I'll try to present it as simple as I can:
I use json_encode() to encode a number of utf-8 strings from different languages and I notice that characters remain unchanged when they belong to ASCII table but everything else is returned as '\unnnn', where 'nnnn' a hexadecimal number.
See the code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="application/xhtml+xml; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>Multibyte string functions</title>
<h3>Multibyte string functions</h3>
//present json encode errors nicely:
//assign integer values to keys and error names to values
echo '<br /><b>Define JSON errors</b><br />';
$constants = get_defined_constants(true);
$json_errors = array();
foreach ($constants["json"] as $name => $value) {
if (!strncmp($name, "JSON_ERROR_", 11)) {
$json_errors[$value] = $name;
echo nl2br(print_r($json_errors, true), true);
//Display current detection order
echo "<br /><b>Current detection order 'mb_detect_order()':</b> ", implode(", ", mb_detect_order());
//Display internal encoding
echo "<br /><b>Internal encoding 'mb_internal_encoding()':</b> ", mb_internal_encoding();
//Get current language
echo "<br /><b>Current detection language 'mb_language()' ('neutral' for utf8):</b> ", mb_language();
//our test data
//a nowdoc that can break a <input> field;
$str = <<<'STR'
O'Reilly(\n) "& 'Big\Two # <span>bo\tld</span>"
$strings = array(
"Latin: tell me the answer and I might find the question!",
"Greek: πες μου την ερώτηση και ίσως βρω την απάντηση!",
"Chinese simplified: 告诉我答复,并且我也许发现问题!",
"Arabic: أخبرني الاجابة, انا قد تجد مسالة!",
"Portuguese: mais coisas a pensar sobre diário ou dois!",
"French: plus de choses à penser à journalier ou à deux!",
"Spanish: ¡más cosas a pensar en diario o dos!",
"Italian: più cose da pensare circa giornaliere o due!",
"Danish: flere ting å tenke på hver dag eller to!",
"Chech: Další věcí, přemýšlet o každý den nebo dva!",
"German: mehr über Spaß spät schönen",
"Albanian: më vonë gjatë fun bukur",
"Hungarian: több mint szórakozás késő csodálatos kenyér"
//show encoding and then encode
foreach( $strings as $string ){
echo "<br /><br />$string :", mb_detect_encoding($string);
$json = json_encode($string);
echo "<br />Error? ", $json_errors[json_last_error()];
echo '<br />json=', $json;
The above code will output:
Define JSON errors
Current detection order 'mb_detect_order()': ASCII, UTF-8
Internal encoding 'mb_internal_encoding()': ISO-8859-1
Current detection language 'mb_language()' ('neutral' for utf8): neutral
O'Reilly(\n) "& 'Big\Two # bo\tld" :ASCII
json="O'Reilly(\\n) \"& 'Big\\Two # bo\\tld<\/span>\""
Latin: tell me the answer and I might find the question! :ASCII
json="Latin: tell me the answer and I might find the question!"
Greek: πες μου την ερώτηση και ίσως βρω την απάντηση! :UTF-8
json="Greek: \u03c0\u03b5\u03c2 \u03bc\u03bf\u03c5 \u03c4\u03b7\u03bd \u03b5\u03c1\u03ce\u03c4\u03b7\u03c3\u03b7 \u03ba\u03b1\u03b9 \u03af\u03c3\u03c9\u03c2 \u03b2\u03c1\u03c9 \u03c4\u03b7\u03bd \u03b1\u03c0\u03ac\u03bd\u03c4\u03b7\u03c3\u03b7!"
Chinese simplified: 告诉我答复,并且我也许发现问题! :UTF-8
json="Chinese simplified: \u544a\u8bc9\u6211\u7b54\u590d\uff0c\u5e76\u4e14\u6211\u4e5f\u8bb8\u53d1\u73b0\u95ee\u9898!"
Arabic: أخبرني الاجابة, انا قد تجد مسالة! :UTF-8
json="Arabic: \u0623\u062e\u0628\u0631\u0646\u064a \u0627\u0644\u0627\u062c\u0627\u0628\u0629, \u0627\u0646\u0627 \u0642\u062f \u062a\u062c\u062f \u0645\u0633\u0627\u0644\u0629!"
Portuguese: mais coisas a pensar sobre diário ou dois! :UTF-8
json="Portuguese: mais coisas a pensar sobre di\u00e1rio ou dois!"
French: plus de choses à penser à journalier ou à deux! :UTF-8
json="French: plus de choses \u00e0 penser \u00e0 journalier ou \u00e0 deux!"
