need to update price list in magento if a condition is true, if it is false skip.
The issue is that don't know why the function _checkIfSkuInStock is returning 1 for all.
I set one product to be in stock and one to be out of stock.
Below is the code that is updating the price list if the sku exist, and i want to add also the the condition if product is in stock, else skip.
function _getConnection($type = 'core_read'){
return Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getConnection($type);
function _getTableName($tableName){
return Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getTableName($tableName);
function _getAttributeId($attribute_code = 'special_price'){
$connection = _getConnection('core_read');
$sql = "SELECT attribute_id
FROM " . _getTableName('eav_attribute') . "
entity_type_id = ?
AND attribute_code = ?";
$entity_type_id = _getEntityTypeId();
return $connection->fetchOne($sql, array($entity_type_id, $attribute_code));
function _getEntityTypeId($entity_type_code = 'catalog_product'){
$connection = _getConnection('core_read');
$sql = "SELECT entity_type_id FROM " . _getTableName('eav_entity_type') . " WHERE entity_type_code = ?";
return $connection->fetchOne($sql, array($entity_type_code));
function _getIdFromSku($sku){
$connection = _getConnection('core_read');
$sql = "SELECT entity_id FROM " . _getTableName('catalog_product_entity') . " WHERE sku = ?";
return $connection->fetchOne($sql, array($sku));
function _checkIfSkuExists($sku){
$connection = _getConnection('core_read');
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count_no FROM " . _getTableName('catalog_product_entity') . " WHERE sku = ?";
$count = $connection->fetchOne($sql, array($sku));
if($count > 0){
return true;
return false;
function _checkIfSkuInStock($sku){
$connection = _getConnection('core_read');
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count_no FROM " . _getTableName('cataloginventory_stock_item') . " WHERE is_in_stock = 1";
$count = $connection->fetchOne($sql, array($sku));
if($count > 0){
return true;
return false;
function _updatePrices($data){
$connection = _getConnection('core_write');
$sku = $data[0];
$newspecial_price = $data[1];
$productId = _getIdFromSku($sku);
$attributeId = _getAttributeId();
$sql = "UPDATE " . _getTableName('catalog_product_entity_decimal') . " cped
SET cped.value = ?
WHERE cped.attribute_id = ?
AND cped.entity_id = ?";
$connection->query($sql, array($newspecial_price, $attributeId, $productId));
$csv = new Varien_File_Csv();
$data = $csv->getData('special_price.csv'); //path to csv
$message = '';
$count = 1;
foreach($data as $_data){
if(_checkIfSkuExists($_data[0]) and _checkIfSkuInStock($_data[0]) == 0){
$message .= $count . '> Success:: (' . $_data[1] . ') product code (' . $_data[0] . '). <br />';
}catch(Exception $e){
$message .= $count .'> Error:: While Upating Price (' . $_data[1] . ') of Sku (' . $_data[0] . ') => '.$e->getMessage().'<br />';
$message .= $count .'> Error:: Product code (' . $_data[0] . ') not in database<br />';
echo $message;
Any help is appreciated.
In this code :
function _checkIfSkuInStock($sku){
$connection = _getConnection('core_read');
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count_no FROM " . _getTableName('cataloginventory_stock_item') . " WHERE is_in_stock = 1";
$count = $connection->fetchOne($sql, array($sku));
if($count > 0){
return true;
return false;
You try to populate with sku : $connection->fetchOne($sql, array($sku));
But you don't have any prepared field (?) in your request.
Add something like this :
"SELECT COUNT(*) AS count_no FROM " . _getTableName('cataloginventory_stock_item') . " WHERE is_in_stock = 1 AND product_id=?"
And then use
$connection->fetchOne($sql, array($this->_getIdFromSku($sku)));
It should work better ;)
I have this script, it works, i can make an update for the quantities . The only problem i have is the fact that the csv is too big...
