I have a div that calls a variable. When that variable changes, users need to refresh the page to see the new value. The variable is pulled from a separate PHP file.
I'm wondering if there's a way to use ajax to automatically update the div without the user refreshing the browser when it sees the PHP variable has been updated.
You could periodically check if there have been any change to the variable using ajax and if that is the case you could update the div.
var previousValue = null;
function checkForChange() {
url: 'http://example.com/getVariableValue.php',
success: function(data) {
if (data != previousValue) { // Something have changed!
//Call function to update div
previousValue = data;
setInterval("checkForChange();", 1000);
I havn't tested the code, but it should be something like that. Will get data from http://example.com/getVariableValue.php, you'll have to fill in some information about the AJAX request. I'm assuming you know how to modify the code for your specific data format, be it XML, JSON or text.
I have a page called post-blog.php, in here I've set-up a blog entry. I have all this data being saved into one variable. Its displaying this data in an array.
var data = title + content + image + datetime + categories;
How can I send this data to another page called publish.php and redirect the user to that page ?
I've tried to set up a ajax to do this but its not working. Any suggestions ?
type: 'POST',
cache: false,
url: 'publish.php',
data: data,
success: function( data ) {
alert ( data );
return false;
As per my understanding of the problem, you need to pass the data to a new page and open that page.
If this is your question then this can be done without AJAX, basically AJAX does not even provide solution here. Instead you can just pass all the data to your new page in query format as below -
var page = 'publish.php?title='+title+ '&content='+content+'&image='+image+ '&datetime='+datetime+'&categories='+categories;
Then just change the window location as below
window.location.href = page;
And to get all those variables in your PHP file, do the following in publish.php on top -
$title = $_GET['title'];
// similarly get all the data in publish.php file and continue with your page
I am assuming all your variables are strings. If they are not, for example the datetime may be an object, change them into a string first.
Docs say Object must be Key/Value pairs or a string.
Objects work well for this, try something like:
var data = {title: title, content: content, image: image, datetime: datetime, categories: categories};
If your data is coming from a form check out jQuery's serialize.
I've never tried to pass as a string in a POST, but my gut feeling is it would need to be in a format similar to passing the data through the url.
var data = 'title=' + title + '&content=' + content;
Also keep in mind the data in the success function is not the same as what is being passed to the php page. This is what the php page will return. If you're php page returns nothing your alert will be empty. When I'm testing I like to throw something like echo $_POST['title']; in the php file to see something come back.
Here is a similar question that might help too.
I want the session to be updated whenever an element is clicked in the div, but it looks like my session is not updating whenever I use an ajax. I want the session to be updated, not just printing the data in my ajax.
here is my ajax:
var id = $(this).attr('id');
url: 'plugins/get_id.php',
data: {id:id},
success: function(data)
alert("<?php echo $_SESSION['chat_mate_id'];?>");
here is my php file:
$_SESSION['chat_mate_id'] = $_GET['id'];
You are generating an HTML document, which has some embedded JS in it. At the time you generate the HTML document, you output the value of a session variable into the JS as a string literal.
Next, you run the JS, which makes a second HTTP request, and updates the value of the session variable.
When the response arrives, you alert the value of the string you injected into the page when the original page loaded.
If you want to react to the new value of the session variable, then you have to use data that you get from the server after you update the value.
The output of running a PHP program a minute ago will not change retroactively. Ajax is not time travel.
Based on the user input's, i calculate some values on my submit action of my form. I have to persist these values in my backend DB. I use PHP for my server side scripting. Please let me know the best practice for doing this. It is a single page application and i use .load("Report.html"); to show the summary page.
Just thinking aloud, can i fetch the row(to be updated) from DB, json_encode, update the json object in jQuery, decode it, then update in DB?
Please help...
My submit button code...
$('form').on('submit', function(event)
var noOfCorrectAnswers = 0;
var noOfQuestionsViewed = 0;
$.each(questionsArray, function(i, item)
if(item.correctOption == item.selectedAnswer)
if(item.isQuestionViewed == 'YES')
Run some AJAX passing all of the information you need (which may even be none depending on your use case) from the client-side to your server-side PHP. Your PHP script can fetch things from the database if necessary, make any calculations and/or manipulations and then store the information back in the DB.
If you need to return information to your client-side after updating the database then try returning a JSON object (by just printing the code out in the proper format) from your PHP script before exiting with whatever your JS needs.
Do note that this should be all done asynchronously, so you need to setup your AJAX callback function to handle any information that's returned from your PHP script. If you want to do it synchronously, go for it - but you asked for best practices :P
Looks like you're using jQuery - here's the documentation on AJAX
Raunak Kathuria's answer provides some same code
On form submit make ajax call to set database in the db and access the json
$('form').on('submit', function(event)
{ ...
url: "yourphp.php", // php to set the data
type: 'POST',
data: 'yourparams', // all the input selected by users
dataType: json
success: function(json){
//here inside json variable you've the json returned by your PHP
// access json you can loop or just access the property json['sample']
$('#sampleDiv').load("UserReport.html", function () {
// its callback function after html is loaded
You can also use the done callback of ajax
Set the values here in db running the desired query and return values using
// your db ooperations will come here
// fetch the db record
// return the db records in json
$responseVar = array(
echo (json_encode($responseVar));
I have a jquery/php voting system I'm working on. Once a user clicks a vote button a jquery modal pops open and they must confirm their vote by clicking "Confirm". This will send an ajax request to update the database and what not. After clicking confirm the modal will close. I would like to be able to update the number of votes dynamically on the page. I can easily grab that data from the mySQL table. My question is how does this get sent back for me to then update the html page dynamically?
Currently the page does nothing, so to the user it doesn't look like they've voted. Ideally I'd want to update the total number of votes and also inject an image that shows what they voted for.
function vote(el, id) {
type: 'POST',
url: '/path/morepath/',
dataType: 'json',
data: {
'action': 'castVote',
'vote': id
success: function (data) {}
On the server side, respond to the POST request with a JSON object containing the number of votes and possibly the image path.
Then inside the AJAX callback, data will be that object. Then you can use jQuery to select an element in the DOM and call .text() or .html() on it to update the content.
If you're passing poorly formed data back from PHP, you can make it a bit better by giving it some structure and then making it json for javascript's ease-of-use:
$sqlResult = ...;
$responseArray = array();
$responseArray['result'] = true; //or false if it failed
$responseArray['data'] = $sqlResult;
print json_encode($responseArray);
Before you can really expect the page to respond properly to an ajax response, you must be sure your response data is being parsed correctly.
Inside of your success function, try console.log'ing your response to see what it looks like
if there is something you can reference in the return data that is reliable, do a check for it:
success: function(data) {
if(data.result == 'true') {
You can change the value or html content of the voting number using a few different options such as:
success: function(data)
var $newTotal = ...//get total from data
$('voteCountContainer').html($newTotal); // or you can also use .val() if it's an input
Hope that helped,
I'm posting to a php script, and I want to update some already existing variables in the script. My javascript is this :
$('.submit_html').click( function(e) {
var requested = $('.page_select').val();
var text = new Array($('.edit_html').val(), $('.header_val').val());
$.post('data_handlers/get_content.php', {page: requested, action: 'update', text: text}, function(data) {
There really isn't anything complicated about the post, just a couple variables to tell the script what to do, and then a text variable, with the data in the first two spots of the array.
On the php side, I know it is getting the data correctly, but when I try to overwrite the current variable in the script, it doesnt stay saved after the php script completes.
php code:
if ($page == 'home') {
$home = $text[0];
$home_head = $text[1];
So obviously, it is changing the variables during the execution, but reverting to the values that were manually saved in the script before. Is there anyway to actually have the values stay changed after the script ends?
It sounds like the session module is ideal for what you are trying to do.