Closest number in array, but on Monopoly table - php

I have a monopoly game in progress and I need to retrieve the closest location from given value. I get available closest locations like this:
function Field_GetNearestByCategory($current,$category) {
$current = (int)$current;
$category = SQLEscape($category);
$s = "SELECT ID,Location FROM `card` WHERE Category='$category' AND Location <> $current";
$qr = SQLQuery($s);
$locs = array();
while($r = SQLGetArray($qr)) {
$locs[] = $r[1];
return $locs;
I have found solution for getting the closest value in array but problem occurs when $current == 40 and next closest field should be 6 (lets say we want to go to closest railroads).
function closest($search, $arr)
$closest = null;
foreach($arr as $item)
if($closest == null || abs($search - $closest) > abs($item - $search))
$closest = $item;
return $closest;
Please note that if $current == 40, anything below it is FAR away since Monopoly goes in one direction so 1 is closer to 40 than 39.
I have found solution, thanks everyone
function closest($search, $arr) {
$c = null;
foreach($arr as $k) {
if($k > $search) { return $k; }
else {
if(!$c) $c = $k;
return $c;

Here's a query that adds a "distance" field (the distance ahead the square is from $current) - mysql syntax for the CASE statement
SELECT ID, Location,
CASE WHEN Location < $current THEN Location + 40 - $current
ELSE Location - $current
AS Distance
FROM `card` WHERE Category='$category' AND Location <> $current


Roundup to next value in series

I'm trying to round up the result of a calculation to the next largst value in a series stored in an array.
I've tried the following but a calculation of 10.3 is rounding down to 10 when I want it to roundup to the next value in series of 16. When $s = 14.9 it works.
What am I doing wrong?
$s = 10.3
// List of standard cable CSA
$csa = array(1,1.5,2.5,4,6,10,16,25,35,50,70,95,120,150,185,240,300,400);
function nextSizeUp($s, $csa) {
$closest = null;
foreach ($csa as $size) {
if ($closest === null || abs($s - $closest) > abs($size - $s)) {
$closest = $size;
return $closest;
echo nextSizeUp($s,$csa);
You're trying to round up, not find the closest value. Something like this:
$s = 10.3;
// List of standard cable CSA
$csa = array(1,1.5,2.5,4,6,10,16,25,35,50,70,95,120,150,185,240,300,400);
function nextSizeUp($s, $csa)
foreach ($csa as $size) {
if ($size >= $s) {
return $size;
return false;
echo nextSizeUp($s,$csa);
This returns 16 and false when the value is bigger than 400.

How to grade scores in php

I'm trying to grade some scores according to highest average obtained..
Here's my scripts
$scores_AND_ID = 'M2377O=100,M2727B=100,M5821K=100,M7492F=97.75,M7973O=96,M3487I=94,M7969O=93.13,M1452V=92.5,M4653O=92.38,M4158J=92.25,M2881A=89.38,M6112S=28.63,';
$out_score = chop($scores_AND_ID, ',');
$rr2 = explode(",", $out_score);
$array_un = array_unique($rr2);
foreach ($array_un as $key => $value) {
if ($value == "") {
$postion = positionNumbers($key);//1st,2nd,3rd function
$sec = explode("=", $value);
$stdntID = $sec[0]; //Student number
$stdntAV = $sec[1]; //Student Average
mysql_query("UPDATE score_table SET grade='$postion' WHERE avg='$stdntAV' ");
I'm using foreach key to assign grade position but isn't working properly.
Here's my result
Here's what I need to achieve.
1. 100---1st
2. 100---1st
3. 100---1st
4. 98---4th
5. 89.5--5th
6. 89---6th
7. 89---6th
8. 80---8th
Thanks Guys
I think the code you want is this:
$scores_AND_ID = 'M7492F=97.75,M7973O=96,M3487I=94,M2377O=100,M2727B=100,M5821K=100,M7969O=93.13,M1452V=92.5,M4653O=92.38,M4158J=92.25,M2881A=89.38,M6112S=28.63,';
// Gets all of the entries from the source string
$scores_array = array_unique(array_filter(explode(',', $scores_AND_ID)));
// Sets up an associative array of values (student id => score)
$score_map = [];
foreach ($scores_array as $record) {
[ $student_id, $score ] = explode('=', $record);
$score_map[$student_id] = $score;
// Ensure values are sorted numerically descending
uasort($score_map, function ($a, $b) {
if ($a > $b) {
return -1;
if ($a == $b) {
return 0;
return 1;
// Gets the maximum value from the scores
$previous_score = max(array_values($score_map));
$rank = 1;
$incrementer = 0;
foreach ($score_map as $student => $score) {
// If the score hasn't changed from it's previous value
// we increment a counter instead of the rank
if ($score == $previous_score) {
// Once it's changed, we update the rank based on the incrementer
// and then reset the incrementer
} else {
$rank += $incrementer;
$incrementer = 1;
$previous_score = $score;
// Updating database is left as an exercise to the reader
You should not update your records if grade is already set. If you print your query instead of executing it you will see that you set grade 1st, then you overwrite it with 2nd and then with 3rd.

Convert my script in recursive way?

I have script who searches closest searched number.
So for example, let say that in array are this numbers:
'0' => 1.72
'0.25' => 1.92
'0.75'=> 2.35
'1' => 3.00
I am searching for 0.50 handicap, so 0.25 and 0.75 are in same range from 0.50.
In this situations i want to get greater number, what is 0.75 in this example.
Code what works is this:
function getClosest($search, $arr) {
$closest = null;
$num_arr = array();
$odd = 0.00;
$i = 0;
foreach ($arr as $handicap=>$item) { //first closest number
if ($closest === null || abs($search - $closest) > abs($handicap - $search)) {
$closest = $handicap;
$odd = $item;
$num_arr[$handicap] = $item;
$newclosest = null;
$newodd = 0.00;
foreach($num_arr as $handicap=>$newitem){ //second closest number
if ($newclosest === null || abs($search - $closest) > abs($handicap - $search)) {
$newclosest = $handicap;
$newodd = $newitem;
//if difference between first and second number are same
if(abs($search - $closest) == abs($newclosest - $search)){
if($newclosest > $closest){ //if second number is greater than first
$closest = $newclosest;
$odd = $newodd;
return array('handicap'=>$closest,'odd'=>$odd);
I see that i can use recursion here, but i am not experienced in using recursion. I know that i need call it inside like this:
$rec_arr = getClosest($num_arr,$search);
but i get blank page even i dump function output.
use array_map function,
$data = array('0'=>1.72,'0.75'=> 2.35,'0.25'=>1.92,'1' => 3.00);
$v = 0.5; // search value
$x = null; // difference value
$y = array(); // temporary array
if($x > abs($i-$v)){ // if difference value is bigger than current
$x = abs($i-$v);
$y = array($i=>$data[$i]);
}else if($x == abs($i-$v)){ // if difference value is same
$key = array_keys($y);
$y = $key[0] < $i ? array($i=>$data[$i]) : $y;
}else{ // first loop
$x = abs($i-$v);
$y = array($i=>$data[$i]);
print_r($y); // result
output Array ( [0.75] => 2.35 ), hope this help you.
//$a is array to be searched
//$s is search key
//$prev_key and $next_key will be output required
$a = array('0'=>1,'0.25'=>123,'0.75'=>456,'0.78'=>456,'1'=>788);
$s = '0';
echo $s;
reset($a);//good to do
while(key($a) < $s){
$next_key = key($a);
$prev_key = key($a);
echo $prev_key.'-'.$next_key;
The above code uses array internal pointers. I think this may help you..

