I want to know if there is a way to access the variables set by php using java-script, so that on one page the php variables are set. And then on the next page, i can use java-script to interrogate the PHP file in order to extract the variables, so that they can be displayed on another page?
Thanks in advance!
Not sure if this works, works for my get and post variables
var mySessionVariable = "<?php echo $_SESSION['sessionVariable']; ?>";
The only way, you would do it, is by setting cookies from PHP (or Javascript), and access these.. You can access cookies via PHP using $_COOKIE['var'], and via Js by, document.cookie("var")
I tried this :
in page1.php :
$GLOBALS['nb_ajout_client'] = "rrrr";
in page2.php :
$GLOBALS['nb_ajout_client'] .= " kkkkk";
I displayed the value of $GLOBALS['nb_ajout_client'] but it is kkkkk.
So how to create a global variable and use it anywhere ?
Global variables only survive the lifetime of the program execution.
Each time you load a (PHP) page, you run a program from scratch. If you load a different page then you run a different program.
If you want to store data between them then you need to actually store it somewhere and then read it back from there in the other program.
If you want to do this globally, then the usual approach is to use a database.
If you want to do this on a per-user basis, then the usual approach is to use a session.
You could also pass the data via the browser (e.g. by putting it in the query string of a link and then reading it back from $_GET).
A variable is only 'global' in the current script. If you want to use a variable from page1, you need to include it from page2.
To pass variables to other page (other request) use PHP Sessions
you can try this.
$GLOBALS['nb_ajout_client'] = "rrrr";
$GLOBALS['nb_ajout_client'] .= " kkkkk";
$GLOBALS are global in all scopes throughout a script.
To pass the value to another page:
use $_POST
use Session (server-side )
use cookies(client-side)
Currently I put a constant on my webpage using PHP which I then send, with Ajax, to my POST function. However, this leaves it susceptible to hacking (the user could change the variable with Firebug), so is there a way to store the variable in the PHP of the page and then access it later on, in the POST method (or is the GET variable of the page still available in the POST function, since that's where I get the variable from)?
I think what you have wanted is to store the post value to use it later.
Here you would need to use $_SESSION
You can do it like
// Save variables into session
$_SESSION['thevalue'] = $_POST['value'];
If you wish to store between successive calls from the same user use the follwing:
$_SESSION["your variable/constant"] = yourvaule;
Now use the variable as needed, accessing it as $_SESSION["your variable/constant"]
Hope it helps, and it's what you're asking.
I have some JavaScript variable in the parent browser window and now I want to open a new window(an existing php file) by clicking a certain button and pass those variable to the opened page. I know I can achieve that by GET method and I just wonder if there is a clearer way I can do it so I don't have to append the variable value at the end of the URL. I also searched on google and SO, someone suggested using window.opener somehow it seemed not to apply to php. I'm still a newbie. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
scripts in the opener page
var newWindow = window.open ("myfile.php" ,"_blank");
//Is it possible to use the variables in php page as below?
If you want those variables to be accessible to the PHP code, then no, the GET method is the easiest and most clear way of doing it.
No JS needed to open new window:
JS method:
$var1 = $_GET['var1'];
$var2 = $_GET['var2'];
You can use a form with POST method and target="_blank", but other than that your options are limited.
People don't like popups anyway.
I want to know how to pass a variable from one page to another in PHP without any form.
What I want to achieve is this:
The user clicks on a link
A variable is passed which contains a string.
The variable can be accessed on the other page so that I can run mysql queries using that variable.
use the get method in the url. If you want to pass over a variable called 'phone' as 0001112222:
<a href='whatever.php?phone=0001112222'>click</a>
then on the next page (whatever.php) you can access this var via:
You want sessions if you have data you want to have the data held for longer than one page.
$_GET for just one page.
<a href='page.php?var=data'>Data link</a>
on page.php
echo $_GET['var'];
will output: data
You can pass via GET. So if you want to pass the value foobar from PageA.php to PageB.php, call it as PageB.php?value=foobar.
In PageB.php, you can access it this way:
$value = $_GET['value'];
check to make sure the variable is set. Then clean it before using it:
Otherwise, assign it a default value ($var='' is fine) to avoid the error you mentioned.
You can use Ajax calls or $_GET["String"]; Method
If you are trying to access the variable from another PHP file directly, you can include that file with include() or include_once(), giving you access to that variable. Note that this will include the entire first file in the second file.
While using the sessions in my PHP script I wanted to pass the session variable to the PHP called script. But the session variables are not being called as the session_start() function could not be used after the HTML code. I am using the simple Javascript AJAX. Please provide me the path.
I think what you need is the following:
in your php-script you open/request with ajax, you have to add in the first line:
This way, you have access to the variables you stored in your session where you called the request with ajax