PHP Function not Working as it Should - php

I have this function
function getDomain($you){
$domain = substr(strrchr($you, "#"), 1);
$blacklist = array('', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
if (in_array($domain, $blacklist)) {
return true
} else {
return false
I am using it to make sure that people aren't using disposable e-mail addresses when they sign up for a website, but for some reason when I add this in, it breaks the entire script, I have went over several times and I cannot for the life of me figure out the typo/mistake I have made. It is probably something very simple, but my eyes just cannot find it.

(1) Missing ; after return statements
(2) Missing , between '' and ''

You are missing a comma here: '' ''
And then semicolons in both return lines.
Though you should activate PHP error log.


Why is this PHP if statement non-optimal according to PhpStorm

I am using PhpStorm and it says that this if statement is non optimal. Unfortunately it does not say why.
Can anyone tell me it is non-optimal?
if ($this->tokens[$next_token_ptr]['code'] === T_ARRAY) {
$next_token_ptr = $this->tokens[$this->tokens[$next_token_ptr]['parenthesis_opener']]['parenthesis_closer'];
} else if ($this->tokens[$next_token_ptr]['code'] === T_OPEN_SHORT_ARRAY) {
$next_token_ptr = $this->tokens[$next_token_ptr]['bracket_closer'];
} else {
$next_token_ptr = $this->tokens[$next_token_ptr]['scope_closer'];
The error was reported from the Php Inspections plugin.
The problem is that this expression is executed twice when it can be done only once

Twilio - Bypass ".json not found" in php

I am trying to check for toll-free numbers, and it is working as expected. However, my problem is that some countries don't have the TollFree numbers.
Using the same code on these countries throws a 404 error and stops the code there.
The only way I could think of is making a massive if statement and adding each country manually which offers toll-free option, but I don't like this solution at all as it will be hardcoded. Is there a way to overcome this issue, so it works for the countries that has the .json and ignore the ones that doesn't (instead of crashing the code)?
$twilio = new Client(env('TWILIO_ID'), env('TWILIO_TOKEN'));
$iso = 'CY';
$params = ["excludeLocalAddressRequired" => "true"];
$tollFreeNumbers = $twilio->availablePhoneNumbers($iso)->tollFree->read($params);
This is the response:
"[HTTP 404] Unable to fetch page: The requested resource /2010-04-01/Accounts/ACxxxxx/AvailablePhoneNumbers/CY/TollFree.json was not found"
Using this code will crash with CY but will work with UK, US, CA and many more. Should I add an if statement with hardcoded countries? (I really dislike this solution, but this is what I can think of). What I mean is:
if ($iso == 'GB' || $iso == 'US' || $iso == 'CA') { // and many more
$tollFreeNumbers = $twilio->availablePhoneNumbers($iso)->tollFree->read($params);
Twilio developer evangelist here.
Rather than guarding up front with a conditional (which could become out of date as we add toll free numbers in other countries in the future), why not catch the error and return a message to the user to say that toll free numbers are not available in the country they are searching in.
Something like:
try {
$tollFreeNumbers = $twilio->availablePhoneNumbers($iso)->tollFree->read($params);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$tollFreeNumbers = [];
$message = "Toll free numbers are not available in this country.";
Let me know if that helps at all.
Why not just wrap it in a try catch?
try {
$tollFreeNumbers = $twilio->availablePhoneNumbers($iso)->tollFree->read($params);
} catch(\Exception $e) {
$tollFreeNumbers = [];

