Typo3: ImageMagick combine does not work - php

I'm looking to use image masks in Typo3. After trying out various things and none of them worked, I decided to check out the install tool.
Install tool says ImageMagick is installed correctly, paths are correct and all image test complete successfully, except the convert/combine test. The test says "There was no result from the ImageMagick operation".
Also, when I'm using gifbuilder to output an image the image's dimensions get read correctly, allthough the outputted image stays blank. (which is white or another color when I have backColor set)
I am using:
Max OSX 10.7.5
PHP 5.3.1
Typo3 6.0.4
ImageMagic 6.7.3-2
Here is some test typoscript code (which on my install results in a fully red image instead of the original image)
lib.test = IMAGE
lib.test {
file {
XY = [10.w],[10.h]
backColor = #FF0000
10 = IMAGE
10.file = fileadmin/user_upload/test.jpg
Attached is the result from the combining images test.
Does anyone have an idea as to what I might be doing wrong?

Some newer imagemagick versions use composite as command instead of combine. There is an option in the install tool to set the command to use. The setting is called [GFX][im_combine_filename].


Getting error message on Cpanel using Imagick

I am using Imagick to edit and save svg image.
I am getting an error when I save svg image after having croped it.
Here is my code to operate svg images:
$image = new Imagick();
$image -> cropImage($rw*11.2, $sw*7.7, 0, 0);
When i call this function, I am getting bellow error
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ImagickException: delegate failed
`'potrace' --svg --output '%o' '%i'' #
error/delegate.c/InvokeDelegate/1897 in
/home/civilogc/public_html/resizeimage.php:19 Stack trace:
#0 /home/civilogc/public_html/resizeimage.php(19): Imagick->writeimage('Cvilogpdfbacken...')
#1 {main} thrown in /home/civilogc/public_html/resizeimage.php on line 19
How to solve this issue?
Why would you want to use mainly bitmap/raster based image processing library (ImageMagick) to modify vector SVG images?
Let me first point you to do the right way:
ImageMagick should be mostly used for reading and writing bitmap images and for creating/writing SVG images (and other vector based format if required, e.g. EPS, PDF etc).
Instead of using ImageMagick/Imagick for your conversion (changing vector image to bitmap and back again - losing quality) just read your image for example with this code:
$image = file_get_contents($path1);
$svg_dom = new DOMDocument();
$tmp_obj = $svg_dom->getElementsByTagName("svg")->item(0);
$svg_width = floatval($tmp_obj->getAttribute("width"));
$svg_height = floatval($tmp_obj->getAttribute("height"));
$svg_viewbox = floatval($tmp_obj->getAttribute("vieWBox"));
and then I suggest you just calculate the new viewBox with your cropping adjustment (create a function for that) and set it back, optionally set new width and height as well:
$svg_viewBox = calculateCroppedView($svg_viewbox, $new_width, $new_height, $top, $left);
$tmp_obj->setAttribute("viewBox", $svg_viewBox);
$tmp_obj->setAttribute("width", $new_width."px");
$tmp_obj->setAttribute("height", $new_height."px");
file_put_contents('Cvilogpdfbackend/core/images/tempimage/'.$targetfile.'.svg', $svg_dom->saveXML());
Note: you are not really cropping the SVG image (SVG elements), just changing the view (e.g. zoom) to it. Converting all cut paths, shapes, text etc is possible but would require a lot of coding. Either way the goal is to keep the (vector) image quality.
For an excellent explanation of the SVG viewBox attribute read this section:
To answer your question:
This error states that ImageMagick in your webserver cannot find or doesn't have installed the (free) potrace software that does the actual vectorization of a bitmap image.
Note: you need to have ImageMagick version 7 since older version just embedded bitmap images and data encoded (base64) string to the SVG image tag or maybe used a weird conversion - depending of ImageMagick version - of converting dots to 1px SVG circle tags. And ImageMagick installed needs to be the same version as Imagick as well for the mentioned reasons.
Potrace software command line is set in delegates.xml of the ImageMagick/Imagick installation and ImageMagick or Imagick needs to find potrace in the PATH (environment variable).
I suggest you to contact your web hosting provider to install Potrace that can be downloaded here:
And then you'll have to test your script, most likely your web hosting provider will already solve the issue just by installing Potrace. Maybe a path to it will need to be added to a user/system PATH variable and that should practically solve your issue.
If not, you can try to use ImageMagick (convert or now renamed magick, main program) and potrace using exec() command in PHP yet your web hosting must allow that since it's usually forbidden in PHP configuration.
To go for other help:
Well, ask a question here on SO or on ImageMagick support forum that based on their main site forum (where you cannot register anymore) is now here:

getimagesize unable to get size of remote webp files with PHP version 5.3.29

Following is the code snippet -
list($campaign_image_width, $campaign_image_height, $campaign_image_type, $campaign_image_attr)=getimagesize($campaign_image);
Wherein $campaign_image contains the url of third party images.
$campaign_image_width comes out empty for this url -
I am not sure if it is the limitation of getimagesize(), because of unsupported format, which is causing this, or it is because of accessibility issues with the image.
Note -
- The =h256-rw appeneded at the end seems to tell the server to return a different sized version of the image.
- I found that if I try to open the file using firefox browser, it does not display the image, but rather asks to download a webp file (an image format by google it seems).
Google chrome opens the file and displays the image, normally.
Since your server is already downloading the file you might as well do it yourself (if the problem is that it can't do it correctly for webp). You can easily do this using the GD methods imagecreatefromwebp with imagesx and imagesy:
$url = 'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/VRY0O_3L8VH2wxJSTiKPr72PeM5uhPPFEsHzzYdxenddpTI150M0TYpljnZisQaROR0=h256-rw';
$img = imagecreatefromwebp($url);
$width = imagesx($img);
$height = imagesy($img);
var_dump($width, $height);
imagecreatefromwebp() was first introduced in PHP 5.5, so make sure your minimum version is 5.5 with the GD extension installed.
If possible you can install Google's own webp converter as a binary on your server:
In this instance you're running Amazon linux which is based on Fedora and hence uses yum as the package manager, so you should be able to run the following command:
sudo yum install libwebp;
Once you have installed this you can make sure that your safemode supports the binary by using safe_mode_exec_dir and one of the following execution methods:
Once you've run the conversion to eg. JPG, you can run the usual PHP tools to get the image dimensions:
$hnd = imagecreatefromjpeg('convertedImage.jpg');
$width = imagesx($hnd);
$height = imagesy($hnd);
I think it's beacause of unsupported format. Try imagetypes to know what is supported.
$bits = imagetypes();
Check out this post, it can be helpful. After installing you'll be able to do
$image = new Imagick($originalFilepath);
$origImageDimens = $image->getImageGeometry();
$origImgWidth = $origImageDimens['width'];
$origImgHeight = $origImageDimens['height'];

TCPDF: PNG image rendered incorrectly

I'm working on a project which involves TCPDF. I've been working with it for a while now but, after the last update (6.0) my PNG images get really broken although its fragments still visible on the document.
I'm using the Image() method as follows:
$pdf->Image($img, $x, $y, $twidth, $theight);
where $img is the source URL, $x and $y the position and $twidth and $theight the size.
I've tested GIF and JPG and it works just fine. There is a GIF image on the PDF to prove that. The PNG image is the VLC icon logo.
The image:
From the project site, to a user who had a similar problem:
Probably you have problems with PNG images with transparency that are
handled in different way depending on the php-imagick or php-gd
version used. Try to update php-imagick and disable php-gd
I had this problem, tcpdf not displaying PNG only images.
(provided tbe path of the images are correct)
It is definetely a GD version problem, at least when you still use old versions of PHP (like 5.3). Uninstalling/removing Gd is often not an option, because it is used elsewhere.
Here is how I fixed it: the general idea is to force TCPDF to use imagemagick instead of GD for PNG files. Without removing GD.
Install imagemagick dev packages
On debian:
apt-get -y install libmagickwand5 libmagickwand-dev
Install imagemagick PECL extension (via apt or by compiling it->google is your friend)
don't forget to activate
echo "extension=/usr/lib/php/20090626-zts/imagick.so" > /etc/php5/conf.d/41-imagick.ini
in TCPDF somewhere (top of the file?) define a global variable:
in tcpdf.php (my version is tcpdf 5.0.002) within the function public function Image($file, $x='', $y='', $w=0, $h=0, $type=''....) near line 5305:
if ( (method_exists($this, $mtd)) AND (!($resize AND function_exists($gdfunction))))
replace by (USE_GD added)
if (USE_GD && (method_exists($this, $mtd)) AND (!($resize AND function_exists($gdfunction))))
find (a few lines below)
if (function_exists($gdfunction)) {
replace by (USE_GD added)
if (USE_GD && function_exists($gdfunction)) {
and generally speaking everywhere function_exists($gdfunction) is mentioned
Because I had the same problem i pick up this old problem. In my case the solution was simple:
Open the Image with Photoshop --> Save for web
I know this is not a real solution for the problem, but it could be a simple work-around that saves you a lot of time.

