Would someone of you know why I'm not able to use a (long)piece of code within a foreach loop?
The code in the foreach loop is only executed once.
This code at topictweets.php works fine on its own but I want to repeat it for each forum.
The foreach loop works fine without the include. I also tried to have the code from topic tweets.php plainly in the foreach loop, this didn't work either of course.
The code it includes is used to get topics of a forum from the database and find related tweets, and save those in the database.
Is there some other way to do this?
foreach ($forumlist as $x => $fID) {
echo 'id:'.$fID.'<br>';
include 'topictweets.php';
online version: http://oudhollandsedrop.nl/webendata/FeedForum/fetchtweets.php
bunch of code in topic tweets.php
echo $fID;
$sql = "SELECT Topics_TopicID
FROM Topics_crosstable
WHERE Forums_ForumID = '$fID'";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
if (!$result) {
//echo 'The topiclist could not be displayed, please try again later.';
} else {
if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) {
// echo 'This topic doesn′t exist.';
} else {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
//display post data
// echo $row['Topics_TopicID'];
// echo': ';
$topic = "SELECT Name
FROM Topics
WHERE TopicID = " . mysql_real_escape_string($row['Topics_TopicID']);
$topicname = mysql_query($topic);
if (!$topicname) {
// echo 'The topic could not be displayed, please try again later.';
} else {
if (mysql_num_rows($topicname) == 0) {
// echo 'This topic doesn′t exist.';
} else {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($topicname)) {
//display post data
// echo $row['Name'];
// echo'<br>';
$topiclist[] = $row['Name'];
foreach ($topiclist as $key => $value) {
$terms .= "" . $value . ",";
//echo rtrim($terms, ",");
//echo $terms;
//Twitter account information
$username = "Username";
$password = "Password";
while (true) {
//echo "search terms: " . substr_replace($terms, "", -1) . "\n";
$url = "https://stream.twitter.com/1/statuses/filter.json";
$cred = sprintf('Authorization: Basic %s', base64_encode("$username:$password"));
$param = "track=" . urlencode(substr_replace($terms, "", -1));
$opts = array(
'http' => array(
'method' => 'POST',
'header' => $cred,
'content' => $param,
'Content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'),
'ssl' => array('verify_peer' => false)
$ctx = stream_context_create($opts);
$handle = fopen($url, 'r', false, $ctx);
$content = "";
$flag = true;
while ($flag) {
$buffer = fread($handle, 100);
//$buffer = stream_get_line($handle, 1024, "\n");
$a = explode("\n", $buffer, 2);
$content = $content . $a[0];
if (count($a) > 1) {
#echo $content;
#echo "\n";
$r = json_decode($content, true);
// echo '<p>';
// echo "text: " . $r["text"];
// echo '<br>';
// echo "\nrceated_at: " . $r["created_at"];
// echo '<br>';
// echo "\nuser screen name: " . $r["user"]["screen_name"];
// echo '<br>';
// echo "\nuser id: " . $r["user"]["id"];
// echo '<br>';
// echo "\nid : " . $r["id"];
// echo '<br>';
// echo "\nin_reply_to_status_id: " . $r["in_reply_to_status_id"];
// echo '<p>';
// echo "\n\n";
$created_at = $r["created_at"];
$created_at = strtotime($created_at);
$mysqldate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $created_at);
// echo'<p>';
foreach ($topiclist as $key => $value) {
// echo'getshere!';
//$whichterm = $r["text"];
$whichterm = '"' . $r["text"] . '"';
//echo $whichterm;
if (stripos($whichterm, $value) !== false) {
// echo 'true:' . $value . '';
//find topicid
$whattopic = "SELECT TopicID
FROM Topics
WHERE Name = '$value'";
$tID = mysql_query($whattopic);
if (!$tID) {
// echo 'topic id not found.';
} else {
if (mysql_num_rows($tID) == 0) {
// echo 'This topic doesn′t exist.';
} else {
while ($rec = mysql_fetch_assoc($tID)) {
$inserttweets = "INSERT INTO
Tweets(Topics_TopicID, AddDate, Tweetcontent)
VALUES('" . mysql_real_escape_string($rec['TopicID']) . "',
'" . mysql_real_escape_string($mysqldate) . "',
'" . mysql_real_escape_string($r["text"]) . "')";
//WHERE TopicID = " . mysql_real_escape_string($row['Topics_TopicID'])
$addtweet = mysql_query($inserttweets);
if (!$addtweet) {
//something went wrong, display the error
//echo 'Something went wrong while adding tweet.';
//echo mysql_error(); //debugging purposes, uncomment when needed
} else {
echo 'Succesfully added tweet';
$content = $a[1];
"Pasting" a bunch of code inside a loop isn't a great practice. In fact, what you're looking for is a function or the use of a defined class. So, if you can, define a function in your topictweets.php that will contain your code and use it in your loop:
include 'topictweets.php';
foreach ($forumlist as $x => $fID) {
echo 'id:'.$fID.'<br>';
try include_once()
however, why not have a loop within topictweets.php?
