Anyone can help me get the basename of directory where the function called? I mean:
file /root/system/file_class.php
function find_file($dir, $file) {
$all_file = scandir($dir);
function does_exist($file) {
$pathinfo = pathinfo($file);
$find = find_file($pathinfo["dirname"], $pathinfo["basename"]);
return $find;
file /root/app/test.php
$is_exist = does_exist("config.php");
Under /root/app i have file "config.php, system.php". Do you know how to get the directory where does_exist() called? In function find_file() argument $dir is important, since scandir() function need directory path to scaned. I mean, when i want to check file config.php i doesn't need to write /root/app/config.php. If i not provide fullpath in $file argument, the $pathinfo["dirname"] will be ".". I've try to use dirname(__file__) in file_find() function but it's return the directory /root/system not /root/app where it is the directory of does_exist() function called.
I need create those function since i can't use file_exists() function.
Found Solutions:
I'm using debug_backtrace() to get the recent file and line number of where users calling function. For example:
function read_text($file = "") {
if (!$file) {
$last_debug = next(debug_backtrace());
echo "Unable to call 'read_text()' in ".$last_debug['file']." at line ".$last_debug['line'].".";
16 $text = read_text();
The sample output: Unable to call 'read_text()' in /home/index.php at line 16.
Use any of PHP magic constants
Or use realpath("./");
To define your own constant paths:
define("MYPATH", realpath("./") . "/dir/dir/";
You can then call this MYPATH from everywhere this code (file) is included.
I read on SO and experiment with some answers but my code does not work:
I have two classes: C:\Apache24\htdocs\phpdb\classes\dbconnection\mysqlconnection\MySqlConnection.php
and C:\Apache24\htdocs\phpdb\classes\utilities\mysqlutilities\CreateTableDemo.php.
In CreateTableDemo I have the following code:
namespace utilities\mysqlutilities;
use dbconnection\mysqlconnection\MySqlConnection as MSC;
$class = 'classes\\'.$class.'.php';
require_once "$class";
I get the following warning:
`Warning: require_once(classes\dbconnection\mysqlconnection\MySqlConnection.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\Apache24\htdocs\phpdb\classes\utilities\mysqlutilities\CreateTableDemo.php on line 10`.
I understand the warning, the script does not find the namespaced class in the same folder, so I changed the spl_autoload_register to look for a relative path: __DIR__."\\..\\..\\classes\\.$class.'.php'. I get the
warning: `Warning: require_once(C:\Apache24\htdocs\phpdb\classes\utilities\mysqlutilities\..\..\classes\dbconnection\mysqlconnection\MySqlConnection.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\Apache24\htdocs\phpdb\classes\utilities\mysqlutilities\CreateTableDemo.php on line 10`.
I cannot find a way to direct the script to the namespaced class.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Create a autoloader-class in a separate file:
class Autoloader {
static public function loader($path) {
$filename = __DIR__.'/classes/'.str_replace("\\", '/', $path).".php";
if (file_exists($filename)) {
$aClass = explode('\\', $path);
$className = array_pop($aClass);
if (class_exists($className)) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
And include it in you index file (or whatever).
It will load all your namespaced classes located in folder "classes".
require_once '/PATH_TO/autoload.php';
BTW: the trick is to replace the backslashes to regular slashes.
Works fine for me.
EDIT: Place the autoloader.php at same level like your "classes" folder is. :-)
It's failing because the path to the class is wrong relative to where you are requiring from. Try:
namespace utilities\mysqlutilities;
use dbconnection\mysqlconnection\MySqlConnection as MSC;
$exp = explode('classes', __DIR__);
$base = reset($exp);
$class = $base."classes".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$class.".php";
require_once $class;
I have 2 projects that'll like to share functions. Function-A, in project-A, should be called by function-B, in project-B. Any quickest way to achieve it?
Example function-A
function upload($file, $path){
$CFG->file = $file;
$CFG->path = $path;
How do I call this function in function-B, project-B
function callUpload( ){
upload( "a.png", "application/path/file" );
Create a file that you include() at the top of each one. This file would contain the function, and then can be used across script:
Or create a Class and use that in the same way.
function upload($file, $path){
$CFG->file = $file;
$CFG->path = $path;
scriptA.php & scriptB.php
upload($file, $path);
For further reference, check this out: How to call function of one php file from another php file and pass parameters to it?
I am trying to get the names/path of the files that are included in a files with a given path . But the get_included_files() function works only for the files in which it is written.
$path = '/abcd.php';
$includeFiles = get_included_files();
I have tried the above code and i am getting only the included files in this file only.
I want to get the name of the included files in abcd.php i.e for the defined path.
Please HELP !!
How about something like this?
array_filter(get_included_files(), function($item) {
return strpos($item, '/path/to/files/') === 0;
I want to get the name of the file that includes another file from inside the included file.
