$_SESSION are coming from another page.. when i run a search on my search engine the # of results shows up but stays on the page forever and ever.. have a look (gawd i need 10 rep points to post images)
well basically 0 results is always shown and below it are the results of the search which is always there as well.
0 results for "pepsi"
2 results for "flash"
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this is basically what the search page looks like only the search result links and descriptions will disappear if the search result produces no results. i would like to have everything disappear on every new search.. even when i refresh teh page or come back to it the results from the previous search are there.
<div id="searchPageDiv">
echo $_SESSION['error'];
} else
echo ($_SESSION['count']);
foreach($_SESSION['search_output'] as $value){
$title = $value['title'];
$link = $value['links'];
$body = $value['page_body'];
$search_output .= "<a href='".$link."'>".$title."</a> - $body<br>";}
<?php echo $search_output; ?>
This will be helpful:
echo ($_SESSION['count']);
Studying is best approach. Look for examples given in www.php.net/unset
Hi there I'm new here.
Trying to make this little code to loop over pages. And scrape off links of headings .
Scraping part works just fine but i cant make it to loop to the next page. It keeps looping on the same page.
// start at page 1
$xder = 1;
do {
// web page + page number (should change with every loop)
$html = file_get_html('https://webpage.com/stuff/page/$xder');
foreach($html->find('h3') as $h3)
foreach($h3->find('a') as $element)
echo $element->href . '<br>';
} while ($xder <= 5);
I'm expecting to get list of links from all 5 pages, but I only get list of links from 1st page repeating 5 times.
I think the problem is here "/stuff/page/$xder');" I'm not sure how to add a variable to the back of an URL it doesn't appear to work.
Tried methods here:
Converting an integer to a string in PHP
Getting frustrated with this. Not sure what I'm missing here. Thanks for any thoughts :)
Php variables are treated as variables only if you use ", and not '
$html = file_get_html('https://webpage.com/stuff/page/$xder');
$html = file_get_html("https://webpage.com/stuff/page/{$xder}");
I'm a front-end developer who is somewhat familiar with but rarely uses PHP. I'm working on a personal project where I'm mostly just using includes to link PHP files together. Here is my overall basic page structure:
<?php include('header.php'); ?>
<?php include('pagetitle.php'); ?>
Page content goes here.
<?php include('footer.php'); ?>
On pagetitle.php, I have an <h1>,<h2> and background image relating to which page you're on.
My question is, how do I use conditional statements to put all the page titles/subheadings on pagetitle.php and have them switch depending on what page you're on? So for example, I want
<div id="about">
<h2>About page subheading</h2>
to show up on about.php, and
<div id="contact">
<h1>Contact Me</h1>
<h2>Contact page subheading</h2>
to show up on contact.php, etc. etc. ...but only using pagetitle.php on those pages.
The site isn't huge. It would have no more than 10 pages. Also, I do realize I can just use that page title segment on the respective page, but if possible, I want to try this out.
I would do something like this (not tested, but should work with few, if any, changes.)
(Everyone says that, right? :D):
create a map that contains the information for each page.
the name of each page maps to an array containing the
(div id, heading 1, & subheading for that page).
$pageinfo = array(
"about.php" => array ("about", "About", "About Page Subheading"),
"contact.php" => array ("contact", "Contact Me", "Contact Page Subheading"),
function printinfo($pagename) {
This function will print the info for the current page.
global $pageinfo;
$pagename = basename($pagename);
#make sure we have info for this page
if (!array_key_exists($pagename, $pageinfo) {
echo "<p><b>You did not supply info for page $pagename</b></p>";
#we do have info ... continue
$info = $pageinfo[$pagename];
#let's print the div (with its custom id),
echo "<div id='" . $info[0] . "'>\n";
#print the headings
echo "<h1>" . $info[1] . "</h1>\n";
echo "<h2>" . $info[2] . "</h2>\n";
#close the div
echo "</div>\n";
Then in each page where you wanted your div, you would place this code:
This way is more flexible than the other ways, at the sacrifice of no conditional statements. (You specifically requested a solution that had conditional statements; however, in the interest of flexibility & maintainability, this example does not use switch statements or if statements.)
