How to get developerToken for google adwords api? - php

I've downloaded the PHP client library for Google Adwords API. I need to insert my login details in /src/Google/Api/Ads/AdWords/auth.ini. One of the variable is developerToken.
How can I get it?

Directly from the API...
Your assigned Developer Token will be activated once your application
for API access is approved. Your token will be available through your
AdWords API Center—accessible through the My Account menu for the MCC
account you applied with. You'll be able to access the API by
including it in your request headers when interacting with our system.
It is very important that you keep your Contact Email up to date—we
may send you important information regarding disruptions to service
and urgent changes via this channel.

I understand this might be old, but since Google updated their API, let me share my experience.
You need to create an MCC account (My Client Center), basically if you already have a Google Adwords account you cannot use it to generate developerToken however, you still can you use same Gmail account to create a new MCC account.
Follow below:
Click on Start Now
Probably you are already logged in using your Gmail account, in all cases use your Gmail account in the email address field.
Choose name for your account let's say main-account
Do not click save and continue
Check below picture, you need to click, click here in the message below.
You will then redirect to the main dashboard, where you can click on Tools and then under SETUP tab you will find Adwords API Centre where you will be able to generate developerToken

you have to use the developer token from your live account. The token will work fine even if its status is pending


Gmail API Limit

I use Gmail API to get users emails from Google using scope(email) and It does work great.
However, As mentioned in this Google article Not only I have 1,000,000,000 Daily quota but also getProfile Method cost me only 1 quota.
So, Doing some math, I should be able to Sign In 1,000,000,000 Users to my Website daily.
But, That's not the case, Actually Google allow me for only 10,000 Requests daily.
What I need to know:
Why is that? (1,000,000,000 Quota => 10,000 Requests).
Is there another way to get Google Users email without using Google API Client?
How many Sign In requests can I send to google Daily?
Note: I have no interest in Google access token since I generate my
own access token for every user (I only need the email).
Thank you!
You are not using Gmail API. Gmail API is intended to interface with a Google user's Gmail mailbox (sent/received emails). OAUth scope email does not grant you any access to Gmail API. What it does allow is access to get the Google user's email address (may be or may be another domain).
See Google's list of OAuth scopes. email is listed under Google Sign-in.
To my knowledge, there are no quotas around usage of email scope and sign-in.

Google OAuth2 authenticate and API on PHP

I have created a button that allows users to sign in with Google.
After the users choose their google accounts, I can get the following parameters as response from Google.
access tokens
How can I use these parameters to use services provide from Google?
For example, can I create buttons for user to go to the gmail boxes?
If it is not the way, what are the uses of those token?
Using Google's tokens id you can get User's Information like Name Email.
You cant provide direct option to open Gmail. It will prompt user to login
You can refer this doc for more info Gmail scopes
For accessing Google services, you need the access_token. When you are creating the authentication URL, you must specify all scopes - permissions (from this list) you want to use in your application. Then Google will ask the user for consent with delegating those permissions to your application. The access token you get will allow you to perform those actions.
You can go through those Google API scopes and get an idea what you can do and what not. For example you cannot use the GMail GUI, but you can read, send, delete, and manage user's emails, send new emails and so.

