search php assoc array (hash map) as mysql - php

public $inputs=array(
array( 'sysname'=>'pt_name','dbname' => '','label' => 'user (name/ID)','value' => '',
'type' => 'text','rules' => 'required','attr'=>'class="autocomplete"'),
array( 'sysname'=>'pt_dob','dbname' => 'users.dob','label' => 'Patient Dob','value' => '',
'type' => 'text','rules' => 'required','attr'=>'class="dob ac" Disabled'),
array( 'sysname'=>'pt_gender','dbname' => 'users.gender','label' => 'gender','value' => 'male,female',
'type' => 'dropdown','rules' => 'required','attr'=>'class="ac" Disabled'),
array( 'sysname'=>'visit_date','dbname' => '','label' => 'Date','value' => '',
'type' => 'text','rules' => 'required','attr'=>'class="datepicker"'),
array( 'sysname'=>'visit_time','dbname' => 'visits.time_booked','label' => 'Time','value' => '',
'type' => 'text','rules' => 'required','attr'=>'class="timepicker"'),
array( 'sysname'=>'visit_type','dbname' => 'visits.type','label' => 'Visit type','value' => 'visit,schedule',
'type' => 'dropdown','rules' => 'required','attr'=>'')
how can i search this array for only arrays that have pt_ in its sysname for example ?
the idea is i have many types of rows all in same table, so instead of running a mysql query to fetch each type separatly example:
$pt=db->query("select * from table where sysname like 'pt_%'")->result();
$visit=db->query("select * from table where sysname like 'visit_%'")->result();
i want to fetch all at one and split them in php to decrease db load.
so how can i do this ? and is it worth it or better of keep my querys separate.

array_filter and a PHP-style closure* would be a pretty simple solution to this:
function buildFilter($key, $needle) {
return function($array) use($key, $needle) {
return (strpos($array[$key], $needle) !== FALSE);
$matches = array_filter($inputs, buildFilter('sysname', 'pt_'));
NB: What PHP calls a "closure" is quite a bit different from what most other languages use for the same term, so please make sure to read the PHP documentation.

Doing a couple of queries is fine, your DB can handle that easily. If you're doing dozens of queries for dozens of types (each with only a few rows), it might be worth investigation moving that logic to PHP.
What I would recommend is to put the systype in a separate column with an index on it. That will speed of your query a lot and take load of your DB. Even better is you can make that column an ENUM.
public $inputs=array(
array( 'systype'=>'pt', 'sysname'=>'pt_name','dbname' => '','label' => 'user (name/ID)','value' => '',
'type' => 'text','rules' => 'required','attr'=>'class="autocomplete"'),
$pt=db->query("select * from table where systype = 'pt'")->result();
$visit=db->query("select * from table where systype = 'visit'")->result();


CakePHP 2.x - Hash::filter - How to set a callback function? // PHP Filter

I want to filter an array over Hash::filter and use a callback function
static Hash::filter(array $data, $callback = array('Hash', 'filter'))
...You can also supply a custom $callback to filter the array elements...
(CakePHP Docs)
My question here is just... How?
Maybe there's a failure in my head with the translations, but i have the JavaScript filter function in mind, where you can filter over an array and give the filterfunction the actual element its iterating over atm. Then if it returns false it gets kicked out of the array.
maybe im just bad with php but.. could anybody help me with it, please? :)
my attempt atm is something like this
$bis_datum = '2017-01-01';
$res = Hash::filter($multidim_assoc_array, function($part_of_multidim_assoc_array){
return !strtotime($assoc_array['von_datum']) > strtotime($bis_datum);
i know there's something very wrong here, because it sais
array('Hash', 'filter')
in the docs and theres just an anonymous function here, but i dont get what the "Hash" and "filter" part means :S
$example = array(
'User' => array(
0 => array(
'name' => 'Bob',
'age' => 25
1 => array(
'name' => 'John',
'age' => 22
2 => array(
'name' => 'Jen',
'age' => 32
'School' => array(
'name' => 'Brainslaves High',
'adress' => 'Somestreet 42'
as an easy example.. how can i filter this array to kick out everyone whos age is below 25 ?
Hash::filter won't help you for your example, you better work with array_filterdirectly
$res = array('User' => array_filter($example['User'], function($user) {
return $user['age'] > 25;
})) + array('School' => $example['School']);

