This is more of a architectural question. I like to know what people's opinion on how to properly handle errors in a fully Object Oriented PHP environment.
For example I have a class that retrieves all user data from the database. So I would use it in this way:
$userData = new UserDataConnection();
At each of these steps, an error could have potentially occurred. So would I return a boolean from each step stating whether the function has successfully executed (hence the error checking is within each function), or do I do a try-catch exception handling around the whole thing? or is there a better way?
Is it also better to always go to some kind of error page when some kind of error occur?
$ERROR = false;
try {
$userData = new UserDataConnection();
$DETAILS = $userData->showData();
} catch( Exception $e ) {
$ERROR = $e->getMessage(); // exit;
if( $ERROR ) {
$DETAILS = array();
If you are using PDO you can throw a PDOException.
It typically boils down to a simple question:
May this function "legitimately" fail or is any failure a sign of something being really wrong?
If a function expects a certain kind of input and should never ever be called with a different kind of input, any failure to supply the correct input is an InvalidArgumentException. This is especially true for functions which do not directly handle user input. This works even better with type hinting.
If a function should always produce a certain result given the correct input, any failure of the function to produce that result is a RuntimeException or LogicException or some other kind of exception.
If a function may or may not produce some kind of result, false is a legitimate return value. Functions which deal with user input and therefore get very arbitrary input values are often fine with returning false.
Some examples:
getDatabaseConnection() is perfectly correct in throwing a RuntimeException or similar if it cannot establish a connection to the database. This is an exceptional circumstance in which case no work can continue.
transformFooIntoBar(Foo $foo) is correct in throwing some form of exception if it cannot return a Bar instance, for whatever reason that may be. The function has a clear purpose and a type checked input value. If it cannot do its job under such clear conditions, something is clearly wrong and must be fixed. Ergo, an exception.
checkIfUserExists($id) may well return false, because its job is to return a thumbs up or thumbs down. A user not existing is not an exceptional circumstance given this job description.
Where to catch a thrown exception depends on where you want to deal with it. Database connection errors should probably be caught at the very top of the call stack, since you probably cannot do anything if the database is down.
On the other hand, if some module is calling some submodule and half expects that submodule to fail and/or has a contingency plan in case it does fail, the module may catch the exception of the submodule and continue on doing its job. For instance getRSSUpdates() makes a call to a HTTP::fetchContents($url). If the URL returns a 404, the HTTP module may throw an exception, since it cannot return contents under these circumstances. The getRSSUpdates() function is prepared for this though and handles this case as "no updates at this time".
I have some methods in a class that I think could be useful for testing stuff, but also in some cases the program may want to halt completely if the check fails. Originally I was wrapping the method calls in if conditions and then throwing an exception, however, I ended up having the same if conditions in many methods and it seemed wasteful, so I added a boolean flag to the check method to have it throw an exception if the check failed. An example:
public function isValidDirection($direction, $throwException = false) {
if(!in_array($direction, $this->getDirections()) && $throwException) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid direction value. Valid directions are: "%s"', implode(", ", $this->getDirections())));
return in_array($direction, $this->getDirections());
Is this a bad idea? I've not come across this kind of pattern before and I'm wondering are there any pitfalls to it?
An exception should be thrown in exceptional circumstances. That means when your code is in a situation that it is not prepared to handle. If your function is a validation function whose job it is to confirm the validity of data, there should hardly be any exceptional error possible. The job of the function is simple: take input, return true or false depending on whether it's valid. If you want to handle the case of invalid input by throwing an exception and you want to DRY that repetitive check, create another function which wraps your validation function. So you'd have two functions: isValidDirection($input) and assertIsValidDirection($input), the latter of which throws an exception if it's not valid and otherwise does nothing.
function isValidDirection($input) {
return ...; // true or false
function assertIsValidDirection($input) {
if (!isValidDirection($input)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException;
This keeps both functions' responsibilities clear and their implementation simple.
Yeah, it's a bad idea. If the method gets into a state where it can't continue or otherwise shouldn't get into it should throw an exception. It's up to the calling code to handle the exception as it feels is necessary or let the program crash. Otherwise the caller is oblivious to the program failing and will continue and usually make the situation worse/harder to debug.