PHP: Sort array according to another array of different length

I have two arrays of different length:
$paths_table = array("TS-0007_a.jpg", "TS-0040_a.JPG", "TS-0040_b.JPG", "TS-0040_f.JPG", "TS-0041_a.JPG", "TS-0041_b.JPG");
$order_table = array("TS-0040","TS-0007","TS-0041");
and I want to sort the first one using the second so that the output will be the array
$final_table = array("TS-0040_a.JPG", "TS-0040_b.JPG", "TS-0040_f.JPG", "TS-0007_a.jpg", TS-0041_a.JPG", "TS-0041_b.JPG")
Assuming that I'm going to use
strpos($paths_table[$i], $order_table[$j]);
to check if the string of $order_table is included in any of the $paths_table.
How can I accomplish this?
Preprocess the array so that each item contains an index of its prefix (that is, turn 'TS-0007_a.jpg' into [1,'TS-0007_a.jpg']):
foreach($paths_table as &$v) {
foreach($order_table as $n => $o)
if(strpos($v, $o) === 0) {
$v = [$n, $v];
sort the array:
and remove indexes:
foreach($paths_table as &$v)
$v = $v[1];
The following piece of code can off course be optimized in several ways, but for the sake of clarity I didnt.
$paths_table = array("TS-0007_a.jpg", "TS-0040_a.JPG", "TS-0040_b.JPG", "TS-0040_f.JPG", "TS-0041_a.JPG", "TS-0041_b.JPG");
$order_table = array("TS-0040","TS-0007","TS-0041");
$sorter = new PrefixSorter($order_table);
$output = usort($paths_table, array($sorter, 'sort'));
class PrefixSorter {
private $prefixes;
function __construct($prefixes) {
$this->prefixes = $prefixes;
function sort($path1, $path2) {
$prefix1 = -1;
$prefix2 = -1;
foreach($this->prefixes as $index=>$prefix) {
if (substr($path1, 0, strlen($prefix)) == $prefix) $prefix1 = $index;
if (substr($path2, 0, strlen($prefix)) == $prefix) $prefix2 = $index;
if (($prefix1 == -1 && $prefix2 == -1) || $prefix1 == $prefix2) {
return 0;
else if ($prefix1 == -1 || $prefix1 > $prefix2) {
return 1;
else if ($prefix2 == -1 || $prefix1 < $prefix2) {
return -1;
I made a few assumptions:
You want to sort on the prefixes given in order_table
Prefixes not given are put at the back unordered.
You can off course change the code to match on string containment instead of prefixing

