I have a dropdown list that is populated from a mySQL database using PHP. How do I preselect the first option in the dropdown bearing in mind that these values may not always be the same?
This is the code in my HTML:
function loadparameters(selobj, url, nameattr) {
$.getJSON(url, {}, function (data) {
$.each(data, function (i, obj) {
$(function () {
'GetParameter.php?GetParameter=parameterType', 'parameterType');});
..and the PHP Script:
$list = $_GET['GetParameter'];
case 'parameterType':
$qry = "SELECT parameterType FROM Parameters";
if(empty($qry)){ echo "invalid params! "; exit; }
$dbconn = mysql_connect('*******','*******','******')
or die("DB login failed!");
mysql_select_db('*****', $dbconn)
or die("Database does not exist! ".mysql_error($dbconn));
$result = mysql_query($qry,$dbconn)
or die("Query $qry failed! ".mysql_error($dbconn));
$rows = array();
while($rec = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
$rows[] = $rec;
echo json_encode($rows);
The only thing that seems wrong in your code is this line
Why do you close close/open/close the option tag?
Shouldn't it be that way? (I've indented the code for readability)
$("<option></option>") // only open/close tag
.html(obj[nameattr]) // this injects HTML
$("<option></option>") // only open/close tag
.text(obj[nameattr]) // this only injects text
If you fix this, then the first option should be preselected. The reason why it isn't preselected is because your browser might automatically fix this issue by itself with an empty option.
Also, I find the syntax below more readable:
var option = $("<option></option>").text(obj['nameattr']);
I appplied autoComplete function to search box but when i key in some value in the search box, it always gv me the same result.
I realized i did not loop through the database, that's why i keep getting the same result.
I changed my query so that i can get what i want but the result still the same.
here is my ajax for autocomplete, and i'm not sure is it the right way to do it? But the search function is working except it do not display all the data.
function autoComplete(){
source: 'autoComplete.php',
minLength : 3,
select: function(event, ui) {
$('#chosenEvent').append(ui.item.value + "\n");
Here is the php code
// include the file for the database connection
function autoC($conn){
$sql = "select eventTitle from te_events_special_offers eventTitle ORDER BY eventTitle";
$rsOffer = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
//$offer = mysqli_fetch_all($rsOffer, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
$titles = array();
while($title = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rsOffer)){
$titles[] = $title;
foreach ($titles as $title)
return json_encode($title);
echo autoC($conn)
Here is the link that i refer to click here
Thanks for your help!
So now, i changed the ajax method with the following code and it works but i still have no idea what wrong with my previous ajax code.
I also modified the php code by remove the foreach and added implode method
method :"get",
url :"autoComplete.php"
.done(function(data, status, jqxhr){
var eventList;
eventList = data.split(',');
minLength :2 ,
source : eventList,
select: function(event,ui){
//end autocompoete
Please try first to have results to encode, then we'll used them. Run this code along no other one at the same time, and tell us what you get (I assumed that you have columns ID + TITLE, if not, correct the code before using). Also, you original query seems weird -> $sql = "SELECT eventTitle FROM te_events_special_offers eventTitle ORDER BY eventTitle"; /* check bold part of it */
Plus : you should really think about prepared statements and error_reporting
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
$mysqli = mysqli_connect("$host", "$user", "$mdp", "$db");
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo "Error connecting : " . mysqli_connect_error($mysqli); }
$query = " SELECT idTitle, eventTitle FROM te_events_special_offers ORDER BY eventTitle "; /* check names used here and adapt to yours */
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare($query);
$results = $stmt->execute();
$stmt->bind_result($idTitle, $eventTitle);
if ($stmt->num_rows > 0) {
$events = array();
$event = array();
echo"[ $idTitle -> $eventTitle ]<br />";
$event["id"] = "$idTitle";
$event["title"] = "$eventTitle";
array_push($events, $event);
{ echo"[ no data ]"; }
echo json_encode($events);
Ajax does not want to recognize my $google['cities'] when called as data.cities.
The output is: 12 undefined undefined.
It works well (output are database records) if i remove $google['number']=12, and define database array just as $google[]=$row.
Any ideas?
$con = mysql_connect("localhost","root","");
if(!$con) {
die("Connection Error: ".mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("avtost", $con);
$pasteta = $_POST["white"];
$places = mysql_query("SELECT sDo FROM bstop WHERE sOd='$pasteta'");
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($places)) {
if (mysql_num_rows($places)>0) {
echo json_encode($google);
} else { echo 'Ni rezultatov';}
<script type="text/javascript">
var white = $('#white').val();
success: function(data){
var result='';
$.each(data.cities, function(i,e) {
result += '<div>'+e.sDo+'</div>';
you are overwriting the cities key in $google every time you loop for a row in $places.
you can use:
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($places)) {
and then simply grab the last value value of the array if you want to get the number key, or just pass the number as a separate variable $number.
Some tips:
1) you should be using prepared statements to secure your code (mysqli prepared). This will give you something like:
// connect to database and check it
// ...
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare('SELECT sDo FROM bstop WHERE sOd=?');
$google['cities'][] = $sDo;
$google['number'] = 12;
// ...
2) Improve your variable, table and column names. They are a bit confusing.
3) Instead of returning 'Ni rezultatov', you should return JSON. Such as, {"status":"FAILED"}, subsequently returning {"status":"OK", ... } for successful requests.
I solved it myself:
echo json_encode($google);
hey i have this javascript for a bubble up... this script gets InfoID and InfoData tags from an xml file...
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready( function ( ) {
// Get the XML data from your file
$.get('scores.xml', function( data ) {
// Because we've given jQuery the XML datatype, we can jump straight to finding the element.
$(data).find('Game').each( function ( ) {
// The current object now holds a single "GAME" - find the elements we need
var game_id = $(this).find('InfoID').text( );
var game_info = $(this).find('InfoData').text( );
// Create the popup.
position : 'left', align : 'center',
innerHtml: game_info,
innerHtmlStyle: { color:'#FFFFFF', 'text align':'center' },
themeName: 'all-black',
themePath: 'images/jquerybubblepopup-themes'
}); // end of each
}, 'xml'); // The 'xml' tells jQuery to expect XML back from the request
i need to make this script get data from Database table instead of xml.
i have the same InfoID and InfoData rows in a table in my database...
i use this php script to get data from db:
// Connect to database server
mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "asnaeb") or die (mysql_error ());
// Select database
mysql_select_db("scores") or die(mysql_error());
// SQL query
$strSQL = "SELECT * FROM latest";
// Execute the query (the recordset $rs contains the result)
$rs = mysql_query($strSQL);
// Loop the recordset $rs
// Each row will be made into an array ($row) using mysql_fetch_array
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) {
// Write the value of the column FirstName (which is now in the array $row)?>
<?php echo $row['Header'].""; ?>
<?php echo $row['Row'].""; ?>
<?php echo $row['Date'].""; ?>
<?php echo $row['Time'].""; ?>
<?php echo $row['AwayTeam'].""; ?>
<?php echo $row['Score'].""; ?>
<?php echo $row['HomeTeam'].""; ?>
<?php echo $row['Other'].""; ?>
<?php echo $row['InfoID'].""; ?>
<?php echo $row['InfoData'].""; ?>
<?php } mysql_close(); ?>
any idea how i can do that? so i can remove my xml file and use database :)
Thanks in advance.
You could use an ajax post with a seperate callback function and return json data from your php script.
Give this a shot:
// try this for your javascript
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready( function ( ) {
function getGameInfo() {
// this is the success callback
function (json) {
// this calls the function with the returned data
return false;
// process json data to set your game_id and game_info vars
function parseReturnedData(data) {
var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
var game_id = obj.InfoID;
var game_info = obj.InfoData;
// Create the popup.
position : 'left', align : 'center',
innerHtml: game_info,
innerHtmlStyle: { color:'#FFFFFF', 'text align':'center' },
themeName: 'all-black',
themePath: 'images/jquerybubblepopup-themes'
// try this for your php file
// declare vars
$response = array();
// Connect to database server
mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "asnaeb") or die (mysql_error ());
// Select database
mysql_select_db("scores") or die(mysql_error());
// SQL query
$strSQL = "SELECT * FROM latest";
// Execute the query (the recordset $rs contains the result)
$rs = mysql_query($strSQL);
// Loop the recordset $rs
// Each row will be made into an array ($row) using mysql_fetch_array
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) {
// Write the value of the column FirstName (which is now in the array $row)?>
$response['Header'] = $Header;
$response['Row'] = $Row;
$response['Date'] = $Date;
$response['Time'] = $Time;
$response['AwayTeam'] = $AwayTeam;
$response['Score'] = $Score;
$response['HomeTeam'] = $HomeTeam;
$response['Other'] = $Other;
$response['InfoID'] = $InfoID;
$response['InfoData'] = $InfoData;
echo json_encode($response);
I have a page that is pulling data through jQuery but it is only pulling the return code. Here is my code:
<script type='text/javascript' language='javascript'>
function showCU() {
$.post('getCU.php', {
cuid: $('#cuContact').val()
function (response) {
$select = "SELECT priContact, priEmail, priPhone FROM user WHERE id = '" . $_POST['id'] . "'";
$query = mysql_query($select) or die ("Could not get info: " . mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($query) > 0) {
while ($get = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
$priContact = $get['priContact'];
echo $priContact;
echo $get['priEmail'] . " | " . $get['priPhone'];
} else {
echo "No users";
So the call is pulling from getCU.php whenever the onchange event handler is called. That is why this is in a function. What I want to do is every time a user chooses something from the option list the text values change according to what was selected. I have the php page pulling from a db and echoing out the code correctly. jQuery id pulling the data from the php page correctly, but I cannot get the code to place the single details in each of the text boxes.
So what I want to happen is this:
A user selects a name from a drop-down box. Then the mysql data attached to that name would be displayed on the page in form text fields.
Let me know if more information or code is needed.
I think you'll be better off structuring your data. My general recommendation is JSON.
// QUICK WARNING: Don't take unparse GET/POST responses.
// This is asking for trouble from SQL injection.
$select = "SELECT priContact, priEmail, priPhone FROM user WHERE id = '" . mysql_escape_string($_POST['id']) . "'";
$query = mysql_query($select) or die ("Could not get info: " . mysql_error());
$retVal = array();
if (mysql_num_rows($query) > 0) {
$retVal['data'] = array();
while ($get = mysql_fetch_array($query))
$retVal['data'][] = $get;
} else {
$retVal['error'] = 'No users';
header('Content-type: application/json');
echo json_encode($retVal);
<script type="text/javascript">
function showCU() {
$.post('getCU.php', {
cuid: $('#cuContact').val(),
function (response) {
if (response.error) {
//handle error
As you see I have created drop down and give it name the field name, and I have also the count function.
What I want to do is, if some select drop down menu..show the how many result found in number like 10, 20,.. if the second dropdown selected it will check the two drop down selected and pass the result count..like that continuous..if you want to see example what exactly I want is go here and choose car the count will update..
I have the ajax and working well but I can't get the exact PHP code to count in live time.
AJAX Code..
var xmlHttp
function showCount(str)
if (xmlHttp==null)
alert ("Your browser does not support AJAX!");
var url="phpApplication.php";
function stateChanged()
if (xmlHttp.readyState==4)
function GetXmlHttpObject()
var xmlHttp=null;
// Firefox, Opera 8.0+, Safari
xmlHttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
catch (e)
// Internet Explorer
xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
catch (e)
xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
return xmlHttp;
PHP Code
function dropdown($field, $table)
//initialize variables
$oHTML = '';
$result = '';
//check to see if the field is passed correctly
if (($field == "")||($table == ""))
die("No column or table specified to create drop down from!");
$sql = "select distinct($field) from $table";
//call the db function and run the query
$result = $this->conn($sql);
//if no results are found to create a drop down return a textbox
if ((!$result) ||(mysql_num_rows($result)==0))
$oHTML .= "<input type='text' name='$field' value='' size='15'>";
}elseif (($result)&&(mysql_num_rows($result)>0)){
//build the select box out of the results
$oHTML .= "<select name='$field' onchange='showCount(this.value)'>\n<option value='all'>All</option>\n";
while ($rows = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$oHTML .= "<option value='".$rows[$field]."' name='".$rows[$field]."'>".$rows[$field]."</option>\n";
$oHTML .= "</select>\n";
//send the value back to the calling code
return $oHTML;
}//end function
function count1(){
$sql2 = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * from produkt_finder_table where Bauform_d ='".($_POST['Bauform_d'])."' ";
$query = $this->conn($sql2);
$result = mysql_query( $query );
$count = mysql_result( mysql_query( 'SELECT FOUND_ROWS()' ), 0, 0 );
echo $count;
//$sql2 = "SELECT COUNT(Bauform_d) from produkt_finder_table where Bauform_d = 'mobil' ";
//echo var_dump($result1);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query))
// echo $row['COUNT(Bauform_d)'];
//echo mysql_num_rows($query);
// if (isset($_POST['Bauform_d']))
/* if (mysql_num_rows($result)==0) {
echo '0';
} else {
echo mysql_num_rows($result);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
echo $result;
echo $row['COUNT(Bauform_d)'];
// }
$action = $_GET['action'];
$proFin = new Application();
switch($action) {
case 'show':
case 'search':
case 'searchAll':
case 'count2':
What parts have you debugged?
Change the count1() function to just echo back the time or something using time().
Then if it returns the correct value you know your JS is working and your PHP script is calling the correct function.
I assume that the PHP code doesnt work as the SQL query is looking for $_POST['Bauform_d'] which isnt set when you call the xmlHTTP Request. Run a simple print_r($_POST); to make sure you are passing all the data you expect in the query. If it is not then change your JS code to pass the value - when you are sure your php script is being passed all the correct variables then begin to add back in your SQL query etc.
debug debug
Jacob's answer is the key.