I have a dynamic site where posts are constantly being generated i have it coded so each time a new post is added it appends the site map url entry to the bottom of the sitemap.xml file.
$lastID = $db->lastInsertId();
$file = 'sitemap.xml';
$current = file_get_contents($file);
$current .= "<url>
file_put_contents($file, $current);
this works but the closing tag in the xml file urlset needs to be at the end of the file. So when i append this data it goes after the urlset and even if i added this to the string there would be multiple closing tags for this. How do i update the file so it doesnt go after the closing tag.
Regenerating the entire site map every time would work but it seems like a lot of work as there are almost 100 pages as of right now and it will need to query multiple tables to get the data
This is a simple function for inserting an element before,after or inside another element.
public function myInsertNode($newNode, $refNode, $insertMode=null) {
if(!$insertMode || $insertMode == "inside") {
} else if($insertMode == "before") {
$refNode->parentNode->insertBefore($newNode, $refNode);
} else if($insertMode == "after") {
if($refNode->nextSibling) {
$refNode->parentNode->insertBefore($newNode, $refNode->nextSibling);
} else {
I have been working with this php code, which should modify Google Calendars layout. But when I put the code to page, it makes everything below it disappear. What's wrong with it?
$your_google_calendar=" PAGE ";
$url= parse_url($your_google_calendar);
$google_domain = $url['scheme'].'://'.$url['host'].dirname($url['path']).'/';
// Load and parse Google's raw calendar
$dom = new DOMDocument;
// Change Google's CSS file to use absolute URLs (assumes there's only one element)
$css = $dom->getElementByTagName('link')->item(0);
$css_href = $css->getAttributes('href');
$css->setAttributes('href', $google_domain . $css_href);
// Change Google's JS file to use absolute URLs
$scripts = $dom->getElementByTagName('script')->item(0);
foreach ($scripts as $script) {
$js_src = $script->getAttributes('src');
if ($js_src) { $script->setAttributes('src', $google_domain . $js_src); }
// Create a link to a new CSS file called custom_calendar.css
$element = $dom->createElement('link');
$element->setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
$element->setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');
$element->setAttribute('href', 'custom_calendar.css');
// Append this link at the end of the element
$head = $dom->getElementByTagName('head')->item(0);
// Export the HTML
echo $dom->saveHTML();
When I'm testing your code, I'm getting some errors because of wrong method call:
->getElementByTagName should be ->getElementsByTagName with s on Element
->setAttributes and ->getAttributes should be ->setAttribute and ->getAttribute without s at end.
I'm guessing that you don't have any error_reporting on, and because of that don't know anything went wrong?
I am trying to parse html page of Google play and getting some information about apps. Simple-html-dom works perfect, but if page contains code without spaces, it completely ingnores attributes. For instance, I have html code:
<div class="doc-banner-icon"><img itemprop="image"src="https://lh5.ggpht.com/iRd4LyD13y5hdAkpGRSb0PWwFrfU8qfswGNY2wWYw9z9hcyYfhU9uVbmhJ1uqU7vbfw=w124"/></div>
As you can see, there is no any spaces between image and src, so simple-html-dom ignores src attribute and returns only <img itemprop="image">. If I add space, it works perfectly. To get this attribute I use the following code:
foreach($html->find('div.doc-banner-icon') as $e){
foreach($e->find('img') as $i){
$bannerIcon = $i->src;
My question is how to change this beautiful library to get full inner text of this div?
I just create function which adds neccessary spaces to content:
function placeNeccessarySpaces($contents){
$quotes = 0; $flag=false;
$newContents = '';
for($i=0; $i<strlen($contents); $i++){
if($contents[$i]=='"') $quotes++;
if($contents[$i+1]!== ' ' && $flag==true) {
$newContents.=' ';
else $flag=true;
return $newContents;
And then use it after file_get_contents function. So:
$contents = file_get_contents($url, $use_include_path, $context, $offset);
$contents = placeNeccessarySpaces($contents);
Hope it helps to someone else.
I am having an issue with DOMDocument and whitespace. Currently I have two types of XML files. One file was created manually about a year ago, I will call this file A. The second file, file B, is being generated using a PHP DOMDocument. I have been trying very hard (unsuccessfully) to make the whitespace in file A match file B.
Here's how it works... The user is given an option to add new <Slide> elements to the XML file. After new slides have been added the user has the option to add new <Items> to the XML file as a child of the <Slide> element.
When I add a <Slide> element to file B it works like a charm. I can even add a new <Item> element with zero problem. However, when I try to access the new <Identifier> element I just added in file B using the second PHP script below with $order != 'remove' I miss the node by one and select <Information/> instead.
It appears that manually created file A has white space that is not present in my generated file B. I have experimented with the preserveWhitespace property but it did not help.
Are there any suggestions on how I can correct this problem. Constructive criticism is also welcome as this is my first shot at dynamic XML manipulation. I apologize for the length and appreciate your time!!
File A - Created Manually - I am trying to match this file!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Areas>Head & Neck</Areas>
<Area>Head & Neck</Area>
<Title>Catheter Angiography</Title>
<Identifier interestCoord=".51,.73" locator="point" labelBool="true" labelTxt="" leaderBool="true">Aortic Arch
<Question A="" B="" C="" D="" E="" Answer=""/>
.... More Items
File B - Before user adds <Slide>. This portion is created Manually. A template if you will. After the user enters slide names new slides are generated using the chunk of code below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Areas>Head & Neck</Areas>
<Area>Head & Neck</Area>
<Type>Brain Sections</Type>
File B - After users adds new <Slide> and <Item>. Formatting shown represents formatting created by DOMDocument. I think this is where the error is occuring! Whitespace!!!
<Title>Catheter Angiography</Title>
<Item1><Identifier locator="point" interestCoord="0.143,0.65" labelBool="true" labelTxt="" leaderBool="false">Orbit</Identifier><Information/><Question A="" B="" C="" D="" E="" Answer=""/></Item1></Slide>
PHP script used to add new <Slide> elements to XML
$SECTION_SEP = "========================================================================</br>";
//Variables used to construct file path
$area = trim($_POST['area']);
$slideType = trim($_POST['slideType']);
$rawSlides = trim($_POST['theseSlides']);
$newSlideList = explode(",", $rawSlides);
$fileLocation = "../XML/".$area."/".$slideType."/".$area.".XML";
$dom = new DOMDocument();
echo('New DOMDocument created!</br>');
echo('XML file loaded!</br>');
/*$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
echo('White space removed!</br>');*/
echo('DOM initialized!</br>');
if ($dom->getElementsByTagName('Slide')->length == 0){ //New file with no slides
foreach ($newSlideList as $slide){
$newSlide = $dom->createElement('Slide', $slide);
$newTitle = $dom->createElement('Title', 'Scan');
//Add the title element to the Item
echo($slide." has been added to the list!</br>");
} else {
$locators = $dom->getElementsByTagName('Slide');
echo("File saved successfully!!");
}else echo("There was a problem saving the file!");
PHP script used to add/edit/remove <Item> and <Identifier> nodes depending on value of $orders == WARNING! Lengthy :/
$SECTION_SEP = "========================================================================</br>";
//Variables used to construct file path
$area = trim($_POST['area']);
$slideType = trim($_POST['slideType']);
$fileLocation = "../XML/".$area."/".$slideType."/".$area.".XML";
//echo("File location:".$fileLocation);
//Current data (c_ for current)
$c_poi = "";
$c_type = "";
$c_lblBool = "";
$c_lblOverride = "";
$c_leaderBool = "";
//Determine if this visit is for new or old data
$orders = trim($_POST['orders']);
//Variables used to replace information in XML file loaded below (n_ for new)
$n_slideName = trim($_POST['slideName']); //slide name in view format ie Ag-01a
$n_identName = trim($_POST['ident']); //contains multiple information separated by comma ie 0,Aortic Arch
$n_type = trim($_POST['type']); //locator type
$n_poi = trim($_POST['poi']);
$n_lblBool = trim($_POST['lblBool']);
$n_lblOverride = trim($_POST['lblOverride']);
echo("Modified: ".date('c')."</br>");
$dom = new DOMDocument();
echo('New DOMDocument created!</br>');
echo('XML file loaded!</br>');
/*$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
echo('White space removed!</br>');*/
echo('DOM initialized!</br>');
$locators = $dom->getElementsByTagName('Slide');
echo($locators->length.' elements retrieved</br>');
$slideEntryFound = false;
$identEntryFound = false;
$identAttributesFound = false;
//Locate the correct slide node
foreach ($locators as $locator){
//If there is a match, store the infomation
// rawSlide[x].childNode[0].nodeValue
if(strcmp(trim($locator->childNodes->item(0)->nodeValue),$n_slideName) == 0){
$slideEntryFound = true;
$slideChildren = $locator->childNodes;
//Locate the correct identifier node
foreach($slideChildren as $child){
if( strcmp(trim($child->nodeValue), substr($n_identName,strpos($n_identName,",")+1)) == 0){
$identEntryFound = true;
if (strcmp($orders, "remove") == 0){//Removing an element
echo("The identifier being removed is: ".trim($child->nodeValue."</br>"));
echo("The node path is: ".($child->childNodes->item(1)->getNodePath())."</br>");
echo("Identifier successfully removed!</br>");
} else {//Not removing anything - Adding or Editing
echo("The identifier being modified is: ".trim($child->nodeValue."</br>"));
echo("The node path is: ".($child->childNodes->item(1)->getNodePath())."</br>");
$identAttributesFound = true;
$c_poi = $child->childNodes->item(1)->getAttribute('interestCoord');
echo("--Current interestCoord: ".$c_poi."</br>");
echo("++New interestCoord: ".$n_poi."</br>");
if(strcmp($c_poi, $n_poi) != 0){
$c_type = $child->childNodes->item(1)->getAttribute('locator');
echo("--Current locator: ".$c_type."</br>");
echo("++New locator: ".$n_type."</br>");
$c_lblBool = $child->childNodes->item(1)->getAttribute('labelBool');
echo("--Current labelBool: ".$c_lblBool."</br>");
//echo("++New labelBool: ".$n_lblBool."</br>");
$c_lblOverride = $child->childNodes->item(1)->getAttribute('labelTxt');
echo("--Current labelOverride: ".$c_lblOverride."</br>");
echo("++New labelOverride: ".$n_lblOverride."</br>");
$c_leaderBool = $child->childNodes->item(1)->getAttribute('leaderBool');
echo("--Current leaderBool: ".$c_leaderBool."</br>");
//echo("++New leaderBool: ".$n_leaderBool."</br>");
if($n_lblOverride != ""){
echo("**A new label override was detected. The identifier will have the alias ".$n_lblOverride.".");
} else echo("Fatal Error - Node does not contain attributes!</br>");
if($identEntryFound == true && $identAttributesFound == false)
echo("Error - Attribute entry not found!");
if($slideEntryFound == true && $identEntryFound == false && $orders != "remove"){
echo("The identifier was not found... creating a new identifier!</br>");
//Create a new Element
$newElement = $dom->createElement("Item".((integer)(substr($n_identName,0,strpos($n_identName,",")))+1));
echo("New element created!!</br>");
//Create new Item children
$newSubElem = $dom->createElement("Identifier", substr($n_identName,strpos($n_identName,",")+1));
$newSubElem ->setAttribute('interestCoord',$n_poi);
$newSubElem->setAttribute('labelBool', $n_lblBool);
$newSubElem->setAttribute('labelTxt', $n_lblOverride);
//TODO link this next one to a variable instead of hard coding
$newSubElem->setAttribute('leaderBool', "false");
//Info Child
$newInfoElem = $dom->createElement("Information");
//Question Child
$newQuestion = $dom->createElement("Question");
$newQuestion->setAttribute('A', "");
$newQuestion->setAttribute('B', "");
$newQuestion->setAttribute('C', "");
$newQuestion->setAttribute('D', "");
$newQuestion->setAttribute('E', "");
$newQuestion->setAttribute('Answer', "");
//Add new children to main Item
echo("New identifier added!!</br>");
} else {
if($slideEntryFound == false)
echo("Error - Slide entry not found!");
echo("File saved successfully!!");
echo('<div id="phpHandleBtns>"></br><form><button type="submit" id="continueEdit" formaction="../edit.php">Continue Editing</button>'.
'</br><button type="submit" id="doneEdit" formaction="../main.php">Done Editing</button></form></div>');
}else echo("There was a problem saving the file!");
I would strongly recommend that you use an XPath API like this http://php.net/manual/en/class.domxpath.php to find the nodes you are interested in. Attempting to use the DOM API directly is only going to cause you heartache.
More specifically, I think that your call to childNode() is getting tripped up by white space, but if you used childElement() instead (not sure if that exists, but with XPath it is easy), it would just ignore any whitespace.
I have a page that displays XML info in a table. The XML files are server side and I'm using PHP to get the file names and data using a drop down box. JSON is used to put the names in the dropdown and DOM to send the XML across. That works fine in all browsers.
There is an issue with my adding entries feature. When I add an entry in Chrome or Firefox it shows up the next time that table is selected. It doesn't work in IE9 though. The entries are added to the xml file but to view these changes in IE I have to open a new tab. Simply refreshing doesn't work. To redirect in this script I use the header function:
header('Location: ./client2.html');
Is there something that needs to be added here for IE or is there an issue somewhere else. I've added the php that gets the data when the file is chosen.
/* gets the selected file to use to return data */
$xml_filename = './XML/'.$_REQUEST['file'];
$xml = simplexml_load_file($xml_filename);
/* gets the root of the selected file */
$rootname = $xml->getName();
/* gets the children in that root */
$children = $xml->children();
$firstchild = $children[0];
// gets the table headings
$data = '{"headings":[';
foreach ($firstchild as $elem)
$data = $data.'"'.$elem->getName().'",';
// removes trailing ','
$data = substr_replace($data,"",-1);
$data = $data.'],';
// gets the cell values
$data = $data. '"vals":[';
foreach ($children as $child)
$data = $data.'[';
foreach ($child as $elem => $vals)
$data = $data.'"'.$vals.'",';
$data = substr_replace($data,"",-1);
$data = $data.'],';
// removes trailing ','
$data = substr_replace($data,"",-1);
$data = $data.']}';
/* sends created JSON string back to client */
echo $data;
If it's a caching problem, you could try adding a random string in the header() call, like this:
$random_str = sha1(uniqid(mt_rand(), true));
header('Location: ./client2.html?' . $random_str);
Turns out it was a caching issue. I had to add this: $.ajaxSetup({cache:false}) to the document.ready() section of the JavaScript. Nothing else seemed to work
I am working on a user interface, "dashboard" of sorts which has some div boxes on it, which contain information relevant to the current logged in user. Their calendar, a todo list, and some statistics dynamically pulled from a google spreadsheet.
I found here:
that specific cells can be requested from the sheet with a url like this:
I briefly looked into Zend GData, but it seemed way more complex that what I was trying to do.
So instead I wrote two php functions: (in hours.php)
1.) does a file_get_contents() of the generated url, based on the parameters row, column, and sheet
2.) uses the first in a loop to find which column number is associated with the given name.
So basically I do an ajax request using jQuery that looks like this:
// begin js function
function ajaxStats(fullname)
url: "lib/dashboard.stats.php?name="+fullname,
cache: false,
success: function(html){
document.getElementById("stats").innerHTML = html;
// end js function
// begin file hours.php
function getCol($name)
while(getCell($r,$c,1) != $name)
{ $c++; }
return $c;
function getCell($r, $c, $sheet)
$baseurl = "http://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/cells/";
$spreadsheet = "0AnhvV5acDaAvdDRvVmk1bi02WmJBeUtBak5xMmFTNEE/";
$sheetID = $sheet . "/";
$vis = "public/";
$proj = "basic/";
$cell = "R".$r."C".$c;
$url = $baseurl . $spreadsheet . $sheetID . $vis . $proj . $cell . "";
$xml = file_get_contents($url);
//Sometimes the data is not xml formatted,
//so lets try to remove the url
$urlLen = strlen($url);
$xmlWOurl = substr($xml, $urlLen);
//then find the Z (in the datestamp, assuming its always there)
$posZ = strrpos($xmlWOurl, "Z");
//then substr from z2end
$data = substr($xmlWOurl, $posZ + 1);
//if the result has more than ten characters then something went wrong
//And most likely it is xml formatted
if(strlen($data) > 10)
//Asuming we have xml
$datapos = strrpos($xml,"<content type='text'>");
$datapos += 21;
$datawj = substr($xml, $datapos);
$endcont = strpos($datawj,"</content>");
return substr($datawj, 0,$endcont);
return $data;
//End hours.php
//Begin dashboard.stats.php
// This file is requested using ajax from the main dashboard because it takes so long to load,
// as to not slow down the usage of the rest of the page.
if (!empty($_GET['name']))
include "hours.php";
// GetCollumn of which C#R1 = users name
$col = getCol($_GET['name']);
// then get cell from each of the sheets for that user,
// assuming they are in the same column of each sheet
$s1 = getcell(3, $col, 1);
$s2 = getcell(3, $col, 2);
$s3 = getcell(3, $col, 3);
$s4 = getcell(3, $col, 4);
// Store my loot in the session varibles,
// so next time I want this, I don't need to fetch it
$_SESSION['fhrs'] = $s1;
$_SESSION['fdol'] = $s2;
$_SESSION['chrs'] = $s3;
$_SESSION['bhrs'] = $s4;
<!-- and finally output the information formated for the widget-->
<strong>You have:</strong><br/>
<ul style="padding-left: 10px;">
<li> <strong><?php echo $_SESSION['fhrs']; ?></strong> fundraising hours<br/></li>
<li>earned $<strong><?php echo $_SESSION['fdol']; ?></strong> fundraising<br/></li>
<li> <strong><?php echo $_SESSION['chrs']; ?></strong> community service hours<br/></li>
<li> <strong><?php echo $_SESSION['bhrs']; ?></strong> build hours <br/></li>
//end dashboard.stats.php
I think that where I am loosing my 4 secs is the while loop in getCol() [hours.php]
How can I improve this, and reduce my loading time?
Should I just scrap this, and go to Zend GData?
If it is that while loop, should i try to store each users column number from the spreadsheet in the user database that also authenticates login?
I didn't have the proper break in the while loop, it continued looping even after it found the right person.
Plus the request take time to go to the google spreadsheet. About .025 second per request.
I also spoke with a user of ZendGdata and they said that the request weren't much faster.