I'm looking for a solution to zip a folder's content, including all subfolders that are in the folder, but not the main folder itself.
I started from this function, that adds a whole folder to a zip archive
function addFolderToZip($dir, $zipArchive){
if (is_dir($dir)) {
if ($dh = opendir($dir)) {
//Add the directory
// Loop through all the files
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
//If it's a folder, run the function again!
if(!is_file($dir . $file)){
// Skip parent and root directories
if( ($file !== ".") && ($file !== "..")){
addFolderToZip($dir . $file . "/", $zipArchive);
// Add the files
$zipArchive->addFile($dir . $file);
but I don't see how to change the function to (maybe using a third argument ?)
$z = new ZipArchive();
$z->open("zips/new.zip", ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE);
I've got it, I have created an argument $localpath, set to "":
function add_folder_in_path($folder_path,$local_path,$z)
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false)
if( ($file !== ".") && ($file !== ".."))
if (is_file($folder_path.$file))
Here is how I call it
$z = new ZipArchive();
$z->open("zipped/new.zip", ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE);
echo "<br>";
I am trying to open a sub folder when user clicked on main directory url link. It does not either show any errors or content.
Here is my php code to open main folder which is working fine.
$loc = 'C:/Apache24/htdocs/www.test.in/stRec';
if (is_dir($loc)){
if ($dh = opendir($loc)){
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false){
Code to open sub directory which shows no content.
if(isset($_GET['dir'])) {
$dir = $_GET['dir'];
$loc = 'C:/Apache24/htdocs/www.test.in/stRec'.$dir;
if (is_dir($loc)){
if ($dh = opendir($loc)){
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false){
echo $file;
path separator on windows is "\"
To get more details:
if (!isset($_GET['dir'])) {
die('dir not set');
$dir = $_GET['dir'];
$loc = 'C:\whatever\path' . $dir;
if (!is_dir($loc)) {
die('not a dir');
if ($handle = opendir($loc)) {
while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
echo "$entry\n";
I want to create a system which will include any .php file from a folder, similar to wordpress\plugins folder. Preferably drag and drop.
Any ideas how to do it?
Question is not clear...
read the folder files
scroll through the files found
if PHP - include it
function scandir2($dir)
$out = array();
if (is_dir($dir))
if ($dh = opendir($dir))
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false)
if ($file == '.' or $file == '..') continue;
if (!is_dir($dir . '/'. $file))
$out[] = $dir . '/' . $file;
return $out;
foreach($i as $name)
if(strstr($name ,'.php'))
this code scan directory and include php files ...
Here is the code to do that:
foreach (glob("/path/*.php") as $filename) {
include $file;
The glob() function returns an array of all .php files on the specified path.
Here is how I would do it...
$dirPath = '/path/to/files';
if ($handle = opendir($dirPath)) {
/* loop over files in directory */
while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
/* find extension */
$ext = substr($entry,-3);
$ext = strtolower($ext);
/* include file if extension is PHP */
if ($ext === 'php') {
include_once($dirPath .'/'. $entry);
} //if
} //if
} //if
Note that there is several security concerns and possibly performance concerns.
$path = '/home/username/www/;
if($zip = new ZipArchive){
if($zip->open('backup_'. time() .'.zip', ZipArchive::CREATE)){
if(false !== ($dir = opendir($path))){
while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir))){
if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && $file != 'aaa'){
$zip->addFile($path . $file);
echo 'Adding '. $file .' to path '. $path . $file .' <br>';
echo 'Can not read dir';
echo 'Could not create backup file';
echo 'Could not launch the ZIP libary. Did you install it?';
Hello again Stackoverflow! I want to backup a folder with all its content including (empty) subfolders and every file in them, whilst excluding a single folder (and ofcourse . and ..). The folder that needs to be excluded is aaa.
So when I run this script (every folder does have chmod 0777) it runs without errors, but the ZIP file doesn't show up. Why? And how can I solve this?
