I am trying to cut results out of the RBL data it pulls back.
Here is the code.
$ips = file("list.inc");
foreach($ips as $ip)
$rblurl = 'http://rbl-check.org/rbl_api.php?ipaddress=' . trim($ip);
$boom = fopen($rblurl, "r");
$rbl = stream_get_contents($boom);
echo "</br>";
$data = explode(";",$rbl);
print "<pre>";
print "</pre>";
echo "</br>";
This is the result.
I am trying to cut the first part and the last part so it only displays this.
emailbasura notlisted
Sorbs notlisted
msrbl notlisted
nixspam notlisted
Spamcop notlisted
Any help would be great!
first you need to explode the data by the line breaks not just the delimeter:
$data = explode("\n",$rbl);
once you've done that you just echo out the data:
foreach($data as $item) {
$item = explode(';',$item);
echo $item[0].' '.$item[3];
foreach($data as $d)
$arr_data = explode(';',$d);
$first_data = $arr_data[0];
$last_data = $arr_data[3];
Change here
print "<pre>";
print "</pre>"
print "<pre>";
$spl = split(';', $data[0]);
echo $spl[0] . $spl[3];
print "<pre>";
Why can not I make an echo inside a textarea after doing a foreach? the echo happens yes, but everything comes in fragments, one line in each text area.
Why does not everything come out in the same text area?
$array = end($matches);
$array = array_unique($array, SORT_REGULAR);
foreach ($array as $strX) {
$strX = 'myprefix'.$strX.'<br>';
//echo $strX;
echo '<textarea>'.$strX.'</textarea>';
Concatenate the value and then echo into the textarea.
$value = null;
foreach ($array as $strX) {
$value .= 'myprefix'.$strX.PHP_EOL;
echo '<textarea>'.$value.'</textarea>';
As I understood you so far. You just need to put the beginning tag of textarea before the for-loop. So your code would become:
$array = end($matches);
$array = array_unique($array, SORT_REGULAR);
echo '<textarea>';
foreach ($array as $strX) {
$strX = 'myprefix'.$strX.'<br>';
//echo $strX;
echo '</textarea>';
Try this, put textarea outsside loop
$array = end($matches);
$array = array_unique($array, SORT_REGULAR);
echo '<textarea>';
foreach ($array as $strX) {
$strX = 'myprefix'.$strX.'<br>';
//echo $strX;
echo '</textarea>';
I have a JSON structure as below
$json = '{"Number1":"{\"answerPhrase\":\"\\nTEXT,\\nTEXT
When trying to extract the text and numbers I can do the first step and it works but the nested JSON has \\n and it does not give the text as output
The PHP code is as below
$result = json_decode($json);
echo "<br>";
foreach($result as $key=>$value){
echo $key.$value;
echo "<br>";
$result_nest = json_decode($value);
echo $result_nest->answerPhrase;
echo "<br>";
Why can I not get the text in answerphrase? It works when the text does not have \\n
You may try the below one. You can replace the \n with some other characters. If you want to display enter in browser then you can replace \n with . Please try the below code and let me know if it worked for you.
$json = '{"Number1":"{\"answerPhrase\":\"\\nTEXT,\\nTEXT TEXT\\n\",\"dateUpdatedInMillisecond\":1234}"}';
$result = json_decode($json);
echo "\n";
foreach($result as $key=>$value){
echo $key.$value;
echo "<br>";
$value = preg_replace("/\\n/", "___n___", $value);
$result_nest = json_decode($value);
$result_nest->answerPhrase = preg_replace("/___n___/", "\n", $result_nest->answerPhrase);
echo $result_nest->answerPhrase;
echo "<br>";
Prefer to fix json before decode and then decode the sub json.
you could do second step in a loop
function test2()
$string = '{"Number1":"{\"answerPhrase\":\"\\nTEXT,\\nTEXT
$json = $this->decodeComplexJson($string);
$number = $json->Number1;
//Put this in a loop if you want
$decodedNumber = $this->decodeComplexJson($number);
echo $decodedNumber->answerPhrase;
function decodeComplexJson($string) { # list from www.json.org: (\b backspace, \f formfeed)
$string = preg_replace("/[\r\n]+/", " ", $string);
$json = utf8_encode($string);
$json = json_decode($json);
return $json;
I need help with fetching only attraction data,
i have this php script on my website:
<?php $json_string = 'http://framecreators.nl/efteling/data.php'; $jsondata file_get_content($json_string); $json_o=json_decode(utf8_encode($data)); $attractie = $json_o['Id']['Type']; echo $attractie ?>
and this json data:
I need to convert only a Id and type, ff somebody can help me.
