $wpdb->get_results($query, ARRAY_A);
if (is_array($results) && count($results) > 0) {
preg_match("/^enum\(\'(.*)\'\)$/", $results[0]['Type'], $matches);
if (is_array($matches) && isset($matches[1])) {
$values = explode("','", $matches[1]);
return $values;
Adding to cchana's answer. The method "length-6" fails on non-latin values in enum.
For example (the values are in Cyrillic, table is UTF8 - utf8_general_ci. In the examples I use the variable for simplicity: selecting from schema gives the same):
set #a:="enum('в работе','на списание','списано')";
select substring(#a,6,length(#a)-6);
| substring(#a,6,length(#a)-6) |
| 'в работе','на списание','списано') |
Note the closing parenthesis?
select right(#a,1);
| right(#a,1) |
| ) |
Well, let's try remove one more character:
select substring(#a,6,length(#a)-7);
| substring(#a,6,length(#a)-7) |
| 'в работе','на списание','списано') |
No luck! The parenthesis stays in place.
Checking (mid() function works in way similar to substring(), and both shows the same results):
select mid(#a,6,length(#a)/2);
| mid(#a,6,length(#a)/2) |
| 'в работе','на списание','списан |
See: the string lost only three rightmost characters. But should we replace Cyrillic with Latin, and all works just perfectly:
set #b:="enum('in use','for removal','trashed')";
select (substring(#b,6,length(#b)-6));
| (substring(#b,6,length(#b)-6)) |
| 'in use','for removal','trashed' |
Edit 20210221: the solution for non-Latin characters is CHAR_LENGTH() instead of "simple" LENGTH()
This will work using PDO:
$stmt = $mysql->prepare("SHOW COLUMNS FROM table LIKE 'column'");
$enumvalues = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)['Type'];
$enumvalues = explode(',', str_replace('\'', '', substr($enumvalues, 5, strlen($enumvalues) - 6)));
TABLE_NAME = 'articles'
COLUMN_NAME = 'status'
Wouldn't work for enum('','X''XX')