you can do the query, etc.. in this page, but then loop through it in the include
This should work fine:
include 'topictweets.php';
foreach ($forumlist as $x => $fID) {
echo 'id:'.$fID.'<br>';
You only need to include once.
I need to output the response from the database in XML. So far I have gotten it to output this:
The outermost tag needs to match the name of the action query, it'll either be <courses> or <students>.
Here is my code:
if (isset($_GET['format'])) {
$format = filter_var($_GET['format']);
if (isset($_GET['action'])) {
$action = filter_var($_GET['action'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$tableName = "sk_$action";
$query = "SELECT * FROM $tableName";
if (isset($_GET['course'])) {
$course = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'course');
$query .= " WHERE courseID = :course";
function arrayToXml($arr, $i = 1, $flag = false)
$sp = "";
for ($j = 0; $j <= $i; $j++) {
$sp .= " ";
foreach ($arr as $key => $val) {
echo "$sp<" . $key . ">";
if ($i == 1) echo "\n";
if (is_array($val)) {
if (!$flag) {
echo "\n";
arrayToXml($val, $i + 5);
echo "$sp</" . $key . ">\n";
} else {
echo "$val" . "</" . $key . ">\n";
$statement = $db->prepare($query);
$statement->bindValue(':course', $course);
$response = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if ($format == 'json') {
echo json_encode($response);
if ($format == 'xml') {
arrayToXml($response, 1, true);
I'm pretty new to PHP and have never worked with XML. All help is appreciated. Thanks.
function arrayToXml($arr, $collectionTag, $singleTag) {
$collection = new SimpleXMLElement("<$collectionTag/>");
foreach ($arr as $row) {
$element = $root->addChild($singleTag);
foreach ($row as $tag => $value) {
$element->addChild($tag, $value);
return $collection;
$courses = arrayToXml($response, 'courses', 'course');
echo $courses->asXML();
Tested with PHP 7.1.23. Output:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<course><courseID>cs601</courseID><courseName>Web Application Development</courseName></course>
<course><courseId>cs602</courseId><courseName>Server-Side Application Development</courseName></course>
<course><courseId>cs701</courseId><courseName>Rich Internet Application Development</courseName></course>
(I added newlines because by default it doesn't add any.)
when i set some cron jobs for loading a php file cron doesn't work and it seams some php function have problem with cron job.
i know my cron command is true because i tested my cron job working true with simple php code that put date to a text file so my cron command is true i tested all ways of command like : wget, crul , cd, php , /user/local/bin/php and another but i don't know why my php code doesn't work and too i test that codes working very well when i loading php files with my browser.