I know there is the __FILE__ magic constant, but that doesn't help, since it returns the name of the included file, not the including one.
Is there any way to do this? Or is it impossible due to the way PHP is interpreted?
So this question is pretty old, but I was looking for the answer and after leaving here unsatisfied, I came across $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']; Of course this works if the php file doing the including is a web page.
This gives you the full path of the "including file" on the server. eg /var/www/index.php. so if you want just the filename, eg index.php, you will need to use basename() eg
So, if in your index.php you have the following line:
<?php include("./somephp.php"); ?>
and in somephp.php you have
echo "this is the file that included me: " . basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
you will get
this is the file that included me: index.php
output to the browser. This also works if the user is accessing your file without explicitly including the filename in the url, eg instead of
Knowing that the functions used to include files are include, include_once, require and require_once, also knowing that they are reserved words in PHP, meaning that it will not be possible to declare user functions with the same name, and based on wedgwood's idea of using debug_backtrace you can actually work out from what file the include was called.
What we are going to do is iterate over the backtrace untill we find the most recent call to any of the four include functions, and the the file where it was called. The following code demostrate the technique:
function GetIncludingFile()
$file = false;
$backtrace = debug_backtrace();
$include_functions = array('include', 'include_once', 'require', 'require_once');
for ($index = 0; $index < count($backtrace); $index++)
$function = $backtrace[$index]['function'];
if (in_array($function, $include_functions))
$file = $backtrace[$index]['file'];
return $file;
The above code will return the absolute path of the file where the last include happened, if there hasn't been any include it will return false. Note that the file may has been include from a file that was included from another file, the above function only works for the deepest include.
With a simple modification, you can also get the last included file:
function GetIncludedFile()
$file = false;
$backtrace = debug_backtrace();
$include_functions = array('include', 'include_once', 'require', 'require_once');
for ($index = 0; $index < count($backtrace); $index++)
$function = $backtrace[$index]['function'];
if (in_array($function, $include_functions))
$file = $backtrace[$index - 1]['file'];
return $file;
Note that __FILE__ is not the included file, but the current file. For example:
file A.php:
function callme()
echo __FILE__;
file B.php:
file index.php:
In the above example, in the context of the file B.php the included file is B.php (and the including file is index.php) but the output of the function callme is the path of A.php because __FILE__ is in A.php.
Also note that $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] will give the the absolute path to the script requested by the client. If $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] == __FILE__ it means that the current file is the requested one, and therefore there probably hasn't been any includes...
The above method checks if the current file is the requested one, but not if it hasn't been included (below is an example of how the requested file can be included). An actual solution to check if there has not been any inclusions could be to check count(get_included_files()) == 1.
The requested file can be an included file in the following way:
file x.php
$var = 'something';
file index.php
if (!isset($var))
echo 'something';
In the above example, the file index.php will include x.php, then x.php will include index.php back, afterwards index.php outputs "something" and returns control to x.php, x.php returns control to index.php and it reaches exit;
This shows that even if index.php was the requested script, it was also included from another script.
I can't find the easy way to cover this.
But If the including one is really important to you, you could hack it with some global variable and your own include function.
$g_including_files = array();
function my_include($file) {
$bt = debug_backtrace();
global $g_including_files;
$g_including_files[basename($file)] = $bt[0]['file'];
return include($file);
May that be helpful for you :)
This is actually just a special case of what PHP templating engines do. Consider having this function:
function ScopedInclude($file, $params = array())
include $file;
Then A.php can include C.php like this:
// A.php
ScopedInclude('C.php', array('includerFile' => __FILE__));
Additionally, B.php can include C.php the same way without trouble.
// B.php
ScopedInclude('C.php', array('includerFile' => __FILE__));
C.php can know its includer by looking in the $params array.
// C.php
echo $includerFile;
In PHP can I include a directory of scripts?
i.e. Instead of:
is there something like:
Couldn't seem to find a good way of including a collection of about 10 sub-classes for a particular class.
foreach (glob("classes/*.php") as $filename)
include $filename;
Here is the way I include lots of classes from several folders in PHP 5. This will only work if you have classes though.
/*Directories that contain classes*/
$classesDir = array (
function __autoload($class_name) {
global $classesDir;
foreach ($classesDir as $directory) {
if (file_exists($directory . $class_name . '.php')) {
require_once ($directory . $class_name . '.php');
I realize this is an older post BUT... DON'T INCLUDE YOUR CLASSES... instead use __autoload
function __autoload($class_name) {
$user = new User();
Then whenever you call a new class that hasn't been included yet php will auto fire __autoload and include it for you
this is just a modification of Karsten's code
function include_all_php($folder){
foreach (glob("{$folder}/*.php") as $filename)
include $filename;
How to do this in 2017:
spl_autoload_register( function ($class_name) {
$CLASSES_DIR = __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'classes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; // or whatever your directory is
$file = $CLASSES_DIR . $class_name . '.php';
if( file_exists( $file ) ) include $file; // only include if file exists, otherwise we might enter some conflicts with other pieces of code which are also using the spl_autoload_register function
} );
Recommended by PHP documentation here: Autoloading classes
You can use set_include_path:
If there are NO dependencies between files... here is a recursive function to include_once ALL php files in ALL subdirs:
$paths = [];
function include_recursive( $path, $debug=false){
foreach( glob( "$path/*") as $filename){
if( strpos( $filename, '.php') !== FALSE){
# php files:
include_once $filename;
if( $debug) echo "<!-- included: $filename -->\n";
} elseif( is_dir($filename)) { # dirs
$paths[] = $filename;
# Time to process the dirs:
for( $i=count($paths)-1; $i>=0; $i--){
$path = $paths[$i];
unset( $paths[$i]);
include_recursive( $path, $debug);
include_recursive( "tree_to_include");
# or... to view debug in page source:
include_recursive( "tree_to_include", 'debug');
//Loading all php files into of functions/ folder
$folder = "./functions/";
$files = glob($folder."*.php"); // return array files
foreach($files as $phpFile){
If you want include all in a directory AND its subdirectories:
$dir = "classes/";
$dh = opendir($dir);
$dir_list = array($dir);
while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))) {
array_push($dir_list, $dir.$filename."/");
foreach ($dir_list as $dir) {
foreach (glob($dir."*.php") as $filename)
require_once $filename;
Don't forget that it will use alphabetic order to include your files.
If your looking to include a bunch of classes without having to define each class at once you can use:
$directories = array(
foreach ($directories as $directory) {
foreach(glob($directory . "*.php") as $class) {
include_once $class;
This way you can just define the class on the php file containing the class and not a whole list of $thisclass = new thisclass();
As for how well it handles all the files? I'm not sure there might be a slight speed decrease with this.
I suggest you use a readdir() function and then loop and include the files (see the 1st example on that page).
Try using a library for that purpose.
That is a simple implementation for the same idea I have build.
It include the specified directory and subdirectories files.
Install it via terminal [cmd]
composer install php_modules/include-all
Or set it as a dependency in the package.json file
"require": {
"php_modules/include-all": "^1.0.5"
$includeAll = requires ('include-all');
$includeAll->includeAll ('./path/to/directory');
This is a late answer which refers to PHP > 7.2 up to PHP 8.
The OP does not ask about classes in the title, but from his wording we can read that he wants to include classes. (btw. this method also works with namespaces).
By using require_once you kill three mosquitoes with one towel.
first, you get a meaningful punch in the form of an error message in your logfile if the file doesn't exist. which is very useful when debugging.( include would just generate a warning that might not be that detailed)
you include only files that contain classes
you avoid loading a class twice
spl_autoload_register( function ($class_name) {
require_once '/var/www/homepage/classes/' . $class_name . '.class.php';
} );
this will work with classes
new class_name;
or namespaces. e.g. ...
use homepage\classes\class_name;
Answer ported over from another question. Includes additional info on the limits of using a helper function, along with a helper function for loading all variables in included files.
There is no native "include all from folder" in PHP. However, it's not very complicated to accomplish. You can glob the path for .php files and include the files in a loop:
foreach (glob("test/*.php") as $file) {
include_once $file;
In this answer, I'm using include_once for including the files. Please feel free to change that to include, require or require_once as necessary.
You can turn this into a simple helper function:
function import_folder(string $dirname) {
foreach (glob("{$dirname}/*.php") as $file) {
include_once $file;
If your files define classes, functions, constants etc. that are scope-independent, this will work as expected. However, if your file has variables, you have to "collect" them with get_defined_vars() and return them from the function. Otherwise, they'd be "lost" into the function scope, instead of being imported into the original scope.
If you need to import variables from files included within a function, you can:
function load_vars(string $path): array {
include_once $path;
return get_defined_vars();
This function, which you can combine with the import_folder, will return an array with all variables defined in the included file. If you want to load variables from multiple files, you can:
function import_folder_vars(string $dirname): array {
$vars = [];
foreach (glob("{$dirname}/*.php") as $file) {
// If you want to combine them into one array:
$vars = array_merge($vars, load_vars($file));
// If you want to group them by file:
// $vars[$file] = load_vars($file);
return $vars;
The above would, depending on your preference (comment/uncomment as necessary), return all variables defined in included files as a single array, or grouped by the files they were defined in.
On a final note: If all you need to do is load classes, it's a good idea to instead have them autoloaded on demand using spl_autoload_register. Using an autoloader assumes that you have structured your filesystem and named your classes and namespaces consistently.
Do no write a function() to include files in a directory. You may lose the variable scopes, and may have to use "global". Just loop on the files.
Also, you may run into difficulties when an included file has a class name that will extend to the other class defined in the other file - which is not yet included. So, be careful.