Lithium PHP form helper fails while generating URL when using globalization - php

I have activated globalization config in my lithium framework.
When I using html helper in my View like '$this->form->create()'.
The page threw an Exception with "No parameter match found for URL {$url}".
I found that in my 'Lithium\action\Request' object ,the Param property has a key named 'locale' , It detected the locale setting with "zh_CN" .That's right however case the problem.The route object could not find the right match.
So how to deal with it? Thanks for all help.

You can use the li3 route command to help you debugging this.
Make sure you have the required routes in your app/config/routes.php and the languages (here zh_CN) in the locales environment variable.


The technical reason is: No template was found. View could not be resolved for action "search" in class "LoginController"

Im new to typo3 and ive been trying to develop an extension for it. When I load the plugin to the page i get and error:
Sorry, the requested view was not found.
The technical reason is: No template was found. View could not be resolved for action "search" in class "LoginController".
In the login controller i have a function searchAction and I do have a template inside
What might be the error? I followed the documentation for extension development by typo3. I even downloaded the code from GIT and tried using that but no luck.
TL;DR: It should be placed at Resources/Private/Templates/Login/Search.html
From your question I can tell you've used the documentation on
It is not wrong, but you've missed a vital step. When you take a look at the path they are using you'll see that a lot is done automagically. Let's break it down.
They have a controller with an action and a template related to it in the following path
action: listAction
template: EXT:store_inventory/Resources/Private/Templates/StoreInventory/List.html
If you look closely you'll see that the template path is made up from several components.
the extension (EXT:store_inventory)
the default template directory path (Resources/Private/Templates)
The Controller name without the controller suffix (StoreInventory)
the Action name without the action suffix (List)
the .html suffix
If you take that information and apply it to your case it would be:
the extension (EXT:your_extension_name)
the default template directory path (Resources/Private/Templates)
The Controller name without the controller suffix (Login)
the Action name without the action suffix (Search)
the .html suffix
So the end result would be something like
It is true that you can use typoscript to change this behaviour or set overrides or extended templating for instance. But I think you're working from the default, and this should be the working path for you now
First check your templateRootPaths in Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript
And set accordingly.
Try placing the file at \Resources\Private\Templates\Search.html as \Resources\Private\Templates is the default path unless you have altered it.

Laravel 6.x VerifiesEmails.php fails with $request->route('hash'), passes with $request->get('hash')

In \Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\VerifiesEmails.php, line 39 fails with $request->route('hash'), but passes with $request->get('hash'). I am not sure if this is a bug, but I see nothing I have done that would somehow break this function specifically right here. I have not modified my VerificationController.php file from the core either.
The $request->route('id') above works, but the passed ID in this route is not a parameter, but directly in the path whereas the hash is affixed as ?hash=myhash.
For reference, here is my URL: http://localhost:8000/email/verify/8edd16a5-ad04-4782-b0fe-33f0f482d080?expires=myexpiryhere&hash=myhashhere&signature=mysignaturehere
Can anyone explain to me how to get this working? Obviously modifying the vendor files is not an option. I posted this in the Laravel issues here, but was directed out with the suggestion that maybe I forgot a route parameter. The URL is generated by the framework, so I've no idea what parameter I could be forgetting.
This is my bad, but thanks to Chin Leung for asking the right question.
My current routes are:
Route::get('email/verify', [VerificationController::class, 'show'])->name('verification.notice');
Route::get('email/verify/{id}', [VerificationController::class, 'verify'])->name('verification.verify');
Route::post('email/resend', [VerificationController::class, 'resend'])->name('verification.resend');
I specify them myself because I do not use the default namespacing in my routes files, I import the controllers directly to make refactoring easier. It looks like a new param was added to the verification.verify route later on, so it should now be email/verify/{id}/{hash}

Route with name "HelloWorld" not found Zend Framework 2

I have created a new module in ZF2 named 'HelloWorld'. What I am trying to do is, simply printing HelloWorld when I click on the link 'HelloWorld':
I want to generate this link( by using this:
$this->url('HelloWorld', array('action' => 'index'))
But it is showing the error like this:
Please suggest how to avoid this error..
This is perhaps related to one of ZF2’s “features.” It seems that if you use ZF2 functions to construct your links, the function will drop out any segment that matches the default value you have named in your router script. See How to write the ZF2 router script to allow parameters on the default action.
Temporarily change or remove the defaults from your router script and see if that doesn’t solve your issue. If it does, you might have to either reconsider the scheme for your router scripts or code your links without ZF2’s url function.

Easy way to find the controller file with only the URL on Cake PHP

Being new to Cake on PHP, I am trying to work out if I have a URL, what would be the easiest way to find the controller code for it?
The URL on my local machine is something like:
I have worked out that the location of the view for this file is at this location on my machine:
I thought what I'd do is do a search throughout the entire codebase for anything referencing admin_edit.ctp. I found two entries, and changed them to see if I had found the point where the view is called, but despite changing the file name on these entries - the app still works when I visit the URL: http://foofoofoo.local/protected/admin/org/edit/1
I just want to see where the admin_edit.ctp file is being called within the site.
URL: http://foofoofoo.local/protected/admin/org/edit/1
This means I can assume you have a added a route in your /app/Config/routes.php. Where this is pointing can not be said since we don't have access to this file.
Why can I assume you have added this to your routes? Because the posted URL is not matching the CakePHP Conventions which clearly states that controllers should be defined in plural. Since the URL will be accessing the Controller directly through the Controller, unless a route has been specified, I know that the OrgController does not exist. Why?
Try Inflector::pluralize('Org'). It will return 'Orgs' to you. And thus meaning the controller should be called OrgsController and you should be accessing this Controller via the following URL.
In this OrgsController there should be an action (function) called admin_edit(), because you have prepended the org with Admin, which is a prefix.
It can be possible that the /protected part, is part of the URL as well, but do not know where your main /App is located and what part of the URL is pointing to the /app/webroot/index.php file.
The Views can be found at /app/View/Orgs/*.ctp.
If you are still having trouble finding your files. Please start with the Blog tutorial written by the Cake Community. This tutorial describes all the neat built-in tricks and will get your first app running in no-time. Please read that first!
If you are still having trouble, feel free to update your question and add the /app/Config/routes.php file.
Under Cake 1.3, if your application has an AppController (check if the file app/app_controller.php exists), you can put this code in the beforeFilter method:
It will print an array on your app pages when you are in debug mode, with the name of the controller and the action used.
[controller] => controller_name
[action] => action_name
If the AppController does not contain any beforeFilter method, you can just create it:
function beforeFilter()

change configure variable dynamically cakephp

Let's say I have this in my bootstrap.php file in a cakePHP application:
Configure::write('Config.language', 'eng');
How can I dynamically change the value of that configuration variable based on user action in a controller of my application? I tried to do the same thing that I did above here in my controller, but that didn't work
Any help?
Try Configure::write('Config.language', 'dut'); for e.g.
This answer from the question suggested by #Ryan Pendleton shows a somewhat correct way to use this directive.
It should be used in the AppController because it gets loaded first - as the parent of all other controllers in the application itself.
I used "somewhat correct" because it is best to validate the language codes ('eng', 'fre', 'dut') in the app/config/routes.php file - go here for more information.
Also do check out this: Internationalization-Localization explanation.