If, in the case that you don't want to halt your program you can catch the exception and log an error, or handle it some more graceful way depending on your situation. If you don't expect the error at all the program will crash (ideally during testing) and the error won't propagate; you then know exactly where to look to fix it.
So, if I understand it correctly, your code should throw an exception if the $direction isn't in getDirections.
public function isValidDirection($direction) {
if(!in_array($direction, $this->getDirections())) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid direction value. Valid directions are: "%s"', implode(", ", $this->getDirections())));
return in_array($direction, $this->getDirections());
(Also, you don't need to call getDirections 3 times, just call it once and store it in a variable)
I have been dealing with PHP since 2000, but not very actively, and my knowledge of PHP5 is quite horrible. Recently I got my interest for webdevelopment back after a 5 year long break, and I started working on a project. I wrote a class for that project that became fairly large, but so far without any specific error handling.
The purpose of the class is to parse HTML files with a specific layout and handle its data, and it was more or less a training exercise for me to get back into the game. I started to rewrite the class now, and I decided it was time to be a little more professional about error handling than simply using die(), which I have been using a lot so far. I think we can all agree that is a terrible direction to take. I want the class to be quite project independent, so that I can distribute it to whoever wants to use it.
The HTML files I want to parse contain tables with specific bordercolors, trs with specific bgcolors, but the number of elements are dynamic. To validate that the HTML files actually have this specific pattern, I have the following sample (pseudo)code
public function Validate() {
$tables = getall('table', $this->data);
foreach ($tables as $table) {
if ($table->bordercolor != 'navy' && $table->cellspacing != 0) {
// Error
foreach ($tables->tr as $tr) {
if ($tr->bgcolor != '#fff') {
// Error
return true;
Where it says // Error, the HTML layout doesn't check out and my class should not attempt to parse it. Traditionally I would do this:
if ($table->bgcolor != '#fff') {
$this->error = 'Invalid HTML layout';
return false;
And from where I call the method I would use
if ($class->Validate() === false) {
exit_with_error($class->GetError()); // Simple return of $this->error
I've always thought it's a decent approach because of it's simplicity. However that's also a disadvantage as it doesn't really provide any in-depth information of the error apart from the text itself. I can't see where the error was triggered, what methods were called, etc.
Since I resumed my PHP hobby I have discovered exceptions. My problem with them is simply that I don't understand how to properly use them. And if I should use them at all. I would like my class to be portable; can I use exceptions to handle errors at all? And if yes, how can I communicate the errors (i.e. translate my traditional error handling)? Or perhaps there is an even better approach to take, which I don't know about.
Any help appreciated :)
You are certainly thinking along the right path. Typically, I like to separatte class design from error handling logic. In other words I don't want to have a bunch of $this->error = 'something' logic in the class, as why would you want to add extra code to every class to store/handle/report errors.
Now you get into exceptions vs. errors and when to use each. This is likely a subject for debate, but my personal preference has largely been to throw Exceptions in cases where you get to a point in your code that you cannot recover from or do not have the logic to handle. A great example of this, that I typically use, is throwing Exceptions right at the beginning of any class method that requires parameters of a certain sort or value. Like this example:
public method set_attribute($value) {
if (empty($value)) {
throw new Exception('You must send me something');
} else if (!is_string($value)) {
throw new Exception("You sent me something but it wasn't the string I was expecting.");
// method logic here
Here if the caller didn't give us a non-empty string, we throw an Exception, as we were not expecting this and we can't guarantee successful completion of the method without a proper value. There is not reason to continue with the method at all. We send the caller the exception with a message about the problem. Hopefully they invoked this method in a try-catch block and can gracefully handle the exception and pass it along up the call stack. If not, your code just stopped execution with fatal error from an uncaught exception (something really easy to catch in testing).
Triggering errors, I honestly use a lot less, and typically use them more for debug, warning purposes. An example of this might be a deprecated method that you still want to work, but you want to give the user an error on
public function old_method() {
trigger_error('This method had been deprecated. You should consider not using it anymore.'. E_USER_WARNING);
// method logic
Of course you can trigger whatever level of E_USER class warning here yourself.
Like I said, I tend to work a lot more with Exceptions, as they are also easily extensible for easy use with logging and such. I almost always would have a custom Exception class extending from PHP's base Exception class that also provides logging, etc.
The other thing to consider is global error handling and Exceptoin handling. I strongly recommend using these and having these be some of the very first lines of code in any new project. Again, it will give you much better control over how you log errors/exceptions than what you can get by default.
