Image being returned in text from database - php

I have selected a row from the database, within the row is a field called image. This is a blob datatype which contains an image within the database but when i try to display the image via php it displays the text version of the image not the actual image.
// No direct access to this file
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
$player = $this->player;
$name = $player->forename . " " . $player->surname;
$handed = $player->handed;
$image = $player->image;
<div class="thumbnail"><?php echo '<img src="' . $image . '" alt="' . $name . '" />'?></div>
It is probably an easy fix and i did look at trying:
$mime = "image/jpeg";
$b64Src = "data:".$mime.";base64," . base64_encode($image["img"]);
echo '<img src="'.$b64Src.'" alt="" />';
but that only outputed:
<img src="" alt="">
Any help is much appreciated, thankyou in advance


Display images based of tags in wordpress blog posts

What I want to do is have images display on each blogposts, the images that will be displayed will be what the post was tagged with, for example I will tag 1 post with 2 tags, design and print, I would like 2 small images to appear on that posts page.
This is the code that I have managed to scrape together, the else statement is displaying so a post will have the same amount of default-author.jpg showing as there are tags.
This makes me think that something in the foreach is not working but I'm still trying to learn and this is puzzling me, any help would be much appreciated.
<div class="image_wrap">
$posttags = get_the_tags(); // Get articles tags
$home = get_bloginfo('url'); // Get homepage URL
// Check if tag-slug.png exists and display it.
if ($posttags) {
foreach($posttags as $tag) {
$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
$image_relative_path = "/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/" . $tag->slug .".png";
$image_path = $upload_dir['basedir'] . $image_relative_path;
$image_url = $upload_dir['baseurl'] . $image_relative_path;
if (file_exists($image_path)) {
echo '<a href="' . $home . '/' . $tag->slug . '" /><img title="' . $tag->name . '" alt="' . $tag->name . '" src="' . $image_url . '" /></a>';
// If no image found, output something else.
} else { ?>
<img src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/img/default-author.jpg" title="image missing"/>
<?php }
Does anyone have any ideas on how I can achieve the effect I want, images to be displayed on a blogpost [in wordpress] depending on what tag it has?

Using Fly Dynamic Image Resizer for ACF gallery

Trying to use a great plugin "Fly Dynamic Image Resizer" to return images from ACF but not having much luck. Can anyone provide any clue as to what I may be doing wrong? Thanks.
ACF variables:
$photo = get_field('photo', $post);
$fly_image = fly_get_attachment_image_src($photo, 'big_featured_works', true);
<img src="<?php echo $fly_image['src']; ?>"/>
$fly_image = fly_get_attachment_image_src(get_field('photo', $post), 'big_featured_works', true);
<img src="<?php echo $fly_image['src']; ?>"/>
then switch the return value of the custom field to image ID (from default "Image Array")
If your field is a repeater field you'll have to use get_sub_field, like this:
$image = get_sub_field('image');
fly_get_attachment_image_src($image, 'image-custom-size')['src'];
$image = fly_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'home_page_square', array( 500, 500 ), true );
echo '<img src="' . $image['src'] . '" width="' . $image['width'] . '" height="' . $image['height'] . '" />';

download image and add post meta value after post publish

I have basicly generate my web pages qr code via google apis. Here is my basic qr Code generator function.
function istanbulThhemesQrCodeAction( $width = '130', $height = '130', $url = null, $choe = 'UTF-8', $type = 'qr') {
$url = get_permalink();
$title = get_the_title();
echo '<div class="qrCodeOfPage"><h5>Sayfanın Qr Kodu</h5><img src="'.THEMEURL.'/assets/blank.gif" data-echo="' . $type . '&chs=' . $width . 'x' . $height . '&chl=' . htmlspecialchars($url) . '&choe=' . $choe . '" alt="' . $title . '" class="fatihtoprak_com_toolTip" title="Bu kodu barkod okuyucusu ile okutup mobil cihazlardan da kolaylıkla erişim sağlayabilirsiniz." /></div>';
when i call this function on my single php; the qr code generated succesfully. But it is an external image. I want to download it(qr code image) in to my server called like post-name.jpg than, i want to write this image path into the custom meta field. Like
Who can help me about this ?
Thank you so much.