Spanish: ¡más cosas a pensar en diario o dos! :UTF-8
json="Spanish: \u00a1m\u00e1s cosas a pensar en diario o dos!"
Italian: più cose da pensare circa giornaliere o due! :UTF-8
json="Italian: pi\u00f9 cose da pensare circa giornaliere o due!"
Danish: flere ting å tenke på hver dag eller to! :UTF-8
json="Danish: flere ting \u00e5 tenke p\u00e5 hver dag eller to!"
Chech: Další věcí, přemýšlet o každý den nebo dva! :UTF-8
json="Chech: Dal\u0161\u00ed v\u011bc\u00ed, p\u0159em\u00fd\u0161let o ka\u017ed\u00fd den nebo dva!"
German: mehr über Spaß spät schönen :UTF-8
json="German: mehr \u00fcber Spa\u00df sp\u00e4t sch\u00f6nen"
Albanian: më vonë gjatë fun bukur :UTF-8
json="Albanian: m\u00eb von\u00eb gjat\u00eb fun bukur"
Hungarian: több mint szórakozás késő csodálatos kenyér :UTF-8
json="Hungarian: t\u00f6bb mint sz\u00f3rakoz\u00e1s k\u00e9s\u0151 csod\u00e1latos keny\u00e9r"
As you can see in most languages-except English-there is a hexadecimal conversion of utf-8 characters.
Is it possible to encode by not replacing my unicode characters? Is it safe? What other people do?
You should consider such encodings that are coming from user input in pages and stored to mysql.
Maybe you should try json_encode($string, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE) , or any method in http://php.net/manual/fr/function.json-encode.php that may be usefull for your various cases.
really thanks for the answer!
The problem is that I'm on version PHP Version 5.3.10 and json_encode($string, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE) isn't an option.
Fortunately, a guy called "Mr Swordsteel" posted a comment at php's manual http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.json-encode.php which actually does the trick (thank you Mr Swordsteel!)
The real paradox is that it emulates completely json_encode function and gives a hint if we want to port it to another language like javascript and keep our libraries communicative.
function my_json_encode($in){
$_escape = function ($str) {
return addcslashes($str, "\v\t\n\r\f\"\\/");
$out = "";
if (is_object($in)){
$class_vars = get_object_vars(($in));
$arr = array();
foreach ($class_vars as $key => $val){
$arr[$key] = "\"{$_escape($key)}\":\"{$val}\"";
$val = implode(',', $arr);
$out .= "{{$val}}";
}elseif (is_array($in)){
$obj = false;
$arr = array();
foreach($in as $key => $val){
$obj = true;
$arr[$key] = my_json_encode($val);
foreach($arr AS $key => $val){
$arr[$key] = "\"{$_escape($key)}\":{$val}";
$val = implode(',', $arr);
$out .= "{{$val}}";
}else {
$val = implode(',', $arr);
$out .= "[{$val}]";
}elseif (is_bool($in)){
$out .= $in ? 'true' : 'false';
}elseif (is_null($in)){
$out .= 'null';
}elseif (is_string($in)){
$out .= "\"{$_escape($in)}\"";debug('in='.$in.', $_escape($in)='.$_escape($in).', out='.$out);
$out .= $in;
return "{$out}";
I gave it a lot of tests and couldn't break it!
It would be very interesting now to re-implement json_decode!
Problem and original data
I have a json data which contain some HTML entities to encode some special characters (mostly from French language, like “é”, “ç”, “à”, etc.) and for html tags.
This is a sample of my json data:
"data1": "<p>Le cartulaire de 1380-1381 copié au XVIIe siècle et aujourd’hui perdu<strong>*</strong>.",
"data2": "<p><strong>*</strong> Joseph CUVELIER, <em>Cartulaire de l’abbaye du Val-Benoît</em>, Bruxelles, 1906, p. XI-XXVII.</p>"
Desired result
"data1": "<p>Le cartulaire de 1380-1381 copié au XVIIe siècle et aujourd’hui perdu<strong>*</strong>.",
"data2": "<p><strong>*</strong> Joseph CUVELIER, <em>Cartulaire de l’abbaye du Val-Benoît</em>, Bruxelles, 1906, p. XI-XXVII.</p>"
So, I wish to simply decode all HTML entities back to their respective characters and tags. I try to do this with php.