I don't see a problem with how you are doing it, but If you want to dive into Exceptions, learn how to use try/catch statements. Usually it would be something like this:
try {
//some code that may cause an error here
} catch (Exception e) {
//if a error is found, or an exception is thrown in the try statement, whatever here will execute
//you can get the error message by using e->getMessage()
you can read more about it here:
I have an object oriented app (written in an MVC framework) and often my error handling procedures are ad-hoc. Sometimes I return 0 for no error, sometimes a true for success. In general there is not a lot of consistency.
My scenario is that I have a controller calling a method from my model. If that method fails, I want it to return a human-readable reason as to why the error could not be completed. This error will be passed on to the user. For instance a userDelete() method. I just want to know whether the user was deleted, and if not, why?
My previous approach was to return true if deleted, and a string otherwise. This made if statements a little tricky because
if ($output = $this->someMethod())
will return true for a string, so that doesn't help much.
My considerations for alternatives are:
Return an array
array ('status'=>'error', 'message' => 'You did not specify an existing user')
This will be compatible with the if statement shown above (i.e. will return 'false' when an array is returned). I would return true for a successful function call.
Use PHP's Exception class and try/catch blocks
When the code falls into an error (i.e. perform a check to see whether user exists, and it turns out negative)
if ($query->count == 0) {
throw new Exception("User does not exist");
and then on the calling page I would write:
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage() //Or some other way of handling the error
If I proceed with this alternative, is that "bad form" in PHP? Should Exceptions be only used for actual coding errors (i.e. division by 0) instead of for 'higher level' application error handling / user feedback?
Remember: I plan on sending these error messages back to the user at some point during execution ... should I be concerned that other Exceptions thrown by PHP itself will make their way back to the user? Should I extend the Exception class to prevent this?
Personally I use something similar to your array idea since I can return and store that status and all other pieces of useful log info if I need to. If all goes well I simply return an empty array for consistency since if(someFunct()) would be true on success (if I used true as success) or on non-empty array. This way I just equate empty array (!someFunc()) to be success.
However, feel free to look at this post which I found to be pretty good about this topic.
I have been wondering since I stepped into the murky waters of OOP and have written a couple or so of distributed libraries when it is necessary to write my own extension of the exception class.
So far I simply use the built in exception class and it seems to serve me well. Is it necessary, and if so when is it ok, for me to write an exception subclass.
You should extend the Exception class with your own Exception types when you need to differentiate between different types of errors. Throwing an Exception just means something went wrong. You have no idea what went wrong though. Should you abort everything? Is this an expected error? Throwing a UserIsNotAllowedToDoThisException instead means something much more specific. The importance is to differentiate what code can handle what kind of error:
try {
new Foo($bar);
} catch (UserIsNotAllowedToDoThisException $e) {
echo "Sorry, you're not allowed to do this.";
This code handles the simple case when something is not allowed. If Foo would throw some other exception, like TheDatabaseJustCrashedAndIsBurningException, you don't want to know about this here, you want some global error handler to handle it. By differentiating what went wrong, it allows you to handle problems appropriately.
OK, here a little more complete example:
First, if you use proper OOP, you need Exceptions to fail object constructions. Without being able to fail object constructions, you're ignoring a large part of OOP: type safety and therefore data integrity. See for example:
class User {
private $name = null;
private $db = null;
public function __construct($name, PDO $db) {
if (strlen($name) < 3) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Username too short');
$this->name = $name;
$this->db = $db;
$this->db->save($this->name); // very fictional DB call, mind you
In this example, we see a lot of things:
My User objects have to have a name. Failing to pass a $name argument to the constructor will make PHP fail the whole program.
The username needs to be at least 3 characters long. If it is not, the object cannot be constructed (because an Exception is thrown).
My User objects have to have a valid and working database connection.
Failing to pass the $db argument will make PHP fail the whole program.
Failing to pass a valid PDO instance will make PHP fail the whole program.
I can't pass just anything as the second argument, it needs to be a valid PDO object.
This means if the construction of a PDO instance succeeded, I have a valid database connection. I do not need to worry about or check the validity of my database connection henceforth. That's the same reason I'm constructing a User object; if the construction succeeds, I have a valid user (valid meaning his name is at least 3 characters long). I do not need to check this again. Ever. I only need to type hint for User objects, PHP takes care of the rest.
