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Closed 9 years ago.
What i'm trying to do is implement a SIP client which listens for SIP messages.Ok so i have run the SIP client on a server and the SIP server is running on have a look at the below screen shot.
Its a trace file of the server running the client code on As u can see the server receives messages from using SIP/SDP protocol but when the client program running on sends back message to using UDP protocol its shown as UDP protocol, which is correct.But no response from after this.
So i'm assuming it has something to do with the protocol shown as UDP.So if i'm rite i should get that to SIP/SDP.
So my question is how to make this UDP change to SIP/SDP.
And here is my php code:
//Reduce errors
//Create a UDP socket
if(!($sock = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)))
$errorcode = socket_last_error();
$errormsg = socket_strerror($errorcode);
die("Couldn't create socket: [$errorcode] $errormsg \n");
echo "Socket created \n";
// Bind the source address
if( !socket_bind($sock, "" , 5060) )
$errorcode = socket_last_error();
$errormsg = socket_strerror($errorcode);
die("Could not bind socket : [$errorcode] $errormsg \n");
echo "Socket bind OK \n";
//Do some communication, this loop can handle multiple clients
function GetBranchValue($message)
$data = "";
if(preg_match('/branch=.*/i', $message, $output))
$data = explode("=",$output[0]);
return $data[1];
return "None";
function GetTag($message)
$data = "";
if(preg_match('/tag=.*/i',$message, $output))
$data = explode("=", $output[0]);
return $data[1];
return "None";
function GetCallId($message)
$data = "";
if(preg_match('/Call-ID:.*/i', $message, $output))
$data = explode(":",$output[0]);
return $data[1];
return "None";
function GetCSeq($message)
$data = "";
if(preg_match('/CSeq:.*/i', $message, $output))
$data = explode(":", $output[0]);
$data = explode(" ",$data[1]);
return $data[1];
return "None";
function CreateResponse($message)
$msg = "SIP/2.0 302 Moved temporarily
From: <sip:+12012030008#>;tag=".GetTag($message)."
CSeq:".GetCSeq($message)." INVITE
return $msg;
function Create300Response($message)
$msg = "SIP/2.0 300 Multiple Choices
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=".GetBranchValue($message)."
From: <sip:+12012030008#>;tag=".GetTag($message).";isup-oli;isup-oli=00
Contact: <sip: +17066458407#;dtg=16>
Contact: <sip: +17066458407#;dtg=16>
Contact: <sip: +17066458407#;dtg=16>
Contact: <sip: +17066458407#;dtg=16>";
return $msg;
echo "Waiting for data ... \n";
//Receive some data
$r = socket_recvfrom($sock, $buf, 512, 0, $remote_ip, $remote_port);
echo "$remote_ip : $remote_port -- " . $buf;
file_put_contents("Log.txt","Received Response------\n",FILE_APPEND);
$respMessage = Create300Response($buf);
//Send back the data to the client
socket_sendto($sock, "OK " . $respMessage , 100 , 0 , $remote_ip , $remote_port);
socket_sendto($sock, "OK " . $respMessage , 100 , 0 , $remote_ip , $remote_port);
// ^^ remove this
The OK you are sending is not valid, it is a SIP protocol violation, and as a result the in-built SIP decoder in Wireshark does not recognise the message as a valid SIP packet.
You should just be responding with $respMessage
Also I highly recommend you use a proper parser for incoming messages and a proper object-oriented writer for constructing outgoing messages. SIP is a (some might say needlessly) complex protocol, you will need more than the small nuggets of information you are extracting to build an endpoint that can do anything even remotely useful.
This small library of mine might make a good base for your parser, and indeed this one almost does exactly what you want if you replace HTTP with SIP.
i have a question about Sockets in PHP. My Environment Looks like follows:
one Server VM with Ubuntu 22.04 , and one VM with Windows 10. On The net is Global Cache IP2SL Adapter, on that interface is an Monitor with serial Line connected to this IP2SL.
