Route::get('admin/user/add', function()
if (!Input::has('submit'))
return View::make('theme-admin.user_add');
Normal GET request to admin/user/add shows the register form. However, when the form is submitted, I have to redirect it to action_user_add_process() function of Admin controller so I can save values to database.
The solution above doesn't work and I get 404's.
I call form action like this:
action="{{ URL::to('admin/user/add') }}">
How can I solve this issue?
Ps. If there is a shorter way to achieve this, let me know!
You need to specify that you are redirecting to a controller action using the to_action() method of Redirect.
return Redirect::to_action('admin#user_add_process');
Alternatively, you could just use this URL that doesnt even use the route you created making the if/else irrelevant.
{{ URL::to_action('admin#user_add_process') }}
On a third note, keeping your routes clean makes maintainence alot easier moving forward. As routes use a restful approach, take advantage of it. Using the same URL you can create and return the View with a GET request and submit forms with a POST request.
Route::get('admin/user/add', function() { ... }
Route::post('admin/user/add', function() { ... }
You can also have your routes automatically use a controller action like this:
Route::post('admin/user/add', 'admin#user_add_process');
I have a problemwith my routes. When I call 'editPolicy' I dont know what execute but is not method editPolicy. I think I have got problem beteweeb this two routes:
My web.php ##
Route::get('admin/edit/{user_id}', 'PolicyController#listPolicy')->name('listPolicy');
I call listPolicy route in all.blade.php view like this:
{{ $user->name }}
And call editPolicy route in edit.blade.php view like this:
My PolicyController.php is:
public function listPolicy($user_id)
$policies = Policy::where('user_id', $user_id)->get();
return view('admin/edit',compact('policies'));
public function editPolicy($policy_id)
But I dont know what happend when I call editPolicy route but editPolicy method not executing.
Any help please?
Best regards
Clicking an anchor will always trigger a GET request.
route('listPolicy', $user->id) and route('editPolicy', $policy->id) will both return admin/edit/{an_id} so when you click your anchor, listPolicy will be executed. If you want to call editPolicy, you have to send a PUT request via a form, as defined when you declared your route with Route::put.
Quick note, your two routes have the same URL but seem to do very different things, you should differentiate them to avoid disarray. It's ok to have multiple routes with the same url if they have an impact on the same resource and different methods. For example for showing, deleting or updating the same resource.
Have a look at the documentation.
There is a form in my view, from where, on clicking submit, data is taken to ajax script which is supposed to invoke the controllers specified in the post routes in routes.php. The controllers are expected to process the received data and throw the result back to the view. Why is this error occurring immediately after submitting the form and things aren't working as expected>
Check your routes.php file. Make sure that the method your using corresponds with what you have allowed.
Here is the laravel documenation for routes
For example, if your request is a GET request, the call should look like this in the routes file:
Route::get('/test-get-url', function () {
// Matches The "/test-get-url" URL using a GET method
And for post
Route::post('/test-post-url', function () {
// Matches The "/test-post-url" URL using a POST method
Go to terminal/cmd..whichever you using and type
php artisan route:list
this will list all your routes and check at what route your is being submitted.Note the corresponding method to be used in the Method column and use that method while submitting form.I'm assuming it's PUT method(which is most likely).Ex--
Use method attribute if you're using simple HTML code like--
<form action="{{route='..'}}" method="PUT">
or if you're using form helper then use--
{!! Form::open($post, ['route' => ['..'], 'method' => 'PUT']) !!}
Go to your route.php file and check
make sure if your are using (as) in you routes its different and also where you use your ajax you properly define your route where you want to post your form data and it's type is same as you mention in routes and one more thing check you properly use (;) in your code
hope this will help you fell free to ask your query
I have get some documents from Laravel Documentation.But i can't get details clearly from that. There are lot of routing methods and how to use that for my requirements? Commonly most people are using this, but what are the other routing methods?
How to pass the message or values through this Routing? Using Controller like this is a only way?
Route::get('/app', 'AppController#index');
Types of Routing in Laravel
There are some Routing methods in Laravel, There are
1. Basic GET Route
GET is the method which is used to retrieve a resource. In this example, we are simply getting the user route requirements then return the message to him.
Route::get('/home', function() { return 'This is Home'; });
2. Basic POST Route
To make a POST request, you can simply use the post(); method, that means when your are submitting a Form using action="myForm" method="POST", then you want to catch the POST response using this POST route.
