Where do I throw the exception? - php

I have the following php function that renders an array of templates based on an array of paths. In other words, if you provide a set of arrays such as:
$array_template = array(
'carousel' => 'carousel', //type=>name (with out extension).
'mini' => 'mini_feed'
$array_paths = array(
'path_one' => 'path/to/one/',
'path_two' => 'path/to/two/'
To this function:
protected function _render_templates_array($templates, array $template_name){
foreach($template_name as $type=>$name){
foreach($templates as $template=>$path){
if(file_exists($path . $name . '.phtml')){
require_once($path . $name . '.phtml');
It should find and render every file, checking every path for that file.
The problem I am having is, I figured out how to make it stop searching once all files are found, how ever, do I append an else to the if and throw my error? or is there some where else I should throw my error?
Essentially I need:
render all templates, making sure to look in all paths for those templates.
throw an error if the template is not found in any path.
stop processing once all files are loaded.

Between the two foreach lines, add $found = false;. Inside the if, add $found = true; Between the two "end foreach" }, add if(!$found) throw.....; as needed.
protected function _render_templates_array($templates, array $template_name){
foreach($template_name as $type=>$name){
$found = false;
foreach($templates as $template=>$path){
if(file_exists($path . $name . '.phtml')){
require_once($path . $name . '.phtml');
$found = true;
if( !$found) throw new .......;


Flushing Magento cache

I have a problem:
When I'm trying to flush Magento cache programmatically like this:
foreach($types as $type) {
$c = Mage::app()->getCacheInstance()->cleanType($type);
Mage::dispatchEvent('adminhtml_cache_refresh_type', array('type' => $type));
I have already read this article about Magento cache and it's flushing, but I'm still missing something.
The above method should do the same as does the "Flush Magento Cache" button, but it doesn't in my case. When I'm running a script I'm saving a new controller, but it doesn't work after cache flushing programmatically with the way described above (and many others I have already tried).
But as soon as I perform the same from admin panel manually in the middle of the script's job- it starts working correctly.
Any idea? Does it help, if I will put here scripts code?
Thanks in advance!
Your code seems to be clearing only the block caches, for new controllers/classes, you will need to remove the cache folder, you can do it programmatically like this
* Remove cache folders:
public function cleanFiles() {
try {
$dir = Mage::getBaseDir('cache');
$items = array_diff(scandir($dir), array('..', '.'));
foreach ($items as $item) {
$path = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $item;
is_dir($path) ? $this->_rrmdir($path) : unlink($path);
} catch (Exception $e) {
die("[ERROR:" . $e->getMessage() . "]" . PHP_EOL);
* Removes a directory and all elements contained
* #param string $dir directory to remove
private function _rrmdir($dir) {
if (is_dir($dir)) {
$objects = array_diff(scandir($dir), array('..', '.'));
foreach ($objects as $object) {
$path = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $object;
is_dir($path) ? $this->_rrmdir($path) : unlink($path);

PHP - include files from array only if all exist in directory

I'm trying to create a script for including (through require_once) multiple files, but I'm expecting from it following behavior:
all file names of required files are defined as values in array
script check if all files from array exist in given directory
if yes, require them and continue (only if each of them exist)
if no, terminate script and show error message (if any file is missing)
After taking a closer look at my original script I found why it didn't work. Second IF statement ($countMissing == 0) was inside FOR loop and it produced empty arrays for files which were found. Taking that IF statement out of the loop sorted the problem.
WORKING VERSION (with few tiny modifications):
// Array with required file names
$files = array('some_file', 'other_file', 'another_file');
// Count how many files is in the array
$count = count($files);
// Eampty array for catching missing files
$missingFiles = array();
for ($i=0; $i < $count; $i++) {
// If filename is in the array and file exist in directory...
if (in_array($files[$i], $files) && file_exists(LIBRARIES . $files[$i] . '.php')) {
// ...update array value with full path to file
$files[$i] = LIBRARIES . $files[$i] . '.php';
} else {
// Add missing file(s) to array
$missingFiles[] = LIBRARIES . $files[$i] . '.php';
// Count errors
$countMissing = count($missingFiles);
// If there was no missing files...
if ($countMissing == 0) {
foreach ($files as $file) {
// ...include all files
require_once ($file);
} else {
// ...otherwise show error message with names of missing files
echo "File(s): " . implode(", ", $missingFiles) . " wasn't found.";
If this thread won't be deleted I hope it will help somebody.
Try this:
$files = array(
// create full paths
$files = array_map(function ($file) {
return ROOT_DIR . $file . '.php')
}, $files);
// find missing files
$missing = array_filter($files, function ($file) {
return !file_exists($file);
if (0 === count($missing)) {
array_walk($files, function ($file) {
require_once $file;
} else {
array_walk($missing, function ($file) {
echo "File: " . $file " wasn't found.";
For reference, see:
Try this, prevent loop inside the loop.
for ($i=0; $i < $count; $i++) {
// If filename is in the array but file not exist in directory...
if (in_array($files[$i], $files) && !file_exists(ROOT_DIR . $files[$i] . '.php')) {
// ...add name of missing file to error array
$errors[] = $files[$i];
require_once (ROOT_DIR . $file[$i] . '.php');
The code from localheinz and jp might be fine, but I wouldn't code things like that because it makes things complicated. Assuming you don't want a list of missing files (which would be slightly different) I'd do it like this:
foreach($files as $file)
$path = ROOT_DIR . $file . ".php";
if(!file_exists($path ))
$filesOK=false; // we have a MIA
break; // quit the loop, one failure is enough
foreach($files as $file)
echo "We have a problem";
For me this is much easier to see at a glance. Easier to debug, and the CPU is going to do the same job one way or anther. Probably not much difference in execution speed - if that even mattered.
If you need the list of missing files, then:
foreach($files as $file)
$path = ROOT_DIR . $file . ".php";
if(!file_exists($path)) // assume each file is given with proper path
$filesOK=false; // we have a MIA
$mia[]=$path; // or $file if you just want the name
foreach($files as $file)
if(is_array(#$mia)) // I always make sure foreach is protected
foreach($mia as $badfile) // even if it seems obvious that its ok
echo "Missing in action: $badfile<br>";