my php file code:
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
include ('simple_html_dom.php');
$mycache_url = 'http://example3.com';
$mybziran_url = 'http://example2.com';
function addhttp($url)
if (!preg_match("~^(?:f|ht)tps?://~i", $url)) {
global $mybziran_url;
$url = ltrim($url, '/');
$url = $mybziran_url . '/' . $url;
return $url;
function urlencodeproblem($badurl)
$badurl = urlencode($badurl);
$badchar = array('%3A', '%2F');
$truechar = array(':', '/');
$badurl = str_replace($badchar, $truechar, $badurl);
return $badurl;
$url_html = #file_get_html($mycache_url);
$bziran_url = '';
$bziran_title = '';
foreach (#$url_html->find('a') as $elements) {
$bziran_url[] = urlencodeproblem($elements->href);
$bziran_title[] = $elements->innertext;
$myi = count($bziran_url);
for ($i = 0; $i < $myi; ++$i) {
$post_title = $bziran_title[$i];
$post_url = $bziran_url[$i];
$html = #file_get_html($post_url);
foreach ($html->find('div.price') as $myhtml_price_adelete) {
echo '######' . $myhtml_price_adelete->innertext . '######';
$bad_title_my = '';
foreach ($html->find('h1 a') as $myhtml_price_adelete) {
$bad_title_my .= $myhtml_price_adelete->innertext;
if (empty($bad_title_my)) {
echo $post_url;
echo 'prob';
} else {
$kalame = urlencode($post_title);
$A2_html = 'ok';
foreach ($html->find('a') as $myhtml_a_code) {
$e_ahref = addhttp($myhtml_a_code->href);
$myhtml_a_code->href = $e_ahref;
$myhtml_a_code->target = '_blank';
foreach ($html->find('img') as $myhtml_img_code) {
if (strpos($myhtml_img_code->src, 'base64') === false) {
$e_imgsrc = addhttp($myhtml_img_code->src);
$myhtml_img_code->src = $e_imgsrc;
$mymeta_keyword = '';
foreach ($html->find('meta[name=keywords]') as $myhtml_keyword) {
$mymeta_keyword[] = $myhtml_keyword->content;
foreach ($html->find('p') as $mytagdelete) {
if (strpos($mytagdelete->innertext, 'tag :') !== false) {
$mytagdelete->outertext = '';
foreach ($html->find('h1 a') as $myadelete) {
$myadelete->outertext = $myadelete->innertext;
$a3_href = '';
$a2_href = $html->find("img[alt=buy]");
foreach ($a2_href as $a2_href) {
$a2_href->outertext =
'<br><p align="center"><img alt="pay-download" src="http://exam.com/tmp_files/01-pay-download.png"></p>';
echo '<br>buy : ' . $a3_href . '<br>';
$myhtmlcode3 = '';
foreach ($html->find('div.prod') as $myhtmlcode) {
$myhtmlcode3 .= $myhtmlcode->outertext;
echo '<br>*** title ***' . $post_title . '<br>';
echo $post_url . '<br>';
$i_t = mt_rand(1, 34);
$mysaier_mahsolat = '<br>
<a target="_blank" href="http://ayta.ir/index.php?page=' . $i_t . '"> click </a>
echo $mysaier_mahsolat;
echo $A2_html . $myhtmlcode3 . '<br>';
echo 'keyword :' . $mymeta_keyword[0];
$crontest = date("Y-m-d - h:i:s") . "\n" . file_get_contents(dirname(__file__) .
echo $crontest;
file_put_contents("cron.txt", $crontest);
The code below works great until i have around 25000-30000 objects in the Json array stored. Then the file isn't update anymore.
Does someone know what could be the issue?
foreach ($serials as $key => $serial_list) {
foreach ($serial_list as $key => $serial) {
$url = 'json/voltage/voltage_' . $serial . '.json';
$file = file_get_contents($url, true);
if ($file != true) {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM realtimedata_V WHERE device_serial ='{$serial}' ORDER by timeStamp ASC limit 1200 ";
$result = $db->mysqli->query($sql);
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
$voltage_tmp[$serial][] = array(
(int) strtotime($row['timeStamp']) * 1000,
(int) $row['Va'],
(int) $row['Vb'],
(int) $row['Vc']
echo '<hr>';
echo 'new_datas_' . $serial . '= ' . json_encode($voltage_tmp[$serial]);
echo '<hr>';
file_put_contents($url, json_encode($voltage_tmp[$serial]));
} else {
$data = json_decode($file, true);
if ($data === NULL)
die('Unable to decode');
$AllKeys = array_keys($data);
echo '<hr> Last_Key= <hr>';
echo $last_index = end($AllKeys);
echo '<hr>';
$key = $data[$AllKeys[$last_index]];
$key_unix = $key[0]/1000;
$limit_sql = $last_index +2000;
echo '<hr>';
echo 'Last_date ' . $serial . '= ' . $last_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $key_unix);
echo '<hr>';
echo $sql = "SELECT * FROM realtimedata_V WHERE device_serial ='{$serial}' AND timeStamp > '{$last_date}' ORDER by timeStamp ASC limit {$limit_sql} ";
$result = $db->mysqli->query($sql);
$row_cnt = $result->num_rows;
if ($row_cnt === 0) {
echo 'rows = ' . $row_cnt;
echo '<hr>Any new datas for the serial N°: ' . $serial . '<hr>';
} else {
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
$voltage[$serial][] = array(
(int) strtotime($row['timeStamp']) * 1000,
(int) $row['Va'],
(int) $row['Vb'],
(int) $row['Vc']
$result = $data + $voltage[$serial];
echo '<hr>';
echo 'new_datas_' . $serial . '= ' . $new_data = json_encode($result);
echo '<hr>';
if (file_put_contents($url, $new_data) === false) {
die('unable to write file');
file_put_contents($url, $new_data, LOCK_EX);
I changed the configuration of the php.ini in case of memory limits. But nothing...