I tried to set the memory limit but when i'm loading the page the server says "The waiting time is exceeded. The server at takes too long to respond. "
What can i do ?
is that it is possible to update the line from 1 to 1000 for example? I do like his two update in 2 different pages, line 1 to 1000 and 1000 to the end line.
$mageFilename = 'app/Mage.php';
require_once $mageFilename;
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
Mage::register('isSecureArea', 1);
function _getConnection($type = 'core_read'){
return Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getConnection($type);
function _getTableName($tableName){
return Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getTableName($tableName);
function _getAttributeId($attribute_code = 'price'){
$connection = _getConnection('core_read');
$sql = "SELECT attribute_id
FROM " . _getTableName('eav_attribute') . "
entity_type_id = ?
AND attribute_code = ?";
$entity_type_id = _getEntityTypeId();
return $connection->fetchOne($sql, array($entity_type_id, $attribute_code));
function _getEntityTypeId($entity_type_code = 'catalog_product'){
$connection = _getConnection('core_read');
$sql = "SELECT entity_type_id FROM " . _getTableName('eav_entity_type') . " WHERE entity_type_code = ?";
return $connection->fetchOne($sql, array($entity_type_code));
function _checkIfSkuExists($sku){
$connection = _getConnection('core_read');
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count_no FROM " . _getTableName('catalog_product_entity') . " WHERE sku = ?";
$count = $connection->fetchOne($sql, array($sku));
if($count > 0){
return true;
return false;
function _getIdFromSku($sku){
$connection = _getConnection('core_read');
$sql = "SELECT entity_id FROM " . _getTableName('catalog_product_entity') . " WHERE sku = ?";
return $connection->fetchOne($sql, array($sku));
function _updateStocks($data){
$connection = _getConnection('core_write');
$sku = $data[0];
$newQty = $data[1];
$productId = _getIdFromSku($sku);
$attributeId = _getAttributeId();
$sql = "UPDATE " . _getTableName('cataloginventory_stock_item') . " csi,
" . _getTableName('cataloginventory_stock_status') . " css
csi.qty = ?,
csi.is_in_stock = ?,
css.qty = ?,
css.stock_status = ?
csi.product_id = ?
AND csi.product_id = css.product_id";
$isInStock = $newQty > 0 ? 1 : 0;
$stockStatus = $newQty > 0 ? 1 : 0;
$connection->query($sql, array($newQty, $isInStock, $newQty, $stockStatus, $productId));
$csv = new Varien_File_Csv();
$data = $csv->getData('supply.csv'); //path to csv
$message = '';
$count = 1;
foreach($data as $_data){
$message .= $count . '> Success:: Quantité (' . $_data[1] . ') de la référence (' . $_data[0] . ') a été mis à jour. <br />';
}catch(Exception $e){
$message .= $count .'> Erreur:: Lors de l\'update de la quantité (' . $_data[1] . ') de la référence (' . $_data[0] . ') => '.$e->getMessage().'<br />';
$message .= $count .'> Erreur:: Produit avec la référence (' . $_data[0] . ') n\'existe pas.<br />';
echo $message;
I'm skeptical this script would exceed max execution time, but to answer your question, you could always keep track of how many lines have been processed and then stop execution after 10000. You could also use an offset and limit passed in from the $_GET parameters to make it more controllable and dynamic.
you can either split the csv or use array_slice method to split the results from csv.
This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Check if value exist in mysql
I have a small script to upload data to mysql database from a csv file and I want to check the list of values that are inside of the csv file.
