How to remove breadcrumbs from homepage - php

When Full Page Cache is on the breadcrumbs show up on the home page,
i've tried changing the line <?php if($crumbs && is_array($crumbs)): ?> to <?php if($crumbs && is_array($crumbs) && !$this->getIsHomePage()): ?> in \app\design\frontend\enterprise\[THEME]\template\page\html\breadcrumbs.phtml yet it still shows up
i've tried adding <remove name="breadcrumbs" /> to the "Layout Update XML" of the CMS page which is the homepage yet it still shows up
I've tried putting in Mage::log() or a <p> before the if statement however it works on every other page but the home page
a google search gives me nothing that i don't know (the Layout Update XML thing i got from one site) and most results are asking how to add the breadcrumbs when i search for "how to remove breadcrumbs from homepage
i'm wondering if there is any other way to remove the breadcrumbs from the homepage which i may have yet tried

You can achieve this by using the code from your second paragraph but changing !$this->getIsHomePage() to
If that doesn't work (depends on your version of Magento: you should find the function getIsHomePage defined in ./code/core/Mage/Page/Block/Html/Header.php), then you can use the following instead.
$this->getUrl('') !== $this->getUrl('*/*/*', array('_current'=>true, '_use_rewrite'=>true))


How to add plugins to my custom wordpress theme?

I'm making a WordPress theme by myself since I'm working for the first time in Wordpress I've watched some tutorials about it.
I have page.php header and footer and ofc an index. I insert the content from the pages with this:
<?php echo get_post_field('post_content', $post->ID); ?>
but I tried the get_post in a while loop with same result..
Everything is fine but when I want to use a plugin I can't add to my page... When I insert the shortcode of it it shows only the shortcode string... There are some plugins where I can click a "view" option and it would show a page with my plugin (for example a calendar) but that page is empty...
When I activate an original theme it works instantly... So I'm sure something is missing from my theme something which can load the plugins but I couldn't find solution for it.
Any ideas?
Did you add the <?php wp_head(); ?> function before the head area of the html document is closing? It imports important scripts and styles from wordpress itself (and probably also from the plugins).
See here:
Before closing the body area, the template should also include
<?php wp_footer();?>
See here:

whmcs module clientarea page per bought product

so I have 2 modules one working(paid for not encrypted)learned a lot from it lets call this the reference_module and I have my own module which was a PHP page which I am rebuilding for WHMCS and it is almost working completly lets call it created_module.
the problem right now I have is the reference_module is called by when going to
which is working and shows what I want:
the normal header
normal sidebar
normal footer
and its own content in the main content area
it does this by using hooks having ReferenceClientareaheaderoutput and ReferenceClientareapage which works.
so now I tried to recreate this in created_module but when going to which is working but shows me:
its own content
just its own content but I want the same as in Reference.
I think if I am going to paste the code the post will be to long if needed maybe I can post specific parts.
Allread thanks for helping
so I actualy did solve it today you have to use javascript"index.php",{"action":'dbinfo',"user":username,"serviceid":serviceid},
jQuery("#tabs li").removeClass("active");
jQuery("#tabs li").eq(index).addClass("active");
if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == "dbinfo") {
this you do in your module hook if you need help you can contact me

wordpress is_tag function not working as expected

Objective: if the page being displayed is an archive page for a tag (any tag), display a different line of content in the sidebar.
Note that I am not using this to detect specific tags. I want it to return TRUE if i'm looking at a tag-based archive page, and FALSE if I'm viewing a category archive page, date archive page, post page, the home page, or anything else.
environment: WAMP (using XAMPP) with (PHP 5.4.4) running Wordpress 3.4.2
<?php if (is_tag()) : ?>
--some html--
<?php else: ?>
--other html--
<?php endif; ?>
Navigating to [blog address]/tag/horror/ always shows "--other html--"
I was pretty sure this was the syntax.
Would is_tax() work for you?
Otherwise, could you use a tag template instead?
A solution might be to use get_template_part
To modularize your template pages, and recycle your loops etc.