I tried in an another server but same issue.
Does someone have an idea?
My WP plugin bizarely adds the numeral 1 to the content if the plugin is active.
add_filter( 'the_content', 'poc_shop_cart_button_filter' );
function poc_shop_cart_button_filter($the_content) {
$new_content = $the_content;
$new_content .= include(WP_CONTENT_DIR . "/custom_php/shop-cart-button.php");
return $new_content;
This is the page I am including with the plugin:
$cookieID = htmlspecialchars($_COOKIE['_abs_34287GjNW'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
} else {
$cookieID = '';
$supplierID = get_bloginfo('name');
require(ABSPATH . 'wp-content/custom_php/includes/connectDB.php');
try {
$conn = new PDO("mysql:host=$host;dbname=$dbname", $user, $pass);
$conn->exec("SET CHARACTER SET utf8");
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count
FROM `shoppingCart`
WHERE supplierID=:supplierID
AND cookieID = :cookieID";
$sqlprep = $conn->prepare($sql);
$ar_val = array(':supplierID'=>$supplierID,
if($sqlprep->execute($ar_val)) {
while($row = $sqlprep->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)){
if($row->count=='' || $row->count==0){
} else{
$count = $row->count;
if($count == 1){
$items = "item";
} else {
$items = "items";
if(is_page(array(48)) || $count < 1){
echo '<div class="shopCartNoButton">';
echo "<img src='" . get_template_directory_uri() . "/images/cart-icon.png' alt=''>";
echo " <b>$count $items </b>";
echo '</div><div class="clearFix"></div>';
} else {
echo '<div class="shopCartButton">';
echo "<img src='" . get_template_directory_uri() . "/images/cart-icon.png' alt=''>";
echo " <b>$count $items </b>";
echo " <a href='office-seating/checkout/' class='btn btn-warning'> Checkout >></a>";
echo '</div><div class="clearFix"></div>';
} catch(PDOException $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
So the solution to this after MUCH Googling is as follows:
$filename = get_include_contents('somefile.php');
function get_include_contents($filename) {
if (is_file($filename)) {
include $filename;
return ob_get_clean();
return false;
The code:
include( $filename );
returns the included file + the value 1 because the include was successful.
One must use output buffering to include a PHP file into a string and not return the value 1 with the returned file contents.
I had similar problem. It is because include returns value of the call, i.e. "true" or 1 when WordPress render data via echo. Just use file_get_contents it will help.
I have used to the Rackspace API to upload files to the RackSpace cloud. But this method seems to be a little on the slow side. Is there a better or faster way to upload a file to the cloud(curl, http adapters, etc)?
I am currently uploading with PHP and using the provided API.
Here is my solution how to make it fast:
I'm uploading only missing files using simple PHP script below. Thanks to it I do it in just one click and in just a few seconds.