This is the CSV File to check if values from csv exist in db:
This my proeject PHP File:
$link_id = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "")
or die("Could not connect.");
die("database was not selected.");
function _checkIfCodeExists($code){
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count_no FROM products WHERE code = ?";
$count = $sql;
if($count > 0){
return true;
return false;
function _updateData($line_of_data){
$code = $line_of_data[0];
$newAlert = $line_of_data[1];
$sql = "UPDATE ";
$file_handle = fopen("file.csv", "r");
while (($line_of_data = fgetcsv($file_handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM products WHERE code ='$line_of_data[0]'") or die(mysql_error());
$message = '';
$count = 1;
$message .= $count . '> Success:: Product with code (' . $line_of_data[1] . ') Exist (' . $line_of_data[0] . '). <br />';
}catch(Exception $e){
$message .= $count .'> Error:: While updating alert (' . $line_of_data[1] . ') of code (' . $line_of_data[0] . ') => '.$e->getMessage().'<br />';
$message .= $count .'> Error:: Product code (' . $line_of_data[0] . ') Doesnt exist<br />';
echo $message;
I don't know what you're doing here, but it isn't going to work:
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count_no FROM products WHERE code = ?";
$count = $sql;
if($count > 0){
return true;
This is equivalent to:
if ("SELECT COUNT(*)..." > 0)
That will never be true.
I have csv file with following structure. I want to update product category path from this file. How I can do this.
I using flowing script to update prices
$mageFilename = '../app/Mage.php';
require_once $mageFilename;
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
Mage::register('isSecureArea', 1);
/***************** UTILITY FUNCTIONS ********************/
function _getConnection($type = 'core_read'){
return Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getConnection($type);
function _getTableName($tableName){
return Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getTableName($tableName);
function _getAttributeId($attribute_code = 'category_ids'){
$connection = _getConnection('core_read');
$sql = "SELECT attribute_id
FROM " . _getTableName('eav_attribute') . "
entity_type_id = ?
AND attribute_code = ?";
$entity_type_id = _getEntityTypeId();
return $connection->fetchOne($sql, array($entity_type_id, $attribute_code));
function _getEntityTypeId($entity_type_code = 'catalog_product'){
$connection = _getConnection('core_read');
$sql = "SELECT entity_type_id FROM " . _getTableName('eav_entity_type') . " WHERE entity_type_code = ?";
return $connection->fetchOne($sql, array($entity_type_code));
function _getIdFromSku($sku){
$connection = _getConnection('core_read');
$sql = "SELECT entity_id FROM " . _getTableName('catalog_product_entity') . " WHERE sku = ?";
return $connection->fetchOne($sql, array($sku));
function _checkIfSkuExists($sku){
$connection = _getConnection('core_read');
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count_no FROM " . _getTableName('catalog_product_entity') . " WHERE sku = ?";
$count = $connection->fetchOne($sql, array($sku));
if($count > 0){
return true;
return false;
function _updatePrices($data){
$connection = _getConnection('core_write');
$sku = $data[0];
$newPrice = $data[1];
$productId = _getIdFromSku($sku);
$attributeId = _getAttributeId();
$sql = "UPDATE " . _getTableName('catalog_product_entity_decimal') . " cped
SET cped.value = ?
WHERE cped.attribute_id = ?
AND cped.entity_id = ?";
$connection->query($sql, array($newPrice, $attributeId, $productId));
/***************** UTILITY FUNCTIONS ********************/
$csv = new Varien_File_Csv();
$data = $csv->getData('prices.csv'); //path to csv
$message = '';
$count = 1;
foreach($data as $_data){
$message .= $count . '> Success:: While Updating Price (' . $_data[1] . ') of Sku (' . $_data[0] . '). <br />';
}catch(Exception $e){
$message .= $count .'> Error:: While Upating Price (' . $_data[1] . ') of Sku (' . $_data[0] . ') => '.$e->getMessage().'<br />';
$message .= $count .'> Error:: Product with Sku (' . $_data[0] . ') does\'t exist.<br />';
echo $message;
I don't know which table to be updated. What needs to change in this code to work update category_ids.
Unless you have a specific reason for using a custom script, you can always use the normal System -> Import/Export -> Dataflow: Profiles -> Import All Products using the file you described.