Imagick not working

I am working on creating thumbnail image from the first page of pdf file. I almost tired every solution available on the web to make ImageMagick running but I still get the following error
Fatal error: Class 'Imagick' not found in C:\wamp\www\mediabox\application\controllers\cron.php on line 153
what I have done so far.
Installed GPL Ghostscript
Installed ImageMagick-6.7.6-Q16
Downloaded and copied the php_imagick.dll file in ext folder of my php installation.
Added extension=php_imagick.dll line to my php.ini file.
Restarted the apache server and windows many times :)
I am using codeigniter framework.
Php 5.3.10, apache 2.2.21, mysql 5.5.20, wamp 2.2 and win 7
On my localhost page in the loaded extensions category 'Imagemagick is not listed'
The code I have written is as
$image = explode('.', $filename_new);
$image_name = 'files/import/' . $ftp_upload["path"] ."/". $image[0] .".jpg";
//exec("convert -colorspace RGB -geometry 300x400! -density 200 " .$pdf_file."[0] ". $image_name);
$img = $image[0].".jpg" ;
$im = new Imagick($img);
$im->thumbnailImage(100, null);
$im->writeImage( 'files/import/' . $ftp_upload["path"] ."/".$img);
The exec command create images but it is very slow I want to create thumbnail images using Imagick class and I hope it will be faster as compared to exec and convert thingy.
Any ideas what should I do to make the Imagick class available for my php ?
I am not sure where you got your binaries from, but it seemed like something I experienced about a month ago. Some of the binaries I tried would show up in phpinfo(), but refused to work, whereas others wouldn't even show in phpinfo().
I then just went ahead and compiled my own binaries as per my question here.
I just went and compiled those binaries for you. They are for x86, compiled with VC9 and there are threadsafe and non-threadsafe versions. The version is 3.1.0RC1 (latest).
You can download them here: http://min.us/mtg0Z66BI
Let me know if it works for you :)
On my server the pecl-imagick extension only works with mod_mpm_prefork - it does not work with mod_mpm_worker.so or mod_mpm_event.so
That may be your issue.
If you are only creating jpg add the jpg hint to the exec( ) command which will be faster than Imagick.
Use -define jpeg:size=200x200 before reading the image in - 200x200 is the output image size.
I suspect Imagick is not installed correctly

Imagemagick does not show text but throws no errors either

I'm using ImageMagick to generate some product badges for products in our system. Product badges are like SO flair, just a few composite images and some text. There is nothing wrong with the script as it runs fine on my development machine which runs Windows. However, on my production system (CentOS 5.1), it renders everything except the text.
I thought this was a font issue, but it doesn't work even if I copy the font file to the PHP file location nor did it work when I gave it a full path.
And it didn't work when I installed the Windows fonts for Linux as described here.
I've typed convert -list font and it shows a list of fonts that Imagick knows about (parital list shown below)
Font: Times-BoldItalic
family: Times
style: Italic
stretch: Normal
weight: 700
glyphs: /usr/share/fonts/default/Type1/n021024l.pfb
Font: Times-Italic
family: Times
style: Italic
stretch: Normal
weight: 400
glyphs: /usr/share/fonts/default/Type1/n021023l.pfb
Font: Times-Roman
family: Times
style: Normal
stretch: Normal
weight: 400
glyphs: /usr/share/fonts/default/Type1/n021003l.pfb
I tried giving the absolute path listed here and it didn't work. I also tried just using the name and still nothing.
Basically the image shows up, but the text parts of it don't show up at all and no errors are thrown (see images below).
There's nothing wrong with the code and both Windows and CentOS are running close versions of Imagick (6.7.1-4 and 6.7.1-3). The only issue could be the font, I'm just putting normal TTF fonts up and testing, do I need some kind of special font to get it to work?
EDIT - Ignore the differences in the QR code and the ratings. This is due to the working badge and the non working badge being on two different servers.
UPDATE 1 - I've run a simple test script and even that doesn't work. This is what I ran as a test : http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.imagick-annotateimage.php The font just doesn't show up and no errors are thrown.
I've also copied a font from the CentOS system and tried it on the Windows box and it works fine. Fonts simply don't seem to work on CentOS.
I've also tried it without setting a font, I assume Imagick picks up a default font or something, and again works on Windows, but not on CentOS. I'm going to try this on a different *nix version to see what happens. Will update with findings.
Update 3 : I've narrowed the issue down to a problem with the FreeType library I think. The forums say that FreeType needs to be installed for text to be displayed properly. And when I look at the config.log it tells me that there is an issue installing FreeType. Any heads up on this would be appreciated, meanwhile I'm going to re-install Freetype and run the installation again.
You can't just install Freetype. You actually have to install Freetype on your server, then recompile ImageMagick using the --with-freetype-dir=/usr/local option. Where /usr/local is the path to your Freetype install.
I believe it's normally /usr/local/bin
Give that a whirl and let us know what happens ;)