Return in function not working

I am subscribing to data from a MQTT broker with phpMQTT. I have successfully set up a pub / sub routine based on their basic implementation. I can echo the information just fine inside the procmsg() function.
However, I need to take the data I receive and use it for running a few database operations and such. I can't seem to get access to the topic or msg received outside of the procmsg() function. Using return as below seems to yield nothing.
function procmsg($topic, $msg){
$value = $msg * 10;
return $value;
echo procmsg($topic, $msg);
echo $value;
Obviously I am doing something wrong - but how do I get at the values so I can use them outside the procmsg()? Thanks a lot.
I dont know about that lib, but in that code ,
its possible see how works.
in :
$topics['edafdff398fb22847a2f98a15ca3186e/#'] = array("qos"=>0, "function"=>"procmsg");
you are telling it that topic "edafdff398fb22847a2f98a15ca3186e/#" will have Quality of Service (qos) = 0, and an "event" called 'procmsg'.
That's why you later wrote this
function procmsg($topic,$msg){ ... }
so in the while($mqtt->proc()) this function will check everytime if has a new message (line 332 calls a message function and then that make a call to procmsg of Source Code)
thats are the reason why you cannot call in your code to procmsg
in other words maybe inside the procmsg you can call the functions to process message ej :
function procmsg($topic,$msg){
$value = $msg * 10;
Note that you can change the name of the function simply ej :
$topics['edafdff398fb22847a2f98a15ca3186e/#'] = array("qos"=>0, "function"=>"onMessage");
and then :
function onMessage($topic,$msg){
$value = $msg * 10;
Sorry for my english, hope this help !

How to strip subdomains to get valid root domain using PHP?

Ok, here's what I'm looking for: from a list of links, I'm stripping everything but the domains. The result is a mixed list of domains and domain-names which represent subdomains.
What I want to do is to trim all list entries down to their VALID (=only existing) root domains like this:
Currently I explode each line into an array and work my list from back to front, using curl to check each potential root domain for it's existance... as soon as curl throws back a HTTP code >= 200 and < 400, I regard the root domain to be found. When the end of each potential domain lookup is done and no valid domain has been found at all, the domain is considered to be non-existant.
test: - succeeds and is the root domain
result: - valid root domain
test: - fails
test: - succeeds (theoretically) and is the root domain
result: - valid root domain
test: - fails
test: - fails
test: - fails
test: - fails
test: - fails
test: - fails
test: - fails
result: - invalid domain
Is there any alternative way to do this? I would like to stop heating up my webserver's CPU with 2 to X (=near to unlimited) curl look-ups for every domain on my 100.000+ list. Also, all these lookups take a bunch of time. Maybe - so I hope - there is a quicker solution to do this.
The catch? It has to work with PHP.
There are a bunch of shortcuts to acheive what you need.
For example, you already know that and .com are TLDs, so checking these you can obviously skip.
The problem is with all the other crazy TLDs.
I suggest you take a look at the source for ruby-domain-name
They have done a lot of work using RFCs and known data, to try and process it the right way.
I've been fiddling around with this for a long time now, looking for the potential bottlenecks and after a few days of back and forth I discovered that it's actually CURL (that's waiting for the individual servers to respond with a HTTP code) that's making things slower than needed.
In the end, I opted in for a different "gethostbyname" function that takes IP6 into account to solve my problem(s).
function my_gethostbyname($host, $try_a = FALSE)
$dns = gethostbynamel6($host, $try_a);
if ($dns == FALSE)
return FALSE;
return $dns[0];
function gethostbynamel6($host, $try_a = FALSE)
$dns = array();
$dns6 = #dns_get_record($host, DNS_AAAA);
if($dns6!== FALSE)
$dns = array_merge($dns, $dns6);
if ($try_a == TRUE)
$dns4 = #dns_get_record($host, DNS_A);
if($dns4!== FALSE)
$dns = array_merge($dns, $dns4);
$dns = $dns6;
$ip6 = array();
$ip4 = array();
foreach ($dns as $record)
if ($record["type"] == "A")
$ip4[] = $record["ip"];
if ($record["type"] == "AAAA")
$ip6[] = $record["ipv6"];
if (count($ip6) < 1)
if ($try_a == TRUE)
if (count($ip4) < 1)
return FALSE;
return $ip4;
return FALSE;
return $ip6;
As soon as the first domain-part actually resolves to an IP, (a) the domain exists and (b) is the root domain.
This spares me major time and the trick of this is that you're only as slow as your DNS resolution and some microsecs. The curl option I used before took around 3 seconds per call (sometimes up to the full timeout range I had set to 20 secs), depending on the target server's response time - if any.
The path I now chose is easy to understand: I end up with a list of resolving domains and - when needed - I can check those using curl "on demand" or using one or more CRON jobs "on interval".
I know that it's kind of a workaround, but splitting the problem into two tasks (1 = pre-check for root domain, 2 = check if domain returns expected HTTP code) makes the whole thing faster than trying to do the complete job at once using curl.
What I've learned from this...
When checking domains, try to resolve them first so you can spare yourself the timeout burden that comes with curl.
Curl is great for many tasks, but it's not the smartest way to try to do everything with it.
When you think you can't solve a problem more than you've tried to do, split the problem in two or more parts and check again. Chances are big that you'll discover a whole new world of options to enhance what you've got.
I hope this spares someone the burden of fiddling around with an alike problem for weeks. ;)
class DomainUtils {
function __construct(){
//only these super domains
$this->superDomains = array(
//get super domain
public function getMainDomain($domain = null){
$domainChunks = explode('.', str_ireplace($this->superDomains, '', $domain));
if(sizeof($domainChunks) == 0){
return false;
foreach($domainChunks as $key => $domainChunk){
if($key < sizeof($domainChunks) - 1){
$domain = str_ireplace($domainChunk . '.', '', $domain);
return $domain;