Longest Common Substring with wrong character tolerance

I have a script I found on here that works well when looking for the Lowest Common Substring.
However, I need it to tolerate some incorrect/missing characters. I would like be able to either input a percentage of similarity required, or perhaps specify the number of missing/wrong characters allowable.
For example, I want to find this string:
big yellow school bus
inside of this string:
they rode the bigyellow schook bus that afternoon
This is the code i'm currently using:
function longest_common_substring($words) {
$words = array_map('strtolower', array_map('trim', $words));
$sort_by_strlen = create_function('$a, $b', 'if (strlen($a) == strlen($b)) { return strcmp($a, $b); } return (strlen($a) < strlen($b)) ? -1 : 1;');
usort($words, $sort_by_strlen);
// We have to assume that each string has something in common with the first
// string (post sort), we just need to figure out what the longest common
// string is. If any string DOES NOT have something in common with the first
// string, return false.
$longest_common_substring = array();
$shortest_string = str_split(array_shift($words));
while (sizeof($shortest_string)) {
array_unshift($longest_common_substring, '');
foreach ($shortest_string as $ci => $char) {
foreach ($words as $wi => $word) {
if (!strstr($word, $longest_common_substring[0] . $char)) {
// No match
break 2;
// we found the current char in each word, so add it to the first longest_common_substring element,
// then start checking again using the next char as well
$longest_common_substring[0].= $char;
// We've finished looping through the entire shortest_string.
// Remove the first char and start all over. Do this until there are no more
// chars to search on.
// If we made it here then we've run through everything
usort($longest_common_substring, $sort_by_strlen);
return array_pop($longest_common_substring);
Any help is much appreciated.
The PHP levenshtein function is limited to 255 characters, and some of the haystacks i'm searching are 1000+ characters.
Writing this as a second answer because it's not based on my previous (bad) one at all.
This code is based on and
It returns one (of potentially several) minimum-levenshtein substrings of $haystack, given $needle. Now, levenshtein distance is just one measure of edit distance and it may not actually suit your needs. 'hte' is closer on this metric to 'he' than it is to 'the'. Some of the examples I put in show the limitations of this technique. I believe this to be considerably more reliable than the previous answer I gave, but let me know how it works for you.
// utility function - returns the key of the array minimum
function array_min_key($arr)
$min_key = null;
$min = PHP_INT_MAX;
foreach($arr as $k => $v) {
if ($v < $min) {
$min = $v;
$min_key = $k;
return $min_key;
// Calculate the edit distance between two strings
function edit_distance($string1, $string2)
$m = strlen($string1);
$n = strlen($string2);
$d = array();
// the distance from '' to substr(string,$i)
for($i=0;$i<=$m;$i++) $d[$i][0] = $i;
for($i=0;$i<=$n;$i++) $d[0][$i] = $i;
// fill-in the edit distance matrix
for($j=1; $j<=$n; $j++)
for($i=1; $i<=$m; $i++)
// Using, for example, the levenshtein distance as edit distance
list($p_i,$p_j,$cost) = levenshtein_weighting($i,$j,$d,$string1,$string2);
$d[$i][$j] = $d[$p_i][$p_j]+$cost;
return $d[$m][$n];
// Helper function for edit_distance()
function levenshtein_weighting($i,$j,$d,$string1,$string2)
// if the two letters are equal, cost is 0
if($string1[$i-1] === $string2[$j-1]) {
return array($i-1,$j-1,0);
// cost we assign each operation
$cost['delete'] = 1;
$cost['insert'] = 1;
$cost['substitute'] = 1;
// cost of operation + cost to get to the substring we perform it on
$total_cost['delete'] = $d[$i-1][$j] + $cost['delete'];
$total_cost['insert'] = $d[$i][$j-1] + $cost['insert'];
$total_cost['substitute'] = $d[$i-1][$j-1] + $cost['substitute'];
// return the parent array keys of $d and the operation's cost
$min_key = array_min_key($total_cost);
if ($min_key == 'delete') {
return array($i-1,$j,$cost['delete']);
} elseif($min_key == 'insert') {
return array($i,$j-1,$cost['insert']);
} else {
return array($i-1,$j-1,$cost['substitute']);
// attempt to find the substring of $haystack most closely matching $needle
function shortest_edit_substring($needle, $haystack)
// initialize edit distance matrix
$m = strlen($needle);
$n = strlen($haystack);
$d = array();
for($i=0;$i<=$m;$i++) {
$d[$i][0] = $i;
$backtrace[$i][0] = null;
// instead of strlen, we initialize the top row to all 0's
for($i=0;$i<=$n;$i++) {
$d[0][$i] = 0;
$backtrace[0][$i] = null;
// same as the edit_distance calculation, but keep track of how we got there
for($j=1; $j<=$n; $j++)
for($i=1; $i<=$m; $i++)
list($p_i,$p_j,$cost) = levenshtein_weighting($i,$j,$d,$needle,$haystack);
$d[$i][$j] = $d[$p_i][$p_j]+$cost;
$backtrace[$i][$j] = array($p_i,$p_j);
// now find the minimum at the bottom row
$min_key = array_min_key($d[$m]);
$current = array($m,$min_key);
$parent = $backtrace[$m][$min_key];
// trace up path to the top row
while(! is_null($parent)) {
$current = $parent;
$parent = $backtrace[$current[0]][$current[1]];
// and take a substring based on those results
$start = $current[1];
$end = $min_key;
return substr($haystack,$start,$end-$start);
// some testing
$data = array( array('foo',' foo'), array('fat','far'), array('dat burn','rugburn'));
$data[] = array('big yellow school bus','they rode the bigyellow schook bus that afternoon');
$data[] = array('bus','they rode the bigyellow schook bus that afternoon');
$data[] = array('big','they rode the bigyellow schook bus that afternoon');
$data[] = array('nook','they rode the bigyellow schook bus that afternoon');
$data[] = array('they','console, controller and games are all in very good condition, only played occasionally. includes power cable, controller charge cable and audio cable. smoke free house. pes 2011 super street fighter');
$data[] = array('controker','console, controller and games are all in very good condition, only played occasionally. includes power cable, controller charge cable and audio cable. smoke free house. pes 2011 super street fighter');
foreach($data as $dat) {
$substring = shortest_edit_substring($dat[0],$dat[1]);
$dist = edit_distance($dat[0],$substring);
printf("Found |%s| in |%s|, matching |%s| with edit distance %d\n",$substring,$dat[1],$dat[0],$dist);
