I have a php code where I am generating javascript using php
function FunJavaScriptRedirection($url)
echo "<script>";
echo "var x = ";
echo $url';';
echo "window.open(x)";
echo "</script>";
My problem is I want semicolon after storing value to variable x .I dont know how to do that I am getting javascript error please help me out .
Even when you get the concatenation right, your code will still not do what you want as you are outputting "x" I stead of the value of the variable.
So after fixing the concatenation
echo $url . ';';
You need to change the following line:
echo 'window.open(' . x . ');';
And I suspect you should declare the language used inside the script tag...
echo $url';';
echo $url . ';';
See Contactenation.
You are missing a point between $url and ';'.
I'm trying to pass an id in a link href and I need it to be printed in the URL, my code is:
echo " $ville_nom ";
But the id is not print in the url, could you help me with the syntax ?
You have mistake in your usage of echo and your concat was wrong.
The corrected code :
echo "<a href='ville.php?id='".$ville_id."'> $ville_nom ";
When you used the double quote it's not necessary to concat variables to show their content. Be careful: it can be dangerous sometimes.
echo "<a href='ville.php?id=$ville_id'> $ville_nom ";
Try to use this:
echo "<a href='ville.php?id=" . $ville_id . "'>"
I'm using the echo command in PHP, but I want to enter PHP code like <?php echo $variable [id_login]?>, while echoing something else out, but this does not work.
Is this possible to do, and if so, how would I do it?
echo "<script>location='member.php?&id=<?php echo $taruh[id_login] ?></script>";
You cannot use echo or open/cloce php twice like you did, you might want to try something like the line below,
echo '<script>location=member.php?id=' . $taruh[id_login] . '</script>';
after echo you can write enything you'd like, even if it's a php variable, just use single quote and dot where you need it (like I do here), as you can see, echo is only used once..
For example:
$your_variable = 'some text';
$other_variable = 'some PHP code';
echo 'I wrote: ' . $your_variable . ' and ' . $other_variable . '!';
Output will be:
I wrote: some text and some PHP code!
I hope this will bring you into the right direction..
Also important: if you use query string in URLs, the first 1 can be a ? every other part after should be a & for example see the url below
before id I used a quest sign, for all others I didn't use the quest sign...
I have this php line which works fine:
echo "<p>" . $post['message']. "</p>";
But I want to change it so it will link to my page (not to a single post). So it should look like that.
echo "<p>" . $post['message']. "</p>";
I have tried a lot many proposition gathered on different website, but each time I am getting an error.
Any idea ?
Thanks a lot!
Using single and double quotes, you avoid escaping issues. Try this:
echo '<p>'. $post['message']. '</p>';
i see that you didn't escaped from double quote that closes href attribute:
echo "<p><a href=\"https://www.facebook.com/rscmovement\" target=\"_blank\">"
I guess You have missed the back slash () before " after www.facebook.com/rscmovement.
"https://www.facebook.com/rscmovement\" "\"target=\"_blank\">" will
Oh boy! I cant get this to work. Any ideas on what the heck I'm doing wrong? Here's the code.
I'm trying to echo the script but use a php function to get the directory of the js file!!
Any help would be appreicated!!
echo '<script src="<?php get_some_function();?> . /js/main.js"></script>';
I've tried dif scenerios with escaping but cant get this to output correctly.
Since you're already in the PHP context, you can simply concatenate the strings, like so:
echo '<script src="' . get_some_function() . '/js/main.js"></script>';
Using sprintf() looks more cleaner, though:
echo sprintf('<script src="%s/js/main.js"></script>', get_some_function());
Instead of opening another script tag inside the string, concat the string and echo. The <?php within your string will not be evaluated.
echo '<script src="'. get_some_function() . '/js/main.js"></script>';
Simple string concatenation:
echo '<script src="' . get_some_function() . '/js/main.js"></script>';
Don't forget to properly escape the output of your function!
try doing this:
echo '<script src="'.get_some_function().' /js/main.js"></script>';
or this:
$value = get_some_function();
echo '<script src="'.$value.' /js/main.js"></script>';
Remember that any variable echoed in single quotes ( ' ' ), the value of that variable will be not printed, and if a variable is echoed in double quotes ( " " ) it will be printed.
Similar is true for returned data from a function stored in a varaible. If you are using single quotes, then every php code (variable, or a method call of a class) should be concatenated using dot operator ( . , :P ) . If you are using double quotes, then no need to use . .
Like in all above answers, they have used . to append the php function call, your code may be fine as below also (not tested by me, so you will need to do adjustment) :
$src = get_some_function();
echo "<script src=$src/js/main.js></script>";
But please note that it is a best practice to use single quotes for any kind of html etc echoed in php code, because HTML attributes are using double quotes.
Hope this will help...
I have been using the following to add a dynamic link on a page I am writing, it works ok and appears how it should on the page but I cant help but think that I am going a bit backwards with the way its written as it looks messy. What is the correct way to write it, as if I put it all in one line it doesn't work ?..
echo '<a href="./customer-files/';
echo $customerID;
echo '/';
echo $filename->getFilename();
echo '">';
echo $filename->getFilename();
echo '</a>';
Try with
echo "{$filename->getFilename()}";
Here there is the documentation with a lot of examples of how to concatenate output.
I'd approach it like this:
$safe_customer_id = htmlspecialchars(urlencode($customerID));
$safe_filename = htmlspecialchars(urlencode($filename->getFilename()));
$safe_label = htmlspecialchars($filename->getFilename());
echo "$safe_label";
I would go with this:
$fn = $filename->getFilename();
$link = $customerID . '/' . $fn;
echo ''.$fn.'';
If you're using a template layer, it is even better to break out into PHP only when you need to:
<a href="./customer-files/<?php
echo $customerID . '/' . $filename->getFilename()
<?php echo $filename->getFilename() ?>
This way, your IDE will correctly highlight your HTML as well as your PHP. I've also ensured that all PHP is in single-line blobs, which is the best approach for templates (lengthy statements should be banished to a controller/script).
Concatenation is your friend. Use a . to combine multiple string expression into one.
echo ''.$filename->getFilename()/'';
Even better way would be
$filename = $filename -> getFilename(); //cache the filename
echo "<a href='/$customerId/$filename'>$filename</a>";
// ^ On this echo NOTICE that variables can be DIRECTLY placed inside Double qoutes.