So, you see the power that OOP + Exceptions gives you. If you have an instance of an object of a certain type, you can be 100% assured that its data is valid. That's a huge step up from passing data arrays around in any halfway complex application.
Now, the above __construct may fail due to two problems: The username being too short, or the database is for whatever reason not working. The PDO object is valid, so the connection was working at the time the object was constructed, but maybe it's gone down in the meantime. In that case, the call to $db->save will throw its own PDOException or a subtype thereof.
try {
$user = new User($_POST['username'], $db);
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
So I'd use the above code to construct a User object. I do not check beforehand whether the username is at least 3 characters long, because this would violate the DRY principle. Instead, I'll just let the constructor worry about it. If the construction fails with an InvalidArgumentException, I know the username was incorrect, so I'll let the user know about that.
What if the database is down though? Then I cannot continue to do anything in my current app. In that case I want to halt my application completely, displaying an HTTP 500 Internal Server Error page. Here's one way to do it:
try {
$user = new User($_POST['username'], $db);
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
} catch (PDOException $e) {
But this is a bad way. The database may fail at any time anywhere in the application. I do not want to do this check at every point I'm passing a database connection to anything. What I'll do instead is I let the exception bubble up. In fact, it has already bubbled up. The exception was not thrown by new User, it was thrown in a nested function call to $db->save. The Exception has already traveled up at least two layers. So I'll just let it travel up even further, because I have set up my global error handler to deal with PDOExceptions (it's logging the error and displays a nice error page). I do not want to worry about this particular error here. So, here it comes:
Using different types of Exceptions allows me to ignore certain types of errors at certain points in my code and let other parts of my code handle them. If I have an object of a certain type, I do not ever have to question or check or worry about its validity. If it wasn't valid, I wouldn't have an instance of it in the first place. And, if it ever fails to be valid (like a suddenly failing database connection), the object can signal by itself that an error occurred. All I need to do is catch the Exception at the right point (which can be very high up), I do not need to check whether something succeeded or not at every single point in my program. The upshot is less, more robust, better structured code. In this very simple example, I'm only using a generic InvalidArgumentException. In somewhat more complex code with objects that accept many arguments, you'd probably want to differentiate between different types of invalid arguments. Hence you'd make your own Exception subclasses.
Try to replicate this by using only one type of Exception. Try to replicate this using only function calls and return false. You need a lot more code to do so every time you need to make that check. Writing custom exceptions and custom objects is a little more code and apparent complexity upfront, but it saves you a ton of code later and makes things much simpler in the long run. Because anything that shouldn't be (like a user with a too short username) is guaranteed to cause an error of some sort. You don't need to check every time. On the contrary, you only need to worry about at which layer you want to contain the error, not whether you'll find it at all.
And it's really no effort to "write your own Exceptions":
class UserStoppedLovingUsException extends Exception { }
There, you have created your own Exception subclass. You can now throw and catch it at the appropriate points in your code. You don't need to do any more than that. In fact, you have now a formal declaration of the types of things that may go wrong in your app. Doesn't that beat a lot of informal documentation and ifs and elses and return falses?
The built in exception is good enough for almost every case. The only scenario that I could think of where you need another one is when there are more than one exception that can be thrown in a try and you want to do different things depending of which one is thrown. You have to distinguish two exceptions. therefore you need another one.
Only write it when you need it, e.g. to signal an own exception, for example if you code a library and no exception of the existing ones speaks the same.
Core PHP Exceptions
Core PHP SPL Exceptions
There are a lot of exceptions already build-in in PHP so for the normal program flow things should be covered exception-wise.
If you're developing a more complex system, like a parser, lexer plus compiler and everything is accessed via one routine/faced for it's API, the parser might want to throw a parser exception, the lexer a lexer exception and the compiler a compiler exception.
It can be useful to be able to differentiate. But I normally stick with the build in exceptions, it's easy to refactor later anyway in case it needs more differentiation.
And since there are namespaces nowadays, this is really freaking easy if you stick to the firsthand Exception class from the beginning ;)
Simply if you enter your own domain.
That is usually indicated when you need additional data to provide in your exception.
So actually you then also have to do you own class to add the additional class members.
I do not have many kinds of Exceptions in my project.
