PHP code to get the json output in the following format - php

Hi i have written an android app which interacts with php to get data from the database.
I need the json to return the data back in this format.
"outlet_id" :"1",
"outlet_desc" :"BigBazaar",
"outlet_loc" :"Jayanagar4thBlock",
"outlet_image" :"http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%2FFlutura%2FPHP%2FAssets%2Fimages%2FBigBazaar.png",
"recommended_products": [
But right now it is giving in the following format.
"outlet_id": "1",
"outlet_name": "Big Bazaar",
"lat": "12.9285690",
"lng": "77.5831100",
"outlet_image": "images/BigBazaar.png",
"outlet_location": "Jayanagar 4th Block"
"outlet_id": "2",
"outlet_name": "Food World",
"lat": "12.9392350",
"lng": "77.5780680",
"outlet_image": "images/FoodWorld.png",
"outlet_location": "Basavanagudi"
"outlet_id": "5",
"outlet_name": "Total",
"lat": "12.9589340",
"lng": "77.6571610",
"outlet_image": "images/Total.png",
"outlet_location": "Murugeshpalya"
"outlet_id": "6",
"outlet_name": "Big Bazaar",
"lat": "12.9324963",
"lng": "77.6228463",
"outlet_image": "images/BigBazaar.png",
"outlet_location": "Koramangala"
"outlet_id": "7",
"outlet_name": "Food World",
"lat": "12.9785055",
"lng": "77.6379353",
"outlet_image": "images/FoodWorld.png",
"outlet_location": "Indira Nagar"
This is my php code.
//$url = $_GET['url'];
//$mR = $_GET['mRequest'];
//$mOid = $_GET['mOutletId'];
//$mloc = $_GET['mLocation'];
//connect to the db
$user = "root";
$pswd = "";
$db = "recommendations_db";
$host = "localhost";
$conn = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pswd);
//if($mR == 'outlets' && $mloc = 'all'){
$query = "SELECT * FROM outlets";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die("Unable to verify user because : " . mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
$output[] = array($row);
print( json_encode($output) );
How can i modify the above php code to return in the 1st format. Please help as i am not so good in php.
Table Structure.
Outlets Table.
It contains the following fields.
outlet_id outlet_name lat lng outlet_image outlet_location
Recommendations table.
It contains the following fields.
item_id outlet_id
Items table.
It contains the following fields.
item_id item_name item_image item_price category_id

Ok so it's the missing sub-array. You want to create a JSON string, not a object, from a multidimensional associative array.
There are faster ways to select these rows but this is easy to follow.
$query = "SELECT * FROM outlets";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die("Unable to verify user because : " . mysql_error());
$output=array(); # don't leave it undefined
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
# guessing this query
$query2 = "SELECT * FROM recommended_products WHERE outlet_id=".$result['outlet_id'];
# now we create the sub array recommended_products
$result2 = mysql_query($query2) or die("Unable to verify user because : " . mysql_error());
while($row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result2)){
# then add the modified row to the output
$output[] = $row;
print( json_encode($output) );
Also, mysql_ is depreciated. Probably no genuine need to rush but it's worth at least looking at converting to mysqli or PDO.

Change $output[] = array($row); to $output[] = $row;


Compare variable of two different array?

Here i want compare two array.
I have two tables one is CATEGORY and second is USER(in which selected multiple category is stored in this format , , , ).
but when the USER want to update their category at that time the earlier selected category should return checked 1 and which is not selected should return checked 0 and here is my code.
case 'cat':
$sql="SELECT category from nesbaty_user where user_id='".$user_id."'";
$response1 = array();
while ($array = mysqli_fetch_array($qry_res))
foreach (explode(',', $array['category']) as $cat)
$response1[]=array('category' => $cat);
$response['Selected_category'] = $response1;
$qry="SELECT cat_id,category,image_url FROM nesbaty_category";
$jsonData = array();
while ($array = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qry_res))
$jsonData[] = $array;
$response['category'] = $jsonData;
echo json_encode($response);
//echo json_encode(array('data1' =>$response1));
and here is my fetched array from the database.
"Selected_category": [
"category": "5"
"category": "6"
"category": "9"
"category": [
"cat_id": "1",
"category": "Drug",
"image_url": "1.jpg"
"cat_id": "2",
"category": "Bars",
"image_url": "2.jpg"
"cat_id": "3",
"category": "Bars",
"image_url": "2.jpg"
"cat_id": "4",
"category": "Hair Saloon",
"image_url": "2.jpg"
This is for handle this same structure as You provided.
$response = [];
$sql = "SELECT category from nesbaty_user where user_id='".$user_id."'";
$qry_res = mysqli_query($con, $sql);
$selectedCategories = mysqli_fetch_array($qry_res);
$selectedCategories = explode(',', $selectedCategories['category']);
$qry = "SELECT cat_id,category,image_url FROM nesbaty_category";
$qry_res = mysqli_query($con, $qry);
while ($categories = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qry_res)) {
$categories['checked'] = (int)\in_array($categories['cat_id'], $selectedCategories);
$response[] = $categories;
echo json_encode($response);
If any error writes a comment, I'll fix it.