PHP source code:
function UploadMissingFilesToRackFileCDN($file_paths_to_upload, $b_force_upload = false)
// Connect to Rackspace
$username = cloudfile_username; // username
echo "Connecting to CDN..." . date("H:i:s") . "<br>"; ob_flush();
$key = cloudfile_api_key; // api key
$auth = new CF_Authentication($username, $key);
$conn = new CF_Connection($auth);
echo " Connected!" . date("H:i:s") . "<br>"; ob_flush();
// Get the container we want to use
$container_name = 'vladonai';//'test_container';
echo "Obtaining container $container_name..." . date("H:i:s") . "<br>"; ob_flush();
$container = $conn->get_container($container_name);
echo " The container is obtained." . date("H:i:s") . "<br>"; ob_flush();
if (!$b_force_upload)
echo "Receiving container objects list..." . date("H:i:s") . "<br>"; ob_flush();
$existing_object_names = $container->list_objects();
$existing_files_count = count($existing_object_names);
echo " Objects list obtained: $existing_files_count." . date("H:i:s") . "<br>"; ob_flush();
$existing_object_names_text .= "\r\n";
foreach ($existing_object_names as $obj_name)
$existing_object_names_text .= $obj_name . "\r\n";
// upload files to Rackspace
$uploaded_file_n = 0;
$skipped_file_n = 0;
$errors_count = 0;
foreach ($file_paths_to_upload as $localfile_path => $file_info)
$filename = basename($localfile_path);
if (!file_exists($localfile_path))
echo "<font color=red>Error! File $localfile_path doesn't exists!</font>" . date("H:i:s") . "<br>"; ob_flush();
$errors_count ++;
} else
if (is_dir($localfile_path))
//simply skip it
} else
if (strpos($existing_object_names_text, "\r\n" . $filename . "\r\n") !== false)
//file is already uploaded to CDN (at least file name is present there). Would be good to have date/size checked, but CDN api has no such feature
//echo "<font color=gray>Skipped file $localfile_path - it already exists!</font><br>"; ob_flush();
$skipped_file_n ++;
} else
echo "<font color=green>Uploading file $localfile_path (file #$uploaded_file_n)..." . date("H:i:s") . "</font><br>"; ob_flush();
$object = $container->create_object($filename);
$uploaded_file_n ++;
catch (Exception $e)
echo "<font color=red>Error! Caught exception: ", $e->getMessage(), " on uploading file <strong>$localfile_path</strong>!</font>" . date("H:i:s") . "<br>"; ob_flush();
$errors_count ++;
// if ($uploaded_file_n >= 10)
// break;
echo "Done! $uploaded_file_n files uploaded. Disconnecting :)" . date("H:i:s") . "<br>"; ob_flush();
echo "Skipped files: $skipped_file_n<br>"; ob_flush();
if ($errors_count > 0)
echo "<font color=red>Erorrs: $errors_count</font><br>"; ob_flush();
function UploadChangedImagesToRackFileCDN($b_force_upload = false)
$exclude = array
$files_array_images = get_dirlist("/var/www/html/vladonai.com/images/", '*', $exclude, false);
$files_array = array_merge(get_dirlist("/var/www/html/vladonai.com/js/", '*', $exclude, false), $files_array_images);
UploadMissingFilesToRackFileCDN($files_array, $b_force_upload);
function get_dirlist($path, $match = '*', $exclude = array( '.', '..' ), $b_short_path = true)
$result = array();
if (($handle = opendir($path)))
while (false !== ($fname = readdir($handle)))
$skip = false;
if (!empty($exclude))
if (!is_array($exclude))
$skip = fnmatch($exclude, $fname) || fnmatch($exclude, $path . $fname);
} else
foreach ($exclude as $ex)
if (fnmatch($ex, $fname) || fnmatch($ex, $path . $fname))
$skip = true;
if (!$skip && (empty($match) || fnmatch($match, $fname)))
$file_full_path_and_name = $path . $fname;
//echo "$file_full_path_and_name<br>";
$b_dir = is_dir($file_full_path_and_name);
$b_link = is_link($file_full_path_and_name);
$file_size = ($b_dir || $b_link) ? 0 : filesize($file_full_path_and_name);
$file_mod_time = ($b_dir || $b_link) ? 0 : filemtime($file_full_path_and_name);
$new_result_element = array();
if ($b_short_path)
$file_name = str_replace("/var/www/html/vladonai.com/", "", $file_full_path_and_name);//'[' . str_replace("/var/www/html/vladonai.com/", "", $file_full_path_and_name) . ']';
$file_name = $file_full_path_and_name;
$result[$file_name] = array();
$result[$file_name]['size'] = $file_size;
$result[$file_name]['modtime'] = $file_mod_time;
if ($b_dir && !$b_link)
//recursively enumerate files in sub-directories
$result = array_merge(get_dirlist($file_full_path_and_name . "/", $match, $exclude, $b_short_path), $result);
return $result;