There is my current code:
/* decode data */
$jsonData = '{
"data1": "<p>Le cartulaire de 1380-1381 copié au XVIIe siècle et aujourd’hui perdu<strong>*</strong>.",
"data2": "<p><strong>*</strong> Joseph CUVELIER, <em>Cartulaire de l’abbaye du Val-Benoît</em>, Bruxelles, 1906, p. XI-XXVII.</p>"
$data = json_decode($jsonData, true);
/* change html entities and re-encode data */
$data = mb_convert_encoding($data, "UTF-8", "HTML-ENTITIES");
header('Content-Type: application/json; Charset="UTF-8"');
My current result:
"data1": "<p>Le cartulaire de 1380-1381 copié au XVIIe siècle et aujourd’hui perdu<strong>*</strong>.",
"data2": "<p><strong>*</strong> Joseph CUVELIER, <em>Cartulaire de l’abbaye du Val-Benoît</em>, Bruxelles, 1906, p. XI-XXVII.</p>"
So, HTML tags were well transformed. But the HTML entities for French special characters stay here (but instead, for example é now I have é ).
How I can convert HTML entities back to characters?
You can test it online here: https://www.tehplayground.com/Z4uB5KIPPo4UQ4h1
Many thanks in advance!
Finally, my data is more complex than I was imagining. In the same data some characters were preserved as “é”, “à”, “ç” etc. and some other characters was converted to HTM entities. So I can have something like this:
"data2": "séculiers"
"anotherData1": "ecclésiastique",
"anotherData2": "<p>Le cartulaire de 1380-1381 copié au XVIIe siècle et aujourd’hui perdu<strong>*</strong>.",
"text1": "texte here",
"text2": "texte here"
"anotherData1": "ecclésiastique",
"anotherData2": "<p>Le cartulaire de 1380-1381 copié au XVIIe siècle et aujourd’hui perdu<strong>*</strong>.",
"text1": "texte here",
"text2": "texte here"
So, I suppose I have to 1) Convert all data to HTML entities; 2) Convert all HTML entities back to characters…
There is my current code:
# Get data
$jsonData = '{
"data2": "séculiers"
"anotherData1": "ecclésiastique",
"anotherData2": "<p>Le cartulaire de 1380-1381 copié au XVIIe siècle et aujourd’hui perdu<strong>*</strong>.",
"text1": "texte here",
"text2": "texte here"
"anotherData1": "ecclésiastique",
"anotherData2": "<p>Le cartulaire de 1380-1381 copié au XVIIe siècle et aujourd’hui perdu<strong>*</strong>.",
"text1": "texte here",
"text2": "texte here"
$data = json_decode($jsonData, true);
# Convert character encoding
$data = mb_convert_encoding($data, "UTF-8", "HTML-ENTITIES");
# Convert HTML entities to their corresponding characters
function html_decode(&$item){
$item = html_entity_decode($item);
array_walk_recursive($data, 'html_decode');
var_dump ($data);
So, I succeed in reversing the encoding. These who was an HTML entities become special characters, and those who was a special character become HTML entities.
But I don't have any idea how to get only special characters.
Online test: https://www.tehplayground.com/bVo3Jr5O7L9p4MXX
There is the solution. I needed to
convert & to & to standardize encoding systems;
convert all applicable characters to HTML entities.
There is the final code. Many thanks to all for all your comments and suggestions.
Full code and online test here: https://www.tehplayground.com/zythX4MUdF3ric4l
array_walk_recursive($data, function(&$item, $key) {
if(is_string($item)) {
$item = str_replace("&", "&", $item); // 1. Replace & by &
$item = html_entity_decode($item); // 2. Convert HTML entities to their corresponding characters
I've been trying to read a csv file and extract the first two columns and save it into another csv file.
The csv file is tab separated. The code is written do show it on the webpage but when it comes to writing the csv file. It prints on a new line which I don't want. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong or what should I add to get the output in one line per row?