MongoDB find query with $and $or and $nearSphere in php

After quite some trying out and web research I go crazy with this query. I want to build a query for 'Clubs' around a geo point (distance max 500 meters) in php on MongoDB.
But when I run query it ignores the distance limit and shows all clubs in database BUT sorted by distance.
Here is my dataset (2dsphere index geoLoc):
{"_id":ObjectId("547c649e30afe32c23000048"),"name":"Club Ritzz","category":"Club","category_list":[{"id":"191478144212980","name":"Night Club"}],"location":{"city":"Mannheim"},"geoLoc":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[8.473665839156,49.484065272756]}}
{"_id":ObjectId("547c649f30afe32c2300004a"),"name":"Das Zimmer Mannheim","category":"Club","category_list":[{"id":"191478144212980","name":"Night Club"}],"geoLoc":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[8.4709362941178,49.487260552592]}}
{"_id":ObjectId("547c64ab30afe32c23000063"),"name":"Nationaltheater Mannheim","category":"Arts/entertainment/nightlife","category_list":[{"id":"173883042668223","name":"Theatre"}],"geoLoc":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[8.4776534992592,49.48782606969]}}
{"_id":ObjectId("547c64a130afe32c2300004f"),"name":"SOHO Bar Club Lounge","category":"Club","category_list":[{"id":"191478144212980","name":"Night Club"},{"id":"164049010316507","name":"Gastropub"}],"geoLoc":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[8.4630844501277,49.49385193591]}}
{"_id":ObjectId("547c64a730afe32c2300005a"),"name":"Loft Club","category":"Club","category_list":[{"id":"191478144212980","name":"Night Club"},{"id":"176139629103647","name":"Dance Club"}],"geoLoc":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[8.4296300196465,49.484211928258]}}
And here my php code (updated Dec-2):
$qry = $pub->find(
array( '$and' =>
array( 'geoLoc' =>
array('$nearSphere' =>
array('$geometry' =>
floatval($sLon), floatval($sLat)
'maxDistance' => 500
array( '$or' =>
array( 'name' => new MongoRegex("/.*club/i")),
array( 'name' => new MongoRegex("/.*zimm/i"))
array('$or' =>
array('' => 'Night Club'),
array('' => 'Dance Club'),
array('category' => 'Club')
array('id' => 1, 'name' => 1, '_id' => 0)
Anyone know why the results are not limited to the specified maxDistance?
I found a similar issue on StackOverflow which outlines that one has to use radians for the maxDistance parameter.
Also it is probably helpful if you'd test the query in mongo shell without using the PHP APIs first (just to see if the query is generally working and append '.explain()' to it to see what generally happens inside DB).

If column have a row=$variable and in another column on the same row=$variable2 return value 1

Sorry for confusing title. But I don't know how to explain this.(I don't speak that good English)
Here is a picture to make it alittle bit more clear:
If pic_name=328.jpg AND user=myhrmans return value of 1
else if you cant find value user=myhrmans return 0 for example. Anyway I can pull this off?
Thank you :)
Not sure to understand precisely what you mean, but I'm going to make an attempt.
Your query should be written somehow like this one:
SELECT user, pic_name,
IF(user = 'myhrmans' AND pic_name = '328.jpg', 1, 0) AS value
FROM yourtable
WHERE user = myhrmans;
When executed from PHP (and after fetching the values), your query will return this array:
$result = array(
0 => array(
'user' => 'myhrmans',
'pic_name' => '326.jpg',
'value' => 0
1 => array(
'user' => 'myhrmans',
'pic_name' => '329.jpg',
'value' => 0
2 => array(
'user' => 'myhrmans',
'pic_name' => '328.jpg',
'value' => 1
3 => array(
'user' => 'myhrmans',
'pic_name' => '319.jpg',
'value' => 0
Which, if I understood, approaches what you want.

cakephp: filtering fields from child table in find('all')

My question extends one posted previously CakePHP: Limit Fields associated with a model. I used this solution effectively for limiting the returned fields for the parent table with this call
$data = $this->SOP10100->find('all',
array('fields' => $this->SOP10100->defaultFields));
However, this method returns the filtered parent and unfiltered child fields. I have 131 child fields of which I only need 7. I have the same defaultFields array construct in the child table. How do I modify this call ( or create a new one) that will return the filtered fields for both parent and child models in the same array?
Here is the structure for the array for the parent table:
public $defaultFields = array(
Your help is appreciated.
SCORE! Wow, solved two big problems in one day. I finally figured it out with loads of help from many resources:
$data = $this->InvoiceHeader->find('all', array(
'fields' => $this->InvoiceHeader->defaultFields,
'contain' => array(
'InvoiceDetail' => array(
'fields' => $this->InvoiceDetail->defaultFields))
returns my array data just like I want it:
(int) 0 => array(
'InvoiceHeader' => array(
'SOPNUMBE' => 'SVC0202088 ',
'INVODATE' => '2012-04-17 00:00:00',
'DOCDATE' => '2012-04-17 00:00:00',
'DOCAMNT' => '.00000',
'SUBTOTAL' => '.00000'
'InvoiceDetail' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'QUANTITY' => '1.00000',
'UOFM' => 'EA ',
'UNITPRCE' => '.00000',
'TAXAMNT' => '.00000',
'CONTSTARTDTE' => '2012-04-17 00:00:00',
'CONTENDDTE' => '2012-04-30 00:00:00',
'SOPNUMBE' => 'SVC0202088 '

How to store a variable in an array?

I have data from a form submission stored in a variable called $post_data. When I do print_r($post_data); I get the following array:
[element_3] => John Doe
[element_2] =>
[element_14] => City
[element_15] => Country
[form_id] => 1
[submit] => Submit
I want to store some of the fields in another array to pass to another script. Will my code below work? If not, how do I fix it?
$submitted_data = array(
'Fields' => array(
'Key' => 'Name',
'Value' => $post_data['element_3']
'Key' => 'Email',
'Value' => $post_data['element_2']
Also, a PHP noob question, do I need another comma (,) in between the Name and Email array?
I'm not exactly sure why you would want to do this, but depending on the field name you can consider using loops to help automate the entire process.
$field_map = array(
'element_3' => 'Name',
'element_2' => 'E-mail',
'element_14' => 'City',
'element_15' => 'Country'
$submitted_data = array('fields' => array());
foreach ( $field_map as $key => $label)
$submitted_data['fields'][] = array(
'key' => $key, // e.g. element_2
'label' => $label, // e.g. E-mail
'value' => $post_data[$key] // e.g.
This separates the storage/mapping of key/label pairs from the part which processes it, making it easier to maintain and modify in the future.
Another way might be (depending on how "fixed" the second script is, if you can alter it).
To get a result more like the one in your question:
