Im building an email management software using PHP. Im a bit stuck on something, and thought SO might provide some insight. The user retrieves messages. Messages get replied. I was thinking that I could create some sort of custom hash for an incoming message, store the data and hash in the database, and then for replies, inject the custom hash into the message header to denote that this message being sent is apart of that particular incoming message.
After I reply to a message, and then the user re-replies, will the injected custom hash be in the message? If not, it would be treated as a new incoming message.
Should I be looking into injecting custom hashes into messages? Is that even possible? Is it a good method?
Is this a good theory to use? Any suggestions or comments? I really have no experience in this and Im just trying to figure out the best method for implementation.
** NOTE: If there are any open-source PHP email management software that I could reverse-engineer, that would also be something I would be interested in looking at.
Injecting custom headers into the message is possible but it's pretty rare that they would be included in the reply. Sometimes, clients will include a In-Reply-To header, that quotes the original message id and you can use that.
However, the easiest and most common method of doing this is by using a customised from address. If you send the email from then any bounces or replies will come back to that email address. If the next message uses then you can easily tell which reply is for which original message.
There are a few options when receiving the emails:
Poll using POP3 or IMAP
Have the mail server init a script as messages are received
Use a system that converts the emails from SMTP and forwards them as HTTP
I wrote a blog post outlining the methods to receive the messages, it was for Ruby but the same principals all apply. Unfortunately I don't know of any PHP software for this.
Hello I have a registration form, that carries fields such as name, phone number and email. These details are sent to a database, I am trying to implement a system whereby after registration, an SMS is sent to the user who filled the form as a form of confirmation, instead of emails, I know I need a provider to do this, but from the region where I come from i haven't seen a reliable company that can do this, so I am asking for the best suggestions, I am building with PHP programming language.
We do a similar thing. We personally use TextMagic but most proviers are the similar. You are generally given a few options, the most common being an email proxy or a web page call. For instance, to send messages we use:
mail('', 'SECRET_CODE', 'Our message');
Here, there mobile number before the is the number we're sending to, the SECRET_CODE is our pass key and Our message whatever we want to send.
The web version would be similar, something like: cmd=send&text=Our%20message&phone=447123456789
Really what you want to do is find a service like this then check the API documentation. It's a very simple thing to do, but your question is a little too general to give anything more specific.
I notice that a lot of websites like Facebook and GitHub allow you to reply to an email notification which then posts the reply back to the application using a unique Reply-To address. How does this work on the back-end? I searched a lot but, only found that people were using unique Reply-To addresses. That's understandable but, what do they use to receive these emails? Do these companies set up email servers? I am trying to build this using PHP.
A common method is to set unique message ID's in the outgoing email and then looking at the In-Reply-To header to see which email this was in reply to. That lets you match up your server application's messaging system to emails. For example, if you send an email that represents a help desk ticket with ID 1234, the Message-ID could be something like
Then, in email clients that work nicely (I'm looking at you Android), when you hit Reply, the reply has the header In-Reply-To: ticket-1234#mysever. You can go further by adding security tokens to ensure people can't forge messages (e.g. ticket-1234-hf29e9f2gf2e9fh29f#myserver). That security token is generated on the server when you send your first message and is then confirmed in the reply.
This normally works but can cause real headaches when email clients don't behave as they should!
This is how GitLab manages emails by using an identifier in the email address itself and catching it when the user replies. Although it is not relevant to any scripting language like PHP and uses server configs, this is what backend servers do to support reply by email functionality.
You have to set up a mail server to receive mail answers.
SIEVE filters on a IMAP server could be use to make some actions when a certain filter is detected.
But you can't only use PHP to make that type of system.
I wanted to create (or at least learn/know how it is done) application(or configuration?) that does similar to what craigslist does when people choose to hide their email with the "anonymous" option when making posts. I suspect that it is done with what's called email relaying. I'd like to find out how it is done in process - from when user enter their email to receiving an email via an anonymous email address. I come from a "LAMP" background at an intermediate level so please bear with me and kindly explain.