The Goal should be , to send HEX Codes to the IP2SL which will be send to the Monitor. Some of These Codes have an Answer i.e. some Parameters like Brighness or Situation. In The end , on The Ubuntu is an Website where u can read and change those values . Therefore i've build some small testscripts to Check the Communication. To Monitor the line i use Wireshark, and both VM Linux and Windows run in a Parallels Environment on a Mac.
The Problem:
Did i send the hex code from windows to The IP2SL Adapter, anything looks fine, the command where send to the Monitor and the Monitor answer as expected. Did i send the same via php the command where send , and The Monitor Works with it as expected, if the commmand has no answer, i.e. PowerOn/Poweroff working like a charm, but if the Monitor should send an answer like brightness : XX% there come an "504 gateway TimeOut" After 60s on the Ubuntu System . did i do the same with IP2SL test App , the answer is correctly. In Wireshark is the Communication as expected. my php code Looks like follows
$port = '4999';
$adr = "";
$sendStr = array('E5', 'TARGET', '20', '86');//hexadecimal data
$target = "05";
function makeValue($v)
return pack('H*',dechex($v));
function toSend($adr,$port,$target,$cmd)
// find target
for($i=0;$i < count($cmd);$i++)
if($cmd[$i] === "TARGET")
$cmd[$i] = hexdec($target);
$cmd[$i] = hexdec($cmd[$i]);
// build the CRC
$cmd[] = hexdec('FF') - array_sum($cmd) & hexdec('FF');
$socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
if ($socket === false) {
echo "socket_create() fehlgeschlagen: Grund: " . socket_strerror(socket_last_error()) . "\n";
} else {
echo "Socket erstellt OK.\r\n";
echo "Versuche, zu '$adr' auf Port '$port' zu verbinden ...";
$result = socket_connect($socket, $adr, $port);
if ($result === false) {
echo "socket_connect() fehlgeschlagen.\nGrund: ($result) " . socket_strerror(socket_last_error($socket)) . "\n";
} else {
echo "Socket verbunden OK.\r\n";
$chars = array_map('makeValue',$cmd);
$out = join($chars);
$length = strlen($out);
if(socket_write($socket, $out,$length))
$input = stream_get_contents($socket,1024);
if($input === FALSE || strcmp($input,'') == 0) {
$code = socket_last_error($socket);
} else {
echo "Answer : ". bin2hex($input);
Solution: The Solution is the array_map function 'makeValue'. The php pack command has an Format 'h*' and 'H*' , if the value is an Single Byte , the 'H*' converts it to the higher nibble , so the value '7' will Converted to '0x70'
function makeValue($v)
return pack('H*',dechex($v));
return pack('h*',dexhex($v));
this Solves the Problem
I implemented Websockets in my server, it works great to communicate with the server itself, but it cannot connect directly do my Delhpi application, so I thought, "I'll just make Delphi send info to PHP, then make PHP push info to the client via Websocket!", GREAT! but it doesn't work.
I'm not sure why, but I think it has something to do with 2 sockets cannot be listening at the same time, so I think I need to use Threads or something like that.
On paper it looks easy, it looks like I just need to start a Thread with my function listening my Delphi application socket, and when it receives a message, I would send this to the parent process to push the message via websocket, but I cant help it but feel like there is something wrong with this tactic.
