I have a huge amount of data in an XML file, however while fetching the data through my PHP code, the webpage goes into processing and then hangs. There are more than 17,000 records in the XML (the data related to a city name). I have received a few suggestions that I should filter the data by state, but am unable to implement that suggestion.
$q = $_GET["q"];
$xmlDoc = new DOMDocument();
$x = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('CITY');
for ($i = 0; $i <= $x->length - 1; $i++) {
// Process only element nodes
if ($x->item($i)->nodeType == 1) {
if ($x->item($i)->childNodes->item(0)->nodeValue == $q) {
$y = ($x->item($i)->parentNode);
$cd = ($y->childNodes);
for ($i = 0; $i < $cd->length; $i++) {
// Process only element nodes
if ($cd->item($i)->nodeType == 1) {
echo "<b style='color:green;'>" . $cd->item($i)->nodeName . ":</b> ";
echo "<div style='color:green;'>" . $cd->item($i)->childNodes->item(0)->nodeValue . " </div>";
echo "<br>";
Im creating tablerows based on the number of the array colours:
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM things);
$num = mysql_num_rows($query );
$colours = array ();
for ($i = 0; ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)); ++$i)
$colours[$i] = $row["colours"];
$arrlength = count($colours);
for ($i = 0; ($i < ($arrlength)); ++$i){
echo "
<tr class='border_bottom'><td>".$colours[$i]."</td></tr>
So, if colours is, lets say, equal to 8, 8 table rows with the class border_bottom are created.
border_bottom is used by CSS to add a border to the bottom of each tablerow.
What I need is some PHP help: I need code which checks the array colours. The last element of the array has to go with an empty id since I dont want a border-bottom added to that very last tablerow. All other tablerows have to go with the border_bottom class, tho.
I was thinking of starting the code like that:
<tr class='
-->PHP code goes here<--
Try this:
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM things");
$num = mysql_num_rows($query);
$colours = array();
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query))
$colours[] = $row["colours"];
$arrlength = count($colours);
for ($i = 0; $i < $arrlength; ++$i){
if($i < $arrlength - 1){
echo "<tr class='border_bottom'><td>{$colours[$i]}</td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td>{$someColor}</td></tr>";
Try the following code in your table row echo
echo "<tr"
.($i < $arrlength - 1 ? " class='border_bottom'" : "")
You can actually do this while fetching the rows without needing to count how many there are, by reading ahead one row.
$previous_row = mysql_fetch_array(); // fetch the first row (if there is one)
while ($previous_row) {
if ($row = mysql_fetch_array()) {
// if another row is fetched, then the previous row was NOT the last row
echo '<tr class="border_bottom"><td>' . $previous_row['colours'] . '</td></tr>';
} else {
// otherwise, the previous row WAS the last row, and does not get the class
echo '<tr><td>' . $previous_row['colours'] . '</td></tr>';
$previous_row = $row; // Set the previous row to the current row
A 500 error has occurred - executing long loop with PHP.
I am currently working on a scheduling system to schedule nurses on a hospital ward, I am using a genetic algorithm to carry this out.
so I randomly allocate each nurses to a shift.
and then work out how fit they are for the shift.
I then kill off any allocation which do not meet my fitness level.
I then randomly allocate a new timetable.
Assess that for fitness
kill off any allocation which do not meet my fitness level.
Merge the two timetables, keeping the fitness allocations
I loop through generating random timetable, accessing its fitness and merging the timetables
This works fine while looping through 30 - 100 times
Once I go past the 100 mark it sometimes fails - a 500 error has occurred
This always occurs when it takes over 2:30mins to complete the script
So I'm making the assumption at some point my server times out for taking too long?
I have added <?php set_time_limit(3600);
This is at the top of my file, not inside the constructor, or the class. Is it in the right place?
it still times out at 2 and a half minute,
Here is my code, the loop is the 200 loop
Still need to refractor my code so don't be too judgmental
* Description of scheduler
* #author Dela
include ("randomTtAllocation.php");
include ("fittness.php");
class scheduler {
private $randomTimetable;
private $timetable;
private $weight;
private $newTimetable ;
private $newWeight;
function __construct($labs,$students) {
echo "helloworld";
// create random timetable and print it
$r = new randomTtAllocation();
$this->randomTimetable = $r->__randomAllocation($labs, $students);
//echo "<br>" . " ............initial Time Table............." . "<br>" ;
echo "<br>";
echo "<br>";
echo "<br>";
$this->__printTt($this->randomTimetable, $this->randomTimetable);
// work out fittness for the timetable, return fit results and print
$fit = new fittness( $this->randomTimetable, $labs, $students , $r->__getNumOfSessions());
$this->newWeight = $fit->__getnewWeight();
$this->newTimetable = $fit->__getnewTimetable();;
//echo "<br>" . " ............newTimetable.........newWeight...." . "<br>" ;
//$this->__printTt($this->newTimetable, $this->newWeight );
// sort
$this->timetable = $this->newTimetable;
$this->weight = $this->newWeight;
for ($i = 0; $i < 200; $i++) {
// create second time table
$this->randomTimetable = $r->__randomAllocation($labs, $students);
// echo "<br>" . " ............initial Time Table............." . "<br>" ;
// $this->__printTt($this->randomTimetable, $this->randomTimetable);
// work out fittness for the timetable, return fit results and print
$fit = new fittness( $this->randomTimetable, $labs, $students , $r->__getNumOfSessions());
$this->newWeight = $fit->__getnewWeight();
$this->newTimetable = $fit->__getnewTimetable();
//echo "<br>" . " ............tempTimetable.........tempWeight...." . "<br>" ;
//$this->__printTt($this->newTimetable, $this->timetable );
// merge timetables
echo "<br>" . " ......old...........new." . "<br>" ;
$this->__printTt($this->timetable,$this->newTimetable );
$this->__mergeTimetables($this->newTimetable, $this->newWeight );
//echo "<br>" . " ........... mergedTimetable.........newWeight...." . "<br>" ;
//$this->__printTt($this->timetable,$this->weight );
// fittness of new timetable
$fit = new fittness( $this->timetable, $labs, $students , $r->__getNumOfSessions());
echo "<br>" . " ......merged.......kulled" . "<br>" ;
$this->__printTt($this->timetable,$fit->__getnewTimetable() );
$this->weight = $fit->__getnewWeight();
$this->timetable = $fit->__getnewTimetable();
$c[$i] = $this->__countSlotsAllocated();
echo "<br> ". $i;
// sorts the re allocated time table by weight
function __sortTtByWeight() {
// for each slot
foreach($this->newTimetable as $l => $i_value) {
$size = 0;
// see how many sessions they are taking
while ($this->newTimetable[$l][$size] != "null") {
if ($this->newTimetable[$l][$size] == "0") {
for ($i = 1; $i < $size; $i++) {
$key = $this->newWeight[$l][$i];
$key1 = $this->newTimetable[$l][$i];
$k = $i - 1;
while ($k >= 0 && $this->newWeight[$l][$k] < $key) {
$this->newWeight[$l][$k + 1] = $this->newWeight[$l][$k];
$this->newTimetable[$l][$k + 1] = $this->newTimetable[$l][$k];
$this->newTimetable[$l][$k + 1] = $key1;
$this->newWeight[$l][$k + 1] = $key;
function __countSlotsAllocated() {
$count = 0;
foreach($this->timetable as $i => $x_value) {
$j = 0;
while (($this->timetable[$i][$j] != "null") && ($this->timetable[$i][$j] != "0")){
echo "count " . $count;
return $count;
function __mergeTimetables($tempTimeTable,$tempWeight) {
// for each session
foreach($this->newTimetable as $i => $i_value) {
$j = 0;
$k = 0;
// while there are still students
while (($tempTimeTable[$i][$j] != "null") && ($tempTimeTable[$i][$j] != "0")) {
//echo $tempTimeTable[$i][$j];
// System.out.println(timeTable[i][k]);
// see if there is a free gap
while ($this->timetable[$i][$k] != "null") {
// if student is already taking that session
if ($tempTimeTable[$i][$j] == $this->timetable[$i][$k]) {
if ($this->timetable[$i][$k] == "0") {
$this->timetable[$i][$k] = $tempTimeTable[$i][$j];
$this->weight[$i][$k] = $tempWeight[$i][$j];
if ($this->timetable[$i][$k] == "null") {
if ($tempWeight[$i][$j] < $this->weight[$i][0]) {
$this->timetable[$i][0] = $tempTimeTable[$i][$j];
$this->weight[$i][0] = $tempWeight[$i][$j];
function __returnTimetable() {
return $this->timetable;
function __printTt($timetable, $weight) {
foreach($timetable as $x => $x_value) {
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
echo $timetable[$x][$i] . " ";
echo " . . . . .";
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
echo $weight[$x][$i] . " ";
echo "<br>";
Normally you shouldn't do all this work within the http request. Instead you should start a background task and have the web page show progress on the job.
The php configuration has a time limit per request which you can adjust, but it's not expected by users to take so long.
I am working on project which shows articles and this was done by article manager (a ready to use php script) but I have a problem, I want to show only four article titles and summaries from old list of article randomly which contains 10 article. Any idea how to achieve this process?
I have auto generated summary of article
<div class="a1">
<h3><a href={article_url}>{subject}</h3>
When a new article is added the above code will generated and add into summary page. I want to add it to side of the main article page, where user can see only four article out of ten or more randomly.
$lines = file_get_contents('article_summary.html');
$input = array($lines);
$rand_keys = array_rand($input, 4);
echo $input[$rand_keys[0]] . "<br/>";
echo $input[$rand_keys[1]] . "<br/>";
echo $input[$rand_keys[2]] . "<br/>";
echo $input[$rand_keys[3]] . "<br/>";
Thanks for your kindness.
Assuming I understood you correctly - a simple solution.
// Settings.
$articleSummariesLines = file('article_summary.html', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
$showSummaries = 4;
// Check if given file is valid.
$validFile = ((count($articleSummariesLines) % 4 == 0) ? true : false);
if(!$validFile) {
die('Invalid file...');
// Count articles and check wether all those articles exist.
$countArticleSummaries = count($articleSummariesLines) / 4;
if($showSummaries > $countArticleSummaries) {
die('Can not display '. $showSummaries .' summaries. Only '. $countArticleSummaries .' available.');
// Generate random article indices.
$articleIndices = array();
while(true) {
if(count($articleIndices) < $showSummaries) {
$random = mt_rand(0, $countArticleSummaries - 1);
if(!in_array($random, $articleIndices)) {
$articleIndices[] = $random;
} else {
// Display items.
for($i = 0; $i < $showSummaries; ++$i) {
$currentArticleId = $articleIndices[$i];
$content = '';
for($j = 0; $j < 4; ++$j) {
$content .= $articleSummariesLines[$currentArticleId * 4 + $j];
I am trying to make a function in PHP which writes out a table, and looks in the database to find what cells should have info. the grid will always be the same size, but the content may be in different places.
I've gotten it to be able to look in the database, though it seems to only highlight the first cell, rather than the correct coordinates.
$sql = <<<SQL
FROM `maps`
WHERE `objpresent` = 1
if(!$result = $db->query($sql)){
die('There was an error running the query [' . $db->error . ']');
} // ran the query
$xobj = array();
$yobj = array();
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()){
//echo $row['x'] . $row['y'] . $row['object'] . '<br />';
$xobj[] += $row['x'];
$yobj[] += $row['y'];
}// get the rows
//find whether the row is obstructed
for($a=0; $a<=20-1; $a++) //rows (y)
for($i=0; $i<=25-1; $i++) //cols (x)
echo "<td>"; //between these write the apt content
// if (empty($xobj[$i]) || empty($yobj[$a]) ){
// echo '0';
//} //detect whether there is even a record for this space
echo $xobj[$i]; //debug
if($xobj[$i] == $i)
//echo $xobj[$i];
echo "A";
//echo "<td><img src='emptysym.png'></img></td>";
echo "</td>"; //add textual descriptions for now, add icons later
echo "</tr>";
this is my current(though rather messy) code.
if there is a row with the column x saying 2, and the column y saying 3, then it should put a letter at (2,3.
is it possible to fix this, or is there a better method for this?
Use a 2-dimensional array whose indexes are the x and y values from the database:
$xyobj = array();
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()){
$xyobj[$row['x']][$row['y']] = true;
Then your output loop should be:
for ($y = 0; $y < 20; $y++) {
echo '<tr>';
for ($x = 0; $x < 25; $x++) {
echo '<td>';
if (isset($xyobj[$x][$y])) {
echo 'A';
echo '</td>';
echo '</tr>';
I'm working on a printing a baseball team lineup, via php. I want to print a place holder for a missing Player 6 (or any missing position)
So if Player 1 -> Player 5 is OK print, NO Player #6 print place holder, Player 7 -> Player 9 is OK print. I tried to simplify the code. I have tried solving this every which way but I keep getting stuck.
$rot = array();
$pos = array();
$jn = array();
$x = 1;
// loads up the arrays from the db
while ( $rot[$x], $pos[$x], $jn[$x])= $r->fetch_row() ) {
// counts the actual number of players in linuep
// used for validation and error display
$num_players = mysqli_num_rows($r);
// controls the lineup position
for ($i = 1; $i <= 15; $i++){
if($rot[$i] == $i) {
//prints player
$lineup .= "<div data-fp='" . $pos[$i] . "'>" .$jn[$i]. "</div>";
} else {
// prints place holder
$text = "This Position needs to be filled before the next game.";
$lineup .= "<div id='pid' data-rel='".$text."' data-fp='' data-pid='' data-jn='' title=''>x</div>";
I also tried this to iterate through the array rot[] to find the matching position and print the line but it actually prints the holder repeatedly.
// controls the lineup position
for ($x = 1; $x <= 15; $x++){
for ($i = 1; $i <= ($num_players+1); $i++) {
if ($x == $i) {
//prints player
$lineup .= "<div data-fp='" . $pos[$i] . "'>" .$jn[$i]. "</div>";
} else {
// prints place holder
$text = "This Position needs to be filled before the next game.";
$lineup .= "<div id='pid' data-rel='".$text."' data-fp='' data-pid='' data-jn='' title=''>x</div>";
What about:
# index all players by position while taking them from the database
$players = array();
while ( $row = $r->fetch_row() ) {
list($rot, $pos, $jn) = $row;
$players[$pos] = compact(array('rot', $pos, $jn);
# line-up players
for ($pos = 1; $pos <= 15; $pos++)
$playerExists = isset($players[$pos]);
if ($playerExists)
# do this ...
# do that ...
I think you are creating an array where all numerical elements are filled (i.e. you'll always have a 1 thru 15) and your mistake is in the
if($rot[$i] == $i) {
When populating the arrays from the database, add this line:
$playertoid = array_flip($pos); # pos is the player number array?
while ( ($rot[$x], $pos[$x], $jn[$x])= $r->fetch_row() ) {
$playertoid = array_flip($pos);
Now you've created a reverse lookup table where the index is the player number.
Replace the
if($rot[$i] == $i) {
line with:
if (isset($playertoid[$i])) {