If custom field has value, show in slidehow. Else hide

I'm using Wordpress and the PODS plugin and created the pod project. In project i've created a set of fields. One of those is project_slide. If this field has a value, I want to show this in a RoyalSlider on my frontpage.
I've started with this piece of code (= one slide).
$project = pods('project', array('limit' => -1));
while ($project->fetch()) {
echo '<div class="rsContent">';
echo '<img class="rsImg" src="' . $project->display('project_slide') . '" alt="' . $project->display('project_title') . '">';
echo '</div>';
The problem is: each project I add, displays in the slider. Even if project_slide has no value. Any idea how to resolve this?
Just add an if-statement to the loop.
Hide Image example
In my example, I only add the slide when the value isn't [empty string]
while ($project->fetch()) {
if( $project->display('project_slide') !== ""){
echo '<div class="rsContent">';
echo '<img class="rsImg" src="' . $project->display('project_slide') . '" alt="' .$project->display('project_title') . '">';
echo '</div>';
Expand with a detection if the image actually exists
You could expand it with a file_exists to also check if it exists (for the items with value, but the image itself doesnt exists). Just make sure the file_exists is 2nd, that way it only checks if the file is present if the string is not empty (if-statements go from left to right)
$project->display('project_slide') !== "" && file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$project->display('project_slide')`
Default image method:
Instead of showing it only when there is an image, you could always show it, but build a default-image logic:
$defaultImage = '/some/image.jpg'; // set a default image outside of the loop
while ($project->fetch()) {
$src= $project->display('project_slide') !== "" ? $project->display('project_slide') : $defaultImage; // set a default umage
echo '<div class="rsContent">';
echo '<img class="rsImg" src="' . $src . '" alt="' .$project->display('project_title') . '">';
echo '</div>';

Unable to display image from database using PHP

Screenshot of the code:
require ('../../mysqli_oop_connect.php'); //Connect to the database.
$errors = array(); // Initialize an error array.
// Check for an isbn:
if (empty($_GET['isbn'])) {
$errors[] = 'You forgot to enter the ISBN-13.';
} else {
$isbn = $mysqli->real_escape_string(trim($_GET['isbn']));
if (empty($errors)) {
//Make the query:
$q = "SELECT * FROM books WHERE isbn=$isbn";
$r = $mysqli->query($q);
$num = $r->num_rows;
if ($num == 0) { // If it fails to run:
echo "<br /><br /><p>This book is currently not listed in our database. Would you like to add it?</p>\n";
} else { //If it suceeds then run the query:
echo '<h1>Is this your book?</h1>';
while ($row = $r->fetch_object()) { // POST DATA FROM DB.
echo '<img src="$row->image" height="100" width="100">' . '<br />' . $row->name . '<br />' . $row->isbn ;
The rest of the code is just closing the DB connection.
I don't know what that icon means or where the issue is in the code. The DB is setup with three columns in a table: image, isbn, and name. The goal is to get the book to display the data being retrieved from the database. It is displaying all three items from the database based on the query, except the image is something else. The HTML is recognizing that there is an image being retrieved because when I just do $row->image it freaks out and posts random nonsense, as it should when there is an image being displayed like that. Any help is greatly appreciated.
echo '<img src="'.$row->image.'" height="100" width="100"><br />' . $row->name . '<br />' . $row->isbn ;
Try this way, and better you print your image path and check if it does exist or does not exist, and yes you can also inspect image element and check path of the image.
Its not clear in the question whether there is image link saved in the db or image data in base64. Answer is given assuming db has image link.
I'd guess from your comments about 'freaks out and posts random nonsense' that your image is stored in your database, rather than the path to your image. If so, you can't simply echo the image data in your <img> tag. The src attribute requires a URL, which you can create in one of two ways: create a script that serves the image with appropriate headers and use the URL of that script as your src attribute; or, create a data URI and include the data in your page. The latter is probably the simplest, but could increase the load time of your pages. Here's how:
// base64 encode image data and prepend the header
$imgURL = "data:image/png;base64,".base64_encode($row->image);
echo '<img src="'.$imgURL.'" height="100" width="100">' .
'<br />' . $row->name . '<br />' . $row->isbn ;
Note - you'll need to change the dataURL header to send the correct image type: image/jpg, image/png, etc.
You cannot have string substitution with single quotes. It will simply place the text $row->image in the echo:
echo '<img src="$row->image" height="100" width="100">' . '<br />' . $row->name . '<br />' . $row->isbn ;
Try this instead:
echo "<img src='$row->image' height='100' width='100'>" . '<br />' . $row->name . '<br />' . $row->isbn ;
Or this:
echo '<img src="' . $row->image . '" height="100" width="100">' . '<br />' . $row->name . '<br />' . $row->isbn ;
Personally, I prefer using sprintf like this:
echo sprintf('<img src="%s" height="100" width="100">', $row->image) . '<br />' . $row->name . '<br />' . $row->isbn ;
But on top of that, to make your debugging life even easier, I recommend formatting your PHP code to be easier to read like this:
echo sprintf('<img src="%s" height="100" width="100">', $row->image)
. '<br />'
. $row->name
. '<br />'
. $row->isbn
The cleaner your code is from the beginning, the easier it is to spot flaws & bugs when they arise.