in php i need one line if condition for time compare

i have to value
now i need a if condition to display an error on below conditions
if one of them($mo or $mc) are empty, null or blank.
if close time($mc) is less than open time($mo)
means if both are empty(null) or $mc>$mo then go further
please suggest optimized one line if condition for this
i know it seems very basic question, but i m facing problem when both are null
either i was using simple
if(($mo==NULL && $mc!=NULL) || ( $mo>=$mc && ($mo!=NULL && $mc!=NULL)) )
Keep in mind that 0, null, and blank all mean completely different things here. As indicated previously, strtotime will never return NULL. However, 0 is a valid unix timestamp, whereas false means that the strtotime function was unable to process the value provided.
Also, you've requested that a single-line solution; however, in my opinion, it is much better in this case to write out each condition and display a different error message for each condition. That way, the user knows what actually went wrong. Perhaps this is a better way:
// Only check for errors if we have at least one value set
if (!empty($input['MondayOpen']) || !empty($input['MondayClosed']) {
$mo = strtotime($input['MondayOpen']);
$mc = strtotime($input['MondayClosed']);
$invalid = false;
if (false === $mo) {
echo "Invalid Opening Time\n";
$invalid = true;
if (false === $mc) {
echo "Invalid Closing Time\n";
$invalid = true;
if (!$invalid && $mc <= $mo) {
echo "Closing time must be After Opening Time\n";
$invalid = true;
if ($invalid) {
exit(); // Or handle errors more gracefully
// Do something useful
All right. How about this.
It checks whether $mo and $mc are valid dates using is_numeric. Any NULL or false values will be caught by that.
I haven't tested it but it should work.
I spread it into a huge block of code. In the beginning, when learning the language, this is the best way to make sense out of the code. It is not the most elegant, nor by far the shortest solution. Later, you can shorten it by removing whitespace, or by introducing or and stuff.
I'm not 100% sure about the number comparison part, and I don't have the time to check it right now. You'll have to try out whether it works.
You need to decide how you want to handle errors and insert the code to where my comments are. A simple echo might already do.
// If $mo or $mc are false, show error.
// Else, proceed to checking whether $mo is larger
// than $mc.
if ((!is_numeric($mo)) and (is_numeric($mc)))
// Error: $mo is either NULL, or false, or something else, but not a number.
// While $mc IS a number.
elseif ((!is_numeric($mc)) and (is_numeric($mo)))
// Error: $mc is either NULL, or false, or something else, but not a number.
// While $mo IS a number.
if (($mc <= $mo) and ((is_numeric($mc) or (is_numeric($mo)))))
// Error: closing time is before opening time.
// Success!!
in php, strotime will return a integer or false. Checking for null in this case will never bear fruit, but otherwise...
if((!$mo xor !$mc) || ($mc && $mc<=$mo)){
oops, edited for correctness. I transposed $mc and $mo. XOR should be correct though.
You can try:
print ((empty($mo) && empty($mc)) || ($mc > $mo)) ? 'case_true_message' : 'case_false_message';
But you should also check the manual :) - for basic control structures