Multidimensional array combines same key and value into already defined array element

I new to php, getting mysql results storing json but its not gettng coorect format what I want.
Pease check below code
$sql = "select * from en_providers where providerEmailAddress='" . $email . "' and providerPW='" . $password . "'";
$result = mysqli_query($con, $sql) or die("Error in Selecting " . mysqli_error($connection));
if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) {
$resultArray = array();
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$providerID = $row['providerID'];
$resultArray['providers'] = $row;
$resultArray['providers']['providerIDActivities'] = unserialize($row['providerIDActivities']);
$resultArray['providers']['providerIDBodies'] = unserialize($row['providerIDBodies']);
$resultArray['providers']['providerIDOthers'] = unserialize($row['providerIDOthers']);
$sql1 = "select * from en_venues where providerID = $providerID ";
$result1 = mysqli_query($con, $sql1) or die("Error in Selecting " . mysqli_error($connection));
$i = $j = $l = $x = $m = 0;
while ($row1[] = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result1)) {
//$resultArray['venues'][]['venueIDFacilities'] = unserialize($row1[$j++]['venueIDFacilities']);
$venueID = $row1[$j++]['venueID'];
$k = 0;
$venueFacilities = unserialize($row1[$i++]['venueIDFacilities']);
$resultArray[$x++]['venues']['venueIDFacilities'] = $venueFacilities;
//$resultArray['venues'][$x++]['venueID'] = $venueID;
$resultArray['venues'] = $row1;
//echo json_encode($resultArray);
echo json_encode($resultArray);
Output is:
0: {
"venues": {
"venueIDFacilities": [
1: {
"venues": {
"venueIDFacilities": [
"providers": {
"providerIDActivities": [
"providerIDSports": "a:1:{i:0;i:82;}",
"providerIDBodies": [
venues": {
0: {
"venueID": "9",
"providerID": "2"
1: {
"venueID": "238",
"providerID": "2",
"venueActive": "yes"
But I need those VenueFailities to be in respective venues but result is getting outside. How can I append those values into venues?
I am trying for one day with different ways but it's not getting correct format.
Output I want:
"providers": {
"providerIDActivities": [
"providerIDSports": "a:1:{i:0;i:82;}",
"providerIDBodies": [
venues": {
0: {
"venueID": "9",
"providerID": "2",
"venueIDFacilities": [
1: {
"venueID": "238",
"providerID": "2",
venueIDFacilities": [
This line
$resultArray[$x++]['venues']['venueIDFacilities'] = $venueFacilities;
should be
$resultArray['venues'][$x++]['venueIDFacilities'] = $venueFacilities;

How to place one array inside another?