Assetic is generating multiple files with same content

I have a class that uses Assetic to generate some css files to disk. I'll jump right into the code.
In my layout header, I'm doing something like this:
$assetify = new Assetify();
$assetify->setAssetDirectory(BASE_DIR . '/public/assets');
$assetify->setOutputDirectory(BASE_DIR . '/public/assets/generated');
echo $assetify->dump();
My "Assetify" class runs this through Assetic. I'll paste what I hope are only the relevant portions from the dump() function:
// The Asset Factory allows us to not have to do all the hard work ourselves.
$factory = new AssetFactory($this->assetDirectory, $this->debug);
// The Filter Manager allows us to organize filters for the asset handling.
// For other filters, see: https://github.com/kriswallsmith/assetic
$fm = new FilterManager();
$fm->set('yui_css', new Yui\CssCompressorFilter('/usr/local/bin/yuicompressor-2.4.7.jar'));
$fm->set('yui_js', new Yui\JsCompressorFilter('/usr/local/bin/yuicompressor-2.4.7.jar'));
// The Asset Manager allows us to keep our assets organized.
$am = new AssetManager();
// The cache-busting worker prefixes every css with what amounts to a version number.
$factory->addWorker(new CacheBustingWorker());
$assetCollection = array();
foreach ($assetGroups as $assetGroup) {
foreach ($assetGroup as $media => $items) {
$fileCollection = array();
foreach ($items as $item) {
// Add this asset to the asset collection.
$fileCollection[] = new FileAsset($item);
$assetCollection[] = new AssetCollection($fileCollection);
$assetCollection = new AssetCollection($assetCollection);
$am->set('base_css', $assetCollection);
// Generate the required assets. Prefixing a filter name with a question mark
// will cause that filter to be omitted in debug mode.
$asset = $factory->createAsset(
// Configure an internal file system cache so we don't regenerate this file on every load.
$cache = new AssetCache(
new FilesystemCache($this->outputDirectory)
// And generate static versions of the files on disk.
$writer = new AssetWriter($this->assetDirectory);
This generates two different files, 87229eb-f47a352.css and a37c1589762f39aee5bd24e9405dbdf9. The contents of the files are exactly the same. The 87229eb-f47a352.css file seems to get generated every single time, and the other file is not regenerated unless the contents of the files change (this is what I would like). If I comment out the $writer->writeAsset($cache), no files are written to disk.
What obvious configuration am I missing? I appreciate the help, thank you.
I was able to roughly replicate your code and got the same results.
I was trying to get the same results as what I think you require but ended up writing my own code to cache and serve static files.
It's not complete by any means but it is working. It has the following features:
You can choose to cache files for different pages if you specify $filename
You can choose to create versions of your released files or delete previous versions
A cached file will be generated to your target folder only if changes have made to a source file
You just need to put the code in to a class or function and return the url to serve.
Hope it helps :)
use Assetic\Factory\AssetFactory;
use Assetic\AssetManager;
use Assetic\FilterManager;
use Assetic\Asset\AssetCollection;
use Assetic\Asset\FileAsset;
use Assetic\Filter\JSMinFilter;
// JavaScript Collection
$js_collection[] = new FileAsset(SCRIPT_PATH . 'jquery.js');
$js_collection[] = new FileAsset(SCRIPT_PATH . 'production.js');
if (file_exists(SCRIPT_PATH . $page_info['name'] . '.js')) {
$js_collection[] = new FileAsset(SCRIPT_PATH . $page_info['name'] . '.js');
// CSS Collection
$css_collection[] = new FileAsset(STYLE_PATH . 'theme.css');
if (file_exists(STYLE_PATH . $page_info['name'] . '.css')) {
$css_collection[] = new FileAsset(STYLE_PATH . $page_info['name'] . '.css');
// The Filter Manager allows us to organize filters for the asset handling.
$fm = new FilterManager();
$fm->set('js', new JSMinFilter());
$js = new AssetCollection (
$js->setTargetPath(SCRIPT_PATH . 'static');
$css = new AssetCollection (
$css->setTargetPath(STYLE_PATH . 'static');
$am = new AssetManager();
$am->set('js', $js);
$am->set('css', $css);
//** TO DO: put the below in a class and return the static file names **//
// options
$seperator = '-';
$filename = $page_info['name'];
$versions = false;
// get a list of all collection names
$collections = $am->getNames();
// get each collection
foreach ($collections as $collection_name) {
// get the collection object
$collection = $am->get($collection_name);
// ensure file types are identical
$last_ext = false;
foreach ($collection as $leaf) {
$ext = strtolower(pathinfo($leaf->getSourcePath(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
if (!$last_ext || $ext == $last_ext) {
$last_ext = $ext;
} else {
throw new \RuntimeException('File type mismatch.');
// get the highest last-modified value of all assets in the current collection
$modified_time = $collection->getLastModified();
// get the target path
$path = $collection->getTargetPath();
// the target path must be set
if (!$path) {
throw new \RuntimeException('Target path not specified.');
// build the filename to check
$file = ($filename) ? $filename . $seperator . $modified_time . '.' . $ext : $modified_time . '.' . $ext;
$cached_file = $path . '/' . $file;
// the file doesn't exist so we need to minify, dump and save as new cached file
if (!file_exists($cached_file)) {
// create the output dir if it doesnt exist
if (!is_dir($path) && false === #mkdir($path, 0777, true)) {
throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to create directory ' . $path);
// apply the filters
if ($fm->has($collection_name)) {
// If not versioned, delete previous version of this file
if (!$versions) {
if ($filename) {
foreach (glob($path . '/' . $filename . $seperator . '*.' . $ext) as $searchfile) {
} else {
foreach (glob($path . '/*.' . $ext) as $searchfile) {
// put the contents in the file
if (false === #file_put_contents($cached_file, $collection->dump())) {
throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to write file ' . $cached_file);
// return the cached file
echo 'output: ' . $cached_file . '<br>';