Right now,(we use MVC) I have the try catch encompassing my entire code:
}catch(Exception $E){
//handle errors
I wonder if there is a good reason to use the try-catch block in as specific as possible way as I can or just keep it general as it is now?
The idea of an exception is so that a function can report failure without having to return special values. In ye old PHP, the only way a function could say it had a problem was by returning some special value like false or -1. This is not pleasant. For example, suppose I am writing a variant of file_get_contents().
The typical return value is a handle - represented by a positive integer. However, there are two basic problems I can encounter: the file you specified was not found, or the file you specified was not readable. To indicate an error I might return a negative number - because handles are positive - that associates to the particular cause of error. Let's say that -1 means the file wasn't there and -2 means the file wasn't readable.
Now we have a problem that -1 and -2 do not inherently mean anything to someone reading the code. To rectify this we introduce the global constants FILE_NOT_FOUND and FILE_NOT_READABLE. Let's see some resultant code.
define('FILE_NOT_FOUND', -1);
define('FILE_NOT_READABLE', -2);
function my_file_get_contents($file) {
// blah blah blah
$friendListFile = getDefaultFriendListFile();
$result = my_file_get_contents($friendListFile);
if ($result == FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
} elseif ($result == FILE_NOT_READABLE) {
} else {
By having different error codes we can act accordingly to what the problem really is. That functionality is well and fine. The issue is purely in how the code reads.
$result is a horrible variable name. Variable names should be descriptive and obvious, like $friendListFile. The real name for $result is $fileContentsOrErrorCode which is not only too long, it examplifies how we are overloading a single variable with two meanings. You never, ever, want to have the same data mean two things. We want a separate $errorCode and $fileContents!
So how do we get around this problem? One not-really-a-solution some PHP libraries have used is to have their my_file_get_contents()-like functions return false if they encounter a problem. To disambiguate what the problem actually was we instead call my_file_get_contents_getError(). This almost works.
define('FILE_OKAY', 0);
define('FILE_NOT_FOUND', -1);
define('FILE_NOT_READABLE', -2);
$my_file_get_contents_error = FILE_OKAY;
function my_file_get_contents_getError() {
// blah blah blah
function my_file_get_contents($file) {
global $my_file_get_contents_error;
// blah blah blah
// whoa, an error? return false and store the error code in
// $my_file_get_contents_error
// no error? set $my_file_get_contents_error to FILE_OKAY
$friendListFile = getDefaultFriendListFile();
$result = my_file_get_contents($friendListFile);
if (my_file_get_contents_getError() == FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
} elseif (my_file_get_contents_getError() == FILE_NOT_READABLE) {
} elseif (my_file_get_contents_getError() == FILE_OKAY) {
} else {
die('I have no idea what happened. my_file_get_contents_getError() returns '
. my_file_get_contents_getError()
As a note, yes, we can do a much better job by avoiding a global variable and other such little bits. Consider this the nuts-and-bolts demonstration.
We still cannot call $result anything better than $fileContentsOrFalseIfError. That problem has not been fixed.
I have now rectified one problem that you may have noticed in the earlier example. What if we do not cover all of the error codes? If a programmer decides that there needs to be a -3 code we weren't originally detecting it! We could have checked if $result was a string to make sure it wasn't an error code, but we aren't supposed to really care about types in PHP, right? Now that we can utilize a second return value from my_file_get_contents_getError() it is no problem to include a success code.
There is now a brand new problem that has emerged. Fix one and find three more eh? The new problem is that only the most-recent error code can be kept. This is terribly fragile! If anything else calls my_file_get_contents() before you deal with your error code, their code will overwrite yours!
Gah, now we need to keep a list of functions that are unsafe to call before you deal with the return value from my_file_get_contents_getError(). If you don't do that, you have to keep as an ad-hoc coding convention that you always call my_file_get_contents_getError() immediately after my_file_get_contents() in order to save the error code that belongs to you before it is mysteriously overwritten.
Wait! Why don't we just hand out identifiers to our callers? In order to use my_file_get_contents() you now have to ask create_my_file_get_contents_handle() for some number that will disambiguate you with all other callers. Now you can call my_file_get_contents($myHandle, $myFile) and the error code can be stored in a special location just for you. Now when you call my_file_get_contents_getError($myHandle) you can access that special place, get your error code, and no one has stepped on your toes.
