How do we clear/reset $this->input->post()? Probably something analogous to clearing $_POST ?
To clear the post use
unset ($_POST);
if it is a must;
create two copies of forms(preferebly in two files in view();
1) every form of type
echo form_input('username','','placeholder="username"')."";
let it be main_form.php;
2) every form of type
echo form_input('username', set_value('username','username'))."";
let it be sub_form.php;
redirect all repeated request to second page
whenever you donot want POST values, then call main_form()
[there might be other ways].
From the page point of view is better to use ajax-request or after a sucesfully form post to redirect to the same page, so if the user refreshes the page will NOT post the form again.
I think something like this redirect(current_url()); (not sure).
This will clear your post and ensure that user don't accidentally double post the data.
Simply call the CI form_validation method.
I'm developing a quiz and want to check if a question is answered already. Then I'd like to print something and/or disable the form after submitting. The page will be redirected back to show the new option if the user has any observation or reservation. If the form redirects back how can I check or disable the form so a user can't submit the form again? I am using the following method to redirect back.
return redirect()->back();
If I pass a variable using the with() method I get no success. The system doesn't recognize my variable. I also tried...
return redirect()->back()->withDisable('disable');
you can use flash data in laravel for this kind of task.
What is Flash Data?
Flash data helps you to store items in the session only for the next request.Data stored in the session using this method will only be available during the subsequent HTTP request, and then will be deleted.
$request->session()->flash('disabled', 'true');
However, If you need to keep your flash data around for several requests
$request->session()->keep(['disabled', 'true']);
to access your session/flash data you can simply do
$request->session()->all() //all flash session data
$request->session()->get('disabled') // for specific
hope that helps
Just with should do it. For example:
return redirect()->back()->with('status', 'disable');
This is saved in the session data, so you could check for it with:
#if (session('status'))
I'm creating a form. There is some server-side validation being executed in a php file separate from the html file containing the form. If the validation fails, I want to redirect back to the original html page with a error message saying what went wrong.
Right now, I am able to successful validate and redirect back to the html page with header(), but I'm not sure how to create and place the error message. Is it possible to check at the top of the html page with php if it's been redirected to through header()? If so, that would solve the problem...
there are several methods to do this i think.
1 add get parameters like:
<input type="hidden" name="formsent" value="1" />
then add method get to your <form>
when you redirect from the other page,, the get would be in the link so you could send it back
header("Location: http://localhost/yourform.php/?{$_GET['formsent']}");
or you could do the validation in the post
if (isset($_POST) && !empty($_POST)) {
do stuff here.. if all is ok go to next page otherwise show errors
or you could add a var into a session using $_SESSION['formsent'] = 1 after the post then u could check that also.
its up 2 u
You should set a variable using PHP sessions.
Form page
$_SESSION["formerror"] = "Error code here";
Redirected to page
$errorcode = $_SESSION["formerror"];
// Now convert the error code to something readable and print it out if needed.
IMO this is much cleaner than a GET variable.
As #Mark wrote, you can send a message in a variable by the url in your header() (I mean url + "?variable=$variable") and capture the message in your page (now php page) by $_GET. The message will depend on your validation
Of course you can check: (#Jrgns)
Different ways to pass one variable between pages.
In my opinion, you must be careful in choose one of those:
-If you would use one value for many pages (keeping in mind it would be store on server), it would be better to use SESSION.
-If you would use one value for only two pages, it would be better to use GET or POST (depending on your situation, url/form).
-If you would use one value for many pages and want to keep it between sessions (keeping in mind it would be store on client), it would be better to use COOKIE.
You can do this with using $_GET[] method
If validation is successful then redirect to url like
form.php?status=1 // 1 for success
If validation is failed then redirect to
form.php?status=0 // 0 for fail
In form.php which is your form page.
use simple if-else condition
echo'something went wrong';
//else nothing
As many clever users wrote you have several methods how to achive this (I won't write all of these):
1st Use sessions check Daniel's answer
2nd Use GET check Sanket Shembekar's answer
3rd Use rZaaaa's answer, but you can enchant it :D
Page 1
header('error: true');
Page 2
print_r(headers_list()); //and find your error
In Codeigniter I used to call the view function after posting data. Like below;
Ex: I have a show_products() function which will display list of products. When a user add a new product I'm posting data into add_product() function. If the process is successful I will not redirect to the products page, instead load the display function inside the add_product() like this:
//Inside the add_product() function
I think, there is no point of reloading the page again. Since we are already in the post function we can straight away set the view after the database insert.
However in laravel I see people redirecting after posting data.
//Inside the postProduct() function
return Redirect::to('products');
I tried;
//Inside the postProduct() function
$this->getIndex();// this is my product display function
but it didn't work.
Do we have a benefit by loading the view in the post function without redirecting every time?
If so how can I achieve the same thing with the laravel?
Thanks a lot!
It's not about the Laravel, instead, it's about a good or right way of doing things. In other words, it's a good programming practice to redirect to another route/page after you successfully submit a form.
Even in CodeIgniter or plain Php I do like this approach and encourage other developers to do that. So, the question is why this redirect is better than directly calling another method from the same request to show another view/page ?
This is the life cycle of the process:
You post a form to a route/action page.
You validate the submitted data and upon successful validation you insert the submitted data in to your database, otherwise you redirect back to that form with errors and old user inputs.
So. assume that, you have submitted a form and done saving the data into database successfully. After you save it you done something like this:
return View::make('...')->with('success', 'Data saved!');
In this case, your user can see the success message on the screen but what if the user, presses the f5 key from the keyboard to refresh the page (probably, accidentally), the form will be submitted to the same action again and the whole process will be repeated again.
So, if you had a redirect after form submission then, refreshing the page won't make any request to that form again.
Google search result on form resubmit on refresh., check the links, may be first one/two, you'll get better idea about the problem and the benefits of redirection after form submission.
in Codeigniter to redirect page we have redirect() function.
You don't have to return Redirect. The reason people use it quite often in larvel is because it's comfy.
You can return something else, eg. a view:
return View::make('home.index')->with('var',$var);
In Laravel, to redirect after doing a POST, you could return a redirect with a named route:
return redirect()->route('my-route-name');
Or if you are within the controller that has the route method you want (eg. the index method, you could do this as well:
return self::index();
After form (method POST) submission i want redirect user to specific page.
usually i used simple line
header("Location: /path/to/redirect/");
The Zend_Controller_Action have method _redirect example:
But it have one simple problem: if i refresh page (press F5) last controller action is activated. So its like double post.
Of course i can use old fashion way, but I just want find the zend style redirect.
Edit: p.s after post redirect i want have cleaned form data. Of course i can use own method with header("location:/path") but I searching it implemented in standart zf
Any ideas?
I think thats because _redirect uses an internal redirect. You need to use an external one. You need to use the Redirector action helper directly... in your action:
Set a session variable that data has been posted, if not post data, redirect?
I.e. would you recommend me to use one controller method like this:
function save()
$post_data = $this->input->post('');
Or would you recommend writing it using two methods?
function save()
$post_data = $this->input->post('');
The redirect is the crucial difference here. It prohibits resubmissions from update for example.
How do you do it? Is there another better way?
You should always redirect on a successful form post.
You should always redirect on a successful form post.
Absolutely. For anyone wondering why this is the case, here are a couple of the reasons:
Avoid "duplicate submissions". Ever had that when you innocently click refresh or hit the back button and wham, everything has resubmitted?
Being friendly to bookmarks. If your user bookmarks the page, presumably you want them to return where they created it, rather than a blank form (a redirect makes them bookmark the confirmation/landing page.
Further reading:
As Aren B said, redirection is a good idea, but what I would change in your code is that validation of the post data should be done with the form validation functionallity. It is not only more reauseable but the code will get shorter.
If you want to handle AJAX requests, you would need to return something else than a via or a redirection.