$string = <<<CSV
"IRC_01T_00K_002" "Bonjour monsieur, je m'appelle Léon Bop j'habite au Sénégal, j'ai 28ans. J'étais religieux moine bénédictin et je viens de quitter la vie religieuse il y a 2ans. J'ai fait l'hôtellerie comme la plonge, la sécurité et équipier de cuisine, actuellement je suis commerçant, et depuis quelques temps je cherche un correspondant canadien pour venir immigrer au Canada, puisque c'est mon pays de rêve.\
Voilà mes coordonnées:\
+221775797837." "Wrong Channel" "2018-10-26 13:57:16" "DE8B33B0-C68F-11E8-8BFB-0242AC110004" "2018-10-26 13:57:16" "DE8B33B0-C68F-11E8-8BFB-0242AC110004"
"IRC_01T_00K_002" "bonjour le Canadian immigration je suis au Congo je suis un chauffeur" "Wrong Channel" "2018-10-12 15:53:29" "DE8B33B0-C68F-11E8-8BFB-0242AC110004" "2018-10-12 15:53:29" "DE8B33B0-C68F-11E8-8BFB-0242AC110004"
"IRC_031_000_008" "Thnks so much. I will apply before her status expires. You guys are so helpful \
. I am lucky that I am in canada in people like you ." "Chat Conclusion" "2018-10-24 17:41:50" "380922FF-AB0E-11E8-80D2-0242AC110004" "2018-10-24 17:41:50" "380922FF-AB0E-11E8-80D2-0242AC110004"
"IRC_031_000_008" "Ok thanks a lot" "Chat Conclusion" "2018-10-19 04:19:35" "A4D460D3-F448-1693-BA91-C6A0A40998BB" "2018-10-19 04:19:35" "A4D460D3-F448-1693-BA91-C6A0A40998BB"
//$string = str_replace(array('\\','/','\\\\','*','"','<','>','|',"'"), '', $string);
$handle = fopen("data://text/plain," . $string, "r");
if ($handle) {
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, "\t")) !== FALSE)
//$num = count($data);
for ($c=0; $c < 2; $c++)
echo $data[$c] . "<br />\n";
$data[$c] = str_replace(array('\\','/','\\\\','*','"','<','>','|',"'"), '', $data[$c]);
$data[$c] = preg_replace('/^\h*\v+/m', '', $data[$c]); // remove empty lines
$data[$c] = trim($data[$c]);
//fwrite($fp, $data[$c]);
IRC_01T_00K_002 Bonjour monsieur, je mappelle Léon Bop jhabite au Sénégal, jai 28ans. Jétais religieux moine bénédictin et je viens de quitter la vie religieuse il y a 2ans. Jai fait lhôtellerie comme la plonge, la sécurité et équipier de cuisine, actuellement je suis commerçant, et depuis quelques temps je cherche un correspondant canadien pour venir immigrer au Canada, puisque cest mon pays de rêve.
Voilà mes coordonnées:
I expect the output to be: "first column" \t "second column". The new csv file created should have two columns and the second column value should be in one single line rather than multiple lines.
You have newlines in the second column of the CSV file. You can replace them with spaces:
data[$c] = str_replace("\n", " ", $data[$c]);
I´m forking this repo https://github.com/FundacionPesetacoin/Pesetacoin_WooCommerce-Plugin and working fine. But when change the API for catch the price in other Site, not update
I try some differents links of API and make same.
Original code get info of his private API, and I want use other public API.
With original code, API show this info:
{"status" : "success" , "message" : "null", "ptc_btc" : "0.00000083", "btc_usd" : "5070.29", "btc_eur" : "4505.46", "supply" : "138188628.56442260", "ptc_eur" : "0.00373953", "ptc_usd" : "0.00420834" , "date" : "2019-04-13 10:20:07"}
and get "ptc_eur" of API for shows in shoppping cart.
Now I want use the new API of other site https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/simple/price?ids=reecore&vs_currencies=eur than shows this info:
I want use only the "eur" data , same the original code use the "ptc_eur" but dont work.
Sorry for my english.
//precio en PesetaCoins
global $woocommerce;
$euros= $woocommerce->cart->total;
$xaxa= "http://nodos.pesetacoin.info/api/api.php";
$data = file_get_contents($xaxa);
$pesetas = json_decode($data, true);
$valor_ptc= $pesetas['ptc_eur'];
$ptc= $euros/$valor_ptc;
$ptc= round($ptc, 2);
//precio en PesetaCoins
$pagos= array();
$metodo= $order->get_payment_method();
$i = -1;
foreach ( $this->account_details as $account ) {
$pagos[$i]= esc_attr( wp_unslash( $account['hash_name'] ) );
$cont= rand(0, $i);
if($metodo == "ptc") {
$description= "<span style='font-size:14px'>Para completar el pedido, debe enviar la cantidad <b>".$ptc."</b> de Pesetacoin a la siguiente dirección: <b>";
$description.= $pagos[$cont];
$description.="</b><br>Una vez se reciba la transacción se enviará el pedido.</span>";
echo wpautop(wptexturize($description));
//precio en ReecoreCoins
global $woocommerce;
$euros= $woocommerce->cart->total;
$xaxa= "https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/simple/price?ids=reecore&vs_currencies=eur";
$data = file_get_contents($xaxa);
$pesetas = json_decode($data, true);
$valor_reex= $pesetas['eur'];
$reex= $euros/$valor_reex;
$reex= round($reex, 2);
//precio en ReecoreCoins
$pagos= array();
$metodo= $order->get_payment_method();
$i = -1;
foreach ( $this->account_details as $account ) {
$pagos[$i]= esc_attr( wp_unslash( $account['hash_name'] ) );
$cont= rand(0, $i);
if($metodo == "reex") {
$description= "<span style='font-size:14px'>Para completar el pedido, debe enviar la cantidad <b>".$reex."</b> de Reecorecoin a la siguiente dirección: <b>";
$description.= $pagos[$cont];
$description.="</b><br>Una vez se reciba la transacción se enviará el pedido.</span>";
echo wpautop(wptexturize($description));
It's because the now Coingecko API return a nested JSON which is simply a JSON file with a fairly big portion of its values being other JSON objects.
