Sonar and PHPMD: how to exclude directories - php

I'm trying Sonar and i've got some issues with it for a php project.
I have to do it multi-module to get at least php and js analysis.
this is my
# PHP module
php-module.sonar.projectName=PHP Module
# JavaScript module
js-module.sonar.projectName=JavaScript Module
But when i run sonar-runner, i get this error:
Exception in thread "main" org.sonar.runner.RunnerException: org.sonar.api.utils.SonarException: PHPMD execution failed with returned code '1'. Please check the documentation of PHPMD to know more about this failure
and the PHPMD error is
The parser has reached an invalid state near line "32" in file "/var/www/vhosts/dev3.xxxx.local/htdocs/libraries/externals/AvaTax4PHP/classes/ATConfig.class.php". Please check the following conditions: The keyword "parent" was used as type hint but the class "ATConfig" does not declare a parent.
But why is that happening if i've excluded the dir libraries in the project and the module?
Do i have to specify to PHPMD another list of exclusions?

For PHPMD (just as for PHP CodeSniffer, for example) you will have to specify a separate exclude pattern. You can use PHPMD's --excludeparameter for that.
Took me a while to figure it out, but you can set PHPMD's command line parameters with the following setting in your file:
sonar.phpPmd.argumentLine=--exclude libraries/externals

You can refer to this FAQ entry to know how to achieve your goal:
BTW, you should declare:
, instead of:


Symfony 3.4 Where to Put Auto-Generating Proxy Class Config Mode?

Symfony is complaining about renaming proxy classes during my multiple instance command execution. Basically, I am running a Symfony command mutliple times at the same time, and it is throwing an error for generated proxy classes not being able to be renamed...
In ProxyGenerator.php line 293:
Warning: rename(/Users/jlroberts/Projects/Shred/Symfony/var/cache/dev/doctrine/orm/Proxies/__CG__AppBundleEntityNslocaleCountryNames.php.5ee27c106fc5f0.51071995,/Users/jlroberts/Projects/Shred/Symfony/var/cache/dev/doctrine/orm/Proxies/__CG__AppBundleEntityNslocaleCountryNames.php): No such file or directory
I found this issue on github
And I think it says to set the AutoGeneratedProxyClasses to AUTOGENERATE_FILE_NOT_EXISTS, which I found on
Which says I use this following line to set that mode
but where do I put that line?

Symfony messenger can't consume messages

Few weeks ago I set up a Message system with Symfony Messenger and it worked great.
Today I wanted to create new object through message, so I went to my server and type the command to consume message
First I had this result
$ bin/console messenger:consume-messages amqp_notifications
/usr/bin/env: ‘php\r’: No such file or directory
It never happened before with my files, and I never changed the line ending or encoding of my file sin PHPstorm.
I tried to use $ php bin/console messenger:consume-messages amqp_notifications
but then I had this error.
Attempted to load class "AMQPConnection" from the global namespace.
Did you forget a "use" statement?
Pretty weird, because I have have the php-amqp ext installed as you can see on the screenshot of my phpinfo
I didn't change anything in my Message class or Handler.
Also, I tried to call new AMQPConnection() on a random action, just to try, and I didn't get the error.
I'm completely lost with this error this time, as everything is installed.
I use PHP 7.3.1 and symfony Messenger 4.2.2
It seems your second issue was already solved by ccKep on his comment.
The first one is that the specific shebang line #!/usr/bin/env php executes the first php found in the $PATH. So if you already have uninstalled it, which seems the case, or it has a symbolic link to another php version, you can get a wrong result.
Tries to check what is inside the $PATH and replace the PHP path for the correct one. You might get the place running which php.

Magento Custom Api v2 resource path not callable when compilation mode enabled

The custom api function call fails with error message "Resource path not callable" after compilation is enabled. The custom api works as expected when compilation is not enabled.
Is it possible to configure a custom Magento api so that it can be called when both compilation is disabled AND enabled in versions 1.5 and above?
2 workarounds will succeed with compilation enabled :
Workaround #1:
Rename the compiled file from (lowercase the v in V2):
Note: this must be executed after compilation is enabled, and done each time compilation occurs
Workaround #2:
Rename the original V2.php file to v2.php in :
Note: this will fix the api function to succeed 100% of the time when compilation is enabled, but removing the V2.php will break the v2 usage when compilation is disabled. Having BOTH a V2.php and a v2.php will fix both scenarios, but it appears that the 2 files cannot be bundled together for deployment (in addition to not being DRY).
Adding more details.
I've traced the execution and issue using this very helpful answer, and have come to the following conclusions (all code is taken from version CE):
The V2.php is searched for in the includes/src directory as /includes/src/MyApi_Test_Model_Objectmodel_Api_v2.php.
The "call" function in /var/www/html/includes/src/Mage_Api_Model_Server_Handler_Abstract.php contains the following line :
$modelName = $this->_prepareResourceModelName((string) $resources->$resourceName->model);
and _prepareResourceModelName will append the _resourceSuffix, if it exists, which in this case is '_v2' because it is called in :
protected $_resourceSuffix = '_v2';
The output becomes :
modelName : MyApi_Test_Model_Objectmodel_Api_v2
but removing the V2.php will break the v2 usage when compilation is disabled
The right thing to do here is to fix your extension so it works with the class file named V2.php. Uppercased word segments (i.e. Uppercase_Word_Segments are Magento's standard for class names, and using a different convention will likely cause other problems.

"No tests executed" I cannot run any PHP test in NetBeans at all

I am very new to NetBeans and I just wanted to run a Code Coverage teston my code developed earlier. I do not know what I am doing wrong.
I am using NetBeans 7.3.1 with Wamp Server 2.4, installed PHPUnit and Skeleton Generator through PEAR, and set those files in NetBeans settings.
I made the project using an existing sources. Running in my browser seems OK. I can even debug with XDebug.
But when I right click on the project name and "Test", it says "No tests executed.(0.0 s)" in the Test Result window, and this in the Output window:
PHPUnit 3.7.23 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Configuration read from C:\wamp\www\test\configuration.xml
Time: 141 ms, Memory: 2.00Mb
No tests executed!
Generating code coverage report in Clover XML format ... done
I tried running test on a PHP file, it returns an information dialog box "Test file for the selected source file was not found."
I right clicked on the PHP file, and selected "Tools->Create PHPUnit tests", it returns a warning dialog box "Tests were not generated for the following files: (file name) Review the log in Output Window." but nothing was changed in the Output window.
I generated PHPUnit Bootstrap and XML Configuration, but they did not help.
I wished I can provide screenshots, but I cannot. I am trying to be specific as possible.
I appreciate any help.
I got this error too.. I also got this in the Output tab
Fatal error: Class 'package\path\Tests\TestCase' not found in project\path\package\path\Tests\ClientTest.php on line 25
Here, TestCase is the subclass of PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase and that, along with the current test file is in a different directory structure than the source files. So, in my case, it was a path issue.
Something I noted is I need to add a bootstrap file to include files in the test path and the source path to the runtime.
This bootstrap could be generated by NetBeans. See instructions here:
I of course, had another bootstrap.php (added by another developer). I only had to link the bootstrap like follows,
Good luck!
PHPUnits message:
No tests executed!
just means that no tests were found. This can have multiple reasons:
First of all, if there are no tests, no tests are executed.
But it is also possible that there are tests, but the configuration says to skip those (for example some tests are grouped into a group named slow and the configuration XML says to exclude slow from being run).
For your case this most certainly is a configuration issue. I'm not fluent with Netbeans but as you can successfully execute PHPUnit already, that part of your setup looks working.
Next step is to find out when you invoke the test-runner where it looks for tests. It might just be that the tests directory is missing or not specified. E.g. check which configuration is in configuration.xml for example and compare that with the documentation to double-check all settings.
This is not a very concrete answer and somebody who is more fluent with Netbeans might help more, however as you'er not showing further screenshots, this is my honest best bet how to go on with trouble-shooting and why.
Seems I am getting closer to the solution. I found out the problem is not in the configurations, but in the code itself.
I do not know if this is a silly problem, but seems the test only accepts PHP codes written in OOP. I tried making another file with a class and I can make test file out of it with no problem. At least I can see the test result changes from "No test executed" to "No test passed, 1 test skipped"
My codes are written for months without OOP and I know nothing about it at all. Does this mean I have to rewrite all of them again?
It will happen when you put an assertion in a constructor of your test class and this assertion fails.
Then you will see only the warning 'No tests executed!' (not very helpful) but i suppose one should not put assertions in the constructors (this is in phpunit 4.1~).
for it was because my test names were not starting with 'test'

cron kohana 3.3 wrong parametr in cli

I am getting this error
Parameter Errors:
uri - uri is not a valid option for this task!
but my command looks valid:
php /var/www/public_html/index.php --uri=controller/action
i tried also (direct in this folder)
php index.php --uri=controller/action
php index.php --uri="controller/action"
always this error
Kohana 3.3 changed the way it handles CLI execution. From 3.3 it uses Minion module and --uri param is dropped in favour of --task, therefore you have to create Tasks (as opposed to Controllers).
More in the docs:
Note that docs have an error, there's no $_defaults any more, there's $_options instead. Have a look into API Docs for more details.