If you are truly looking for a script I can amend my answer for you.
public function GetRoomTotalForDay($room, $date = null) {
if(!isset($date)) {
$date = date("Y-m-d");
// This function is going to return the number of shoes processed that day
// First of all work out which scanner number is required for the room
$scanner = $this->GetScannerNumber($room);
// Next generate the SQL
$sql = "SELECT `scanners.KordNo`, `scanners.BundleNumber`
FROM `scanners`
WHERE `scanners.Date` = '" . $date . "'
AND `scanners.Scanner` IN (";
foreach($scanner as $x) {
$sql .= $x . ",";
$sql .= "0);";
// And query the database
$result = mysql_query($sql);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$return[] = $row;
// It is more complicated for Kettering, Closing & Rushden, we need to filter the list
if(in_array($room, array(3,4,5))) {
foreach($return as $x) {
$sql = "SELECT `scanners.Scanner`
FROM `scanners`
WHERE `scanners.KordNo` = " . $x['scanners.KordNo'] . "
AND `scanners.BundleNumber` = " . $x['scanner.BundleNumber'] . "
ORDER BY `scanners.Date` DESC
LIMIT 1,1;";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
// If scanner 7, it's been through bottom stock so need to find previous
if($row[0] == 7) {
$sql = "SELECT `scanners.Scanner`
FROM `scanners`
WHERE `scanners.KordNo` = " . $x['scanners.KordNo'] . "
AND `scanners.BundleNumber` = " . $x['scanners.BundleNumber'] . "
ORDER BY `scanners.Date` DESC
LIMIT 2,1;";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
if($row[0] == 10 && $room == 3) {
$finalReturn[] = $x;
} elseif($row[0] == 11 && $room == 4) {
$finalReturn[] = $x;
} elseif($row[0] == 15 && $room == 5) {
$finalReturn[] = $x;
$return = $finalReturn;
// Now we have a list of tickets, we need to query how many pairs are in each ticket
$total = 0;
foreach($return as $x) {
$sql = "SELECT `QtyIssued`
FROM `ArchiveBundle`
WHERE `ArchiveBundle.KordNo` = '" . $x['scanners.KordNo'] . "'
AND `ArchiveBundle.BundleNumber` = '" . $x['scanners.BundleNumber'] . "';";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$total += $row[0];
return $total;
I have edited the class above which pulls no results. However the original class below pulls results out. Please can someone help.
public function GetRoomTotalForDay($room, $date = null) {
if(!isset($date)) {
$date = date("Y-m-d");
// This function is going to return the number of shoes processed that day
// First of all work out which scanner number is required for the room
$scanner = $this->GetScannerNumber($room);
// Next generate the SQL
$sql = "SELECT `KordNo`, `BundleNumber`
FROM `scanners`
WHERE `Date` = '" . $date . "'
AND `Scanner` IN (";
foreach($scanner as $x) {
$sql .= $x . ",";
$sql .= "0);";
// And query the database
$result = mysql_query($sql);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$return[] = $row;
// It is more complicated for Kettering, Closing & Rushden, we need to filter the list
if(in_array($room, array(3,4,5))) {
foreach($return as $x) {
$sql = "SELECT `Scanner`
FROM `scanners`
WHERE `KordNo` = " . $x['KordNo'] . "
AND `BundleNumber` = " . $x['BundleNumber'] . "
LIMIT 1,1;";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
// If scanner 7, it's been through bottom stock so need to find previous
if($row[0] == 7) {
$sql = "SELECT `Scanner`
FROM `scanners`
WHERE `KordNo` = " . $x['KordNo'] . "
AND `BundleNumber` = " . $x['BundleNumber'] . "
LIMIT 2,1;";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
if($row[0] == 10 && $room == 3) {
$finalReturn[] = $x;
} elseif($row[0] == 11 && $room == 4) {
$finalReturn[] = $x;
} elseif($row[0] == 15 && $room == 5) {
$finalReturn[] = $x;
$return = $finalReturn;
// Now we have a list of tickets, we need to query how many pairs are in each ticket
$total = 0;
foreach($return as $x) {
$sql = "SELECT `QtyIssued`
FROM `ArchiveBundle`
WHERE `KordNo` = '" . $x['KordNo'] . "'
AND `BundleNumber` = '" . $x['BundleNumber'] . "';";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$total += $row[0];
return $total;
The class above counts the amount of shoes produced. I have had to edit this class so it can exclude certain types of shoes but it does not seem to pull any results for some reason.
This is the class scanners. This is what its currently at the moment. I'm fairly new to php and this code was writted by my predecessor.
class CHScanners {
var $conn;
// Constructor, connect to the database
public function __construct() {
require_once "/var/www/reporting/settings.php";
define("DAY", 86400);
if(!$this->conn = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD)) die(mysql_error());
if(!mysql_select_db(DB_DATABASE_NAME, $this->conn)) die(mysql_error());
public function ListRoomBundles($room, $date, $dateTo = null) {
// If dateTo hasn't been set, make it now
if(!isset($dateTo) or $dateTo == "") {
$dateTo = $date;
// Return an array with each bundle number and the quantity for each day
$scanner = $this->GetScannerNumber($room);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `scanners` WHERE `Scanner` IN (";
foreach($scanner as $x) {
$sql .= $x . ",";
$sql .= "0)
AND `Date` BETWEEN '" . $date . "' AND '" . $dateTo . "'
GROUP BY `KordNo`, `BundleNumber`;";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$sql = "SELECT `BundleReference`, `QtyIssued`, `WorksOrder`
FROM `ArchiveBundle`
WHERE `KordNo` = '" . $row['KordNo'] . "'
AND `BundleNumber` = '" . $row['BundleNumber'] . "';";
$result2 = mysql_query($sql);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result2)) {
if($row[0] != "") {
$final[] = $row;
} else {
$final[] = array("Can't find bundle number", "N/A");
return $final;
public function GetRoomTotalForDay($room, $date = null) {
if(!isset($date)) {
$date = date("Y-m-d");
// This function is going to return the number of shoes processed that day
// First of all work out which scanner number is required for the room
$scanner = $this->GetScannerNumber($room);
// Next generate the SQL
$sql = "SELECT `scanners.KordNo`, `scanners.BundleNumber`
FROM `scanners,TWOrder,Stock`
INNER JOIN TWORDER ON `scanners.KordNo` = `TWOrder.KOrdNo`
AND `scanners.Date` = '" . $date . "'
INNER JOIN Stock ON `TWOrder.Product` = `Stock.ProductCode`
AND `Stock.ProductGroup` NOT BETWEEN 400 AND 650
AND `scanners.Scanner` IN (
ORDER BY `scanners.KordNo' ASC";
foreach($scanner as $x) {
$sql .= $x . ",";
$sql .= "0);";
// And query the database
$result = mysql_query($sql);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$return[] = $row;
// It is more complicated for Kettering, Closing & Rushden, we need to filter the list
if(in_array($room, array(3,4,5))) {
foreach($return as $x) {
$sql = "SELECT `scanners.Scanner`
FROM `scanners`
WHERE `scanners.KordNo` = " . $x['scanners.KordNo'] . "
AND `scanners.BundleNumber` = " . $x['scanners.BundleNumber'] . "
ORDER BY `scanners.Date` DESC
LIMIT 1,1;";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
// If scanner 7, it's been through bottom stock so need to find previous
if($row[0] == 7) {
$sql = "SELECT `scanners.Scanner`
FROM `scanners`
WHERE `scanners.KordNo` = " . $x['scanners.KordNo'] . "
AND `scanners.BundleNumber` = " . $x['scanners.BundleNumber'] . "
LIMIT 2,1;";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
if($row[0] == 10 && $room == 3) {
$finalReturn[] = $x;
} elseif($row[0] == 11 && $room == 4) {
$finalReturn[] = $x;
} elseif($row[0] == 15 && $room == 5) {
$finalReturn[] = $x;
$return = $finalReturn;
// Now we have a list of tickets, we need to query how many pairs are in each ticket
$total = 0;
foreach($return as $x) {
$sql = "SELECT `QtyIssued`
FROM `ArchiveBundle`
WHERE `KordNo` = '" . $x['scanners.KordNo'] . "'
AND `BundleNumber` = '" . $x['scanners.BundleNumber'] . "';";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$total += $row[0];
return $total;
// We need a function to select the previous Monday from a given date
public function GetPreviousMonday($timestamp) {
if(date("N", $timestamp) == 1) {
return $timestamp;
} elseif(in_array(date("N", $timestamp), array(2, 3, 4, 5))) {
return $timestamp - (date("N", $timestamp)-1)*DAY;
} elseif(in_array(date("N", $timestamp), array(6, 7))) {
return $timestamp + (date("N", $timestamp)*(-1)+8)*DAY;
} else {
return false;
public function GetRoomName($room) {
// Return the room name from the room number
switch($room) {
case 1:
return "Skin Room";
case 2:
return "Clicking Room";
case 3:
return "Kettering";
case 4:
return "Closing Room";
case 5:
return "Rushden";
case 6:
return "Assembly Room";
case 7:
return "Lasting Room";
case 8:
return "Making Room";
case 9:
return "Finishing Room";
case 10:
return "Shoe Room";
public function GetDueDateForWorksOrder($worksOrderNumber) {
$sql = "SELECT `DueDate`
FROM `TWOrder`
WHERE `WorksOrderNumber` = '" . $worksOrderNumber . "';";
mysql_select_db(DB_DATABASE_NAME, $this->conn);
$result = mysql_query($sql, $this->conn);
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
return $row[0];
private function GetScannerNumber($room) {
// Get the room number from the scanner number
switch($room) {
case 1:
$scanner = array(3);
case 2:
$scanner = array(10,11,15);
case 3:
$scanner = array(5);
case 4:
$scanner = array(5);
case 5:
$scanner = array(5);
case 6:
$scanner = array(6);
case 7:
$scanner = array(9);
case 8:
$scanner = array(8);
case 9:
$scanner = array(12);
case 10:
$scanner = array(14);
$scanner = array(0);
return $scanner;
You have a typo - a letter is missing in the last line of this block of code:
if(in_array($room, array(3,4,5))) {
foreach($return as $x) {
$sql = "SELECT `scanners.Scanner`
FROM `scanners`
WHERE `scanners.KordNo` = " . $x['scanners.KordNo'] . "
AND `scanners.BundleNumber` = " . $x['scanner.BundleNumber'] .
Here the array item should be $x['scanners.BundleNumber'].
I have an attendance page which outputs a list of students in a class through the following loop:
$sql10 = "SELECT, student_to_class.class_id, student_to_class.student_id
WHERE = '$classid'";
$result10 = mysql_query($sql10) or die(mysql_error());
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result10)) {
$student = $row['student_id'];
$classid = $row['class_id'];
$sql3 = "select * from student where id = '$student'";
$result3 = mysql_query($sql3) or die(mysql_error());
$row3 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result3);
$studentfname = $row3['first_name'];
$studentlname = $row3['last_name'];
$sql4 = "select * from student where first_name = '$studentfname' AND last_name = '$studentlname'";
$result4 = mysql_query($sql4) or die(mysql_error());
$row4 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result4);
$studentrfid = $row4['rfid'];
$sql5 = "select * from class where id = '$classid'";
$result5 = mysql_query($sql5) or die(mysql_error());
$row5 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result5);
$class_name = $row5['name'];
//Define the default variables assuming attendance hasn't been taken.
$david = "select * from student where rfid='$studentrfid'";
$davidresult = mysql_query($david) or die(mysql_error());
$drow = mysql_fetch_assoc($davidresult);
if (($drow['excused'] == '1') && ($drow['excuseddate'] == $date)) {
//if($drow['excuseddate'] == $date;
$excusedabsense = '<option value="Excused Absense" label="Excused Absense" selected="selected">Excused Absense</option>';
} else {
$excusedabsense = '';
$presentpunctual = '<option value="Present" label="Present">Present</option>';
$presenttardy = '<option value="Tardy" label="Tardy">Tardy</option>';
$unexcusedabsense = '<option value="Absent" label="Absent">Absent</option>';
if (isset($_POST['editdate'])) {
$date = $_POST['date'];
$realfname = $studentfname;
$reallname = $studentlname;
$sql4 = "select * from attendance_main where StudentID = '$studentrfid' AND date = '$date' AND classID = '$class_name'";
$result4 = mysql_query($sql4) or die(mysql_error());
$row4 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result4);
if ($row4['status'] == "Present") {
$presentpunctual = '<option value="Present" label="Present" selected="selected">Present</option>';
} else {
$presentpunctual = '<option value="Present" label="Present">Present</option>';
if ($row4['status'] == "Tardy") {
$presenttardy = '<option value="Tardy" label="Tardy" selected="selected">Tardy</option>';
} else {
$presenttardy = '<option value="Tardy" label="Tardy">Tardy</option>';
if ($row4['status'] == "Absent") {
$unexcusedabsense = '<option value="Absent" label="Absent" selected="selected">Absent</option>';
} else {
$unexcusedabsense = '<option value="Absent" label="Absent">Absent</option>';
echo "<tr>";
if (!isset($dateform)) {
$dateform = date('m/d/Y');
$date = date('m/d/Y');
echo '<td><iframe src="flag.php?&flagdate=' . $dateform . '&curdate=' . $date . '&class=' . $classid . '&flag=1&user=' . $studentrfid . '&curflag=' . $realrfid['flag'] . '&flagclass=' . $classname . '" width="50" height="30" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"> </iframe></td>';
$sql8 = "select * from attendance_main where StudentID = '$studentrfid' AND date='$yesterdaysql' AND classID = '$class_name'";
$result8 = mysql_query($sql8) or die(mysql_error());
$tooltiprow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result8);
if (mysql_num_rows($result8) == 0) {
$tooltipresult_yesterday = "N/A";
} else {
$tooltipresult_yesterday = $tooltiprow['status'];
//2 days
$sql8 = "select * from attendance_main where StudentID = '$studentrfid' AND date='$days2sql' AND classID = '$classid'";
$result8 = mysql_query($sql8) or die(mysql_error());
$tooltiprow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result8);
if (mysql_num_rows($result8) == 0) {
$tooltipresult_2days = "N/A";
} else {
$tooltipresult_2days = $tooltiprow['status'];
//3 days
$sql8 = "select * from attendance_main where StudentID = '$studentrfid' AND date='$days3sql' AND classID = '$class_name'";
$result8 = mysql_query($sql8) or die(mysql_error());
$tooltiprow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result8);
if (mysql_num_rows($result8) == 0) {
$tooltipresult_3days = "N/A";
} else {
$tooltipresult_3days = $tooltiprow['status'];
$tooltip = "<b>" . $yesterday . ":</b> " . $tooltipresult_yesterday . " - <b>" . $days2 . ":</b> " . $tooltipresult_2days . " - <b>" . $days3 . ":</b> " . $tooltipresult_3days;
echo "
<!-- Loop #" . $b . " --> <td><a href='#'";
?> onMouseover="ddrivetip('<?php
echo $tooltip;
?>')"; onMouseout="hideddrivetip()"> <?php
echo $realfname . " " . $reallname . "</a></td>";
echo '<td>
<select name="status' . $b . '">
' . $presentpunctual . '
' . $presenttardy . '
' . $excusedabsense . '
' . $unexcusedabsense . '
' . $hiddenfield . '
<input type="hidden" name="i" value="' . $b . '" />
<input type="hidden" name="studentid' . $b . '" value="' . $studentrfid . '">
<input type="hidden" name="classid" value="' . $class_name . '"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="comments' . $b . '" size="40" /></td></tr>
<!-- End Loop -->';
It essentially prints out student name and a drop down of statuses (if attendance was taken that day, the status will be whatever is set in the database). The date, flag, and tooltip functions are extra additions. (Date is for previous days, tooltip shows previous attendance on hover)
This data is being executed through the following loop:
if (isset($_GET['update'])) {
mysql_query("UPDATE teacher_accounts SET attendance = '1' WHERE username = '$username'") or die(mysql_error());
$error = 0;
$limit = $_GET['i'];
$starter = 0;
$num = 0;
while ($starter < $limit) {
$statusinc = "status" . $num;
$studentinc = "studentid" . $num;
$commentsinc = "comments" . $num;
$studentID = $_GET[$studentinc];
$status = $_GET[$statusinc];
$comments = $_GET[$commentsinc];
$date = date("m/d/Y");
$sql = "select * from student where id = '$studentID'";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
$classid = $_GET['classid'];
if (isset($_GET['dateedit'])) {
$date = $_GET['dateedit'];
$count = "select * from attendance_main where StudentID = '$studentID' AND date = '$date' AND classID='$classid'";
$cresult = mysql_query($count) or die(mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($cresult) > 0) {
$sql = "UPDATE attendance_main SET status='$status',comments='$comments',date='$date',classID='$classid' where StudentID = '$studentID'";
} else {
$sql = "INSERT INTO attendance_main (StudentID,status,comments,date,classID) VALUES ('$studentID','$status','$comments','$date','$classid')";
if (mysql_query($sql)) {
$return = "<h3>Successfully updated the attendance.</h3>";
} else {
$count = "select * from attendance_main where StudentID = '$studentID' AND date = '$date' AND classID='$classid'";
$cresult = mysql_query($count) or die(mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($cresult) > 0) {
$sql = "UPDATE attendance_main SET status='$status',comments='$comments',date='$date',classID='$classid' where StudentID = '$studentID'";
if (mysql_query($sql)) {
$return = "<h3>Successfully updated the attendance for " . $num . " students.</h3>";
} else {
$sql = "INSERT INTO attendance_main (StudentID,status,comments,date,classID) VALUES ('$studentID','$status','$comments','$date','$classid')";
if (mysql_query($sql)) {
$return = "<h3>Successfully inserted today's attendance for " . $num . " students.";
echo $return;
For some reason, data is sometimes not being inserted properly. For example, a teacher might submit attendance on 02/08/2011, for a specific class, and certain students might appear twice under that attendance. This shouldn't be the case according to the code, because it should first check if they exist and, if they do, update the record rather than insert.
I've also seen cases where records are randomly deleted altogether. When a teacher takes attendance, all statuses are automatically set to Present. However, when I searched records on a certain date in the database, 2 students were missing records (which isn't even possible unless its being deleted)
Anyone have any idea why this might happen? I've tried replicating it myself (by repeatedly submitting the form, refreshing the page after it's processed, etc, to no avail.)
Thank you for the help!
Your query that check if a record exists is looking for all 3. 1) $studentID, 2) $classid and 3) $classid However the UPDATE statement is just looking for $studentID.
I would suggest you create a PRIMARY KEY (or UNIQUE INDEX) on StudentID,date,classID, then use the MySql INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE...
INSERT INTO attendance_main (StudentID,status,comments,date,classID)
VALUES ('$studentID','$status','$comments','$date','$classid')
status = VALUES(status),
comments = VALUES(comments)
Don't forget to sanitize the database input by using mysql_real_escape_string for example $status = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET[$statusinc]);.