Compared with Simple JSON, Nested JSON provides higher clarity in that it decouples objects into different layers, making it easier to maintain.
Using Phrase, keys will be stored by separating levels with a dot.
The new API returns a nested JSON object, where you need two steps to access the desired value:
$valor_reex= $pesetas['reecore']['eur'];
You might want to use ready library for this. Like this one https://github.com/npabisz/coingecko-api.
Install via composer:
composer require npabisz/coingecko-api
And then get your reecore price by:
$client = new \CoinGecko\Client();
$data = $client->Simple->Price->get([
'ids' => 'reecore',
'vs_currencies' => 'eur',
$reecorePrice = $data['reecore']['eur'] ?? null;
i'm struggling trying to remove the scaped characters from the json response in my CodeIgniter with PhilSturgeon REST Server.
Everything is working OK, but the problem comes with the response, when I access the URL to get the data in json format I get it, but with escaped characters.
Gives me the next response:
[{"id":"1","autor":"Prueba autor","titulo":"Comprobaci\u00f3n de t\u00ed\u00edtulo.","subtitulo":"Comprobaci\u00f3n de subt\u00edtulo.","foto1":"http://link.a.foto/foto1","texto1":"Comprobaci\u00f3n de texto 1.\r\n","pauta1":"1","texto2":"Comprobaci\u00f3n de texto 2.\r\n","foto2":"http://link.a.foto/foto2","pauta2":"1","texto3":"Comprobaci\u00f3n de texto 3.","foto3":"http://link.a.foto/foto3","pauta3":"1","texto4":"Comprobaci\u00f3n de texto 4.","texto5":"Comprobaci\u00f3n de texto 5.","texto6":"Comprobaci\u00f3n de texto 6.","datosweb":"http://link.a.pagina.de.datos/","adelanto":"Comprobaci\u00f3n del texto de adelante","nrorevista":"69"}]
It escapes URLs adding a backslash \ and changing specials characters (ó in this example) with: \u00f3.
I've tried adding stripslashes()but didn't work.
I checked the response in developers tools and it comes as expected: Content-Type: application/json.
How can I fix this encoding problem? I've also checked the configuration files and there seems to be nothing to change for this issue.
I hope someone can point me in the right direction, below is my code:
Controller: /application/controllers/api/notas.php
function nota_get() {
// ID verification.
if ( !$this->get('id') ) {
// NO ID.
$this->response(NULL, 400);
$nota = $this->Notas_model->get( $this->get('id') );
if ($nota) {
stripcslashes($this->response($nota, 200));
else {
$this->response(NULL, 404);
Model: /application/models/notas_model.php
function get($id = 0) {
if ( $id ) {
$query = $this->db->get_where( 'notas', array('id' => $id) );
else {
$query = $this->db->get('notas');
return $query->result();
I don't know if this matters, but this data will be accessed via javascript in the client side.
Thanks in advance!
Its just the way JSON works, try json_decode function.
$json = json_decode($json_string);
1) You need to be using json_decode() and then urldecode(), instead of stripslashes()
2) Both urldecode() and stripslashes() take a string as an argument, while you are trying to feed into it an object -- which gets "autoreduced" into something that depends on the PHP version... Whatever it is, it's probably not what you are expecting.
In your code:
if ($nota) {
stripcslashes($this->response($nota, 200));
you'll need a) save the result of decoding to the same or another variable, b) to loop through your object ( $nota ) and unescape the value in each key-value pair.