Wordpress Conditional Sidebar Section Based off of Page ID

Goal - have a section of my sidebar that is conditional depending on what page I'm on. All child pages of the selected page should also show the conditional section.
There are at least two ways to do this - 1) have all the conditional hooks and resulting code in one sidebar file and, 2) have multiple sidebar.php documents and call them based off what pages are being visited.
I've pretty much failed at both ways so far... :( I'm working on the second method right now though, because I think it might be more flexible long term. Anyway, in my page.php I replaced:
<?php get_sidebar() ?>
if (is_page(1997) || $post->post_parent) {
else { get_sidebar()
} ?>
With the hope of testing the method. What I want to happen is that if the page is page id 1997 or any of its child pages please show sidebar-test-may12.php. Otherwise show the regular sidebar. With the new code the whole page goes blank. Any suggestions or solutions for me? Seems like a common problem, but I haven't been able to figure it out yet. Thanks!
You have a few problems with your code example:
1) $post->post_parent is not being checked against anything else, so it will only return true if it is a child page (not necessarily the child of the page you want to target)
2) get_sidebar() is being called incorrectly. If you want to get 'sidebar-test-may12.php' from your theme folder, you need to call get_sidebar('test-may12')
3) You're missing semicolons after your function calls
So your code should look like this:
if(is_page(1997) || $post->post_parent == 1997) {
get_sidebar('test-may12'); //get sidebar-test-may12.php
get_sidebar(); //get sidebar.php
Let me know if that helps.
UPDATE: Bear in mind, $post->post_parent does NOT get the top-most ancestor ID of a child page. If you want to grab the top-level ID regardless of depth, consider doing this:
$ancestors = get_ancestors(get_the_ID(), 'page');
if(is_page(1997) || end($ancestors) == 1997)
get_sidebar('test-may12'); //get sidebar-test-may12.php
get_sidebar(); //get sidebar.php
POSSIBLE SOLUTION: Building off your example and my proposed ancestry check, one thing you can do is have your template check to see if a special sidebar exists in your theme based on the parent page's slug. This way, if you decide a particular page needs a special sidebar for it and all of its children/grandchildren/great-grandchildren/etc. you just need to add it into your theme with a name of 'sidebar-{parent_slug}.php'. So:
$id = get_the_ID();
$ancestors = get_ancestors($id, 'page');
$top_page = $ancestors ? get_page(end($ancestors)) : get_page($id);
This way, you don't need a ton of conditionals to decide which Sidebar file to load on a general Page template.
Use some error trapping to show what's going on with your php, either toggling an error log in .htaccess of a simple widget:
I've hardcoded logic for sidebars, but I've also used WordPress › Widget Logic « WordPress Plugins for my own and client sites. It's easy to use with a simplified version of WP conditionals, like is_category and is_page ('101')
For someone else tackling this same problem -- there is a new plugin out that solves this problem very well. It even makes creating the sidebars easy. You can check it out here:

Page title show "page not found" on wordpress

i made a couple of php pages and integrated them into wordpress.
The first page is fine, but the second one show "page not found" on the title when it is loaded.
You can find the first page here:
then click on "Aggiungi Negozio" to go to second page.
code of first page:
(suppressed wordpress template code)
//if ( is_user_logged_in() ){
if ( true ){
$index=linkBuilder("Aggiungi Negozio",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?p=1");
switch ($_GET["p"])
case 1:
echo "this is the first page<br>";
echo $index;
if ($page != "") include $appPath.$page;
else {
echo "This is a private page.<br>";
function linkBuilder($name,$path){
return sprintf("%s ",$path,$name);
(suppressed wordpress template code)
The code of the second page contains only an echo.
How do i fix this?
PS: the second page works, but if you check the title page, it says "page not found" and i can't change that, this is my problem.
How did you create these pages? Without looking at your header.php file I'll assume your using some sort of default code to get the page title. To create new pages in wordpress you need to create them in the backend admin panel. if your just loading in files, the wordpress enviroment will see this as a page that doesn't exist.
I found the "page custom template" functionality. I just made a template with all my code, then used it as template for a wp static page.
I have done the custom template starting from page.php of my current template, took off the code that handles the content, and replace it with my php/sql stuff.
I have made a new page inside wp and used this custom template.
In this way i have a page that does what i want, but act as a real wp page, i can even add it to menus and apply whatever plugin to it. I left the title funcionality so i can change the title of my cutom page from wp admin.
THe reason for this is that one of your included phps includes a check for wordpress environment and displays that title when the condition is satisfied.
The solution is to use php to output "" tags before the included file is loaded.