I've researched how to add an array inside another array but the result wasn't quite what I expected. I tried using 'array_push' and 'array_merge' but neither one solved my problem. Here's the code I have so far:
else if ($_GET['type'] == "listaJogos") {
//echo 'Tipo de operação: ' . $_GET['type'] . '<br>';
$campeonato_id = $_GET['campeonato'];
//Query que retorna a NOME_TIME, ID, DATA_HORA, TB_COTACAO_ID
$query = "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(timee.nome_time ORDER BY timee.nome_time SEPARATOR ' X ') AS nome_time,, partida.data_hora, partida.tb_cotacao_id
FROM tb_partida AS partida, tb_time AS timee, tb_partida_time AS partidaTime
WHERE ( = tb_partida_id && = tb_time_id)
AND (partida.flag_ativo = 1 AND partida.flag_cancelado <> 1 AND partida.flag_finalizado <> 1)
AND partida.tb_campeonato_id = $campeonato_id
$query2 = "SELECT * FROM `tb_cotacao` WHERE `id` = ";
$result = mysqli_query($link, $query);
while ($reg = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
$registros[] = array('partida' => $reg);
$result2 = mysqli_query($link, $query2 . $reg['tb_cotacao_id']);
//$registros[] = array('partida' => mysqli_fetch_array($result2, MYSQLI_ASSOC));
array_push($registros, mysqli_fetch_array($result2, MYSQLI_ASSOC));
$saida = json_encode(array('json' => $registros));
echo $saida;
The code above gives me the output below:
"json": [
"partida": {
"nome_time": "Acreano\r X Flamengo\r",
"id": "4",
"data_hora": "2016-09-03 14:00:00",
"tb_cotacao_id": "4"
"id": "4",
"casa": "1.23",
"empate": "2.13",
"fora": "1.23",
"gol_meio": "6.00",
"mais_2gm": "7.00",
"menos_3gm": "7.67",
"ambas_marcam": "0.00",
"casa_empate": "6.00",
"fora_empate": "7.67",
"casa_marca": "6.00",
"fora_marca": "76.00",
"casa_ou_fora": "76.00",
"casavence_foramarca": "76.00",
"foravence_casamarca": "7.00",
"casavence_zero": "67.00",
"foravence_zero": "67.00"
What I need is the array I'm trying to push to be inside 'partida', like this:
"json": [
"partida": {
"nome_time": "Acreano\r X Flamengo\r",
"id": "4",
"data_hora": "2016-09-03 14:00:00",
"tb_cotacao_id": "4"
"cotacoes": {
"id": "4",
"casa": "1.23",
"empate": "2.13",
"fora": "1.23",
"gol_meio": "6.00",
"mais_2gm": "7.00",
"menos_3gm": "7.67",
"ambas_marcam": "0.00",
"casa_empate": "6.00",
"fora_empate": "7.67",
"casa_marca": "6.00",
"fora_marca": "76.00",
"casa_ou_fora": "76.00",
"casavence_foramarca": "76.00",
"foravence_casamarca": "7.00",
"casavence_zero": "67.00",
"foravence_zero": "67.00"
I'd really appreciate if someone can give me a hand with this.
array_push($registros[0]['partida'], mysqli_fetch_array($result2, MYSQLI_ASSOC));
use this
modify your 3rd line from last

json_encode multiple arrays into one JSON object in PHP?

I'm new to php and am trying to encode 2 arrays together into one JSON object.
Currently this is the JSON output:
"image_link": "some url",
"zoomin_level": "8",
"zoomout_level": "18.5",
"position_lat": "32.913105",
"position_long": "-117.140363",
What I like to achieve is the following:
"image_link": "some url",
"zoomin_level": "2",
"zoomout_level": "15",
"position_lat": "32.9212",
"position_long": "-117.124",
"locations": {
"1": {
"image_link": "some url",
"name": "Name",
"lat": 32.222,
"marker_long": -112.222
"2": {
"image_link": "some url",
"name": "Name",
"lat": 32.222,
"marker_long": -112.222
This is similar to the question asked here: PHP json_encode multiple arrays into one object
However mine is a bit different because I like to add the 2nd array as part of a key-value part within the 1st array.
Here's my php code:
$sql = "select * from first_table";
$result = mysqli_query($connection, $sql) or die("Error in Selecting " . mysqli_error($connection));
$rowCount = $result->num_rows;
$index = 1 ;
$newArray = [];
while($row =mysqli_fetch_assoc($result))
$sqlnew = "select * from second_table";
$resultnew = mysqli_query($connection, $sqlnew) or die("Error in Selecting " . mysqli_error($connection));
//create an array
$jsonData = array();
$rowCountnew = $resultnew->num_rows;
$indexnew = 1;
if ($rowCountnew >0)
while($rownew =mysqli_fetch_assoc($resultnew))
$locations[$indexnew] = array("image_link" => $rownew['image_link'], "name" => $rownew['name'], "position_lat" => doubleval($rownew['position_lat']), "position_long" => doubleval($rownew['position_long']) );
$newArray[$row['map_type']] = $row['map_value'];
echo json_encode($newArray);
Not knowing the proper syntax, I tried to perform the following which resulted in garbage: echo json_encode($newArray, "locations" =>$locations);
$newArray['locations'] = $locations;
echo json_encode ($newArray);

Using PHP multidimensional arrays to convert MySQL to JSON

Here's my table structure.
I'm trying to convert MySQL to nested JSON, but am having trouble figuring out how to build the multidimensional array in PHP.
The result I want is similar to this:
"school_name": "School's Name",
"terms": [
"term_name":"FALL 2013",
"departments": [
"department_name":"MANAGEMENT INFO SYSTEMS",
"courses": [
"sections": [
"unique_id": "mx00fdskljdsfkl"
"unique_id": "mxsajkldfk57"
"sections": [
"unique_id": "mx0ljjklab57"
The PHP I'm using:
$query = "SELECT school_name, term_name, department_name, department_code, course_code, course_name, section_code, magento_course_id
FROM schools INNER JOIN term_names ON INNER JOIN departments ON INNER JOIN adoptions ON";
$fetch = mysqli_query($con, $query) or die(mysqli_error($con));
$row_array = array();
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($fetch)) {
$row_array[$row['school_name']]['school_name'] = $row['school_name'];
$row_array[$row['school_name']]['terms']['term_name'] = $row['term_name'];
$row_array[$row['school_name']]['terms']['departments'][] = array(
'department_name' => $row['department_name'],
'department_code' => $row['department_code'],
'course_name' => $row['course_name'],
'course_code' => $row['course_code'],
'section_code' => $row['section_code'],
'unique_id' => $row['magento_course_id']
$return_arr = array();
foreach ($row_array as $key => $record) {
$return_arr[] = $record;
file_put_contents("data/iMadeJSON.json" , json_encode($return_arr, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
My JSON looks like this:
"school_name": "School's Name",
"terms": {
"term_name": "FALL 2013",
"departments": [
"department_name": "ACCOUNTING",
"department_code": "ACCT",
"course_name": "COST ACCOUNTING",
"course_code": "3315",
"section_code": "10258",
"unique_id": "10311"
"department_name": "ACCOUNTING",
"department_code": "ACCT",
"course_code": "3320",
"section_code": "10277",
"unique_id": "10314"
The department information is repeated for each course, making the file much larger. I'm looking for a better understanding of how PHP multidimensional arrays in conjunction with JSON works, because I apparently have no idea.
I started from Ian Mustafa reply and I figure out to solve the problem of each loop erasing the previous array.
It's an old thread but I think this could be useful to others so here is my solution, but based on my own data structure (easy to figure out how to adapt it to other structures I think) :
$usersList_array =array();
$user_array = array();
$note_array = array();
$fetch_users = mysqli_query($mysqli, "SELECT ID, Surname, Name FROM tb_Users WHERE Name LIKE 'G%' ORDER BY ID") or die(mysqli_error($mysqli));
while ($row_users = mysqli_fetch_assoc($fetch_users)) {
$user_array['id'] = $row_users['ID'];
$user_array['surnameName'] = $row_users['Surname'].' '.$row_users['Name'];
$user_array['notes'] = array();
$fetch_notes = mysqli_query($mysqli, "SELECT id, dateIns, type, content FROM tb_Notes WHERE fk_RefTable = 'tb_Users' AND fk_RefID = ".$row_users['ID']."") or die(mysqli_error($mysqli));
while ($row_notes = mysqli_fetch_assoc($fetch_notes)) {
$jsonData = json_encode($usersList_array, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
echo $jsonData;
Resulting JSON :
"id": "1",
"surnameName": "Xyz Giorgio",
"notes": [
"id": "1",
"dateIns": "2016-05-01 03:10:45",
"type": "warning",
"content": "warning test"
"id": "2",
"dateIns": "2016-05-18 20:51:32",
"type": "error",
"content": "error test"
"id": "3",
"dateIns": "2016-05-18 20:53:00",
"type": "info",
"content": "info test"
"id": "2",
"cognomeNome": "Xyz Georg",
"notes": [
"id": "4",
"dateIns": "2016-05-20 14:38:20",
"type": "warning",
"content": "georg warning"
"id": "5",
"dateIns": "2016-05-20 14:38:20",
"type": "info",
"content": "georg info"
Change your while to this:
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($fetch)) {
$row_array[$row['school_name']]['school_name'] = $row['school_name'];
$row_array[$row['school_name']]['terms']['term_name'] = $row['term_name'];
$row_array[$row['school_name']]['terms']['department_name'][] = array(
'department_name' => $row['department_name'],
'department_code' => $row['department_code']