Because there are no conditional statements, there is less code to maintain. Granted, you have to setup the array with the information, but if you decided to change the <h2> to an <h3>, you would have to make the change at only one location, etc.
On your pagetitle.php you could do something like this
$scriptname = basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);
if ($scriptname == "about.php") {
echo "<h1>About Page</h1>";
}else if($scriptname == "contact.php"){
echo "<h1>Contact Us</h1>";
You have to get the string after the domain name so you can use $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']
$page = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
if ($page == "about.php") {
echo "<h1>About</h1>"."<br />";
echo "<h2>About page subheading</h2>"."<br />";
}else if($page == "contact.php"){
echo "<h1>Contact Me</h1>"."<br />";
echo "<h2>Contact page subheading</h2>"."<br />";
$page = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
case 'about.php':
echo "<h1>About</h1>";
echo "<h2>About page subheading</h2>";
case 'contact.php':
echo "<h1>Contact Me</h1>";
echo "<h2>Contact page subheading</h2>";
echo "Invalid Request";
I am having trouble with my code. I want to display posts on one page grouped by category but I also need the titles of the posts to be links to the actual articles, everything I’ve tried so far has broken. Can anyone help? I can echo the titles just not as links!
You should take the excellent advice from #Marten and #CharlesAddis in the comments, and if you don't want to use an ORM, you should at least use PDO.
However, to give an answer for answer's sake:
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)){
echo "<h2>".$row['category']."</h2>"."<br />";
$titles = explode(", ",$row['titles']);
foreach ($title as $t) {
echo '' . $t . '<br>';
echo "<hr />";
I'm not sure what the relation between post titles and post links are, if you can add that I can update the answer.
I have two scripts but I can't make them work together.
1- A simply page views counter
echo "Pageviews=". $_SESSION['views'];
2 - A Random link from a list but without repeat the links
if (empty($_SESSION['links'])) {
// first time visit, populate random links in session
$links = array('http://some-site.com', 'http://some-other-site.com', 'http://example.com');
$_SESSION['links'] = $links;
$link = array_shift($_SESSION['links']);
$_SESSION['links'][] = $link;
For some reason if I use one of them the other will stop to work, both had worked fine but I can't make them work together on the same site.
On the header I have <?php session_start(); ?> but I also moved the script to different parts of the site and I get always the same problem, one stop to work. I also had the <?php session_start();?> at the start of each piece of code but nothing seems to work.
At some point I manage to make both scripts work but the page views counter script was counting from 3 to 3, not from 1 to 1 - Note that the random link script have also 3 values on it; so my guess is that something is incompatible with both scripts
Any help and guide in how or where I need to place the code will be appreciated.
Thanks and sorry for my English
try is on the top of the code
just add "$_SESSION['views'] = 0;" to the top once when u run the main script i think it will work
$_SESSION['views'] = 0;
if (empty($_SESSION['links'])) {
// first time visit, populate random links in session
$links = array('http://some-site.com', 'http://some-other-site.com',
$_SESSION['links'] = $links;
$link = array_shift($_SESSION['links']);
$_SESSION['links'][] = $link;
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>"
echo "Pageviews=". $_SESSION['views'];
This is my problem: I have an ecommerce website, and I would like my search results to come up with products that have their links avaiable either within the image of the product on the search page, or next to the image. My current code looks like this:
if($_GET['searchBox'] !='')
if(mysql_num_rows($searchresult)==0) {
echo 'Your search returned no results';
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($searchresult))]
echo "<img src='".$row['image']."'/>".' '.$row['name'].' £'.$row['price'].' '.$row['ProductUrl'];
I have spent ages trying to get an URL into the image area, but I can't make it work.
Please help!!
What the problem put image in to the anchor tag.
Have you tried like this
echo "<a href='".$row['ProductUrl']."'><img src='".$row['image']."'/></a>";
echo "<img src='".$row['image']."'/>".' '.$row['name'].' £'.$row['price'].'
<a href="'.$row['ProductUrl']."'>".$row['ProductUrl']."</a>";