Er, but if there are many callers we don't want to have zillions of useless error codes laying around. We had better ask users to call destroy_my_file_get_contents_handle($myHandle) when they are done so we can free some memory.
I hope this is all feeling very familiar to ye old PHP mantras.
This is all so crazy, just make it simple, please!
What would it mean if the language supported a better mechanism to react to errors? Clearly, trying to create some solution with the existing tools is confusing, obnoxious, and error-prone.
Enter exceptions!
class FileNotFoundException extends Exception {}
class FileNotReadableException extends Exception {}
function my_file_get_contents($file) {
if (!is_file($file)) {
throw new FileNotFoundException($file);
} elseif (!is_readable($file)) {
throw new FileNotReadableException($file);
} else {
// blah blah blah
$friendListFile = getDefaultFriendListFile();
try {
$fileContents = my_file_get_contents($friendListFile);
} catch (FileNotFoundException $e) {
} catch (FileNotReadableException $e) {
All of a sudden our old headaches of special return values and handles and coding conventions have been cured!
We can now truly rename $result to $fileContents. If my_file_get_contents() has a problem, the assignment is aborted altogether and we jump right down to the appropriate catch block. Only if there is no error do we even think about giving $fileContents a value or calling useFriendList().
No longer are we plagued by multiple callers stepping on each other's error codes! Every call to my_file_get_contents() will instantiate its own exceptions, if the error arises.
No memory problems! The garbage collector will happily clean up no-longer-used exception objects without you thinking about it. Using ye old handle system we had to remember to manually destroy the handle, lest have it lurk around forever in memory.
There are many other benefits and traits to exceptions. I strongly recommend looking to other sources to learn about these. Particularly interesting are how they bubble up the execution stack until some caller can catch them. Also interesting is how you can catch an exception, try to fix the problem, and then rethrow the exception if you can not. Do not forget that exceptions are objects! There is loads of flexibility to be gained by that. For exceptions that no one can catch, look into the exception handler.
My intent to answer the question was to demonstrate why we need exceptions. By doing this, I hope it is easy to infer what problems we can solve with them.
generally throw locally, catch globally unless an exception handler is specific to a function in which case handle locally.
class fooException extends Exception{}
public function Open(){
// open DB connection
if ($this->Conn->connect_errno)
throw new fooException("Could not connect: " . $this->Conn->connect_error);
public final function Main(){
// do stuff
catch(fooException $ex){
//handle fooExceptions
Remember that exceptions are for exceptional cases. As I understand that, that happens when the error is out of your control. For example, invalid parameters are passed to a public API function, division by zero, situations like 'network connection lost', 'file not found'... this kind of things.
As a general rule, you should catch the exceptions that you know how to handle, like recovering from the error, log the error and propagate it, etc. If you don't know how to handle it, it's better to let it fail. Otherwise your application could be in an error state that you may not want.
So answering your question, it's better to be as specific as possible since every exception should be handled only if you know what to do with it (silently swallowing is a bad idea). If not just let the exception notify the user that something went wrong. Or if you want to, catch the exception to log the error and rethrow it.
There's good discussion here for C++, but the general concepts apply. I found the java tutorials on exceptions also very good.
You should be as specific as possible with catching errors in your code. Catching specific errors appropriately increases code maintainability, makes your code structured and organized.
It is also good practice as a convention, especially if you later work on team-based projects and you're not the only one looking at the code.
Personally throwing everything into one try catch block seems to be a code smell.
If you are using a try block for all your code, you might as well define a default exception handler (see the docs).
Other than that, the size of the try block is up to you, it depends on how fine you want your error handling to be. If you can't recover from any of the exceptions, there's really no reason to be specific, unless you want to log error messages that are specific (but the message of the exception and the stack trace will probably be enough).
If your handling all of your errors with one general catch you will get minimal feedback and options when an error does occour, it may be fine during development but when its on the front line it could cause you no end of problems.
Be specific and cover all of your bases where feedback is needed and recoverablity is possible.
Different errors may require different responses.
You wouldn't jump out of an airplane in response to every possible problem that could arise. Would you?
Well, that's what your app is doing.
There are situations where an exception can be caught and the application could continue to run. More likely, the app may need to respond to the same class of exception differently in different situations. Perhaps in one function an I/O exception isn't detrimental but in another it is.