If you want to achieve result like the example, maybe you should consider using this method:
$result_array = array();
$fetch_school = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT id, school_name FROM schools") or die(mysqli_error($con));
while ($row_school = mysqli_fetch_assoc($fetch_school)) {
$result_array['school_name'] = $row_school['school_name'];
$fetch_term = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT term_name FROM term_names WHERE school_id = $row_school['id']") or die(mysqli_error($con));
while ($row_term = mysqli_fetch_assoc($fetch_term)) {
$result_array['terms']['term_name'] = $row_term['term_name'];
$fetch_dept = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT id, department_name, department_code FROM departments WHERE school_id = $row_school['id']") or die(mysqli_error($con));
while ($row_dept = mysqli_fetch_assoc($fetch_dept)) {
$result_array['terms']['deptartments']['department_name'] = $row_dept['department_name'];
$result_array['terms']['deptartments']['department_code'] = $row_dept['department_code'];
$fetch_course = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT course_name, course_code FROM adoptions WHERE departement_id = $row_dept['id']") or die(mysqli_error($con));
while ($row_course = mysqli_fetch_assoc($fetch_course)) {
$result_array['terms']['deptartments']['courses']['course_name'] = $row_course['course_name'];
$result_array['terms']['deptartments']['courses']['course_code'] = $row_course['course_code'];
file_put_contents("data/iMadeJSON.json" , json_encode($result_array, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
Probably it's not an effective program, but it should gives you best result. Hope it helps :)
Try replacing your while loop with below code:
$departments = array();
$courses = array();
$i = 0;
$j = 0;
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($fetch)) {
$row_array[$row['school_name']]['school_name'] = $row['school_name'];
$row_array[$row['school_name']]['terms']['term_name'] = $row['term_name'];
$key = array_search($row['department_code'], $departments);
if ($key === FALSE) {
$k = $i++;
$departments[] = $row['department_code'];
$row_array[$row['school_name']]['terms']['departments'][$k]['department_name'] = $row['department_name'];
$row_array[$row['school_name']]['terms']['departments'][$k]['department_code'] = $row['department_code'];
} else {
$k = $key;
$skey = array_search($row['course_code'], $courses);
if ($skey === FALSE) {
$l = $j++;
$courses[] = $row['course_code'];
$row_array[$row['school_name']]['terms']['departments'][$k]['courses'][$l]['course_name'] = $row['course_name'];
$row_array[$row['school_name']]['terms']['departments'][$k]['courses'][$l]['course_code'] = $row['course_code'];
} else {
$l = $skey;
$row_array[$row['school_name']]['terms']['departments'][$k]['courses'][$l]['sections'][] = array('section_code' => $row['section_code'], 'unique_id' => $row['magento_course_id']);
Hope this would help you.
I know that this is a kind of an old question, but today I was with the same issue. I didn't find a proper solution online and finally I solved, so I'm posting here so others can check.
I'm not 100% sure that this will work because I don't have your DB, but in my case was similar and worked. Also it will not be 100% like it was asked, but I'm pretty sure there will be no redundancy and all the data will be shown.
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($fetch)) {
$row_array ['school_name'][$row['school_name']]['terms'][$row['term_name']]['departments']['department_code'][$row['department_code']]['department_name'] = $row['department_name'];
$row_array ['school_name'][$row['school_name']]['terms'][$row['term_name']]['departments']['department_code'][$row['department_code']]['courses']['course_code'][$row['course_code']]['course_name'] = $row['course_name'];
$row_array ['school_name'][$row['school_name']]['terms'][$row['term_name']]['departments']['department_code'][$row['department_code']]['courses']['course_code'][$row['course_code']]['sections']['unique_id'][$row['magento_course_id']]['section_code'] = $row['section_code'];
Also I'm not a PHP guy, but from what I understand, the = comes before a leaf and only before a leaf.