Your responses/comments/suggestions/pointers are greatly appreciated.
Thank you
The easiest way to do this is to receive email with your php app. There are a wide range of ways to do this, collecting using cron, piping from an email server directly into your app or using a third party like CloudMailin.
I wrote a blog post explaining some of the methods you can use to receive incoming email using php here. The post discusses rails but the principals are the same for most languages and frameworks.
Well, I'm trying to create a newsletter, that will send emails to users in a database. The newsletter itself would draw "events" and other activities from a database. Whats the best way to take that list, and put them in an email? I was thinking about putting them into an html page, then sending an html email, but not all emails support html(like school email). What would your guys recommend? Could you point me to some good resources?
Also, this is for a school project, so I cant use any open source type stuff, unfortunately :(
You are correct in your assumption that if you are creating html newsletters, you will also have to do a text based version for clients that don't support html or ones that ask to have e-mail be sent only in text. You will need to make sure your code sends both versions to recipients. You could also ask the recipients for their preference and send them the specific version that they requested.
For html e-mail it is highly recommended to read the following two articles by CampaignMonitor (they specialize in e-mail marketing sofware):
HTML E-mail Design Guidelines
Guide to CSS support in email
Note that I am assuming you are asking for help with the actual construction of the html for the email not the code needed to create and send the newsletter.
Good luck with your project.
==== UPDATE ====
So it seems that you actually need help in developing this project. Since this is a homework, I will provide some general advice that should steer you in the correct direction and get you started on the project. Then, if you have any specific problems with your code, you can ask about them on Stackoverflow.
There is really two things that need to be done here:
In PHP, dynamically contruct a variable that contains the html or text versions of the e-mail that needs to be sent.
Loop through your contact list and e-mail the contents of that variable.
Sending E-mail
I will start with the sending e-mail portion, because the links provide bellow also show you how to construct the message. Also, in your comment you said you already know how to contruct an html from a database. The following links show you two ways to send e-mail. You can either use the Mail function that comes with PHP or download the PEAR_Mail package. If you are allowed to use additional libraries and want to send html e-mail, I would recommend using the PEAR_Mail, because it makes things much easier if you want to send a both an html and text version of an e-mail together.
Note: To send an e-mail you will need to use some sort of mail server. If you are using Windows, you can install the SMTP service that comes with IIS or you can use an external smtp service such as google to send your e-mails.
Construct E-mail
The complexity here will depend on whether you just want a plain text e-mail or html. For either case you will need to read the event data from your database and add it to the message that you want to send.
Some Seudocode:
Loop through datarows
message = DataRow[EventDate] + " " + DataRow[EventName] + "\n"
Loop through recipients
mail message
Hopefully this gives you a start. I would recommend getting php to send out an e-mail of a static html or text first. Once you have that code working you can start working on adding the functionality of reading event info from a database and sending it out.
Hope this helps.
I would like to know what's the best way to manage answers to email notifications.
eg. The user receive an email notification, and instead of having to click on a link to go on the website and answer it he could directly reply to the email.
There's no best way. Depending on what you want to do with the responses, you could as well handle them with thunderbirds message filters ;) .
Put a unique identifier into the subject or the body of the notification that you're sending so that you can identify & classify the email correctly when a user replies by email.
If you want to stick with php: pick up the php pop3 client class from: or find a client elsewhere and then just parse your message responses and classify / handle them however you want to.
Use the Message-ID header field to uniquely identify each message. If there is a reply on that message, the client should put that message ID in the In-Reply-To header field in the reply message. See RFC 2822 for further details.
Stick an id and authentication token in the subject line.
Pipe it into a script that can process it with Procmail
As a learning exercise you could read the php code and Documentation to the drupal module mail handler. This accepts emails and looks for script like instructions.
The answer above about checking the message id is also very valid.