Thanks in advance!
have you tried to access the zip folder via PHP rather than looking in FTP as to whether it exists or not - as it might not appear immediately to view in FTP
function addFolderToZip($dir, $zipArchive, $zipdir = ''){
if (is_dir($dir)) {
if ($dh = opendir($dir)) {
//Add the directory
if(!empty($zipdir)) $zipArchive->addEmptyDir($zipdir);
// Loop through all the files
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
//If it's a folder, run the function again!
if(!is_file($dir . $file)){
// Skip parent and root directories, and any other directories you want
if( ($file !== ".") && ($file !== "..") && ($file !== "aa")){
addFolderToZip($dir . $file . "/", $zipArchive, $zipdir . $file . "/");
// Add the files
$zipArchive->addFile($dir . $file, $zipdir . $file);
After a while of fooling around this is what I found working. Use it as seen below.
$zipArchive = new ZipArchive;
$name = 'backups\backup_'. time() .'.zip';
addFolderToZip($path, $zipArchive);
Here's my answer, checks if the modification time is greater then something as well.
$zip = new ZipArchive;
$zip_name = md5("backup".time()).".zip";
$res = $zip->open($zip_name, ZipArchive::CREATE);
$realpath = str_replace('filelist.php','',__FILE__);
$path = realpath('.');
$objects = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
foreach($objects as $name => $object){
if (is_file($object)) {
$file_count ++;
$epoch = $object->getMTime();
if($epoch>='1374809360'){ // Whatever date you want to start at
$array[] = str_replace($realpath,'',$object->getPathname());
foreach($array as $files) {
echo $zip_name.'-'.$file_count.'-'.$count_files;
Right now there is an upload system on the site I am working on where users can upload some documents to a particular file. Later on I will need to make these documents downloadable. Is there an easy way to iterate through all the files in a particular directory and create download links for the files?
Something like:
echo 'somefilename';
Many thanks in advance.
if($dh = opendir('path/to/directory')) {
while(($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
if($file == "." || $file == "..") { continue; }
echo '' . $file . '';
You should see opendir.
Example from that page adapted to question:
$dir = "/etc/php5/";
$path = "/webpath";
// Open a known directory, and proceed to read its contents
if (is_dir($dir)) {
if ($dh = opendir($dir)) {
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
echo "$file";
I am testing out the functions of directory handling. I have a fold/directory that contains the following:
0 File folder
false File folder
my_pictures File folder
MVI_3094 mov file
img01 jpeg image
I wrote the following code to traverse the directory and print out specific resutls
$handle = opendir("files/");
while(($entry = readdir($handle)) !== false)
if($entry == "." || $entry == "..")
echo "Directory:$entry<br />";
My only problem is that the second "if" statement does not output the results of
echo "Directory:$entry<br />";
even though the entry is a directory. I have checked the entry manually with the "var_dump" function and it returns true as a directory.
Any suggestions would help
Try this and check. Just a try...
$handle = opendir("files/");
while(($entry = readdir($handle)) !== false)
if($entry == "." || $entry == "..")
echo "Directory:$entry<br />";
$entry is relative... is_dir expects an absolute path.
readdir() is just returning the filenames. Your code is therefore looking for the files in the current directory rather than the subdirectory.
This will just probe the basename of whatever directory entry:
The opendir() result list will be relative to the directory you gave for reading. So you need to use:
Your problem is that in elseif(is_dir($entry)) {, entry is equal to some string like "file.txt" or "somedirectory", which isn't a path pointing to a file at all. It needs to be "files/file.txt".
Try this:
$dir = "files/";
$handle = opendir($dir);
while(($entry = readdir($handle)) !== false)
if($entry == "." || $entry == "..")
echo "Directory:$entry<br />";
Try using the DirectoryIterator:
$iterator = new \DirectoryIterator(realpath('files/'));
foreach($iterator as $file){
printf('Directory: %s <br/>', $file->getRealPath());