$cleanObject = array();
if ($nota) {
$decodedObject = json_decode($this->response($nota, 200));
foreach ( $decodedObject as $key => $value ) {
$cleanObject[$key] = urldecode( $value );
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
// output
[id] => 1
[autor] => Prueba autor
[titulo] => Comprobación de tíítulo.
[subtitulo] => Comprobación de subtítulo.
[foto1] => http://link.a.foto/foto1
[texto1] => Comprobación de texto 1.
[pauta1] => 1
[texto2] => Comprobación de texto 2.
[foto2] => http://link.a.foto/foto2
[pauta2] => 1
[texto3] => Comprobación de texto 3.
[foto3] => http://link.a.foto/foto3
[pauta3] => 1
[texto4] => Comprobación de texto 4.
[texto5] => Comprobación de texto 5.
[texto6] => Comprobación de texto 6.
[datosweb] => http://link.a.pagina.de.datos/
[adelanto] => Comprobación del texto de adelante
[nrorevista] => 69
Hopefully, this is what you are looking to achieve.
Depending on your further needs, you may have to re-encode the result. Based on javascript you mention, you may then need to convert the result back to JSON:
$unescapedAndJSONencodedObject = json_encode( $cleanObject );
I'm sending a JSON message using this PHP:
$result = mysql_query("select a.id, ad.nombre, a.imagen, a.lat, a.long, ad.desc, a.url, a.email, a.tel, a.direccion, a.cp, a.poblacion, a.provincia from `bck_alrededor` a, `bck_alrededor_description` ad, `bck_alrededor_partner` ap
where a.id = ad.id_alrededor
and a.id = ap.id_alrededor
and a.id_cat = '$cat'
and ad.language = '$idioma'
and ap.id_partner = '$idp'",$link);
while( $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) )
$id = $row['id'];
$nombre = $row['nombre'];
if ($imagen <>'')
$imagen = $dir.'/'.$imagen;
$posts[] = array('nid'=> $id , 'title'=> $nombre, 'image'=> $imagen , 'latitude'=> $lat, 'longitude'=> $long, 'html'=> $desc, 'web'=> $url, 'email'=> $email, 'phone'=> $tel, 'address'=> $direccion, 'cp'=> $cp, 'poblacion'=> $poblacion, 'provincia'=> $provincia );
$response['nodes'] = $posts;
$current_charset = 'ISO-8859-15';
array_walk_recursive($response,function(&$value) use ($current_charset){
$value = iconv('UTF-8//TRANSLIT',$current_charset,$value);
echo json_encode($response);
if(!headers_sent()) header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8', true,200);
header('Content-type: application/json');
But I've got this JSON message with UTF8 escaped characters:
{"nodes":[{"nid":"87","title":"Tienda Oficial","image":"\/tiendaoficialgbc.png","latitude":"43.3021","longitude":"-1.9721","html":"Entra y adquiere todos los productos oficiales del GBC. En 48h los tienes en casa","web":"http:\/\/www.gipuzkoabasket.com\/tienda\/tienda_es.php","email":"gipuzkoabasket#gipuzkoabasket.com.","phone":"943 44 44 28","address":"Paseo de Anoeta 22, 1a Planta","cp":"20014","poblacion":"Donostia - San Sebasti\u00e1n","provincia":"Gipuzkoa"},{"nid":"88","title":"Tienda Oficial Salaberria","image":"\/tiendaoficialgbc.png","latitude":"43.30384","longitude":"-1.9797","html":"Entra y adquiere todos los productos oficiales del GBC. En 48h los tienes en casa","web":"http:\/\/www.gipuzkoabasket.com\/tienda\/tienda_es.php","email":"gipuzkoabasket#gipuzkoabasket.com.","phone":"943 44 44 28","address":"Jos\u00e9 Maria Salaberria 88","cp":"20014","poblacion":"Donostia - San Sebasti\u00e1n","provincia":""}]}
I've tried to use echo json_encode(utf8_encode($response)); but then I got a null JSON message in the client app.
How can I get a regular JSON message without UTF8 characters?
\u00e1 is a perfectly valid way to escape Unicode characters in JSON. It's part of the JSON spec. To decode that to UTF-8, just json_decode it. utf8_decode has nothing to do with it.
What I don't understand is this code:
This says you're trying to convert from UTF-8//TRANSLIT to ISO-8859-15, which doesn't make much sense. The //TRANSLIT should come after ISO-8859-15, or you shouldn't be doing this conversion at all.