To access the data you're looking for, you'll need to do something like this:
foreach ($json_o['AttractionInfo'] as $a) {
echo $a['Id']; //or whatever you're planning to do with this data
ech0 $a['Type'];
$json_data = file_get_contents('http://framecreators.nl/efteling/data.php');
$data = json_decode($json_data);
$array = [];
foreach($data->AttractionInfo as $item) {
$array['id'][] = $item->Id;
$array['type'][] = $item->Type;
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
$url = "http://framecreators.nl/efteling/data.php";
$content = file_get_contents($url);
$data = json_decode($content,TRUE);
$array = $data['AttractionInfo'];
foreach($array as $r)
echo "ID->".$r['Id'];
echo '';
echo "Type->".$r['Type'];
echo '';
$url = "http://framecreators.nl/efteling/data.php";
$content = file_get_contents($url);
$data = json_decode($content,TRUE);
$array = $data['AttractionInfo'];
foreach($array as $r)
echo $r['Id'];
echo $r['Type'];
Why i can't get out the values from the json file with PHP?
I get zero values? Have tried for hours.
$json_string = 'http://pubapi.cryptsy.com/api.php?method=singlemarketdata&marketid=44';
$jsondata = file_get_contents($json_string);
$data = json_decode($jsondata, TRUE);
echo "<br><br><br><br>";
foreach ($data as $recenttrades) {
echo "VALUES('{$recenttrades->quantity}', '{$recenttrades->price}' ";
Update: but can't get the value from primaryname and primarycode.
I have tried this:
$json_string = 'http://pubapi.cryptsy.com/api.php?method=marketdatav2';
$jsondata = file_get_contents($json_string);
$data = json_decode($jsondata, TRUE);
foreach ($data["market"] as $markets) {
echo "Primary code: <strong>{$markets['primarycode']}</strong><br>";
foreach($markets as $market) {
foreach($market as $attributes) {
foreach($attributes["recenttrades"] as $recenttrade) {
echo "quantity: " . $recenttrade['quantity'] .", price: " . $recenttrade['price'] . "<br>";
Others have mentioned that you're dealing with nested arrays, not objects. Along with pointing out the issue of being nested rather deeply, I would suggest digging down with foreach (I will probably be crucified for this):
$json_string = 'http://pubapi.cryptsy.com/api.php?method=singlemarketdata&marketid=44';
$jsondata = file_get_contents($json_string);
$data = json_decode($jsondata, TRUE);
echo "<br><br><br><br>";
foreach ($data as $markets) {
foreach($markets as $market) {
foreach($market as $attributes) {
foreach($attributes["recenttrades"] as $recenttrade) {
//echo "<pre>";
//echo "</pre>";
echo "VALUES('{quantity: " . $recenttrade['quantity'] ."}', 'price: {" . $recenttrade['price'] . "}')";
This will ensure that you grab every recentrades item at this level of the array. This way you are prepared for other markets to be added to the API and your code isn't locked into searching only in the item named "FST".
recenttrades is nested pretty deeply in that array. Try
foreach ($data['return']['markets']['FST']['recenttrades'] as $recenttrades) {
recenttrades is several levels nested, so simply doing foreach($data as $recenttrades) is not sufficient.
You need to do:
$recentTrades = $data['return']['markets']['FST']['recenttrades'];
foreach($recentTrades as $recentTrade) {
recenttrades is nested deeply and you're asking for arrays, not objects. This seems to work:
foreach ($data['return']['markets']['FST']['recenttrades'] as $recenttrades) {
echo "VALUES('{$recenttrades['quantity']}', '{$recenttrades['price']}' ";
In response to your update, where you want to loop over markets, try this:
foreach ($data['return']['markets'] as $market) {
echo "Primary code: <strong>{$market['primarycode']}</strong><br>";
foreach ($market["recenttrades"] as $recenttrade) {
echo "quantity: " . $recenttrade['quantity'] .", price: " . $recenttrade['price'] . "<br>";
I am trying to create a basic RBL checker in PHP, I can't seem to get the IP to be added on the end of the url with out error. I am not the best with PHP.
list.inc is just a list of IPs to check each IP is on a new line.
$ips = file("list.inc");
foreach($ips as $ip)
$rblurl = 'http://rbl-check.org/rbl_api.php?ipaddress=' . $ip;
//$rblcheckurl = $rblurl . $ip;
$boom = fopen($rblurl, "r");
//print "<pre>";
//print "</pre>";
$rbl = stream_get_contents($boom);
echo "</br>";
$data = explode(";",$rbl);
echo "</br>";
Any help would be great!
The values returned by file() include the newline at the end of each line, you need to remove them before appending them to the URL:
foreach ($ips as $ip) {
$rblurl = 'http://rbl-check.org/rbl_api.php?ipaddress=' . trim($ip);