This is the code that reads from the socket of my Delphi app:
/* Cliente */
function enviarPct($skt, $pacote){
$msg = "$pacote\n";
socket_write($skt, $msg, strlen($msg));
echo "TX: $msg";
echo "Conexao TCP/IP em PHP\n";
$address = "";
$port = 63333;
$sock = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
socket_connect($sock, $address, $port);
socket_set_option($sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, 1);
echo "Conexao: $address:$port\n\n";
//$msg = "login||20||\n";
//echo socket_write($sock, $msg, strlen($msg));
//echo socket_write($sock, utf8_encode($msg), mb_strlen($msg, 'utf-8'));
echo "Reading response:\n\n";
while ($out = socket_read($sock, 2048)) {
echo "RX: $out";
$pct = explode('||', $out);
if($pct[1]!= '-1'){
enviarPct($sock, "solicitaControladoras||||");
//echo socket_read($sock, 2048);
echo "Fechando\n";
And Within the websocket aplication class, this funcion push messeges to the client, more specificaly that looping with "Im Waiting X Seconds"
* Start a child process for pushing data
* #param unknown_type $client
private function startProcess($client) {
$this->console("Start a client process");
$pid = pcntl_fork();
if($pid == -1) {
die('could not fork');
elseif($pid) { // process
else {
// we are the child
while(true) {
// check if the client is connected
// push something to the client
$seconds = rand(2, 5);
$this->send($client, "I am waiting {$seconds} seconds");
So thats it, if somebody have an idea of what would work best for me I would be glad to listen.
I'm trying to create a PHP chat, so I have server.php that starts the server on the terminal, which is listen to client connections:
function chat_leave( $sock, $chat_id = 0 )
if( $chat_room_id[ $chat_id ] )
unset( $chat_room_id[ $chat_id ] );
return true;
return false;
function client( $input )
Simple php udp socket client
//Reduce errors
$server = '';
$port = 9999;
if(!($sock = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)))
$errorcode = socket_last_error();
$errormsg = socket_strerror($errorcode);
die("Couldn't create socket: [$errorcode] $errormsg \n");
//Communication loop
//Send the message to the server
if( ! socket_sendto($sock, $input , strlen($input) , 0 , $server , $port))
$errorcode = socket_last_error();
$errormsg = socket_strerror($errorcode);
die("Could not send data: [$errorcode] $errormsg \n");
//Now receive reply from server and print it
if(socket_recv ( $sock , $reply , 2045 , MSG_WAITALL ) === FALSE)
$errorcode = socket_last_error();
$errormsg = socket_strerror($errorcode);
die("Could not receive data: [$errorcode] $errormsg \n");
return $reply;
* chat_join
* a new user joins the chat
* #username: String
* #password: String
* add a new listener to the server
function chat_join( $username = "", $password = "" )
$users = array(
"batman" => "batman123",
"robin" => "robin123",
"joe" => "joe123"
if( $users[$username] == $password )
return true;
return false;
function main()
$chat_room_id = array();
$username = stripslashes( $_POST['username'] );
$password = stripslashes( $_POST['password'] );
$action = stripslashes( $_POST['action'] );
$port = intval( $_POST['port'] );
$domain = stripslashes( $_POST['domain'] );
$chat_id = intval( $_POST['chat_room_id'] );
if( strcmp( $action, "login" ) == 0 )
$status = chat_join( $username, $password );
if( $status )
$chat_room_id[] = $chat_id;
echo json_encode( $status );
else if( strcmp( $action, "chat" ) == 0 )
$msg = stripslashes( $_POST['message'] );
// take the message, send through the client
$reply = client( $msg );
echo json_encode( $reply );
else if( strcmp( $action, "logout") == 0 )
echo json_encode( false );
The function client() is the code I have from a client.php file, which when I execute on the terminal, is able to send and receive messages from the server.php. Now I would like to use my main.php file, so once the user is logged in he will send messages to the server, which will reply back the messages that user haven't seen.
When I run server.php and client.php from two different terminals, I'm able to send and receive messages, however I would like to do that using main.php, transform that reply message into a JSON object and send back to the html page where it will get appended to a textarea box.
My problem is: how can I get the reply that client.php received and send it back to the html page?
When I execute it on the terminal, I have:
Enter a message to send : hello
Reply : hello
I use AJAX to send the user input in the chat, so I wanted to be able to take that message, and send it to the server, which I started on the terminal and take the reply back and forward to the webpage and append that to the text box area.
How can I accomplish that? Should I start client.php as a service through main.php? Or should I use the client($input) function to send a message and then return what it sends, back?