Accessing REST API using Paypal username, password, and signature

I'm fairly new to the PayPal API and am a bit confused about using API signatures to attach to the REST API. I'm creating shopping cart software, and I'd like to allow merchants using the software to attach the system to their PayPal account using their API using PayPal username, password, and signature. They'd enter this information into the account settings when setting up their cart.
On the merchant's side, it seems like this is easily possible, and says to do this to grant API access specifically to shopping carts:
htttps:// (once logged in as a merchant).
I personally am using PHP to call CURL, though that probably is not important. What I don't understand is that in the REST API documentation, including the "make your first call" doc, it notes I should send my "clientid" and "secret," but not the merchant's "username","password," and "signature".
Now, when I originally logged in as a developer, I was able to obtain my "clientid" and "secret," but that was for my application. I've successfully made test calls with them, using PayPal's test pages. But these of course seem to be for me, not for a particular client.
Now the "Classic API" documentation does have information on connecting to the SandBox using the merchant's info.
So I think I'm just mentally missing something, or misunderstanding something fundamental. Assuming I have both my developer credentials, and the API credentials of a merchant, what are the general steps in making a payment to the merchant (not me). What's the logical step I'm missing?
Thanks much to anyone who can help.
Unless corrected by Paypal folk, this seems to be the flow (just went through it):
Ask the merchant to add you as a User, I suppose with API access privileges (only)
They will set your user id and pwd, which they should then provide to you.
You'll then login with that User Id (not an email address) into Paypal (at this point, you're a "user" of that merchant/account) with whatever privileges your merchant provided you.
create the App in the developer site for your merchant - you'll notice that when you get there, it's the Merchant's name displayed (it's not "your" developer account)
At this point you should be set (sandbox and live REST credentials of the merchant from the app you created). One thing I noticed (good) is that it somewhat already helps you see what "live privileges" the account it helps guide you as to what to integrate (scope) and/or advise your merchant to do - e.g. may or may not be eligible for direct credit card payments (only Paypal account payments).
#EdSF and anyone else looking into this, I just received a response from PayPal merchant help. Turns out you were spot on Ed. They don't have this ready for REST. Seems pretty odd given that they're 1.) pushing REST on their developer site but 2.) showing that the signature set is how to connect to a shopping cart on their merchant side.
So answer is to use the old API for now, or have them go through the extra hoops of the steps you/they mention, instead of following the directions on the PayPayl site :-P Oh well. Their response in full below.
Hi ...
I am writing this email regarding your questions on PayPal Permission Service. Unfortunately the Permission Service is not available in REST API; however I will file feature request to our development team for their further consideration.
It is not possible to use API username, password, and signature in REST API because they are actually not the correct credentials. REST API uses Client ID and Secret for integration. If you develop your application for other merchants, you can ask them to obtain Client ID and Secret by creating apps in PayPal Developer Portal ( Here's the steps:
1) Go to and log into the website with PayPal account's login
2) Click 'Dashboard'
3) In the My REST apps page, click "Create App"
4) Enter the App name, and click 'Create app'
5) You should be able to see 'Client ID' and 'Secret' for 'sandbox credentials'. If you want to integrate with your live account, click 'Show' at the Live Credentials section.
Hope the above information helps. Thanks.
Merchant Technical Support
PayPal, an eBay Company

Pull a user's Google+ or Gmail list of contacts and their email addresses

I'm building an app in which I'm trying to allow a user to log in through Google+ (currently using the Google API PHP Client Library) and pull their entire contact list in to decide if they want to send an email to their list from my app. I can easily see how to allow the user to grant access to multiple permissions through different Google APIs through setting scopes.
I'm struggling to see either what scope I should be setting when making a request and/or what API should accomplish pulling a logged in user's contact list along with each contact's email address.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I found the answer, you have to pull contacts with an valid OAuth request through the Google Contacts API. On the documentation page for the Google Contacts API, Google says:
The Google Contacts API allows client applications to view and update a user's contacts. Contacts are stored in the user's Google Account; most Google services have access to the contact list.
You can find the documentation here.

Google Account ID?

I am building an app on top of Google Reader. Since users have to enter their Google Account data, I'd like to use this data to assign personal settings to each user.
However, if I do so and a user would change his email adress or password(for the whole Google Account), I wouldn't be able to identify him anymore.
Thus, I need to know if there's a Google Account ID or something that I can use to identify users regardless of an email adress or password.
Thanks for your help!
If you use the Google Account API, you can connect the user to your app using OpenID or OAuth. Both methods return an account ID which stays static for that user.
More information:
