Delete operation failed. (Fsys error=32, server error=1015) - php

I have a really weird issue with PHP, a webserver, and a media server. I have a site on a webserver that uploads an audio file to a mediaserver. The site also takes care of deleting the audio file as well. However, I'm getting a really weird error that I have Googled my brains out trying to find with no luck.
Warning: ftp_delete() [function.ftp-delete]: Delete operation failed. (Fsys error=32, server error=1015) in /......./page.php on line 175

I ran into a similar thing. This is what I did, and the issue was solved
ftp_chmod( $ftpConnection, 777, $filelist ) ;
ftp_get( $ftpConnection, $dest . '\\' . $str, $str, FTP_BINARY ) ;
ftp_delete( $ftpConnection, $str ) ;

After playing around with it some more we were able to figure out that the issue was with the media server. The delete command was coming from the web server, but if the audio file had been played very recently, the media server was keeping the audio file open for streaming and therefore any commands could not be performed on the file itself until the media server released the file. So all we had to do was wait 2 or 3 seconds and we no longer had that problem.


What to check if PharData::buildFromDirectory fails to write contents of a file to a tar?

I have a background script which generates html files (ea 100-500KB in size) as a by-product and when it has accumulated 500 of them, it packs them up in a .tar.gz and archives them. It was running non-stop for several weeks and generated 131 .tar.gz files thus far until this morning when it threw the following exception:
Uncaught exception 'PharException' with message 'tar-based phar
"E:/xampp/.../archive/1394109645.tar" cannot be created, contents of file
"58836.html" could not be written' in E:/xampp/.../background.php:68
The code responsible for archiving
$name = $path_archive . $set . '.tar';
$archive = new PharData($name);
$archive->buildFromDirectory($path_input); // <--- line 68
array_map('unlink', glob($path_input . '*'));
What I've checked and made sure of so far
I couldn't find anything irregular in the html file itself,
nothing else was touching this file during the process,
scripts timeout and memory were unlimited
and enough spare memory and disk space
What could be causing the exception and/or is there a way to get a more detailed message back from PharData::buildFromDirectory?
Env: Virtual XP (in VirtualBox) running portable XAMPP (1.8.2, PHP 5.4.25) in a shared folder of a Win7 host
I solved similar problem after hours of bug-hunting today. It was caused by too little space on one partition of the disk. I had enough space in the partition where tar.gz archive was created but after removing some log files from another partition everything works again.
I think it's possible that object PharData stores some temporary data somewhere and that's why this is happening even if there is enough space on the disk where you create tar.gz archive.

PHP ftp_get download zero bytes files

in a PHP project, I need to download CSV files from a FTP server. I'm using PHP ftp_XXX function to do this.
I'm working on two separate computers, one can download FTP files with no problem; the other one initiate the FTP connection, open and create a file on my disk but after a few seconds (sounds like a timeout), the script end with this error:
PHP Warning: ftp_get(): Opening BINARY mode data connection for...
I've already tried to use passive mode, the connection is closed at the end of my script and the strange thing is that this is working on another computer, and on my server.
So here are my questions:
1) do you have any idea why this is happening?
2) are there configuration in php.ini or apache to enable properly PHP FTP?
Thanks you.
Maybe you exceeded maximum execution time.
Try to increase it:

PHP File Upload corrupted JPEGS

We have a web app using Andrew Valums ajax file uploader, if we kick off 5 - 10 image uploads at once, more often then not at least 2 or 3 will result in the same gd error "Corrupt JPEG data"
Warning: imagecreatefromjpeg() [function.imagecreatefromjpeg]:
gd-jpeg, libjpeg: recoverable error: Corrupt JPEG data:
47 extraneous bytes before marker 0xd9 in ....
However this did not happen on our old test server, or local development box's, only on our new production server.
The file size on the server is the same as the original on my local machine, so it completes the upload but I think the data is being corrupted by the server.
I can "fix" the broken files by deleting them and uploading again, or manually uploading via FTP
We had a shared host on Godaddy and just have started to have this issue on a new box (that I set up, so probably explains a lot :) CentOS 5.5+, Apache 2.2.3, PHP 5.2.10
You can see some example good and bad picture here.
When I BinDiffed them I see a consistent pattern the corruption is always 64 byte blocks, and while the distance between corrupted blocks is not constant the number 4356 comes up a lot.
I really think we can rule out the Internet as error checking and retransmission with TCP is pretty reliable, further there seems to be no difference between browser versions, or if I turn anti-virus and firewalls off.
So I'm picking configuration of Apache / PHP?
Some cameras will append some data inside the file that will get interpreted incorrectly (most likely do to character encoding with in the headers).
A solution I found was to read the file in binary mode like so
$fh = fopen('test.jpg', 'rb');
$str = '';
while($fh !== false && !feof($fh)){
$str .= fread($fh, 1024);
$test = #imagecreatefromstring($str);
Well, i think the problem is jpeg-header data, and as far as i know there is nothing to do with it by PHP, i think the problem is your fileuploader, maybe there are some configuration for it that you are missing.
Hmm - a 64 byte corruption?...or did you mean 64 bit?
I'm going to suggest that the issue is in fact as a result of the PHP script. the problem that regularly comes up here is that the script inserts CRLFs into the data stream being uploaded, and is caused by differences between the Window/*nix standards.
Solution is to force the php script to upload in binary mode (use the +b switch for ALL fopen() commands in the php upload). It is safe to upload a text file in binary mode as at least you can still see the data.
Read here for more information on this issue:
This can be solved with:
ini_set ('gd.jpeg_ignore_warning', 1);
I had this problem with GoDaddy hosting.
I had created the database on GoDaddy using their cPanel interface. It was created as "latin collation" (or something like that). The database on the development server was UTF8. I've tried all solutions on this page, to no avail. Then I converted the database to UTF8, and it worked.
Database encoding shouldn't affect BLOB data (or so I would think). BLOB stands for BINARY Large Object (something...), to my knowledge!
Also, strangely, the data was copied from the dev to production server while the database was still "latin", and it was not corrupted at all. It's only when inserting new images that the problem appeared. So I guess the image data was being fed to MySQL as text data, and I think there is a way (when using SQL) of inserting binary data, and I did not follow it.
Edit: just took a look at the MySQL export script, here it is:
INSERT INTO ... VALUES (..., _binary 0xFFD8FF ...
Anyway, hope this will help someone. The OP did not indicate what solved his problem...

RequestTimeout uploading to S3 using PHP

I am having trouble uploading files to S3 from on one of our servers. We use S3 to store our backups and all of our servers are running Ubuntu 8.04 with PHP 5.2.4 and libcurl 7.18.0. Whenever I try to upload a file Amazon returns a RequestTimeout error. I know there is a bug in our current version of libcurl preventing uploads of over 200MB. For that reason we split our backups into smaller files.
We have servers hosted on Amazon's EC2 and servers hosted on customer's "private clouds" (a VMWare ESX box behind their company firewall). The specific server that I am having trouble with is hosted on a customer's private cloud.
We use the Amazon S3 PHP Class from I have tried 200MB, 100MB and 50MB files, all with the same results. We use the following to upload the files:
$s3 = new S3($access_key, $secret_key, false);
$success = $s3->putObjectFile($local_path, $bucket_name,
$remote_name, S3::ACL_PRIVATE);
I have tried setting curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, false); to view the progress bar while it uploads the file. The first time I ran it with this option set it worked. However, every subsequent time it has failed. It seems to upload the file at around 3Mb/s for 5-10 seconds then drops to 0. After 20 seconds sitting at 0, Amazon returns the "RequestTimeout - Your socket connection to the server was not read from or written to within the timeout period. Idle connections will be closed." error.
I have tried updating the S3 class to the latest version from GitHub but it made no difference. I also found the Amazon S3 Stream Wrapper class and gave that a try using the following code:
include 'gs3.php';
$local = fopen('/path/to/backup_id.tar.gz.0000', 'r');
$remote = fopen('s3://bucket-name/customer/backup_id.tar.gz.0000', 'w+r');
$count = 0;
while (!feof($local))
$result = fwrite($remote, fread($local, (1024 * 1024)));
if ($result === false)
fwrite(STDOUT, $count++.': Unable to write!'."\n");
fwrite(STDOUT, $count++.': Wrote '.$result.' bytes'."\n");
This code reads the file one MB at a time in order to stream it to S3. For a 50MB file, I get "1: Wrote 1048576 bytes" 49 times (the first number changes each time of course) but on the last iteration of the loop I get an error that says "Notice: fputs(): send of 8192 bytes failed with errno=11 Resource temporarily unavailable in /path/to/http.php on line 230".
My first thought was that this is a networking issue. We called up the customer and explained the issue and asked them to take a look at their firewall to see if they were dropping anything. According to their network administrator the traffic is flowing just fine.
I am at a loss as to what I can do next. I have been running the backups manually and using SCP to transfer them to another machine and upload them. This is obviously not ideal and any help would be greatly appreciated.
Update - 06/23/2011
I have tried many of the options below but they all provided the same result. I have found that even trying to scp a file from the server in question to another server stalls immediately and eventually times out. However, I can use scp to download that same file from another machine. This makes me even more convinced that this is a networking issue on the clients end, any further suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
This problem exists because you are trying to upload the same file again. Example:
$s3 = new S3('XXX','YYYY', false);
To fix it, just copy the file and give it new name then upload it normally.
$s3 = new S3('XXX','YYYY', false);
now rename file.jpg to newname-file.jpg
I solved this problem in another way. My bug was, that filesize() function returns invalid cached size value. So just use clearstatcache()
I have experienced this exact same issue several times.
I have many scripts right now which are uploading files to S3 constantly.
The best solution that I can offer is to use the Zend libraries (either the stream wrapper or direct S3 API).
Since the latest release of Zend framework, I haven't seen any issues with timeouts. But, if you find that you are still having problems, a simple tweak will do the trick.
Simply open the file Zend/Http/Client.php and modify the 'timeout' value in the $config array. At the time of writing this it existed on line 114. Before the latest release I was running at 120 seconds, but now things are running smooth with a 10 second timeout.
Hope this helps!
There are quite a bit of solutions available. I had this exact problem but I don't wanted to write a code and figure out the problem.
Initially I was searching for a possibility to mount S3 bucket in the Linux machine, found something interesting:
s3fs -
- this did work for me. It uses FUSE file-system + rsync to sync the files in S3. It kepes a copy of all filenames in the local system & make it look like a FILE/FOLDER.
This saves BUNCH of our time + no headache of writing a code for transferring the files.
Now, when I was trying to see if there is other options, I found a ruby script which works in CLI, can help you manage S3 account.
s3cmd - - this looks pretty clear.
Found one more CLI tool - s3sync
s3sync - - found in the Amazon AWS community.
I don't see both of them different, if you are not worried about the disk-space then I would choose a s3fs than a s3cmd. A disk makes you feel more comfortable + you can see the files in the disk.
Hope it helps.
You should take a look at the AWS PHP SDK. This is the AWS PHP library formerly known as tarzan and cloudfusion.
The S3 class included with this is rock solid. We use it to upload multi GB files all of the time.

using php to save remote images files at local sever but not completely successfully

I know some people already ask it but my probelm is when downloading remote images files(each file size is smaller than 200KB). But some files won't be completly saved. And some files can not be saved, or some files are saved but not 100%, I will see some gray shadow at image. The worst is everytime is different error ouput.(it's internet problem?)
I try the following methods to save file.
it all can work but I can't find the perfect method to save whole files.
The followings are error msg.
failed to open stream: HTTP request
failed! HTTP/1.0 408 Request
Time-out in at line "copy"
execution time of 60 seconds
exceeded( I increase time)
my php program.
$imageArray=array(image array............);
for ($k=0;$k<count($imageArray);$k++){
echo '<img src="'.$imageArray[$k].'"><br/>';
$isok=copy($imageArray[$k] , dirname(__FILE__).'/photo/item_'.($k+1).'.jpg');
echo' success!';
echo ' Fail';
Most possibly it's an internet problem. Do they load fine in the browser when you try ? If they do, you can try running the code on your machine and see if this would help.
But most probable reason is the remote site which you try to download from - it can throttle you for connections per time-interval. Try sleeping between images - for example 5-6 seconds and see if this helps.
Also try to download smaller batches of images - 1 - 2 at a time to see if it works.
I noticed in your copy() that you have hardcoded in .jpg to the destination output. Are you always uploading .jpg as if you are uploading a .png or .gif and are forcing it to .jpg you might be causing issues there. Just a thought to be honest.