However, I wanted that client to be running until the use logs out, because other clients may connect to the chat. How can I accomplish that is kind of fuzzy for me. The code in client( $input ) is the same as in client.php.
Sorry for off-topic, but if you can, it would be better to use XMPP ready solution like ejabberd server with http-bind module. Sure, there is some cons it such solution, but cons are greater. Just look in this solution, maybe it will solve your problem with low cost.
see related answer with brief desc on XMPP solution
I think I understand what's going on. Sounds like you might be missing a listener? Usually chat programs have client-side ajax that checks or "listens" for messages for a particular user at regular intervals.
For example, if someone left a message for user x in your database (or wherever you're storing messages), the you might have some javascript that calls a php script every second to see if there are any messages on the server for user x. If there are, you can echo the message or messages back and received them via your ajax callback function.
If you're familiar with jQuery, check out the $.get method:
As i understand your question, you want to send a message from the client to the server and as soon as this message gets to the server it will reply to all clients... i'm correct???
I do some chat like using nodejs and other javascripts tech... and must say a great option here is using web sockets. Realize that browser support is limited, but since you not specified what browsers need to run this i think a great way to go.
Check this related links:
How to Use Sockets in JavaScript\HTML?
A possible way of doing that only using php + js is make some function and put in a setInterval to make request to the server every 12 seconds. I made some kind of asp chat in 2005 that uses this approach. And i must say the web socket is much better.
I don't know if that answers your question... let me know!
I developed something along these lines before using PHP and jQuery. The solution I went for was due to the restrictions on the server setup(out of my control). I used a PHP core script to create the whole layout of the page from message window to message submission box. Any user that came to the page was given a randomly generated user like user123234234 generated off a unix timestamp from the time they entered the chat page.
All messages submitted were stored in an XML file and a new XMl file was created daily. The user was kept in a message node like below with details of the user for every message using different node attributes.
The message window was refreshed every 5 seconds using jquery AJAX call to another PHP script that read in the XML that days XML file only from the time the user entered the chat page.
<message user="user123456" ip="" session="{users session ID here}" time="{unix timestamp}"><![CDATA[User message here]]></message>
There is a lot more logic behind it but I found it the easiest to develop and maintain, I hope it help point you in the right direction. And it works on all major browsers and from IE7+.
I'm running a php server based on the one provided by a tutorial by Raymond Fain on kirupa:
It works great, up to a point. The thing is that when it receives certain messages, it then does some stuff to that message then sends it out to all connected clients. The problem here is that once the number of clients reaches the atmospheric heights of around 12, the loop that sends the message to all clients can take a while (like 4 seconds), and any subsequent messages sent during that 4 second period get queued up and eventually we get timeouts.
This is the loop that sends a message to all clients:
function send_Message($allclient, $socket, $buf)
$now = microtime(true);
echo 'sending message to '.count($allclient).' clients ';
$msg = "<mbFeed>$buf</mbFeed>\n\0";
foreach($allclient as $client)
socket_write($client, $msg, strlen($msg));
$end = microtime(true);
echo 'time was '.($end - $now);
You'll notice I've been echoing the time it takes by comparing microtimes. The thing is that the echo claims that the whole process takes a tiny amount of time, like 0.003 seconds, which is what I would have expected, but when I have this script running in the terminal, I see the little spinning icon going for the four seconds, during which everything gets unresponsive.
My questions are as follows: does anyone know what the script is doing during that time? Is there anything I can do it to stop it doing that? Is there a more efficient way to send a message to all connected sockets?
Here's the code for the whole socket file, if you need it, but I'm hoping this is something that might be familiar to somebody...
#!/usr/bin/php -q
Raymond Fain
Used for PHP5 Sockets with Flash 8 Tutorial for
For any questions or concerns, email me at
or simply visit the site,, to see if you can find an answer.