PHP class ImapMailbox not downloading attachments

Running Apache 2.2 with PHP 5.3 on Windows 8. Trying to get the PHP class ImapMailbox to download attachments, but each time I getMail(), the attachments value is empty on every email that has attachments.
All the rest of the email info is downloaded correctly.
I've looked through the class code but can't identify where the problem might be.
Here is my current code:
$mailbox = new ImapMailbox('{testsite.com:110/pop3/novalidate-cert}INBOX', 'testemail#testsite.com', 'MyPaSs', ATTACH_DIR, 'utf-8');
$mails = array();
foreach($mailbox->searchMailbox('SUBJECT "test attach" SINCE "' . date('m/d/Y', strtotime('-1 week')) . '"') as $mailId) {
$mail = $mailbox->getMail($mailId);
$mails[] = $mail;
After dumping the $data var in getMail(), it appears there are attachments in winmail.dat format. The code cannot get to these because no attachmentId value is being assigned due to an empty 'ifid' value. Decoding the winmail.dat attachments can be done, but only if they are detected and written to file.
Any ideas how create a workaround in the ImapMailbox code for this?
Here is what I wrote that fixes this problem.
At the beginning of initMailPart() method, add the following:
static $altAttachmentId = 0;
At the end of the IF block for if($this->attachmentsDir) { add the following where the closing } bracket is:
} elseif (!empty($params['fileName']) || !empty($params['filename']) || !empty($params['name'])) { // Process attachments that are not inline.
// Check if need to decode TNEF (Winmail.dat) file.
if ($partStructure->ifsubtype && $partStructure->subtype == 'MS-TNEF') {
require_once 'path_to_your/tnef_decoder.php';
$Tnef = new tnef_decoder;
$un_tnef = $Tnef->decompress($data);
$attached_files = array();
foreach ($un_tnef as $f) {
if (!empty($f['name']) && !empty($f['stream'])) {
$attachment = new IncomingMailAttachment();
$attachment->id = $altAttachmentId;
$attachment->name = $f['name'];
$attachment->filePath = $this->attachmentsDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . preg_replace('~[\\\\/]~', '', $f['name']);
if (file_exists($attachment->filePath) && md5($f['stream']) != md5_file($attachment->filePath)) {
$attachment->filePath = $this->attachmentsDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . preg_replace('~[\\\\/]~', '', $mail->id . '_' . $altAttachmentId . '_' . $f['name']);
file_put_contents($attachment->filePath, $f['stream']);
} else {
if (!empty($params['filename'])) {
$fileName = $params['filename']; // Account for random camel-case mistake on element.
} elseif (!empty($params['fileName'])) {
$fileName = $params['fileName'];
} else {
$fileName = $params['name'];
$attachment = new IncomingMailAttachment();
$attachment->id = $altAttachmentId;
$attachment->name = $fileName;
$attachment->filePath = $this->attachmentsDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . preg_replace('~[\\\\/]~', '', $mail->id . '_' . $altAttachmentId . '_' . $fileName);
file_put_contents($attachment->filePath, $data);
Note that you must include the tnef_decoder.php file found in the Roundcube Webmail package for the TNEF decoding to work. I got inspiration for the TNEF solution here.
This modification will process all TNEF encoded files in a Winmail.dat file and any other attachment that is not attached inline. Watch your memory usage on large files.
It also won't overwrite existing files that are the same name if they are not exactly the same.

Why is it blowing past the first one?

I build a function that if you give it an array of paths it will look for a file in each path and if you give it an array of one path it will look in that path only for the file.
My questions, is when you give it an array of paths such as:
$array = array(
'template_view_paths' => array(
'path_name' => some/path/
'path_name_two' => some/path/two/
It seems to find the file in some/path/ but keeps going on to some/path/two/ and freaks out because the file doesn't exist. What would I have to change so that if it find the file in any path that it stops looking in other paths?
The code - NOT re-factored
public function render_view($template_name){
throw new AisisCore_Template_TemplateException('Not view path was set.');
foreach($this->_options['template_view_path'] as $template=>$path){
require_once($path . $template_name . '.phtml');
if(!file_exists($this->_options['template_view_path'] . $template_name . '.phtml')){
throw new AisisCore_Template_TemplateException('Could not find: ' . $template_name . '.phtml at ' . $path);
require_once ($this->_options['template_view_path'] . $template_name . '.phtml');
Note: the part to focus on is the if(is_array()){} loop.
foreach($templates as $template=>$path){
require_once($path . $template_name . '.phtml');
foreach($this->_options['template_view_path'] as $template=>$path){
if (file_exists($filename = $path . $template_name . '.phtml')) {
throw new AisisCore_Template_TemplateException('Could not find: ' . $template_name . '.phtml in any paths');
You're never actually looping $this->_options['template_view_path'].