Route::post('/myForm', function() {return 'Your Form has posted '; });
3. Registering A Route For Multiple Verbs
Here you can retrieve GET request and POST requests in one route. MATCH will get that request here,
Route::match(array('GET', 'POST'), '/home', function() { return 'GET & POST'; });
4. Any HTTP Verb
Registering A Route Responding To Any HTTP Verb. This will catch all the request from your URL according to the parameters.
Route::any('/home', function() { return 'Hello World'; });
Usage of Routing in Laravel
When your are Using the Route::, Here you can manage your controller functions and views as follows,
1. Simple Message Return
You can return a simple message which will display in the webpage when user request that URL.
Route::get('/home', function(){return 'You Are Requesting Home';});
2. Return a View
You can return a View which will display in the webpage when user request that URL
// show a static view for the home page (app/views/home.blade.php)
Route::get('/home', function()
return View::make('home');
3. Request a Controller Function
You can call a function from the Controller when user request that URL
// call a index function from HomeController (app/Http/Controllers)
Route::get('/home', 'HomeController#index');
4. Catch a value from URL
You can catch a value from requested URL then pass that value to a function from Controller. Example : If you call public/home/1452 then value 1452 will be cached and will pass to the controller
// call a show function from HomeController (app/Http/Controllers)
Route::get('/home/{id}', 'HomeController#show');
You can get help about routing from Laravel.
There are 4 methods ofform data sending that you must know --
Route::get for <form method="GET">
Route::post for <form method="POST">
Route::put for <form method="PUT"> -- This one is for updating your database, I recommend you to use laravelcollective/html, like this -- {!! Form::open(['method' => 'PUT']) !!}, but in your web browser you can find the method as POST only
Route::delete for <form method="DELETE"> -- This one is for deleteing a field in your database, I recommend you to use laravelcollective/html, like this -- {!! Form::open(['method' => 'DELETE']) !!}, but in your web browser you can find the method as POST only
There are many much you have to know about Laravel Routing, like CRUD, etc.
When using laravel routing I write my links this way:
But to call ajax I would like instead:
And for _POST then
(The previous links are only examples)
As stated in the Laravel API documentation you could do something like
$query = $request->query();
to get all the url query ($_GET) items.
Hope this helps
You just use normal routing when it comes to making ajax calls.. There is many ways you can go about it and two simple ways would be:
Set the post route for your '/' (Home page or root page) to aim at a controller if you dont have any other post requests that are made to the '/' page or route..
Route::post('/', 'AjaxController#WhatEverMethod');
If you already have other post requesting routes that point to ('/') then you can put a if statement to see if the request is Ajax and if it is then use the Ajax controller else use your normal controller.
My second simple solution would be to set a dedicated route that will handle your Ajax calls so for example:
Route::any('/Ajax/', 'AjaxController#index');
public function index(Request $request)
return "Is an ajax call..";
return "Is not an ajax call";
There should be no reason why you cant easily resolve this issue, Checkout laracasts, That might give you a good head start.
I am new to laravel. My url for my only controller is
In the views for the form functions, I don't want to have to do an absolute path to the post function, e.g.
<form method='post' action='/myapp/public/user/update-user'>
I want to just set the users controller as the base url path so I can say in my form
<form method='post' action='/update-user'>
Is this possible?
Use URL::to()
or simply use laravel form
You can use URL::to() function.Laravel supports RESTful API or RESTful routing. So it is not a good idea to use routing like this.So use like,
In app/routes.php
// for view (GET)
Route::get('users', function(){
Route::post('users', function(){
// do form validation and process here or call a function from controller
Then in your form use,
echo Form::open();
// form elements
echo Form::close();
Yes, it is possible, but it's a little complicated because laravel isn't really set up to support this.
You need to change the file vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Http/Request.php, replacing the function root() with this:
public function root($domain = NULL)
return rtrim(($domain?:$this->getSchemeAndHttpHost()).$this->getBaseUrl(), '/');
And then in the getRootUrl($scheme, $root = null) method in the file vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/UrlGenerator.php you need to change this line:
$root = $root ?: $this->request->root();
to this:
$root = $this->request->root($root);
That should allow laravel to automatically detect and handle subfolders correctly, so you will be able to use the standard URL methods.
First, you need to hide the /public/ part of your URL using the virtual host or the alias in your web server (apache or ...). The entry point ( or should lead directly to the public folder (i.e. /whatever/path/myapp/public/).
Second, using the routes, you can do the remaining easily. The route
Route::get('update_users', "UsersController#updateAction")
will redirect the to the correct action without the need of the ugly format.