//ini_set('error_log', 'socket_errors.log');
ini_set('log_errors', 'On');
ini_set('display_errors', '1');
$address = '';
$port = xxxx;
function send_Message($allclient, $socket, $buf)
$now = microtime(true);
echo 'sending message to '.count($allclient).' clients ';
$msg = "<mbFeed>$buf</mbFeed>\n\0";
foreach($allclient as $client)
socket_write($client, $msg, strlen($msg));
$end = microtime(true);
echo 'time was '.($end - $now);
echo "connecting...
//---- Start Socket creation for PHP 5 Socket Server -------------------------------------
if (($master = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP)) < 0)
echo "socket_create() failed, reason: " . socket_strerror($master) . "\n";
socket_set_option($master, SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR, 1);
if (($ret = socket_bind($master, $address, $port)) < 0)
echo "socket_bind() failed, reason: " . socket_strerror($ret) . "\n";
echo 'socket bind successfull.
if (($ret = socket_listen($master, 5)) < 0)
echo "socket_listen() failed, reason: " . socket_strerror($ret) . "\n";
$read_sockets = array($master);
echo "connected.";
//---- Create Persistent Loop to continuously handle incoming socket messages ---------------------
while (true)
$changed_sockets = $read_sockets;
$num_changed_sockets = socket_select($changed_sockets, $write = NULL, $except = NULL, NULL);
echo 'changed sockets length: '.(count($changed_sockets));
foreach($changed_sockets as $key => $socket)
if ($socket == $master)
if (($client = socket_accept($master)) < 0)
echo "socket_accept() failed: reason: " . socket_strerror($msgsock) . "\n";
array_push($read_sockets, $client);
$bytes = socket_recv($socket, $buffer, 8192, 0);
if ($bytes == 0)
if (substr($buffer, 0, 3) == "<->")
$buffer = substr($buffer, 3);
$allclients = $read_sockets;
if (substr($buffer, 0, 3) == ":::") handleSpecial(substr($buffer, 3));
echo 'allclients length: '.(count($allclients));
send_Message($allclients, $socket, str_replace("\0","",$buffer));
I would like to recommend you to look at ZeroMQ its like sockets on steroids
ØMQ in a Hundred Words
ØMQ (also seen as ZeroMQ, 0MQ, zmq) looks like an embeddable networking library but acts like a concurrency framework. It gives you sockets that carry atomic messages across various transports like in-process, inter-process, TCP, and multicast. You can connect sockets N-to-N with patterns like fanout, pub-sub, task distribution, and request-reply. It's fast enough to be the fabric for clustered products. Its asynchronous I/O model gives you scalable multicore applications, built as asynchronous message-processing tasks. It has a score of language APIs and runs on most operating systems. ØMQ is from iMatix and is LGPLv3 open source.
using ZMQ::SOCKET_PUB and ZMQ::SOCKET_PULL the same chat server can be as simple as
$ctx = new ZMQContext();
$pub = $ctx->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_PUB);
$pull = $ctx->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_PULL);
echo "Chat Server Start ", PHP_EOL;
while(true) {
$message = $pull->recv();
echo "Got ", $message, PHP_EOL;
This can easily handle10,000 push request per min on a simple system as oppose to your current server implementation.
With ZmqSocket you can talk to zmq sockets from your JavaScript code. You can connect, send and receive string messages. As JavaScript does not support raw TCP connections, it uses Flash as a bridge
Simple JavaScript Bridge Example you can also look at zmqsocket-as which allows you to talk to zmq-sockets from ActionScript code.
How can I check if I'm connected to the internet from my PHP script which is running on my dev machine?
I run the script to download a set of files (which may or may not exist) using wget. If I try the download without being connected, wget proceeds to the next one thinking the file is not present.
function is_connected()
$connected = #fsockopen("", 80);
//website, port (try 80 or 443)
if ($connected){
$is_conn = true; //action when connected
$is_conn = false; //action in connection failure
return $is_conn;
You can always ping good 'ol trusty google:
$response = null;
system("ping -c 1", $response);
if($response == 0)
// this means you are connected
This code was failing in laravel 4.2 php framework with an internal server 500 error:
function is_connected()
$connected = #fsockopen("", 80);
//website, port (try 80 or 443)
if ($connected){
$is_conn = true; //action when connected
$is_conn = false; //action in connection failure
return $is_conn;
Which I didn't want to stress myself to figure that out, hence I tried this code and it worked for me:
function is_connected()
$connected = fopen("","r");
return true;
} else {
return false;
Please note that: This is based upon the assumption that the connection to is less prone to failure.
The accepted answer did not work for me. When the internet was disconnected it threw a php error. So I used it with a little modification which is below:
if(!$sock = #fsockopen('', 80))
echo 'Not Connected';
echo 'Connected';
Why don't you fetch the return code from wget to determine whether or not the download was successful? The list of possible values can be found at wget exit status.
On the other hand, you could use php's curl functions as well, then you can do all error tracking from within PHP.
There are various factors that determine internet connection. The interface state, for example. But, regardles of those, due to the nature of the net, proper configuration does not meen you have a working connection.
So the best way is to try to download a file that you’re certain that exists. If you succeed, you may follow to next steps. If not, retry once and then fail.
Try to pick one at the destination host. If it’s not possible, choose some major website like google or yahoo.
Finally, just try checking the error code returned by wget. I bet those are different for 404-s and timeouts. You can use third parameter in exec call:
string exec ( string $command [, array &$output [, int &$return_var ]] )
* Usage: is_connected('')
function is_connected($addr)
if (!$socket = #fsockopen($addr, 80, $num, $error, 5)) {
echo "OFF";
} else {
echo "ON";
Also note that fopen and fsockopen are different. fsockopen opens a socket depending on the protocol prefix. fopen opens a file or something else e.g file over HTTP, or a stream filter or something etc. Ultimately this affects the execution time.
You could ping to a popular site or to the site you're wgetting from (like then parse the result to see if you can connect to it.
$ip = ''; //some ip
exec("ping -n 4 $ip 2>&1", $output, $retval);
if ($retval != 0) {
echo "no!";
echo "yes!"; }
Just check the result of wget. A status code of 4 indicates a network problem, a status code of 8 indicates a server error (such as a 404). This only works if you call wget for each file in sequence, rather than once for all the files.
You can also use libcurl with PHP, instead of calling wget. Something like:
foreach (...) {
$c = curl_init($url);
$f = fopen($filepath, "w")
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_FILE, $f);
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
if (curl_exec($c)) {
if (curl_getinfo($c, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE) == 200) {
// success
} else {
// 404 or something, delete file
} else {
// network error or server down
break; // abort
This function handles what you need
function isConnected()
// use 80 for http or 443 for https protocol
$connected = #fsockopen("", 80);
if ($connected){
return true;
return false;
You can use this by adding this inside a class:
private $api_domain = '';
private function serverAliveOrNot()
if($pf = #fsockopen($this->api_domain, 443)) {
$_SESSION['serverAliveOrNot'] = true;
return true;
} else {
$_SESSION['serverAliveOrNot'] = false;
return false;
+1 on Alfred's answer, but I think this is an improved version:
function hasInternet()
$hosts = ['', '', '', ''];
foreach ($hosts as $host) {
if ($connected = #fsockopen($host, 443)) {
return true;
return false;
My reasons:
This pings more than 1 server and will only fail if all 4 fails
If first host works, it will return true immediately
IP addresses are from CloudFlare and Google DNS which basically controls most of the internet and always online is rated the fastest DNS resolver (Source)
Only doubt I have is to use port 443 or 80? Suggestions would be appreciated! :)
Very PHP way of doing it is
switch (connection_status())
$txt = 'Connection is in a normal state';
$txt = 'Connection aborted';
$txt = 'Connection timed out';
$txt = 'Connection aborted and timed out';
$txt = 'Unknown';
echo $txt;